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Thursday, September 13, 2012 Serving the University of Alabama since 1894 Vol.

119, Issue 23

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Briefs ........................2
Opinions ...................4
Culture ...................... 7
todays paper
Sports .......................8
Puzzles ......................9
Classifieds ................ 9
Friday 88/66
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y his

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Guest columnist from Arkansas
gives his take on Saturdays game
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Out of State
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*SREB = Southern Regional
Education Board
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Foreign countries
ONE in 4 freshmen is enrolled in the Honors College.
Enrollment grows by 5.8 percent in 1 year
By Rich Robinson
Assistant News Editor
Voters in Alabama will be
tasked with deciding if they
want to tap into an emergency
trust fund to bridge the states
budget gap on Sept. 18. If the
vote is defeated and no agree-
ment is made in the legislature,
then the state budget will need
to be cut by 17 percent.
Some Alabama students are
very active in the run up to
the vote as the debate has laid
bare a split in the statewide
Republican party.
In a press release, the Student
Government Association
announced its support of the
ballot measure due to potential
cuts in state education spend-
If the amendment is not
passed, money to fund these
agencies will most likely come
from the Education Trust Fund,
which would cause cuts to
higher education and K-12 edu-
cation, the SGA statement
While the SGA is speculat-
ing about the potential of bud-
get cuts further down the road,
Alabamas nursing home com-
munity is bracing for a more
immediate crisis.
There is a very real chance
that you would see nursing
homes close if this referen-
dum failed, John Matson, the
spokesman for the Alabama
Nursing Home Association,
said via a phone interview.
Matson said 70 percent of
nursing homes in Alabama
receive their funding through
Medicaid. Medicaid is the gov-
ernment health care program
for low-income and disabled
Americans. It receives most of
its funding from the state gen-
eral fund and is on the chop-
ping block if another solution
is not agreed upon. Matson
said many of those homes
could not survive a large cut in
Medicaid funds.
States budget
gap forces vote
Medicaid, essential
services could be cut
By Madison Roberts
Contributing Writer
The Society of Women
Engineers will host an event
for nearly 200 middle school
girls Saturday, Sept. 15, provid-
ing them with hands-on expe-
riences in an effort to spark an
interest in engineering.
The first WOW! Thats
Engineering event will run
from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at
the Ferguson Center Student
Studies show that young
girls dont have much oppor-
tunity to find out about engi-
neering, so we are trying to be
that catalyst, Beth Todd, SWE
faculty advisor and mechanical
engineering professor, said.
Rachel Mitchell, a senior
majoring in chemical engineer-
ing, said she was first intro-
duced to engineering through
a similar SWE outreach event
she attended in middle school.
Now, as the president of SWE,
she hopes to give the girls a sim-
ilar experience to hers in a tra-
ditionally male-dominated field.
A lot of young girls dont
realize what engineering can do
for them, Mitchell said.
Todd said because of a lack of
opportunity for young women
to learn about engineering, they
come into college unaware that
it is something they can pursue.
There are many, many job
opportunities to hire women
in engineering, Todd said.
Before [students] enter col-
lege, they may not know whats
out there.
Group to promote engineering to girls
FIVE now offering breakfast, lunch menus
Women engineers to
stoke early interest
By Mary Kathryn Patterson
Contributing Writer
The popular downtown res-
taurant, FIVE, now offers stu-
dents and patrons a different
atmosphere from the night
time hot spot in the form of a
coffee shop caf.
FIVE Java serves fresh juic-
es, smoothies, coffee and more
to customers beginning at 7
a.m. every day. The addition
to FIVE opened on June 13,
and general manager Jeremy
Hicks said he expects business
to pick up even more now that
students are back in town.
FIVE Java is great for stu-
dents, Hicks said. We offer
free WiFi, and we recently
added several Mac and iPhone
chargers for students to use as
In addition to the extensive
coffee and smoothie menus,
FIVE Java also offers a lunch
menu available at 10:30 a.m. In
sticking with the tradition of
the original restaurant, FIVE
lunch menu options are avail-
able during the day.
Coffeeshop opens at
7 a.m. on weekdays
CW | Caitlin Trotter
FIVE Java offers students space, quiet in a downtown cafe adjoining
the popular restaurant
CW | Whitney Hendrix and Sarah Grace Moorehead
TWEET US | @TheCrimsonWhite
Join our conversation on
Twitter about campus
growth. Use the hashtag
#uagrowth to tweet your
thoughts on the numbers
presented here.
In the Sept. 11, 2012 edition of The Crimson White, three
students last names were mispelled in the story Paty Hall
residents unified despite negative conditions, reputation.
The students names are Jonathan Burpo, Colby Moeller
and Stewart Chandler. The Crimson White regrets the
errors and is happy to set the record straight.
Submit your events to
French Dip Sandwich
Middle Eastern Gyro
Crispy Chicken Tenders
Southwest Chicken & Rice
Penne Marinara
Grilled vegetable Pizza
Butternut Squash
Grilled Chicken Salad
Chipotle Chicken Tortilla
Baked Yukon Gold Potatoes
Rigatoni Marinara
Glazed Carrots
Italian Green Beans
Apples & Caramel
Home-Style Fried Chicken
Grilled Chicken Sandwich
Bacon & Vegetable Tomato
Home-Style Mashed Potatoes
Seasoned Blackeyed Peas
Italian Vegetable Blend
Grilled Vegetable Panini
Sweet & Spicy Chicken
Corned Beef & Cabbage
BBQ Pork Sandwich
Goulash Bowl
Herbed Rice
Chile-Roasted Corn
Italian Green Beans
Cajun Pork with Bigarade
Meatball Pizza
Three Pepper Cavatappi with
Black Beans with Cumin
Green Beans
Southwest Penne & Black
Beans (Vegetarian)
What: Sock Hop Dance
Where: Forest Lake United
Methodist Church Gym
When: 6 - 10 p.m.
What: Kelly Clarkson and The
Where: Tuscaloosa
When: 7 p.m.
What: Black Pistol Fire
Where: Green Bar
When: 10:30 p.m.
What: Homegrown Alabama
Farmers Market
Where: Canterbury
Episcopal Church
When: 3 - 6 p.m.
What: Alan Jackson
Where: Tuscaloosa
When: 7:30 p.m.
What: Antioquia, To Light a
Where: Green Bar
When: 8 p.m.
What: Moundvilles Saturday
in the Park: Pots and Potters
Where: Moundville
Archaeological Park
When: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
What: Womens Volleyball
vs. LSU
Where: Foster Auditorium
When: 7 p.m.
What: Bring Me The Music
Where: Green Bar
When: 6 p.m.
Page 2 Thursday,
September 13, 2012

