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In what follows the writer understands that family does not mean marriage: pair bonding, or bonding as such, and is envisaged as of not necessarily permanent duration: bonding does occur outside of both marriage, and of families. Bonding, of whatever number, can occur within a family. At least two people must be involved. Family does not ever include a lone individual. It is a corporate institution. Consanguinity describes an extended family form. Consanguinity can be of tribal or herd like dimensions. Men or women can head them. Young too can sometimes too, lead a group of tribe-like gatherings. Families as instituted by civilized society begin in such modes as the Patriarchal as exemplified in the Judeo Hebrew example of the Talmud and of the Mosaic writings.1 Where God the Father is an overarching master narrative beguiling the souls of men. Moving on to a communal model in the early Essene and Christian examples: whereby all goods, but not wives, are held in common. Thus it is an early fore-runner to the Isreali Kibbutz2 formations, and early hippie communes. Mormon communities were once polygamous3; meaning one male having several partners in one group marriagesolely

Babylonian Talmud

RAN ABRAMITZKY, Stanford University PhD dissertation The Limits of Equality: An Economic Analysis of the Israeli Kibbutz : where he asks the question. WHY ISNT THE ENTIRE WORLD A KIBBUTZ?

Talbot, Christine (2006) Mormons, polygamy, and the American body politic: Contesting citizenship, 1852--1890 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, , 444 pages; 3208317

for his concubinage. The Mosaic books are one educational source for these forms of family structure. As society develops complex chemicals are released: metallurgy is one such origin of this form of genetic decay. Thus disease and gene protections grow along with economic constructions, so gradually close sister-brother-cousin pair bonding is disallowed; to protect against genetic malformations, stillbirth and spontaneous abortion. It also explains a the anomalous reportage of long ages and so on in patriarchal times. People were possibly genetically healthier.

Recent social engineering experiments explore the polymorphous perversity as an option announced and celebrated by Herbert Marcuse. Feminist and queer theory promote inclusive notions of familial/r structure. What next? Some advocate man/boy love which skirts the border of paedophilia4. Recently New Zealand passed/introduced same-sex marriage and civil unions:5 parodied on one recent screening on NZ TV where in a American comedy lawyers show where the two leading actors portrayed two determined straight womanisers who share nuptials in order to enhance their freedom from marriage-minded women and for tax reasons.6 Similarly young men pretend to be gay in order to pick up young women. Conspiracy theorists say the gentile-phobic jewish-marxist-watermelonbanker nexus are out to destroy the traditional family. This essay-note

CF PEDERASTY: Their Contacts with Men: A Study of Sexually Expressed Relationships, NewYork: Global Academic Publishers, 1987.

David Buchanan Pedophilia : Policy & Prevention University of Sydney, 14 April 1997 in Homosexual Pedophilia and the NSW Police Royal Commission

William Shatner and James Spader in Same-Sex Marriage episode & Finale of Boston Legal to do with medical power of attorney related to Shatner's character's Alzheimer's Chuck and Larry was about lying about the root of the Union in the characters Denny Crane and Alan Shore when married. It was referred to as a same-sex marriage since neither character is gay.

will not explore such speculations as the implications and its description are far to vast an agenda. Primitive families, as studied from within sociology, a heavily Frankfurt school influenced discipline, begin with the ideas by progressive US scholar Lewis Henry Morgan. His concepts are advanced by Engels compilation of Marxs notes in The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State the first edition of which was published October 1884. In this writing Marx explores the state, capitalism and the family as economic institutions interacting with each other. His analysis favours eventually the Communist agenda for extended consanguinity and virtual state control of childhood, the family structure, and all economic relationships in one happy utilitarian, advanced materialist and totally communistic society. Women, and men, are to be polymorphously available to each other in one big inclusive utopia. This is the ideal Marxist Family?7 Or, is this the Marxist social agenda? One hopes not. Once one of the Talmudic shibboleths is breached: whatever next? So it goes on: anything else, shines all the more brilliantly next to it so they who might disagree with a wide ranging master narrative emanating from socialists can continue on in their own way, no need to fear it. Ever. No where do we find some smoke filled room where capitalists organize of plot the intended formations of the family. Christianity tends to favour monogamy, a tendency nowhere found in the New Testament. While polygamy is found everywhere else in the Bible8. Other ancient formations are therefore no shock to this writer. Besides, it is the Vatican trillions, Swiss guarded, Rothschild investment guided, that rule the world family.

Engels/Marx The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State 1884 in HottingenZurich

A fact I can assert from over 50 close readings.

Despite my family name: I am not Catholic. O son-Of-Dan. I am true Hebrew: and inside, skinny.

REFERENCES Bibliography Morgan, Lewis Henry.(1877) Ancient Society London. Engels/Marx. 1884 The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. Hottingen-Zurich. Boston Legal Read more:

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