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Alternate Worlds

Alternate Worlds

Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved

This story is a work of fiction. All names, characters, creatures, animals, places, associations, entities, dimensions, beliefs, circumstances, conditions, and events portrayed in this story are creations of the authors imagination, or are coincidental.

No portion of this book may be reproduced.

English is NOT my first language so please try to be understanding if I have made grammatical errors.

~ Really do hope you enjoy this. ~


Nobody knows their place and time of birth as well as death. These factors all depend on what people would call our fate or our destiny. But unlike most people, my life was set for me. I, Nila Almaz, was to be born on June 8, 1994. It was going to be a bitter cold Wednesday in Moscow, Russia. At exactly 9:17 pm in a small private room on the fifth floor of the Moscow Hospital, my mother came in labour. I was a tiny baby compared to the giant well-nurtured Russian babies these nurses have seen. Devushka they said to my mother as I entered this world, she didn't understand. But she decided it meant I was a girl. She let out a smile. In that hospital I stayed for about a month for I was premature. Essentials check-ups had to be done they said. My parents weren't even allowed to see their newborn baby -me. They weren't even sure of my gender until the day they got to see me for the first time when I'm a bit grown. But within my stay at the hospital, the doctors have done to me something that is unimaginable. From then on my life would change even though it has barely begun. Who has controlled my fate and destiny? That is a question I am yet to find an answer to.

Although 17 long desperate years have passed since my mysterious beginning, I still havent figured out my whole existence was being controlled. Not until soon

Chapter 1

~ Like death; Birth is a secret. ~

t was only darkness around me. I thought my sight has failed me until lights flickered open one at a time inwards revealing a long white hallway ahead. Behind me was complete darkness, it was as though I

was standing on a distinct line of light and pitch darkness. The setting was very dream-like and I knew I was dreaming, but what about? Knowing there is nothing but darkness behind me I step forward into the light. I felt goose bumps crawl up to the back of my neck because of the iciness of the tiled floor touching my bare feet. My entire body was almost as cold since only a thin light mint green gown fitted my lean body. Around me, white bleached tiles and swinging doors with small circular glass windows are along this brightly lit hallway. The entire setting was so white; it almost seems heavenly. 'What the hell is this place?' I thought to myself. - To answer my curiosity, I peeped through the closest white door. Through the door I could see all sorts of medical equipment; making me realize I was in a hospital. But why? I walked up to the only two-doored opening which was at the end of the hall; trying not to make a sound. I didn't want to let my surroundings know I was there and scream out a stupid scared Hello? because I've seen way too many horror movies and we all know what happens. Back in reality, I didn't

even reach the end of the hall when I could faintly hear footsteps and something squeaky getting louder with each passing second. I turned back to see two men fully clothed in white "doctor outfits" pushing a small trolley. They were coming straight at me or probably the door. How could they have appeared from the darkness? This wasn't making any sense. I stood there as mute and still as a statue not knowing what to do and think. When they reached me, one man asked, Aren't you going to move out of the way? in a cold horrid voice. I moved out of their way quick with lightning reflexes; I don't think they even noticed I had moved. They passed in front of me to enter the room I was about to peer into a moment ago. I was mute and my mind was blank but I managed to get a glimpse of what was on the trolley they were pushing, it was a baby. Dead or alive, I couldn't tell. The swinging door closed behind them. The infant was definitely a newborn as it was soaked in blood and the umbilical cord seemed freshly cut. 'What are they gonna do with the baby?' I thought worriedly. But it really was none of my business. A moment passed, and I convinced myself that 'Taking another peep couldn't possibly hurt right?' I look through the white door and was shocked to see such cruelty. I charged into the room and stood in front of the trolley, the baby was bloodier than before. 'WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!' I shouted noticing pipes running through the babys head. I had no idea I was brave enough to shout at the two doctors soaked in blood. Meanwhile, the two men looked up from

their work and they calmly replied in unison 'It isn't dead. Don't worry. Its for the best.' The way they said it was so synchronized, it was almost robotic. But what they said was heart-wrenching! I broke down in tears and fell for the floor; not knowing what was going on at all. All I kept hearing is the echoing voices of those men saying "Its for the best" "Its for the best" and the blood dripping to the floor from their murderous hands ... It all seemed to make sense for a split second as if I had understood why they were doing this, when I really didnt. Their chanting echoes in my head like a hypnosis spell. The white room slowly started to fade before my eyes as if the darkness at the end of the hallway has crept into the room and was slowly taking over. I couldnt tell if I was losing sight or if the growing darkness was real. Before I knew it, it was all black again.