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Both Mitchell and Alexis
Cunningham, a freshman
majoring in chemical engi-
neering, said they have
often felt outnumbered in
engineering classes.
Sometimes Ill get in a
class and look around and
think Wow, there arent
very many females in
here, but because Im so
involved in SWE, it doesnt
seem as bad to me,
Mitchell said.
Mitchell said part of the
purpose of SWE is to make
women feel comfortable
in such a male-dominated
Part of what we do is
draw women in, Mitchell
said. It makes us realize
that [engineering] is actu-
ally something we can do.
If its strictly male-domi-
nated, a lot of times women
will be intimidated. But its
good to have people of your
gender that you can talk
Cunningham wants to
join SWE to surround her-
self with women engineers
who are undertaking the
same challenge she is.
She believes WOW! Thats
Engineering will be ben-
eficial to middle school stu-
It will give them new
ways they can learn about
things, and it will help
them grow in their confi-
dence because they know
that theyre intelligent and
they can do whatever they
want, Cunningham said.
Grace Hoover, coordina-
tor for the event and SWE
vice president of member-
ship, says it is encourag-
ing to see so many fresh-
men wanting to become
involved in SWE so early
and is pleased with the
turnout of volunteers who
registered to help with the
We have had over 50
student volunteers to help
with the event this year,
which is huge, she said.
Its really encouraging to
see freshmen girls want-
ing to get involved so early,
and a lot of our volunteers
are freshmen.
During the event, girls
will be able to apply engi-
neering to real-life situ-
ations through hands-on
experiences. There will be
activities including solar
cars, making a dance pad,
which emphasizes electri-
cal engineering, a confetti
launcher, and an oil spill
activity, which is related
to the BP Oil Spill that
occurred in the Gulf of
Mexico in 2010.
Hoover said they chose
to reach out to females in
middle school because it
gets engineering on their
I think its a crucial
time because theyre about
to go into high school and
that is where you really
start looking into colleg-
es and what your future
career path is going to be,
she said.
SWE promotes
female engineers
Since we decided to offer
lunch, business has really picked
up, Hicks said. Its a cool place
to grab coffee or something off
our lunch menu and study or to
come and be social and hang out
with friends.
Paige Miller, a frequent visi-
tor of FIVE Java, said she enjoys
having available space to meet
with friends without feeling
crowded or rushed.
I like that when you come in,
you have a place to sit, and you
can actually have a conversation
without having to just take your
coffee and leave, Miller said.
Miller said FIVE Javas loca-
tion is one of the reasons the cof-
fee shop remains intimate and
separated from the often crowd-
ed campus restaurants.
I feel like with [FIVE Java]
being downtown, its a little more
hidden, Miller said. I like that
they have repurposed an old
downtown building and added
something extra.
Marlena McConville, a junior
majoring in geography and an
employee at FIVE Java, said she
loves the cozy ambiance of the
I love it at FIVE Java because
it feels like I am hanging out in
an old cabin, McConville said.
Everything offered there is
fresh, and it doesnt feel like your
normal corporate coffee shop.
Hicks said FIVE hasnt need-
ed much formal advertising
because the experiences of cus-
tomers usually speak for them-
We use a more word of mouth
approach, Hicks said. I think
minimum advertising is one of
the reasons we are popular.
The restaurants downtown
location has been great for host-
ing a variety of patrons, Hicks
We get everyone from stu-
dents to lawyers, to other busi-
ness owners downtown, Hicks
said. We have regulars as well
as first-timers every day. We
havent really had a slow sea-
Hicks said the owners of FIVE
are planning to open several
more locations, but each restau-
rant will be different from the
Were far from corporate,
Hicks said. Were going to have
a lot of restaurants, but the idea
is for each to have a unique addi-
tion, like the Tuscaloosa loca-
tions coffee shop. It makes us
different from other restaurant
FIVE Java offers
coffee downtown
The nursing association is so
concerned about the prospect of
Medicaid cuts due to the defeat
of the amendment that they have
donated $350,000 in campaign
contributions to the pro-yes vote
group Keep Alabama Working.
Keep Alabama Working claims
that the consequences of not
passing the amendment would
be dire for the future of the
state. According to its website,, 9,500
state inmates would be released
from prison while 8,800 children
would lose their child care due
to cuts from the Department of
Human Resources.
This is a constitutional
amendment that was proposed
by state legislators and passed
overwhelmingly by Republicans
and Democrats as a way to get
through this difficult economic
period, Gov. Robert Bentley said
in a statement. This is the most
difficult economic period the
state has faced in many years.
Bentley is encouraging voters
to vote yes.
Zan Green is the president of
the Rainy Day Patriots Tea Party
and will be voting against the
change next Tuesday.
Green said Governor Bentley
is wrong in his support of the
I dont understand why the
people we fought so hard
to send to Montgomery are
kicking the can down the
road, Green said. Im not
the brightest bulb in the
building, but I just know that
if you spend more than you
take in, then you are eventu-
ally going to run out of space
to rob Peter to pay Paul.
The chairman of the
Alabama Republican Party,
Bill Armistead said this issue
has divided the state GOP.
We were pretty well split
between those that support-
ed it and those who oppose
it, Armistead said.
The state party has decid-
ed not to pick sides in the
vote but Armistead understands
the enormity of whats at stake.
Weve never been in this
difficult of a position before,
Armistead said. If there has
ever been a time to borrow
money, now is it.
And while other members of
his party are venting due to the
perceived betrayal of the gover-
nor and legislature to conserva-
tive ideals, Armistead holds out
hope for the future.
I do think that this governor
and legislature want to fix the
problem, they just need a little
more time, Armistead said.
Regan Williams is the chair-
man of the College Republicans.
Williams agrees that there is a
rift in the state GOP and said it
was the same on campus. He is
reluctantly supporting the mea-
sure and does not agree with
