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Answer these questions: 1. Why the analytical method is very useful in the chemistry science? 2.

Explain briefly the steps undertaken in the analytical method. Where is the position of separation chemistry? 3. What is exactly a separation in analytical chemistry? Explain it. 4. Why the separation chemistry is only a hypothetical state only? Explain it.

Structured assignment. 1. Explain the separation process that can be found in daily life. It can be a home industry in the rural area. Explain using the separation concepts you know so far. 2. Draw a flow chart explaining the steps from number 1 and give your own opinion for the development possibility using the knowledge so far.

I. 1. Analytical method is very useful in the chemistry science because by using analytical method we will be able to answer the question about what and how much the content of compounds presents in the material. Analytical method can determine the type of content and the amount of each component in the mixture. In chemistry science there are so many mixtures, if we want to know the material that stated in that mixture, we must use analytical method. For example when you want to get the pure gold you must separate it from its mixture because in the nature gold is gathering with other element and form a mixture. We can eliminate the other substances, except gold by using analytical method.

2. The first step of analytical method is preparing sample, it is including choosing and determination of sample. The sample must represent the population. If the population is not homogeneous the sample can be taken from some representative spots and then are given the same treatment. Sampling technique must be done to represent the condition of population accurately, because if it's not accurate the condition of population can be change. For example is taking water sample in the river. Actually the condition of the water is bad from the appearance, but if the sampling technique is wrong the condition of water can be change into good condition. The next is measuring sample, the sample must be measured by laboratory scale, and the amount of the sample is depend on the type and capacity of the available instruments as well as the provided time. And then we must dissolving the sample, sample must be dissolved to make a solution so the observation will be easier than using solid sample and the next step is sample pre-treatment. It means we must look for the compatible condition for the sample to make an accurate measurement. The next step is the position of separation of desired components; this step is used to

purifying the component from the impurities that can disturb the measurement. And then we can measure the content that has been extracted, after we get the measurement we must analyzing the data and report it to know how much the content of material in the mixture.

3. Separation is means separate one component from a mixture with a method that possible to separate it. For example, we have a mixture of sulfur and iron. If we want to separate it we can use magnet to separate iron from sulfur because iron can stick on the magnet.

4. Because theoretically it is impossible to separate components from the mixture perfectly. There will be a small part remains in the mixture. For example for the gold, there is no gold that pure 24 karat. Because if it is pure it will not in solid state but in liquid phase, so there will be another material in the gold. The second reason is from modern instrumental. Now we can use modern instrumental that can give us data about the composition of a material. But actually separation is we must separate one component in a material, we can separate into different container and we can see that in this container contain there is A component and in another container there will be B component and etc. When we use modern instrumental we know that the material is being separated but we cant see the real result in the different container, so it just a hypothetical state.

II. Structured assignment 1. For example is make tahu. Tahu is the extract of soybean. To get the extract we must separate it from the soybean. So I think it is an example of separation process because in separation process we must separate one or more components from the mixture.

2. First step is soaking the soy bean in order to peel the skin easily then we wash the soybeans. After that we mill the soybeans and boil the extract 10-15 minutes in 300oC. Then the result of boiling must be filtrated and mix it with soy water that has being fermented. Then wait until the tahu become hard.

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