It was dark. I had my eyes shut tight but I opened them to let in the light. I make a muffling sound 'Mhhhmmmm...' as I shift around a soft base then woke fast realizing the dream was over and I was back. It really is amazingly scary how dreams work. I was fascinated by it. Back in realization, I could feel a cold tear on my cheek. I wiped it and stared silently at the ceiling. I was back in a safe place; my room. It didnt really seem like it was morning yet, all was dark except for the limited light from street lamps and a bit of sun coming through my white sheer lacy curtains. I managed to find my ever flashing Bluetooth light from my Blackberry and checked the time; it was 6:13 am. My alarm was going to ring in seven minutes. But seven minutes of sleep was more than enough after the creepy dream I just had. I shoved my phone under my pillow fast not wanting to waste a second. I then slammed my face down into the pillow to shut out any light Tat dat tat tat da. Call back the cap-com, Tick off the time-bomb, let felicity fly! Ugh I sound. My seven minutes was up and it was fast. My Owl City alarm has woken me up again doing its job. I had to make sure I clicked 'off' instead of 'snooze' on my alarm settings; I dont want the alarm to harass me every five minutes. Today was January 16, 2012. Morning has come and it was a bit brighter now. I just lie flat on my back and stared at the ceiling again; wasnt exactly awake. A moment later my bedroom door swung open and a head pop in

along with the hallway light, it was my mom and she says in her calm sweet voice, 'Nila, Wake up!' I lift my head above my pillow and did a slight nod as a sign that I was awake. My name is Nila Almaz. I dont think Im very different from an average 17 year old girl. But I secretly wish I was. Ive always wanted to be special, to be able to do something others cant. The only hidden talent I had was my dreams. I dream about anything and everything just like any other human would. However, my dreams sometimes link to real life happenings; both good and the bad. Im not saying whatever I dream about comes to real life, but it has happened on some occasions. Most of my dreams inspire me to believe in a different world. Dreams dont have limits and Im enchanted by that! My mom slowly left the room but kept the door open and she knew I would sneak a few more minutes of sleep if she had closed it. She knows me too well. We have a great bond between us but I wouldnt say my moms my best friend. I mean I dont tell her everything. I have no choice but to get ready for another day of school, I started by grabbing my some parts rusty silver frameless glasses from the side table without getting out of bed and placed them on. I get up slowly and make sure my left foot touches the ground first. My dad has always said Whenever you do something in life, including waking up or starting a new day, use your left foot first. He said it will bring you better luck for the day or with whatever you are

doing. Its become a habit but I do tend to forget sometimes - I'm no lefty. Thinking about the day ahead Oh how I dreaded Mondays I envisioned. But enough complaining I motivated myself. I make my bed and I head out of the room towards the bathroom across the hall. I hated it that my room and bathroom werent attached; no complaining again my family was renting this house. I needed to take a quick shower to freshen myself up before I get changed for school. But my showers have never been quick. Reaching the bathroom I close the door shut. The entire room was filled with beauty products and toiletries owned by my sister. Ignoring the many beauty products in the room as usual, I grab turquoise my towel from my towel rack and hung it over the shower. I let the hot shower run while I brush my teeth and examine my face in the mirror. I cant even see my own features properly as I remove my spectacles for the shower. Wow I am blind I tease myself. I get undress and put on a shower cap and then jump in the shower and balance out the hot and cold knobs to get the perfect temperature. I like spending a long time in the shower because its the only time I'm ever really alone and at peace. Even my sleep gets disrupted with dreams. Thinking about dreams, I remember the weird dream I had. I always have weird dreams and today was no different. But I couldn't help but think of the poor baby. How it was operated like a toy! Especially how those men handled him cruelly. It was just a dream I know, but I couldn't help but worry a bit.

Thud thud. Oy... I've done it again. I turn the valves of water off and rush out to dry myself. I wrap myself with and towel and opened the door. My sister had an annoyed look on her face and just said Youre making me late! she yelled. It looks like she just woke up and was going to be late for work because of me. Her long dark wavy hair all messy over her pink pyjamas which falls on her charming tanned skin. I didnt talk back but grabbed my specs and clothes and just moved past her and headed to my room. My sister, Samantha, and I are very close despite our different personalities and tastes. Were 4 years apart; shes 21 going on 22. Most people dont realize our age difference, or they think Im the older one just because Im taller. We always have each others backs. Most people think were twins but we dont think we look that alike. Shes very fashionable, elegant and beautiful; Im not only saying that because shes my sister. On the other hand, I am known as the socially awkward and quiet one in the family by others. I switch on a lamp and started dressing. I got into my schools plain looking uniform; a white blouse with small red neck piece and followed by a knee-length dark blue skirt which have been ironed and prepared the previous night. I didnt want to be late to anger my dad whos usually in haste so I grab the essentials, my dark brown rucksack bag, my phone, headphones and a hairbrush and hair tie. Out the bedroom door I go and quickly pace to parlour and comb my almost hip length dark brown unorganized hair into a quick