concerns of the Tea Party.
I hate to devalue their con-
cerns, but its [the trust fund]
there for when we need it,
Williams said. We have to fix it
somehow, and thats what a rainy
day fund is for.
Republican State Rep. John
Merrill represents Tuscaloosa in
Montgomery and is lobbying for
a yes vote.
Ive spoken to several groups,
had phone calls with constitu-
ents and social media interac-
tions with constituents letting
them know what the situation
will be if this does not pass,
Merrill said.
Nursing homes,
childcare at risk
TuscaIoosa 1091 Southview Lane 758-5878
Northport 3033 TyIer Drive 330-4353
Offer VaIid
September 4th-23rd
Offer VaIid
Editor | Melissa Brown
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Page 3
By April Ivey
Contributing Writer
The Crimson Ride is running
a new express route to give stu-
dents parking in the Southeast
Commuter Zones a quicker
commute to the Quad.
The route is called the
Crimson Express and stops at
the Coleman Coliseum park-
ing lot, Moody Music Building,
Lloyd Hall, Gorgas Library,
Bidgood Hall and Coliseum
Drive by the Mal Moore
Ralph Clayton, assis-
tant director of Transit and
Transportation Services, said
the route was requested by
many students.
This route reduces the num-
ber of stops and creates a more
direct route from large com-
muter lots to the core of cam-
pus and returns, Clayton said.
This benefits a large number
of students who just need a ride
into the core of campus with
the least number of stops. The
primary beneficiaries of this
route are commuter students.
Crimson Ride drivers feel
the new route is ideal for get-
ting students to and from class
I like the new route, Shell
Jones, a Crimson Ride driver,
said. It lets us get kids to class
and back to their cars faster.
JHawi Crawett, a sopho-
more majoring in forensic
psychology, said the new route
is convenient to just get across
the Quad.
After my 5:30 class, I never
want to walk all the way to Ten
Hoor [from Lloyd Hall], so its
convenient for me, Crawett
Though employees and
students alike find the new
express to be convenient, some
students have been confused
when they think they are rid-
ing a non-express route that
stops at Julia Tutwiler Hall and
Reese Phifer Hall.
Jones said some students
have expressed their frustra-
tion to her, but she believes
the express route is becoming
increasingly popular.
Crimson Express Route
CW | Sarah Grace Moorehead
New Crimson Ride route creates quicker commute to Quad
By Adrienne Burch and
Katherine Langner
CW Staff
University students often
travel abroad to immerse
themselves in another coun-
trys language and culture for
a year or a semester, but many
are unaware that a similar
environment exists right here
at the Capstone.
Culture-based, living-
learning communities at the
University, such as the French
and German House, are
designed for students seek-
ing a way to study a countrys
respective language and cul-
ture in an immersed environ-
Students who participate
in living-learning communi-
ties connect their living envi-
ronments to their academic
interests, creating a more uni-
fied college experience, Alicia
Browne, director of UA hous-
ing administration, said.
Founded in the fall semes-
ter 1978, the Hans and Sophie
Scholl Haus or German House
located on Bryce Lawn pro-
vides residence for 10 to 15
students each year, including
native German speakers and
American students studying
the language.
We hope that they will have
a pseudo-immersion experi-
ence, thus improving their lan-
guage ability, Elaine Martin,
faculty liaison for the German
House, said, and that they
will also make new interna-
tional friends and learn more
about German culture.
American students living in
the house are able to take part
in a two-credit conversation
course only open to German
house residents and taught by
a native German speaker.
Eva Schmeidl, student house
director of the German House
and German graduate student,
is a German foreign exchange
student who, through a
scholarship from the
Federation of German-
American clubs, was chosen to
live at the German House. As
house director, she plans the
weekly meetings for the stu-
dents taking part in the course
credit option while living in
the house.
Schmeidl said her favorite
part about living in the German
House is having interesting
discussions with her house-
mates about cultural differ-
ences between Germany and
the U.S. She said as a native
German speaker in the house,
she also has to remember to
encourage the English speak-
ers to converse in German as
much as possible.
We want them to get over
the fear of speaking in a lan-
guage they are not 100 per-
cent sure off, Schmeidl said.
In the German House, they
have a chance to use German
around friends without the
fear of getting laughed at.
Schmeidl said by the end
of the semester, she hopes
the students will feel confi-
dent enough in the language
to exclusively use German
around the house.
The French House serves a
similar purpose to the German
House in that its purpose is
for students to improve their
language skills by immersing
them in a French-speaking
French House faculty advi-
sor and assistant professor of
French Jean Luc Robin said
the idea for the French house
actually came partly from
his German colleagues who
have run a successful German
House for many years.
It seemed like a great way
to create a smaller, friendly
and more intimate community
of French-speaking peers on a
campus that might otherwise
swallow students up in a sea of
anonymity, Robin said.
Melissa Henderson, the
French House student director,
is living in the French house
as she pursues her masters
degree in French literature.
In my eyes, French House
is a student community where
we eat French classics like
crepes, bread and cheese
while talking about everyday
things, Henderson said.
Henderson said the French
house provides students
with a more relaxed envi-
ronment to speak and learn
the language.
I am usually a nervous
wreck in the classroom,
Henderson said. I definitely
feel more relaxed speaking
French with my residents than
my professors.
Henderson said she will
have the opportunity to teach
her own French 101 class next
fall, but the French house
is giving her the chance to
experience this teaching ele-
ment in a much less intimi-
dating environment. There
is one native French speak-
er living in the house this
semester named Benjamin,
Henderson said.
Its a mutual exchange
because were teaching
Benjamin to say Roll Tide,
and hes teaching us card
games and how to make
authentic French dishes,
Henderson said.
Culture-based residences immerse students in foreign languages

