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Space Bound

Dear humans, As you know that this letter is delivered via Inter Galactic Quantum Entanglement Network; so I wont waste much time and space in repeating what you already know. This is an ultimatum to you humans. Either inhibit the perpetual pipetting of information on us and our technology or get ready to be chased all nightmares long. We are not at all guest to the earth. Stonehenge, statues at Easter islands are more than enough to prove our existence on earth since your last Ice age. Only a fool would believe that Pyramids of Giza was built by humans. They neither had the tools nor the pre requisite knowledge of 3-D geometry at that time. We have built them. I was the architect of that project! It was us, who kept the mysterious Shroud of Turin in our custody so that the essence of Jesus Christs body did not elude amidst the chaos. Thats why your carbon dating test failed in determining its true age. In spite of all these beneficence, you are trying your level best to become an obstacle in our quest for the Orion wing of the Milky Way. I still remember the 1908 Tunguska Event. The space capsule which was following a tangential path to the Earth crashed due to the chaos by a ready to be slaughtered Martian who is our food. The prima facie for us in this case was that although a wee bit of information on our DNA is revealed, still you wont be able to decode it before it gets annihilated. But, hats off to Soviets determination and impudence that the dexterously decoded it and kept it like a skeleton in the closet. It was later

metamorphosed into Anthrax bio weapon- which eventually landed into the hands of Germans who used it against the France in World War II. We took this as the wakeup call and tried to capture Dr. Zhivago, the incharge of this bio weapon project. The aim was to persuade him to spill the beans by hacking his brain waves. But, an approximation at 27th decimal place by the guillotined mathematician led to the sinking of this machine in active mode in Bermuda Triangle region, which later acted as a blessing in disguise for us. The complex radiations generated by the interference of Muon particles de Broglie waves and electromagnetic waves created seismic waves in your newspapers. We thought to clear this off but unfortunately technicians carrying capsule had to land in front of the US president Kennedy due to a technical fault. The blunder gave you our technicians who are prisoned at Area 51 Air Force base of US. You used our technicians to build your nano-technology. You are so shameless and ungrateful that you didnt even give any credit to them. Not even for supersonic jets, ATM and for the unification of Electromagnetic and Weak Nuclear forces. This issue was surely in our minds but it was not the priority at that time. We were at war against the Lunar buccaneers on the Dark Side of The Moon. Here too, you poked your nose and assisted them to run. You also carried the bodies of soldiers who were either dead or were at in extremis. It seems like you are too proud of all you had done. Thats why the highway, running across Nevada and Area 51, was renamed as Extra Terrestrial Highway. But dont worry! We shall drop a meteor on that highway soon!

For you to consider us seriously, we have already began releasing effective green house gases near the proximity of Arctic and you can see the effect of it in your slimmer Summer Ice cover. This is not just a warning. This is not a hollow portent but a pernicious nightmare of your which could be turned into reality by us. Accept our demand for releasing our people and erase all the memories of skeptics or get ready to die as we have planned to make earth a new corridor for our Worm Hole travels. I dont know will it be big enough . But dont worry.. a meteorite like the one we dropped on the dinosaurs would be more than enough for your extinction. Dont test our patience. Dont persuade us to transform your asymptote to horizon of your empowerment into a cul-de-sac. Thanking you Yours faithfully General Chihuahua Commander in chief Titan By Sugat Srivastava

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