messy ponytail at the front mirror. I also arranged my specs perfectly; I hated wearing glasses but no complaining again, being born premature and having poor eye sight since birth sucked. I walked to the shoe corner and sank into white socks and my black converse and hollered out to my mom Margaret Almaz, who was nowhere to be seen. I wanted to let her know I was leaving. No response so I climbed down the basement stairs heading for the garage. The car was already in motion, my dad was waiting. I got in the front seat and we were on our way. My dad asked if I had eaten breakfast and if I had anything packed for lunch. I lied. I didn't have the time to eat breakfast and I hardly eat lunch at school anyways. Almost all our drives are silent. My dads name is Paul Almaz, hes a realestate agent. Honestly speaking, the relationship between my dad and I is awkward. We aren't close - at all. I mean I look up to him but we aren't the type to bond, but I will admit we are very alike in some ways. I just feel like I'll never be good enough, he expects too much. But I would usually break the silence by turning on the radio, 198.4 with fresh tunes. School was 30 minutes drive, and only after a few songs my dad's ear couldn't stand more of my kind of songs. So I had to switch to the news station. The news caster was reporting a case about a missing child in Moscow, Russia. After a short break we also got to hear an interview with the missing child's parents. They sounded extremely worried, but yeah of course they were.

The translator gave a short description of the 5 year old son who was taken away. The family was passing an alley around 6 p.m. to go to a relatives house when all they could remember was their son was gone. As if they had frozen for a second, because they didn't see anyone. I thought it was very weird, 6 p.m.? Oh right, it must be winter in Moscow so it should've been dark by then. I silently prayed for the safety of the young boy. I wondered how Moscow would look like now, not that I remember anything. I'm a Muscovite as my beloved Grandpa would say, born in Moscow. But I left a few months after my birth. Time passes during my thoughts and I realized our car was passing the school gate with the big 'HSY' sign. My dad drives through the portico and we stop. Before getting off I turned to the driver seat and tell my dad, Im only going to be done at 4 today because I have to work on this months bulletin board poster. He said hed send someone to fetch me and he drove off. I greet the monitor teachers waiting at the entrance with a warm smile and head in the main building. Its the second week of senior year, unlike other schools our school begins and ends just like the year; January through December. I turn to my left to see the empty bulletin board were in a weeks time my groups work will be up but we havent even started. Good thing for the group meeting later on today. Was about to head to the classroom when suddenly Nilaaaaa was shouted at somewhere behind me. And I didnt need to turn to know who it was. It was my two closest friends Allie and Myra. We have this routine where the

earliest person to arrive in school waits for the other two on the main staircase. I guess I was the late one today. Although we do this every day, I noticed that my friends were extremely hyper about something. The smirks on their face said it all, like they couldnt wait to tell me something. What is it? I asked curiously. Good thing you asked said Myra. Shes always the quick one. There is a new student in our class!!! she continued all enthusiastic. I was expecting something more exciting and my reaction let that off, I had the So? look on my face. So Allie answered Its a boy! Yup thats Allie. Shes a very simple person. She uses the term boys instead of what we would say guys. On the other hand, Myra and I are completely different from Allie. People think Myra and I look alike, weve even been called twins! We dont see the resemblance, heck I dont think I even look like my sister! Wed say Allie was the cute on out of the bunch while Myra was the daring girl with a Ill do whatever I want attitude. However, Myra looks as innocent with her Euro-Asian appearance. Me and Myra think in the same way and consider each other best friends. Hes totally hot! Myra points out about the new student. And Im supposed to care? I teased. Of course!!! they both replied. We were making too much noise on the stairs and blocking too many peoples way because we were getting annoyed stares from passer-bys. We decided to make our way to the classroom while continuing our analysis on this new hot guy. I needed to see for myself if this new guy was as hot as my friends made him sound.

Allie goes into the room marked A, followed by Myra then I entered last. Everyone was out of their seats chattering away about their weekends. Then out of nowhere, Yay! Youre here!!! was shouted from the corner of the room; people need to stop doing that today. This time it was Nathan. He is the person Ive known the longest in the entire school and weve always got teased cause of that. He is an easy going and an incredibly fun person to be around. Simply put, hes the class clown. I just gave back a small wave in his direction and head to my seat. Myra and Allie still in front of me headed towards their seats. They turn back occasionally with a look which I think means Did you see him yet? Realising that, I still havent spotted the new comer. I put my rucksack down on my seat while slowing examining the room but not trying to be too obvious, then Nathan pops up and drags my hand and pulls me to the corner of the room, where he was a minute ago. I free myself from his hands and give him an annoyed look while saying, What did you do that for? He apologizes but explains, I just wanted to introduce you to Shane, the new student. I thought annoyingly to myself at that moment, Is this guy all Im going to hear about today? I turn from Nathan to face this so-called hot guy whose name was Shane and I could hear slight giggles from Allie and Myra behind me. I was a bit scared to look at his face right away as if he was an enemy or something. I started from the ground, to his feet and making my way to his face. But to my surprise, this guy really was good looking; not that I didnt trust my friends taste in guys.