Students who participate in living-learning communities connect their

living environments to their academic interests, creating a more unied
college experience.
Alicia Browne
Editor | SoRelle Wyckoff
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Page 4
Will Tucker Editor-in-Chief
Ashley Chaffin Managing Editor
Stephen Dethrage Production
Mackenzie Brown Visuals Editor
Tray Smith Online Editor
Alex Clark Community Manager
Ashanka Kumari Chief Copy
SoRelle Wyckoff Opinions Editor
Submit a guest column (no more
than 800 words) or a
letter to the editor to
The Crimson White reserves the
right to edit all guest columns and
letters to the editor.
MCT Campus
CW | Austin Bigoney
Dont waste your chalk
Youre also probably start-
ing to feel a little annoyed
with both sides of the abortion
Last week, the following
words appeared in colorful
block letters on the Crimson
Promenade; Hey, I just met
you/ and this is crazy/ but
dont abort me/ cause Im your
baby. This is just one of many
similar messages, others of
which read Life is beautiful,
and We believe in womens
rights to be born.
A few days later, responses
started to crop up. One, etched
alongside the Call Me Maybe
shout-out, reads, Please
attempt to be less tasteless.
Another, more to the point,
says, You dont know a damn
thing about us. NEVER assume
you are the moral superior
because of your scruples.
Others hash out common pro-
choice arguments, and many
responses attack the original
pro-life messages and their
Theres one thing that is
certain about these messages;
no one has revised their own
views on abortion because of
Political discourse and activ-
ism are valuable aspects of aca-
demia, and they are spurred on
by the spirit of intellectualism
that a collegiate environment
creates. But its very easy for
impassioned students to cross
the line between meaningful
dialogue and rhetoric.
Last year, students gath-
ered for the Not Isolated
March to fight social inequal-
ity at the University. Others
would gather at the Crimson
Promenade to hold demonstra-
tions opposing House Bill 56,
a proposed immigration law
that was decried by many as
intrusive and racist. Later that
same year, a protest was held
at the same location to protest
Senate Bill 5, a controversial
personhood bill that would
have radically altered the law
surrounding abortion, birth
control and the responsibilities
of obstetricians.
These are all examples of
constructive political action.
In each case, students raised
awareness of a particular issue,
and interested passers-by were
directed to more specific, per-
suasive sources of information.
By contrast, all the chalk
messages did was make people
Were all surrounded by
political sentiment, and theres
a right and a wrong way to
handle it. Insults, mantras,
fear mongering and hatred are
all too common on campus.
They can be found everywhere
from casual conversations to
political cartoons and bumper
stickers, and they add nothing
to Bamas political culture.
So dont waste your chalk.
Nathan James is a sophomore
majoring in public relations.
His column runs on Thursday.
How can UA grow
as a community?
By Tray Smith
Online Editor
Cultural growth is a new buzzword on cam-
pus. After the last decades enrollment explosion,
many students are looking for ways we can engi-
neer parallel growth as a unified community.
Growth as a community, though, is more
complicated than growth as a student body. To
expand student enrollment, admissions officers
can strive to meet new quotas, administrators
can detail their plans in precise PowerPoint pre-
sentations and targeted marketing campaigns
can promote the University to large swaths of
potential recruits in states across the country.
Communities, on the other hand, tend to
be defined by the people who live in them
in our case, we the students. They devel-
op more from the bottom-up than from
administrative planning.
Still, leaders acting in their own spheres of
influence can have a remarkable impact on the
courses communities take. That is certainly true
here, where administrators and student leaders
have many opportunities to shape conversations
and implement important programs.
Those conversations and programs can lead to
profound changes in the way we interact with,
and think about, each other.
Universal freshman mentoring that brings
diverse groups of students together the moment
they step on campus could lead to enduring
friendships, and it would allow students to form
networks that cut through traditional social bar-
riers. Community activities in the dorms could
create a real sense of identity among residents,
pulling them out of their spacious suites to meet
and work with their neighbors. Smaller class
sizes and group projects, as much as some stu-
dents may despise them, could generate partner-
ships that grow into joint research endeavors or
launch new student organizations.
That is exactly what happened in 2005, when a
group of students in an Honors College seminar
presented an idea for an arts-advocacy organi-
zation that eventually became Creative Campus.
That program was later featured in the New York
Times bestselling book That Used to Be Us,
written by Times columnist Thomas Friedman
and Johns Hopkins University professor Michael
Other, less ambitious policy changes could
also strengthen our community. Moving toward
a smoke-free campus, for example, could make us
all healthier, while discouraging more students
from picking up the dangerous habit of smoking
Most importantly, though, community growth
must start with the realization that others dont
gain at our expense, that the UA experience is not
a finite resource to be more evenly distributed,
but that it can be enhanced infinitely to empower
more students from different communities.
We have nothing to fear when others succeed.
In fact, the better any UA student does, the better
off we all are, because we all share the prestige
that comes with having a UA diploma.
Greek students really dont stand to lose much
if a non-greek student is elected to a student gov-
ernment office; non-greek students arent hurt by
the development of new fraternity and sorority
houses; white students in the Capstone Men and
Women have nothing to fear if that program ever
makes more than a token effort at diversity; our
football tickets arent going to lose value if we all
have to wait for a seat, rather than having them
reserved for a few of us.
Today, the University offers many vibrant sub-
communities to new students: the greek commu-
nity, the Honors College, organizations devoted
to the arts and leadership programs. Many
of those sub-communities could, and should,
become more inclusive and accessible. But that
will only happen when we create a vibrant com-
munity of the whole that connects students with
widely different backgrounds and interests.
Two weeks ago, before Guy Bailey took charge
as the Universitys president, Provost Judy
Bonner released a statement welcoming him to
campus that touched on this very issue.
Its an important time for us to remember who
we are and to affirm who we must be, with every
choice and every decision, every day, Bonner
wrote. Please join me in making sure that our
campus is always a welcoming, inclusive and
respectful environment where every member of
the UA family can be his/her highest and best
self, and where we enable and encourage integ-
