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NEW AD: Murphy Sets the Record Straight on McMahons Record

McMahons Record: Firing Workers While Taking Millions in Tax Credits Meant to Create Jobs, Denying Workers Healthcare, Disability Benefits

ROCKY HILL Today, Chris Murphy released a new ad that pulls back the curtain on wrestling tycoon Linda McMahons record as head of the WWE. The ad sets the record straight on her time as WWE CEO where she fired workers while taking millions in tax credits designed to create jobs and denied her workers healthcare and disability benefits, all while lining her bank account with millions in profits. Now, McMahon is touting a reckless tax plan that would give herself a $7 million tax cut while Connecticut families actually pay more.

This ad will run on network and cable television across Connecticut. To watch the ad, click here:

Since day one, McMahon has been running on her record as a job creator, but the truth is that McMahon is a job killer. As head of WWE, McMahon shipped Connecticut jobs overseas, fired 10% of her workforce, then turned around and took $10 million in taxpayer money meant to create Connecticut jobs. McMahon even denied health care and disability benefits for her workers who risked their lives for WWEs profits. Now McMahon is trying to sell Connecticut on a tax plan that would give the super wealthy, like herself, a tax cut at the expense of critical programs like job training, education and veterans services, said Murphy spokeswoman Taylor Lavender.

Linda McMahon may want to spend all her time slinging mud to distract from her past, but she cant change the facts about her record. Its crystal clear that McMahon doesnt care about jobs or Connecticut, she only cares about herself, added Lavender.

Below is a transcript of the ad:

Chris Murphy: Im Chris Murphy and I approve this message

Announcer: The image CEO Linda McMahon is sellingisnt real.

Her record?

McMahon laid off workers while taking millions in tax credits.

Denied them health care.

Denied disability benefits.

Now McMahons tax plan gives her a sevenmillion dollar tax cut - while Connecticuts middle classpays more.

Hurting workers.

Helping herself.

The truth?

Greedy CEO Linda McMahon was never on our side.And she wont be as Senator.

BACKGROUND: Disclaimer: Im Chris Murphy and I approve this message.


The image CEO Linda McMahon is selling...isnt real.

Her record?

McMahon laid off workers while taking millions in tax credits.


In 2009, The Year That WWE Received All $9.8 Million In Film Tax Credits, The Company Laid Off About 10 Percent Of Its Global Workforce.In 2009, the year that WWE received all $9.8 million in film tax credits, the company laid off about 10 percent of its global workforce, or about 60 workers. WWE received five film tax credit disbursements in July 2009 and nine in December 2009. McMahon was chief executive of WWE from 1997 until September 2009, when she stepped down to run for the senate. Her husband, Vince, currently serves as chairman and CEO. [Hartford Courant, 10/1/10]

January 2009: McMahon Announced WWE Would Cut Ten Percent Of Its Workforce In Order To Save $8 Million. Sports entertainment company World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. said Friday it will cut more than 60 jobs, or about 10 percent of its staff, as part of a broader cost-reduction plan. The company behind such television shows as Friday Night SmackDown said the cuts will occur across all areas of the more roughly 600-employee company, yielding expected annual savings of $8 million in compensation and benefit costs. Performers in World Wrestling Entertainment's live and televised wrestling matches are hired through outside contracts, and are not directly affected by the job cuts, World Wrestling spokesman Robert Zimmerman said....With these actions, we believe we can execute our key strategic initiatives, including our digital strategy and international expansion, in a more profitable manner, Chief Executive Linda McMahon said. [AP, 1/9/09]


Governor Rell: Production Tax Incentives Were Meant To Create More Jobs And Promote Tourism. With tax incentives now in place to make the state more attractive to filmmakers, Gov. M. Jodi Rell Monday called on tourism officials to aggressively market Connecticut to film and digital media producers. In a letter to Jennifer Aniskovich, executive director of the Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism, Rell directed her to devote the agency's full resources to promoting the state's motion picture and digital media incentives. The incentives, which took effect July 1, offer a 30 percent tax credit to qualifying productions that spend more than $50,000 in the state. The film industry holds great promise for Connecticut's economy and a strong new push to shoot more movies here will build on our continuing efforts to create more jobs and promote tourism, Rell said in a statement. [New Haven Register, 8/22/06]

Former McMahon Campaign Manager & State Sen. Cappiello: We Supported The Tax Credits Because We Would Create More Jobs. You know, we all supported a bill that came up a few years ago regarding the film industry tax credits because the idea would be that we would create more jobs. More movies would be made in Connecticut. And we all talk about that, and we're proud of that. Cappiello currently serves as Linda McMahons campaign manager. [Sen. Cappiello, State Senate Transcripts, 4/9/2008; Hearst Newspapers,10/15/09]