He has a strong built on his thin structure. He sulks in his seat all egoistic; as if it was a throne and those around him are at his service. I couldnt tell how tall he is by his position in his seat but he must be tall. His skin is pale with some veins visible at his wrists. Hands long and thin but muscles are visible on his arms under the uniform. He has his uniform shirt unbuttoned but has a black shirt noticeable underneath. A small silver chain can be seen underlying the black shirt, without a pendant in sight. Hair pitch black falling just right above his shoulders in the back, in the front he has bangs reaching the tip of his eyelids. His face was radiant with aggressive features and an impressive jaw-line. His lips are pink and luscious, I feel as though Im standing in front of an imaginary individual. I bet the other girls are swooning over him already. I think to myself as I examine Shane. Just as much as Im in awe, while staring at the perfection of his appearance; I could feel my cheeks turning red. There was not one flaw I could spot. Not until I reached his eyes which are dark. He stares back at me with a cold look that seems to be peering deep into my soul. I felt scared. Thank goodness Nathan shook away the awkwardness and switched me back to reality when he waves his hand in front of my face. Well that was embarrassing I realised I havent mentioned my name or greeted him so I say a shy barely audible Hi continued by Im- Ni-la. Unfortunately, the bell rang before I received a reply from him. So I just walked off and headed for my seat. So much for an introduction I thought to myself as I looked back expecting

Shane to at least look at me. I sat in the 4th row of the class with Allie on my left and Myra sitting in front of her. We were inseparable. The teachers knew if they placed us together wed talk, but if they put us apart wed shout at each other from one end of the room to the other. They were smart to put us together. The teachers also knew there was sort of a feud between us and the other girls; they knew it was best to keep us apart. The leader of their clique was Cassandra. She has long blonde curly hair extensions over her short black hair; but no one would expect her blonde hair to be extensions as they were what others would comment perfect. I know about her original hair colour because I've been classmates with her since the 2nd grade. She also always had her nails done. She has the most expensive shoes and bags to school and arrives every day in a different luxury car. Shes incredibly rich because her dad owns a lot of shares in the famous companies in town. Clearly put, shes Miss Popular and also The Bitch because she definitely didnt have a nice attitude towards anyone that isnt a guy. She has the most boyfriends, she even dated Lukas and Eric (the popular good looking guys from our class who are best friends), and now she has her eyes set on the other two best friends in class B - Andrew and Tyler. Shes the type of girl other girls want to be and yet would also would never want to be. And the other members of their group include quiet Claire, Miss Know-It-All Tyra and Miss Flirt Jessie. All those girls think about are guys and clothes. We (Allie, Myra and I) are a

bit more versatile. We get along with the guys; we play sports but dont get me wrong we love guys and clothes too. Anyways, the seat in front of mine was empty and on the right to it was Nathans seat. Behind him, on my right was Roland, he is one of the smartest people in our class no scratch that hes one of the smartest in the school! He used to be very quiet but when he started hanging out with Nathan, he became more outgoing and more like us. Just like in every high school film, cliques exist even in small school such as ours. Our first teacher was Tr. Dian. Others find her strict but I actually quite liked her. I feel like I can connect with her the most out of the faculty. She came in and even the slightest noise faded into the air. Good Morning she utters. Good Morning Tr. Dian. the whole class said in unison, except for the new student who has no idea whats going on. Speaking of which, he came back into my head and I couldnt understand why he gave me a cold look. Its his first day of school and almost everyone I know would be nervous or shy being a new student but he definitely wasnt. He was a bit too cocky for a new student and I didnt like it one bit. His cockiness is almost creepy! It makes you wonder. Has any else speculated the same or was I just being paranoid. He sat in his as it was a throne, full of vanity. It was very distracting My thoughts broke when I heard whispers from the other girls who were sitting beside Allie. I bet theyre all crushing on that guy already. I thought to

myself. Tr. Dian steps away from her desk and makes way to the middle of the front of the class and announces that we have a new student; like we didnt already know. She asks him to step up and introduce himself, the new student traditions. I couldnt hear his reply form my seat but since he didnt get up I guess he refused to do what the teacher just asked of him. Vain and rude! I accidentally let out a small laugh which made Allie turn to me and ask You ok? Yeah I answer. I cant believe hes not getting up from his seat, he wouldnt want to mess with Tr. Dian. I added. Allie just laughed and said Youre right. People started murmuring and eventually he had to give-in his Im too cool for this attitude and do as he was told. He got up from his seat and he exposed his tall figure, he must be almost 6 feet tall! He approached the front of the room with the same pestering look on his face but as he turned to face the class, he let out an annoying smile. The other girls started squirming in their seats, Ugh hes so full of himself I commented in disgust while rolling my eyes. I dont think I heard a word of his introduction cause of all the screeches coming from the other girls. Not that I wanted to hear what he had to say anyways. Ok Im not gonna be a bitch and act like this Shane guy isnt good looking and attractive because he is, but the other girls dont have to treat him like hes Taylor Lautner or something. Hey shut up will you! I cant hear a thing yelled Myra abruptly to the other girls. Wow she almost read my mind and did what I wanted to do but would never be able to. All went silent due that little interruption but Shane continues