rity, success and pride in every action and every
The statement was striking not only because of
its exceptional language, but because it wasnt nec-
essary to explain the event at hand. Bonner could
have released a generic statement simply welcom-
ing Bailey, but she chose instead to challenge us to
our highest values as a University community.
Those are the values that must guide us if we
are serious about initiating this new phase of
growth. Are we ready to fully embrace them?
Tray Smith is the Online Editor of The Crimson
White. His column runs on Thursday.
By Nathan James | Staff Columnist
f you have chalk, five minutes and the incli-
nation, you can create a message that will
be seen by literally thousands of people on
campus. And if you walk past the Quad or the
Crimson Promenade on your way to class, you
have firsthand experience evincing this.
Aurora shooters UAB rejection letter
saved Alabama from more tragedy
By Hannah Waid
Contributing Writer
This week, The University
of Alabama at Birmingham
released documents reveal-
ing that the alleged Dark
Knight Rises shooter, James
Holmes, had applied for a
graduate program at UAB but
had been rejected.
The man who killed 12
and wounded 58 could have
been right here in Alabama,
not even an hour away from
Tuscaloosa, and the only
thing that stopped him was
a simple rejection letter.
Holmes applied in October
2010, was interviewed in
February 2011 and received a
rejection letter in March 2011.
For us, this blessing of rejec-
tion changed the course of his
path and sent him away from
our beloved state.
It was only a month after
James Holmes was rejected
that the state of Alabama
experienced its first bout of
recent devastation: April 27,
2011. A little more than a year
later, it was the tragic shoot-
ing in Auburn on June 9 that
left three dead. It was then
the shocking shooting at the
Copper Top bar during the
early morning hours of July
But to think, there could
have been another shoot-
ing in our state only three
days after the Tuscaloosa
shooting. How much more
tragedy could the state of
Alabama have handled? Two
shootings in two months was
bad enough, and we barely
escaped adding a third shoot-
ing to the list.
What has become of our
nation that has, within the
past year, been rattled with
shootings across the country?
The two shootings in Alabama,
the movie the-
ater massacre
in Colorado,
the temple
shooting in
Wi s c o n s i n ,
the shooting
near the Texas
A&M campus,
the shooting
at the Empire
State building.
Why is this list
so long for a
span of just a
few months?
Should we as students be
afraid to go to a movie or prac-
tice our religion? Should those
in the business world be afraid
to serve an eviction notice or
fire an employee?
Surely, and hopefully, the
answer is no. While we may
experience some moments of
fear in light of recent events,
one should not live in fear
every moment. One would
hope that our country halts
this declining pattern of vio-
lence and begins back on
the peaceful path. It would
be nice to see people handle
their problems in ways other
than with guns and violence.
Could all these devastating
shootings have been solved
with a mature conversation?
Probably not all of them.
But with the case of James
Holmes, it just goes to show
you that one small thing,
something as
simple as a
piece of paper,
can change
s o me o n e s
Perhaps a
friendly smile
to the seem-
ingly intro-
verted outcast
could change
his or her
perception of
those around
them. Perhaps
another look at gun control
laws could allow a tighten-
ing of policies to decrease
gun violence. Whatever it
may be, no matter how small,
something needs to change
to revert this recent sense of
doubt and tragedy back to the
inherent goodness of human-
Hannah Waid is a junior
majoring in English.
Just when we havent seen
it in a while, here we go again.
Nick Saban went sideways in
a press conference. The first
headline I saw read, Another
Saban Outburst. What did
it this time, I wondered. The
story quickly went viral, as
Sabans stories often do, and I
was already thinking my way
into a column before I went
looking for the news confer-
When I actually watched
the outburst in its entirety,
my first thought was, Thats
it? I mean, he didnt even
raise his voice. After his ini-
tial comments, and before
taking questions, he politely
appreciated the opportunity
to get that off my chest. Did
the slight smile inadvertently
displayed as he exited the
podium belie the intentional
nature of his comments?
Could this have been con-
trived with the hidden desire
of sending a message to his
So why the big dust up?
What was the big issue this
time? Well, it seems that
coach Saban was upset, as
he put it, with how writers and
commentators had already
crowned his Crimson Tide
2012 National Champions after
their destruction of eighth-
ranked Michigan. Which
is exactly what we were all
doing after one game. If that
wasnt enough, writers from
Lexington to College Station
had already determined the
outcome of Saturdays game
against Western Kentucky.
The Hilltoppers, they said,
shouldnt even bother to show
This is the kind of thing that
drives all coaches, not just
Nick Saban, crazy crown-
ing a team after one week.
Clearly, Sabans Alabama
team is loaded with talent and
looked awful good for a week-
one top-10 showdown, and the
coach, in pursuit of his fourth
BCS title, is as intense as ever.
But he knows that one game
does not make a season. He
knows his team struggled
significantly after big open-
ing day wins against Clemson
and Virginia Tech with
lowly Louisiana-Monore and
Florida International in sea-
sons past. As it turned out, his
players looked a little sloppy
Saturday, barely rushing for a
hundred yards, and that best-
in-the-country offensive line
gave up six sacks. The bottom
line on all this was that Saban
was right.
Still, this is all just pretty
routine stuff as coaches and
teams and press conferences
go. Sabans outburst was
anything but. The bigger
story here was not the com-
ments or the writers or even
the outcome of the game. Its
the coach himself. Why do we
love to hate this guy?
In fact, we should love a
guy who says what all the
other coaches long to say
but are too politically cor-
rect, or scared, to say them-
selves. They all know that
our pens and microphones
can send a message to their
players that they must work
overtime to counteract. They
attend our news conferences
and tolerate us because they
are contractually obligated
to do so. Do we really think
any of them want to stop on
the way to the locker room at
halftime to answer two ridic-
ulous questions? They cant
control what we write or say,
and we make their jobs more
difficult when we tell 20-year-
olds that they are better than
they are.
To be sure, Nick Saban isnt
going to win any awards as a
media darling. Guess what?
The coach doesnt care. He
would love for people to stop
writing about his team as
NFL caliber, but hey, it goes
with the territory. They still
have affection for him in
Baton Rouge, even though
he is now with the enemy.
And hes pretty popular in
Tuscaloosa these days.
There are only six guys
with a statue down there rep-
resenting those 14 national
titles. Trouble for everyone
else is, one of them is still
prowling the sidelines.
Robert Stephens is an alum-
nus of The University of
NEWS OPINION CULTURE SPORTS Thursday, September 13, 2012 | Page 5