Tax Credits Were Designed To Lure Even More Film Production To Connecticut, Increasing Jobs And Economic Development. Film, television and commercial production in Connecticut supports 8,500 jobs, generating almost $2 billion in economic return, according to the Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism. The incentives are designed to lure even more film production to Connecticut, increasing jobs and economic development. [Norwich Bulletin, 5/21/06]

Film Tax Incentives Were Part Of The Biggest Jobs Bill Of The Legislative Session. The House of Representatives granted final legislative approval Tuesday for a major jobs bill that offers some of the best tax incentives in the nation to attract movie companies to film their productions in Connecticut. The House voted 145-0 for the biggest jobs bill of the legislative session -- a multipronged measure to kick-start the state's economy and remove Connecticut from its distinction as the state with the nation's slowest job growth over the past 15 years. [Hartford Courant, 4/26/06]


Denied them health care.

Denied disability benefits.


McMahons Classify Their WrestlersAs Independent Contractors, Rather Than Employees, Freeing The Company From Paying Health Insurance, Social Security And Medicare Contributions And Unemployment Insurance.In July 2010, the New York Times reported that the McMahons classify their wrestlers they have some 140 or 150 under exclusive contract at any one time as independent contractors, rather than employees, freeing the company from paying health insurance, Social Security and Medicare contributions and unemployment insurance. That means the wrestlers, many of whom experience injuries and long-term health problems, must find health insurance, and they have no automatic retirement benefits to lean on when they can no longer climb into the ring, according to industry experts.[New York Times, 7/16/10]

CNN: McMahon Defended Not Providing Wrestlers With Health Care, Which Could Pass The Costs Not Only To The Employees But Potentially On To Taxpayers, Said It Was Because WWE Is A Corporation. During a report for CNN on October 6, 2010, Jessica Yellin noted that at World Wrestling [McMahons] own wrestlers are employed as independent contractors. That means the company does not pay for their general comprehensive health insurance, only pays when they are injured in the ring. This could pass the costs not only to the employees but potentially on to taxpayersso I asked her about this. She asked McMahon, As Senator, would you like to see all businesses adopt this process of hiring employees as independent contractors and letting them get their own health care? McMahon responded, Certainly not. Yellin asked, Why not? McMahon said, Well, because WWE is a corporation. I think there is a clear difference. [CNN 10/5/10, VIDEO]


Now McMahons tax plan gives her a seven million dollar tax cut- while Connecticuts middle class pays more.

Hurting workers.

Helping herself.

The truth?

Greedy CEO Linda McMahon was never on our side.

And she wont be as Senator.


Under Her Tax Plan, McMahon Would Give Herself A $7 Million Tax Cut.McMahon has in fact endorsed extending the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, and under her tax proposal wealthy taxpayers would in fact pay less than they do now. And using McMahons 2010 income figures, there is a scenario under which her plan would lead to a tax liability for McMahon that was $7 million lower than her tax liability under a different plan. [Hartford Courant, 8/31/12]


McMahon Supported Efforts To Block Tax Cuts For The Middle Class Unless The Bush Tax Cuts For The Wealthy Were Also Extended. U.S. Senate candidate Linda McMahon said Tuesday she would back Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell's all-or-nothing approach to preserving the Bush-era tax cuts. I would push forward to maintain for everyone the tax law that's in place now, said McMahon, the Republican nominee. The position leaves McMahon at odds with Democrat Richard Blumenthal and vulnerable to the Democrats' claim that Republicans are willing to hold middle-class tax relief hostage to save the richest Americans from a scheduled tax increase. To neutralize the issue, House Republican Leader John Boehner suggested over the weekend that Republicans could vote for President Obama's proposal extend the cuts for households earning less than $250,000 if that is the only tax relief possible before the election. But McConnell struck a hard line Monday, proposing legislation to continue the cuts for all taxpayers. With 41 votes, McConnell has the numbers to block a vote on a middle-class relief. Asked if she would take McConnell's side over Boehner's, McMahon said, Yes. [Connecticut Mirror, 9/14/10]

McMahon Supported The Harder Line Staked Out By Some Republicans In Congress, Insisting That All The [Tax] Cuts Must Be Extended, Including For Wealthy Taxpayers. Democrat Richard Blumenthal said he will urge President Barack Obama tonight to hold firm and fight hard in his effort to extend Bush-era tax cuts for the middle class and businesses but allow the tax cuts extended to the wealthy to expire at the end of the yearBlumenthal supports the compromise being floated by the Obama administration and many Congressional Democrats: extending the existing tax rates for individuals making less than $200,000 per year and families making less than $250,000, as well as the Bush administration cuts aimed at businesses, including cuts targeted to business investment and child careMcMahon told reporters Tuesday that she supported the harder line staked out by some Republicans in Congress, insisting that all the cuts must be extended, including for wealthy taxpayers. [The Day (New London, CT), 9/16/10]


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