on. Apparently, hes 19, making him the oldest in the class followed by Dion, who lets out a cheer, Yay! Im no longer the oldest and gives his guy friends high fives. The whole class just laughed. Shane mentions that he travels a lot but didnt mention anything about his family. The introduction ended short and Im glad it did. I couldnt stand that fake smile of his. I was thinking Yay! We can finally get the day going and enough of this new guy already. But I was wrong. Did Tr. Dian not like me today? And so that question was answered when she did the one thing that would bother me the most. No she didnt ask me to show him around school. But she did move him from the front of her desk to the seat in front of mine. Oh shoot me now! Im not overreacting if thats what youre thinking; its just that I dont want the other girls making a big deal out of it and me having to look at his cynical looks and appearance all day every day. How I wish he was placed somewhere else, maybe even near the other girls. Theyd be thrilled. Tr. Dians reason for the move was simply I want you to be able to interact with your new classmates. Makes some friends, you wont be making any sitting in a corner. The three subjects before the lunch break passed fast as I drifted in my own thoughts. By the time break came around, the girls started making a fuss about the seating change. One reason why I dont bring lunch to school is because I dont want to stay in the same room and eat with them. I would have to say that Allie is a bridge between Myra and Me and the rest of the girls, she gets along with them and eats lunch with them. I dont have a problem with it

as much as Myra does. Myra occasionally complains but thats only some times. Myra and me would usually grab a snack at the canteen and head to the P.E grounds to watch other grades play basketball where wed occasionally join in. We did the same today. I got a traditional Spicy chicken noodle salad and Myra just got a cup of Tom-Yum instant noodles at the Little China Noodle shop. After buying our meals we head to the sports grounds and find a spot to sit. So youre gonna work on the poster today right? And youre gonna get to see Tyler! she asked excitedly. Yeah I guess Im gonna see him. Honestly I know this is confusing but I want to and at the same time dont want to see him. I replied. It was my groups turn to work on the poster and Tyler, who is from the senior B class, is in my group along with his other friends. Ive liked Tyler for as long as I can remember. Weve never actually been together, I guess what goes on between me and Tyler is what people would post on Facebook as Its Complicated. I wasnt looking for a relationship; I mean where is the fun in that? Its the thrill of the chase thats exciting right? You can never be too sure what a guy is thinking, but I dont blame him. We both seem to have mixed feelings, we kinda like each other and we also dont. Yup Its complicated. My feelings change from time to time, probably because this thing between us has been going on for so long; nothing really makes sense anymore. I change my mind a lot usually blaming my Gemini zodiac sign traits for it. When he sometimes acts like a jerk and I complain about it, my friends would come up with excuses for him. Frankly, I listen to the book when it says

he's just not that into you". I hate being kept hanging and having to look like a fool. I'm on the brink of giving up. I know this is just a silly crush as people our age would call it but I feel like I connect with him in so many ways. I always try to back out of this crush and move on but I just keep getting dragged back in. It bothers me so much that hes almost psychic; the moment I'm thinking of moving on, he pops up out of nowhere and does something sweet. My thoughts about Tyler exited my mind when a basketball bounced 2 feet away from my face. 'Hey watch it!' I shouted in reflex. And I faced forward and saw Tyler at the far end of the court, like I said he knows when to pop up. He was just chilling with his friends around the Ping-Pong tables must I must say he looked good as usual. He stands leaning his thin lean body forward towards the small sports table. Hes only a few inches taller than I am which would make him 58; not so tall for a guy I guess. Since all I could see was his backside, his dark sleek amber hair falls naturally in a coordinated mess. Although he wasnt facing my way, I could see his hair falling to the side of his forehead in my head. His strong jaw-line makes up the main factor of his exotic look. His solid dark eyebrows top his face to match his big round eyes that are filled with sincerity. Thick ample lips and a thin nose completes his attractive face; his smile charming to the max, showing his perfect aligned teeth - A smile that makes me melt every time. He is an easy approachable guy who is friendly and a bit flirtatious with girls. 'I don't think I even want to see him later, especially not talk to him.' I