It was only a month after

James Holmes was rejected
that the state of Alabama
experienced its first bout of
recent devastation: April 27,
Setting the record straight on Saban
How do you feel about todays enrollment announcement?
Do you think 33,602 is too many, not enough or the right
number of students?
and who is excited
about this other than
the university? Not
the students
campus is over-
crowded. try and go
to the rec and get a
treadmill in the mid-
dle of the afternoon
or evening
Too high for the
resources. Lets solve
housing, parking,
and dining issures
before we grow
Its all in the plan.
Who needs to
increase tutition
when you can sus-
tain yourself on
parking violations?
take a look at the
Ferg at noon or the
parking lots and
thats enough to see
its too much for the
space we have right
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Minimum Order may apply
NEWS OPINION CULTURE SPORTS Page 6 | Thursday, September 13, 2012
By Sarah Robinson
Contributing Writer
The second year of The
University of Alabamas Non-
Profit Protg Program is now
underway, taking applications
for students to participate
in an eight-week mentor-
ing program with non-profit
A collaborative effort of the
Community Service Center and
the Career Center, the program
started in 2011, pairing partici-
pants with an administrator or
CEO of an Alabama non-profit
organization. The members are
expected to arrange weekly
meetings with their mentor.
Not to be confused with an
internship, the experience
grants a limited number of stu-
dents the opportunity to attend
board meetings, sit in on staff
and committee meetings, visit
with potential financial donors
and witness the working world
of a non-profit leader.
Kimberly Montgomery,
assistant director of the CSC,
is heading this years program
and adopting the responsibili-
ties of former assistant direc-
tor Rachel Edington, who pro-
pelled the program into suc-
cess. Although the programs
administration has changed,
the goals remain the same.
Our expectations are as
it was last year: to have stu-
dents make valuable con-
nections and gain profitable
insight into their career plans,
Montgomery said.
Students of all majors are
encouraged to apply.
The Non-Profit Protg
Program is an experience for
someone who wants to make a
positive change for themselves,
their non-profit and the com-
munity, said Haley Clemons, a
student director of public rela-
tions, marketing and graphic
design at the CSC.
Junior accounting major
Marina Roberts participation
with the program last year led
to other professional opportu-
After Roberts expressed
interest in the grant process,
her mentor DUndray Peterson
at Tuscaloosas One Place put
her in contact with a grant
writer. Having established
a connection, and receiving
guidance from the writer, she
is now in the process of writing
her grant and attributes all of
her success to the program.
UA graduate Nicole Carr
applied last year in hopes of
getting a better understanding
of the daily operations of work-
ing in a non-profit. She was
pleased with her mentor, who
went the extra mile to ensure
Carr accomplished everything
she wanted in the program.
My mentor gave me a tour
of five non-profits, where I was
able to see the daily operations
of each, as well as interact with
individuals at some, said Carr,
who still maintains contact
with her mentor.
We just want to continue the
momentum that we have going
for the program and reach
out to more students to get
involved, Wahnee Sherman,
director of the CSC, said.
Students interested in apply-
ing must be at least a sopho-
more enrolled at the University
by this fall and have a mini-
mum 2.5 cumulative GPA.
Applications are due Friday,
Sept. 21 by 5 p.m. to the CSC,
located in the Ferguson Center.
Non-prot mentoring program searches
for applicants to work with professionals
By Emily Luker
Contributing Writer
The Ofce of Disability
Services is hosting an event
on Sept. 14 to assist students
with and without disabilities to
better understand certain tech-
The Accessible and Assistive
Technology Expo of Alabama
will feature presentations by
several major computer hard-
ware and software manufactur-
ers, including Apple.
The expo will
be held in the
third oor of
the Ferguson
Center from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m.
Admission is
free and open
to all members
of the UA com-
munity, as well
as to the general
According to, the
expo seeks to introduce attend-
ees to technology they may not
have seen before while demon-
strating some accessibility fea-
tures of technology that attend-
ees may already be using.
Marion Stevens, the Assistive
Technology Specialist at ODS,
says the event will be benecial
to anyone who comes.
Since the expo is open
to everyone both on and off
campus, anyone who might
be interested in these topics
is welcome to come, Stevens
said. I think there are many
people in the community who
could benet from learning
about these technologies.
It is important for students
without disabilities to recog-
nize that those
with them are
walking among
them every day,
Stevens said.
There are
many [di s-
abilities] that
are practically
invisible unless
you know what
youre looking
for, Stevens
said. For exam-
ple, a student with a learning
disability looks no different
than a student without one,
but they have to work much
harder to be successful in their
Stevens also said that
students without disabili-
ties can benet from a better
awareness of how various dis-
abilities can affect others.
For example, with the right
technologies, a blind person
can read electronic texts much
faster than a sighted person
can, but, to be accessible, that
text must be formatted prop-
erly, Stevens said. Making
materials accessible isnt that
difcult, but it requires an
awareness as to why doing it is
This is a rst-time event at
the University, but organizers
intend for it to continue into
the future.
Our goal is to do it annually,
but, since this is the rst time,
well have to see how well its
received, Stevens said. The
more people who attend, the
more likely we can have it again
next year, since the technology
vendors and organizations will
be more likely to come back if
attendance is strong,
Although it is not required,
organizers ask that those
planning to attend fill out the
attendee registration form on
the ODS website so that they
can get an accurate assess-
ment of participation.
Disability Services to host tech
exposition to raise awareness
By Chandler Wright
Contributing Writer
Leadership UA is a leadership
development program for UA
sophomores and junior and is
currently taking applications for
the 2012-2013 class.
The main purpose of
Leadership UA is bridging the
gap between the freshman
level programs and when they
become officers of whatever
student organization theyre
in on campus, Nick Lambert,
the graduate assistant for
Leadership UA, said.
Lambert said Leadership UA
hopes to develop sophomores
and juniors so they can effec-
tively lead their organizations
on campus in senior leadership
We take them to different
leadership venues that they can
see first-hand leadership expe-
rience, so that when they come
back, theyre able to talk about
these things together to make
sure that those leadership skills
are developed, Lambert said.
Last year, Leadership UA
students travelled to
Montgomery and met with Gov.
Robert Bentley and others in the
state capitol, Lambert said.
Its an elite organization, and
we like to think that were really
going to develop these students
to become leaders of these top
tier organizations such as SGA,
IFC, Panhellenic, Academic
Honor Council, all those differ-
ent organizations, Lambert
Chelsea Ellis, a junior major-
ing in economics and political
science, said she met new peo-
ple from different backgrounds
through the program.
I learned a lot about how
to be polished and meet really
important people, Ellis said.
I wouldnt really know how to
shake the presidents hand or
something. Just meeting people
in general, I learned a lot of
sociable etiquette kind of skills.
This year, Lambert said,
Leadership UA will be split into
a statewide track and a global
The statewide track will be
similar to last year, and global
track will finish with a study
abroad trip in May to Athens,
Madrid and London, Lambert
said. Each year is going to have
a different theme depending
on whats going on around the
country and around the world.
Lambert said that this years
theme is economics and encour-
aged students interested in the
field to apply.
Its something you might not
be able to find in other organi-
zations to really develop your
leadership skills, Lambert said.
Once you graduate, your expe-
rience isnt over. You can carry
that into your job or whatever
you decide to do after college to
really keep further developing
those skills youve learn through
the programs.
Applications are due
Thursday by 4:45 p.m. in the
dean of students office in 230
Ferguson. The application can be
found online at
Go for it, Ellis said. You
dont really know until you get it.
Youre not going to get it unless
you try. It really is such a big
Leadership UA accepting
new sophomores, juniors
By Alan Alexander
Contributing Writer
The University of Alabama
campus is home to more than
7,000 students in 19 residence
halls, which are occasionally
subject to instances of malfunc-
Whether its an overflowing
toilet or a broken air condition-
ing unit, students rely on UA
Facilities to take care of the
It all starts with a work order.
If residents were to find their
hallway flooded, they would be
better off to leave their towels
hanging where they are and
make for their computer.
Students can submit an
online work order, which is
received by an office associ-
ate who assesses the sever-
ity of their problem, said Alicia
Browne, director of housing
administration. From there,
the issue is relayed to the appro-
priate division of facilities, and
technicians are dispatched to
resolve the problem.
To submit a work order, stu-
dents visit the Universitys
housing website for a work
order request form. The form
then prompts students to supply
basic information, such as the
building name, room number,
phone number and details of the
In the last fiscal year, we
received 38,000 work order
requests throughout the cam-
pus, Betty Drummond, a pro-
gram assistant with the cus-
tomer services office, said. The
majority of those requests dealt
with ventilation and plumbing.
UA Facilities is separated into
various divisions of labor that
include plumbing, heating, ven-
tilation, electrical maintenance,
elevator, general building main-
tenance and custodial services.
Clad in crimson work shirts
with The University of Alabama
Facilities embroidered in white
on their left breast, they are rou-
tinely seen driving around cam-
pus in Kawasaki Mules.
UA Facilities provides ser-
vices around the clock for the
complications that arise in the
middle of the night.
After normal duty hours,
UAPD receives calls and noti-
fies on-duty technicians or shop
managers of specific work that
gets requested, Duane Lamb,
assistant vice president for facil-
ities and grounds, said.
One such instance
occurred for a resident of
Ridgecrest West.
Lee McNorton, a junior major-
ing in engineering, returned
home late from studying at
Bruno Library to find his sink
Work order forms provide quick assistance
clogged and water overflowing
onto the floor and carpet. After
staunching the immediate flow,
he submitted a work order the
following morning.
They were very responsive
in attending to our problem
within the same day of request-
ing maintenance and stayed
until our carpet was cleaned and
dried, McNorton said.
For more serious issues, such
as severe leaks or the presence
of mold, UA Facilities will typi-
cally respond within 24 hours
of a submitted work order.
However, if less immediate prob-
lems arise, such as a resident
needing a bed frame raised or
window blinds fixed, the stu-
dents may have to wait a few
extra days.

In the last fiscal year, we

received 38,000 work
order requests throughout
the campus.

