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Describe three favorite characters To Kill A Mockingbird

Delaney Patterson 8/4/11 English 1

Jean Louis Scout Finch

Significance/Importance in the Story
Jean Scout is the narrator and protagonist of the story. She lives with her father, brother, and their black cook, in Maycomb. As the novel progresses, her faith in people is tested by the hatred and prejudice that comes out during Tom Robinsons trial. Scout eventually develops a more grown-up perspective that helps her to appreciate human goodness without ignoring human evil.

Physical/Emotional Characteristics
Jean Scott is intelligent and, by the standards of her time and place, a tomboy. Jean is always asking questions that are tough for people to answer. Scout has a combative streak. She also has a basic faith in the goodness of the people in her community.

Describe three favorite characters To Kill A Mockingbird

Delaney Patterson 8/4/11 English 1

Jeremy Atticus Jem Finch

Significance/ Importance to the story
Jems is scouts brother and constant playmate at the beginning of the story. Jem is four years older than Scout, he slowly separates himself from her childish games, but he is still her close buddy and protector throughout the novel. Jem moves from a ten year old boy to an adolescence during the story, and his ideals are shaken badly by the evil and injustice that he enquires during the trial of Tom Robinson.

Physical/Emotional Characteristics
Jem is kind of a typical American boy, refusing to back down from dares and fantasizing about playing football. Jem wants to be like his father and go into law. At the beginning of the story he is ten years old and by the end is thirteen. He is also very protective over his little sister,

Describe three favorite characters To Kill A Mockingbird

Delaney Patterson 8/4/11 English 1

Atticus Finch
Significance/ Importance in the story
Atticus Finch is Jem and Scouts father. Atticus is a lawyer in Maycomb; he descended from an old local family. Atticus has always taught in his children his strong sense of morality and justice. He is one of the few people in Maycomb that is committed to racial equality. Atticus defends a black man named Tom Robinson, who was charges with raping a white woman. During all this he puts his family in danger, because of all the anger from the white community.

Physical/Emotional Characteristics
People could call him a widower with a dry sense of humor. Atticus serves as the novels moral backbone with all his strong convictions and all his wisdom, and all the empathy he shows to people. He has a different parenting style than most people. Atticus treats his kids like adults, and he always ask his dangerous question Do you really think so?

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