said. Who? Myra replied, I must've broken her thoughts too. 'Who else?' I said pointing to his direction without lifting my hand from the bench. 'Oh... I bet he's gonna look over any second now' she said trying to raise my hopes. But she always knows best, because he did. He turned around and let out that precious smile of his, but I just looked away. 'You know Andy really likes you, forget about Tyler, Andrew has such a nice personality too, he's not an ass like Tyler' Myra pointed out. I reply 'I know hes cute and everything but I dont think of Andrew that way. You know that. 'I dont get you at all sometimes, no idea what you see in Tyler that Andy doesnt have better. Myra defended my reply. I guess I only like bad guys I added with a laugh. I feel bad for Andy though, LOOK! He's staring at you now!' Myra pointed out. To reassure myself that he wasn't looking, I turn my look forward to where Tyler and his friends were. Andrew was there too since Tyler and Andrew was best friends. Myra was right again he was looking our way. I guess O would describe him as cute although his physique says differently. He has a fresh faced with Asian features, narrow eyes but made up for by his incredibly cute smile. His tall frame is powerful and muscular, fitting his basketball team captain role. He has a shaven hair which he covers with a cap all the time. He considers his caps stylish as he follows the rapper kind of swagger. His warm and charming attitude towards girls is a plus to his agreeable look. I blushed realising him looking at me and Myra started her teasing. She goes on and on was about how long he's liked me but I tried not to pay much

attention. I was trying to distract myself by watching the ongoing basketball match of the juniors. She tapped my lap to get my attention and said "Oh and speaking of Andrew, his sister Mary is coming this way." With that, my attention was back to Myra's conversation. I looked at the direction she pointed and I could see Mary and her little friends skipping towards our way. 'Hi Nila' they all said. I gave a big smile and greeted them back. Mary explains that they saw me and Myra sitting here and they didn't want to bother us but wanted to ask us to write a small profile about ourselves in their autobiography books. I remember those days when girls including us would exchange our autobiography books and decorating them in various colour pens. Myra and I divided the books and said we'd love to. The young girls thanked us, giggled and off they went. Man... I wish I were that young again. Wouldnt have to be bother about anything, especially not guys' Myra strongly agreed. 'I bet Mary wants you to be her sister-in-law' as she continued her teasing. 'You're never gonna stop are you?' I said with an annoyed look on my face. "Never!" She laughed. 'I know' and laughed with her. 'But don't think you can tease me all you want I'm not gonna go easy on teasing you with Nathan, we all know there's something going on... Right?' But unluckily the school bell rang making a commotion among all the students in the PE grounds. 'Ok that's just not fair!' I added. Myra started laughing 'The bell didn't want me to comment on what you just said' 'Oh you're not getting away from me, we sit next to each other in the lab' I replied giving a sly smirk. 'Crap' was all she could answer.

Within that few seconds battle of comebacks between us, almost half the people in the grounds were gone. The school bell is definitely very controlling and with that we head up to our classroom to get our Chemistry books before heading back down to the labs. Our classmates that were going to the labs even passed us on our way. Hope we aren't late, but Mr Clark Gaebel was very sincere so I guess it'll be alright. Hearts pacing fast from the quick sprint to the room but we had to go back down again. But we used the shortcut and passed through the cafeteria. We arrive at the labs just in time; Mr Gaebel was right in front of us. Phew we muttered. We greeted him and he makes a sign telling us to go in first. We headed to the big table at the end of the room. There were only 2 tables there anyways, one where all the guys sat at and the other for the girls. Nathan didnt really get the seating, he kinda comes and sits where ever he wants, which is usually with us. Allie she waves to us to let us know she saved us seats. The room wasnt as brightly lit as a classroom should be; in fact it was pretty dark since the fluorescents werent turned on. The air in the room was so stuffy; the only circulation of air was the moderately operating ceiling fans. The temperature outside was humid and we were all getting dehydrated. The guys kept excusing themselves to go drink water. As minutes passed and everyone was done getting comfortable, Mr Gaebel assigns the class into groups of 4, making 4 groups all together to do an experiment. Everyone was making complaining noises; the heat was making us slow and lazy. Mr Gaebel knew

that wasn't an excuse and asked us to move to our respective groups. I was paired up with Dion, Nathan and Claire. We made a pretty good team I think. Claire and I had to move to the guys table and we started our experiment right away, grabbing all the apparatus and chemicals we needed. Unfortunately for Myra and Allie, although they were together, their other group members were the new guy Shane; which they were over the roof about, but having Cassandra as their last member ruined it all. Myra and Allie's group is gonna be interesting to watch. I kept looking over to see what was going on. Their group is going to be very dramatic I whispered to Claire. OMG youre so right said Claire. Two girls that can't stand each other, one girl who's gonna try to work things out between them and a new guy that doesnt know anything. she added. This means war. I thought. Although Claire hangs out with the Mean Girls I guess shes the most normal out of the bunch. Shes actually very quiet and a bit shy, she reminds me of Allie. Okay, for those of you who didnt listen the first time I said my instructions, you have to determine the concentration of the solutions. This is a very easy experiment; weve done this a hundred times last year. Mr Gaebel explained impatiently. Exactly, Mr Gaebel weve done it a thousand times, why do it again? remarked Lukas. Dont try to anger me Mr Lukas, we are doing it again! Also so that Mr Anders here will get used to it. Mr Gaebel replied. Who is Anders? asked the loud mouth Lukas. But I think everyone in the room was wondering the same. My goodness Lukas, you dont even know your new