Betty Drummond

There are many [disabili-

ties] that are practically
invisible unless you know
what youre looking for.
Marion Stevens
To submit a work
order, go to and
submit a work order
request form.
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Editor | Lauren Ferguson
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Page 7
By Courtney Stinson
Staff Reporter
If you like to cut a rug but
club dancing isnt your style,
or if you simply want to step
up your dance moves, Crimson
Tide Ballroom Dancers might
be the place for you. They
will host a 1950s themed Sock
Hop at Forest Lake United
Methodist Church Friday from
7 to 10 p.m.
Founded in 2006, CTBD offers
an alternative venue for stu-
dents to interact, exercise and
enjoy the art of ballroom danc-
ing. CTBD promises a warm,
welcoming environment for
dancers of all skill levels, offer-
ing dance lessons prior to each
of their twice-monthly dances.
More experienced dancers will
also be available to help begin-
ners learn the steps during the
For those who would like
more instruction, CTBD is cur-
rently offering a free 12-week
dance course where they teach
the Foxtrot, Waltz, Rumba, Cha-
Cha and Hustle. The classes are
held on Sundays from 3 to 4 p.m.
at Calvary Baptist Church.
Julia Trippe, a junior major-
ing in New College, had no
dance experience prior to
attending several CTBD events
but said she has enjoyed learn-
ing new dances her favorite
being the Rumba and having
an unconventional outlet for
socializing with friends.
Its a really good way to
hang out with friends and have
fun and learn how to dance,
because Ive never really had
that opportunity before,
Trippe said.
Elaine Song, CTBD efficiency
coordinator, also lacked a dance
background when she joined
the group a year ago. She did
not particularly enjoy dancing
before joining but says that ball-
room dancing is an easy skill
to pick up and can set dancers
apart from the crowd.
What I really like about
[ballroom dancing] is at home-
coming and prom, people are
making it up and doing whatev-
er, but when youre [ballroom]
dancing, you look good and its
not that hard, Song said.
CTBD treasurer Tyler
Malone became a part of the
organization after taking a
social dance class at UA. Aside
from simply being fun, Malone
says being a part of the group
affords other social benefits,
particularly for young men.
Theres a very good girl to
guy ratio [at our events] thats
definitely in favor of the guys,
Malone said. A lot of single
girls like to dance.
CTBD founder Jimmy Kunz
is a prime example of Malones
statement. He met his wife
and CTBD co-founder Jennifer,
a former instructor at Fred
Astaire Dance Studio, through
ballroom dancing.
Though the group focuses
primarily on ballroom dances,
they also perform social dances
that are more familiar to the
general public, like the Cupid
Shuffle, the Wobble and the
Electric Slide.
Everybody loves the line
dances that we do because they
are like a social meet-and-greet,
and you dance with everybody,
especially the barn dance,
Kunz said. These are relaxed
and low key.
Kunz understands what it is
like to be a beginner. He was
very nervous when he began
dancing over 10 years ago, but
dancing has become a part of
life for Kunz, so beginners need
not be too intimidated to join in.
The first time I went [ball-
room dancing], I was told I was
going to a party, and I spent
most of the night glued to a
chair, Kunz said. Once the
instructors got me out of the
chair, I began to loosen up and
really enjoy myself.
A $5 donation is requested of
students for all CTBD events,
$7 for the general public or $12
per couple. A Swing lesson for
beginners will begin at 6 p.m.
For more information and a
schedule of CTBD events, visit
Crimson Tide Ballroom Dancers to host Sock Hop
By Asher Elbein
Named after the small
Midwestern town where
Superman grew up, the series
Smallville follows Clark Kent
on his journey toward becom-
ing the greatest superhero in
the world. Seeking to create a
grounded and realistic show,
the producers hit upon a simple
rule: Clark Kent would never
put on a costume. Nor would
he fly. The paradox this created
a show starring Superman
who never acts like Superman
would simply be glossed over.
To say that this approach
leads to problems is something
of an understatement. Even a
good show would have trouble
with it. And Smallville is not a
good show.
To begin with, the charac-
terization is a mess. From the
first episode, Clark Kent is not
once presented as a heroic
or likable lead. Instead hes
an angsty jerk who takes his
friends for granted and dith-
ers, Hamlet-like, before he can
bring himself to save anybody.
Lex Luther, Clarks friend and
eventual bitter enemy, is pre-
sented at the outset as an inter-
esting, relatable man whose
long descent into villainy has
as much to do with Clarks
persistent selfishness as with
any kind of adaptational inevi-
tability. Smallvilles explana-
tion for why Lex Luther hates
Superman is so convincing that
its easy to follow his example.
The poor writing doesnt
stop there. Smallville begins
as a romantic soap opera mas-
querading as a superhero show,
an approach that works until
the creators get ambitious.
Clarks world rapidly expands
into comic book scenarios on
which the show has neither
the means nor the interest to
follow through. Supervillains
shuffle amid the romantic
drama, posing for the camera
before being quickly packed
off to limbo. Storylines are not
resolved so much as buried
alive, and those left uncovered
often collapse under the weight
of their own contrivance. Amid
all of this, supporting charac-
ters begin to don costumes of
various kinds. Clark, mindful
of the shows number one rule,
sticks to a jacket. By the time
the eighth season begins, all
pretense of a grounded, real-
istic show has been thrown
out the window. By the 10th
and final season, sanity has
joined it.
Laying aside the obvious
question of how the show last-
ed 10 years, its worth noting
that the final season is where
the Smallville completely frac-
tures under its own premise.
The show that wont let Clark
dress or act like Superman has
him join the Justice League,
marry Lois Lane, and meet
all manner of characters who
shouldnt yet exist. When
Supergirl and Superboy are
introduced before Superman
has so much as tried on a cape,
its the last straw. By the time
Clark finally dons the famous
costume, hes the only person
in the cast who hasnt yet worn
one. Those viewers still watch-
ing are too worn out to care.
Smallville is not entirely
without merit. The actors are
pretty, and all of them remem-
ber their lines. The presentation
is almost professional. To the
best of my knowledge, the show
has yet to actually kill anyone.
If youre looking for a 10-sea-
son-long exercise in delayed
gratification, a Superman story
written by and for people who
dont like Superman, then this
is absolutely the show for you.
Superman show fails without bringing in key concepts from original comics
Dancers practice at a CTBD event.
UA show choir resembles Glee
By Alicia Perez
Contributing Writer
Resonance, the UA-run show
choir, allows students to expe-
rience their own real-life ver-
sion of the hit television show
Catchy songs and intense
dance numbers are just a little
part of the package deal and is
why director Garrett Lindsey
said the Universitys show
choir is Glee on steroids.
We literally tell people who
come up to us and ask that we
are our own version of Glee,
Lindsey said. We create really
intense choreography and sing
as a group; were nowhere near
as solo-driven as the charac-
ters on the show.
A junior majoring in choral
music education, Lindsey first
joined the program as a fresh-
Originally, Lindsey started
out as the bass section leader,
worked his way up to the musi-
cal director and currently acts
as the director.
I lead all rehearsals, play
a large role in choosing our
shows set lists, when and
where we perform, and I occa-
sionally help choreograph
some of our performances,
Lindsey said.
Rehearsals are held two
times a week, one to practice
the song portion, the other for
the dance. The group works to
create original pieces that will
stand out from other groups
and performances.
I occasionally meet with
other members of the group
to help choreograph different
numbers; however, the majori-
ty of the time, its done by other
members of the show choir,
Lindsey said. They always do
a fantastic job.
Anyone interested is wel-
come to audition; however,
prior singing or performing
experience is recommended.
Auditions consist of a singing
and dancing portion.
Usually the applicants are
Page 8 | Thursday, September 13, 2012 NEWS OPINION CULTURE SPORTS
Moundville to host
archeological event
By Becky Robinson
Contributing Writer
A few miles outside
of Tuscaloosa sits the
Moundville Archaeological
Park, an ancient Native
American site and a part of
The University of Alabama
For several years, the
park has hosted events
aimed at teaching the pub-
lic about Southeastern
Native American culture.
One such event is called
Saturday in the Park, where
local experts come together
to educate the community
about Southeastern Native
American arts and traditions.
Tyler Fox, an Americorps
VISTA at Moundville,
has been participating in
Saturday in Park since March.
He helped create the schedule
of artists for this years events
and will be giving a gardening
class on Sept. 22.
At its height, Moundville
was the largest city north of
Mexico City, Fox said. Many
people dont realize the rich
cultural significance that is
right in our backyard.
Fox said programs like
Saturday in the Park show-
case what life was like for the
Native Americans who once
lived in the area. He said that
on a typical Saturday, there
are many activities for partici-
pants to choose from such as
pottery, textiles, flute making
and interpretations of native
Betsy Irwin, the educa-
tion outreach coordinator
for Moundville, oversees the
educational programs for
Saturday in the Park and
often contributes her artistic
skills to the events.
Irwin said she has been
making pots and ceram-
ics for over 30 years, focus-
ing on the techniques used
by the Southeastern Native
Americans. She has been
involved with Saturday in the
Park since 1991.
When people think of
Indian art, they normally
envision the type of art pro-
duced by the Southwestern
tribes, Irwin said. Many
people dont realize how
incredibly complex and beau-
tiful Southeastern Indian art
As part of University
Museums, the Moundville
Archaeological Park is dedi-
cated to preserving and
researching the Moundville
site, while providing a place
for locals to enjoy.
Fox and Irwin have both
enjoyed their time working
with Saturday in the Park.
Irwin said her favorite part
is learning the different pro-
cesses for making art and see-
ing the childrens reactions to
the lessons.
For Fox, the most important
part is what people take away
from the event.
My hope is that the
Saturday in the Park program
will resonate a little deeper in
someone than just being able
to recite facts, Fox said. Its
great if someone learns a new
skill or fact, but hopefully the
takeaway is much deeper than
surface level.
Moundvilles Saturday in
the Park runs almost every
weekend from August to
December and is free with
park admission. For more
information, go to moundville.
only required to sing one
song, and the dance audi-
tion is done over the course
of two days, he said. There
is a dance clinic and the
actual audition. The dance
clinic is held just to teach
the required dance, and then
people are put into groups of
five to perform.
For Morgan Mullen, a
sophomore majoring in child
development, show choir has
provided a family away from
They have definitely
turned into my family,
Mullen said. We spend so
much time together, and we
all know each other really
well. Its such a creative out-
let and a great way to make
Mullen, who is the presi-
dent of Resonance, coordi-
nates all the business aspects
of the group, including order-
ing merchandise, scheduling
venues and assisting with
Over the course of the
year, Resonance holds sev-
eral shows showcasing the
groups talent. This year, the
group hopes to perform at
high school choir competi-
tions as an exhibition, hop-
ing to promote the name and
popularity of the group.
We sing the national
anthem at some sporting
events, and we have held
charity cabaret concerts in
the past on campus, but that
money was donated to an
outside cause, Lindsey said.
Despite the major audi-
tions already having been
held for the year, the show
choir occasionally holds
additional auditions in order
to replace members who may
have left for various reasons.
Anyone interested should
contact the group at uareso-
Its such a great way to
explore singing and danc-
ing, especially if you arent
majoring in either one while
at the University, Mullen