classmates last name. Mr Gaebel said. Oh we all said. Anyways, I will write down the problems on board and you just go along solving them with your group. If you need to know anything just let me know. Mr Gaebel added before heading for the board. The first question: Determine the percent composition by mass of a 100 g salt solution which contains 20 g salt. Our group and Rolands group got the answer, 20 g NaCl / 100 g solution x 100 = 20% NaCl solution We celebrate our teamwork with high fives. However, Myra and Allies group were having an argument while the new comer Shane sits casually alone while the girls are busy arguing about the answers. Moments later, Cassandra gets away from the arguing and tries to sit next to Shane to get his attention. He didnt really seem to care of what she was doing, he payed no attention to her. He just sits on a stool and balances on one leg of the chair, not giving a damn about the world. Realizing Cassandras attempt to flirt with Shane, Allie asks her to re-join the group and help out with the answers. Cant you do it on your own smart ass. Cassandra blurted to Allie. Allie was offended and moved away but Myra wasnt gonna let her talk to Allie like that. Hey bitch, dont you dare say that to Allie. And clearly he isnt interested in you so stop trying. Myra disputed. Mr Gaebel was not happy with the words exchanged by the two girls, Your group. Detention! Today. After school. He shouted angrily. No one has ever seen Mr Gaebel react that way. Shane rolled his eyes in disgust of what just happened, but he didnt say a word. But Mr Gaebel Myra protested. Not another word

Myra. was all he replied. Despite all the chaos caused during Chemistry, the rest of the day flowed smoothly. Sooner then we knew it, the day was over. Well the classes were over, now it was time for the group meeting. Before heading to the sports ground to meet up with the team I waited for Myra and Allie to call their parents to tell them theyll be going back home with me after their detention. Of course they didnt mention the detention part; they simply said Were going to help Nila with her poster. The parents fell for it. After the calls we go our separate ways, they head to the labs near the sports grounds and I make my way to the art rooms to gather the props and materials. Ill see you guys in a bit, and will come check up on you guys, I mean Im gonna be able to see you from the court. I reassured them. Yeah you better come by said Allie. When I reached the sports ground, the rest of the team wasnt there yet. So I set up the materials I got from the art room on an empty bench. It was so quiet. Everyone mustve left already, everyone except the detention students and me and hopefully my group. The wind blows from the back of the main building, giving me a slight chill. I look around as I hear footsteps hoping to see a group mate to get our work started. But it was Shane. He walks down the stairs cautiously looking at each step and not lifting his head. I watch him from the bench still questioning the weird look he has given me on our introduction. Crap! I say to myself as I turn away. He looked my way and saw me gazing at him. He still had the same sort of angry look on his face as he entered the labs.

Hey Nila a familiar voice says. I look up from my lap to see Tyler. He puts his bag down on the ground and takes a seat next to me. I smile. Hey Tyler I replied. So hows it going? he asks with a smile. Pretty good I guess, you? I simply replied. Had a boring day, until now. he says as he looks at me. I try to control the slight blush that was appearing on my face. Before anything else happened, his classmates had arrived. I had forgotten that all 4 of my group mates were all guy until they were all standing in front of me. Oh boy I thought to myself. So Madame, what do you want us to do? Tyler asked cheekily. Uh well we first got to come up with a concept for the poster then we can get started. I said normally, I didnt want to be bossy. We all sat together in a circle and started our discussions and ideas. Occasionally one of the guys would make a comment about Tyler sitting next to me in a teasing tone. I tried to ignore it. I was feeling awkward but just focused on our work. Once we had the concept, we started our artwork, but not all of the guys were interested. Two of them decided Well you three can work on it, but when you need us tell us. Were gonna shoot some hoops. Tyler tried to get them to work though trying to make a good impression towards me I think but I just told him to let them go. We are supposed to make a poster for the upcoming senior school trip, we still havent been told where its to but it was our job to make a poster with the trip theme. We decided to have various kinds of trip and locations on our posters; I was in charge of the International attractions while Tyler and his

friend did the summer and winter themed placed. I drew the Eiffel Tower and the Coliseum with planes and all sorts of stuff related to it. After a while the guys wanted to take a break so we did. Things were getting awkward for me with each passing second, not because I was surrounded by guys but because they kept teasing me with Tyler who was right there! I decided to run away from the harassments and go check on my friends at their detention. I walk pass the small garden to the labs as I reached my destination I peeped in. My plan wasnt only to go see them but to try and get them out. I went in all confident and asked Mr Gaebel politely if he would let the detainees lend a hand with the posters. He agreed right away and requested the students to follow me; Nila here has suggested a very good idea. Instead of you all sitting here doing nothing, you are to help her and her group decorate the bulletin board. Get going now. I was so happy and relieved that Allie and Myra was going to be with me. We all worked on the poster till 4 pm. 'Ok I guess we're all set. We just have to put it up next week. So I guess Ill see you guys tomorrow.' I said while saying goodbye to everyone. We all head up to the portico in the main building where all students begin and end our school day. Myra and Allie were leaving with me since they had to lie to their parents about the detention. There we sit and wait for our respective cars to head back home. Tylers car arrived first, he and his friends left together in his white Range Rover Evoque Dynamic. I and my girls just chit chat about the day. Awkwardly, Shane passes in front of us

and says an unexpected 'bye' to us as he looks at me. I did hear his voice when he was doing his introduction today but it didn't sound as what he does up close. There was a charm in his voice that wasnt quite understandable. His voice was calmer then the look he was giving me; the same icy look all day. I paid no attention to it but looked at my friends when they said cheerful goodbyes to him. All I did was give him a small smile. He turned away and walked out of the small students gate. I guess he drives his own car I think to myself as there are parking spots outside of that gate for students and teachers with their own vehicles. Meanwhile, we waited for my car since the girls were gonna ride in my car. A few seconds after Shane had left; my familys black LS 600hl drove through the gate. We got up and greeted my dads assistant John. I got in the front seat and the girls were in the back. Sooner or later the car was in motion. Once we were on our way out from the school grounds, I saw Shane. Surprisingly he was walking back home. He had his headphones in his ears, shutting himself out of the world. I dont think the other girls saw him; I didnt mention it as well. However, the girls started talking about him a few moments later. So what do you guys think of Shane Allie asked curiously. I can sense Allie was developing a crush on him as every time she talks about him she would have a slight blush on her cheeks. Well hes good looking thats for sure. I simply replied. Whos good looking? asked John who was left out. We had no problems talking about anything in front of John; hes a pretty cool guy. Hes

around 25 years old and has started working for my dad for about 3 years now. He gives me advice when I need it and is always there for me, hes like a big brother. Although my friends think he sees me more than a sister, which I get annoyed about every time they mention it. Recently, Myra has said to me I think hes trying to hit on you. I would aimlessly reply No way! Hes totally into Sammie. Hes a new guy in our class. Myra answered. Oh John replies as we halt at a traffic light. He turns to me and says, So you find him good looking? with a sly smirk on his face. I dont think I know any girl that wouldnt. I said honestly. He just laughed. You girls better not start fighting over him though he added jokingly doing his job of driving the car again. You seriously think we would fight over a guy? Us? No guy has the power to come between us three. I retorted to Johns comment but gave a warm smile to my friends in the back seat to show our strong bond. I was kidding he said apologetically. I know I replied with a smile. Lost in our conversations, we didnt realize we had reached our first stop, Myras house. Myra had a lovely home. The house was covered with beautiful gardens and a huge fountain to welcome guests into their home. Myras little brother Johnnie comes out of the main door and waves at us. Myra and Johnnie dont get along but I find their childish fights cute. Hey Johnnie how you doing I asked getting out of the car. Pretty good, and you he replied politely. You dont have to talk to him Myra implied. I know, I wanted to. Hes such a sweet

kid. I replied. Yeah in front of you. she remarked. She drags him into the house and yells out a loud goodbye as I get back in the car. Call you later. I shouted back. You better! she yelled through the half closed door. And we were off to Allies place. Myra and Allie didnt live that far from one another; a walking distance of 15 minutes. Soon after we arrived at Allies place. We said our goodbyes and me and John made our way back to my house. Still sitting in the front seat I turn to John and ask him about his day. He jokes around about the other staff at the office and we share some laughs. When I got back home, I waved to him goodbye as he drove off the driveway. I examine our comfortable khaki house. Unlike Myras house we didnt have exotic plants in the front; we had a simple lawn instead. Beams of sunlight blanketed our home. The sun was going to set soon. I havent realized how tired I was until I climbed up the short stairways to the main door. I ring the doorbell and a welcoming mom as she is, let me in the house. I take off my socks and shoes later laying them out neatly at the corner of the parlour. Mom yells at me for not taking lunch with me on such a long day, I had lunch with Myra from the canteen. So I wasnt left hungry Mom. I reply while giving her a convincing smile so she wouldnt be worried. Im gonna head to my room. I added and made my way. Once in my room, I shoved my rucksack on my study chair then got out of my uniform and into a comfy Hollister purple sweat shirt and grey pants followed by taking off my specs. My exhaustion was taking over and I

collapsed face first on my comfy bed. I fell asleep.

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