Many people dont realize

how incredibly complex
and beautiful Southeastern
Indian art is.
Betsy Irwin
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Tide faces 1st SEC teams
By Charlie Potter
Contributing Writer
The Alabama cross country
teams will begin their confer-
ence schedule this Saturday,
Sept. 15 in the Commodore
Classic in Nashville, Tenn. The
men will participate in an 8,000
meter race that begins at 9:00
a.m., and their female counter-
parts will run 6,000 meters at
9:45 a.m.
This will be the first SEC test
of the season for the Tide, but
adding to that challenge, it will
be their first road meet.
The SEC is tough in any-
thing, Palee Myrex, a junior
from Bremen, Ala., said.
Everybody is good.
Prominent SEC schools will
be represented at the invi-
tational race. Georgia, LSU,
Mississippi State, Ole Miss,
South Carolina, Tennessee and
host school Vanderbilt will chal-
lenge the Tides young squad.
Nerves will be an issue the
freshmen on the team will
have to manage, but Myrex
has noticed toughness and grit
among her first-year team-
mates. Still, they will be intro-
duced to an entirely new world
once they arrive in the Music
I remember my first big
meet, Myrex said. It was a lot
different than high school.
Head coach Dan Waters is
approaching the meet as a mea-
suring tool to determine how far
along his young roster is in their
Its the first opportunity our
freshmen have to face SEC com-
petition, so its a good measure
of us for this early in the sea-
son, Waters said. With that
in mind, our athletes have to
approach it with the right atti-
Waters said that his freshmen
chose to come to the Capstone
because of the opportunity to
compete against other elite
athletes. He expects them to be
ready and perform well against
top competititors, an opportu-
nity they will get in Nashville.
I expect our team to be ready
to compete and expect to be con-
tenders, Waters said. We need
to approach every competition
with the mindset that we are
going out there to win. I think
thats especially important for
us now because of the youth of
our team. If we are to reach the
goals that we have in mind, we
have to approach every competi-
tion with the right mindset.
Sophomore Matt Joyner and
Myrex finished as top perform-
ers in the Crimson Tide Kick Off,
the teams first meet of the sea-
son. With their experience and
leadership, Joyner and Myrex
will look to lead the Tide to vic-
tory in the Commodore Classic.
We want to show up and
have a good showing for the
SEC, Myrex said.
The races will take place at
Vaughns Gap in Nashvilles
Percy Warner Park. This course
is considered to be one of the
most scenic but challenging
courses in the SEC. It will also
serve as the running course for
the conference championships
later in the year.
CW | Jingyu Wan
The Alabama cross country teams will begin their conference schedule this Saturday, Sept. 15 in the
Commodore Classic.
NEWS OPINION CULTURE SPORTS Thursday, September 13, 2012 | Page 9
By Rebekah Dye
Contributing Writer
The Alabama volleyball team is
off to its hottest start in 33 years
with an 11-1 record, which will be
put to the test when the Crimson
Tide faces the LSU Tigers Friday.
I think we have our work cut
out for us, head coach Ed Allen
said. The SEC is the SEC. It is
one of the best four leagues in the
country, and we brought nine new
players in, so they are going to
have to adjust to all of that.
Senior Kayla Fitterer is off to a
solid start this season after hav-
ing an offseason setback. With
minor foot surgery, she was day-
to-day for matches and practice
for much of preseason. Now, hav-
ing been cleared to play every
game, she is back to start the rest
of the season.
Were just really ready to start
SEC, Fitterer said. Our confi-
dence is up, which is really good
heading into SECs.
LSU, the 2011 SEC West cham-
pion, has had a rocky start to its
season. With a 4-5 record and a
hitting average of just .160, the
Tigers dont seem to be the cham-
pions the SEC saw last year. They
have had setbacks this season,
with five newcomers and four
straight weekends on the road,
but the Tigers will be a tough-
minded team against the Tide.
LSU leads the all-time series
32-21 and has won the past 11
matches against Alabama. Over
the past 10 years, the Tigers have
averaged a .258 hitting percent-
age against Alabama but only .218
when Alabama has home court.
The low hitting percentage, com-
bined with the setbacks from the
season, could pose problems for
the Tigers.
With the Tides strong start,
confidence and maintaining poise
are going to be key to ultimately
coming out with a victory Friday
Just going in and staying
focused and playing our game
[are the keys to winning],
Fitterer said. We know we can
win, we are 11-1, so [were] just
staying confident, focused and
steady and not getting flustered.
Keeping up the momentum
and working hard keeps the team
focused and motivated to go out
and win every match.
I dont think anybody is ready
to become complacent, freshman
outside hitter Laura Steiner said.
We know we have a lot of work
to do, so no worries of that hap-
LSU is the first night of SEC
play for the Tide, and coach
Allen expects strong competition
between the two teams.
We are going to be a whole
lot more competitive, Allen said.
We expect to win some SEC
matches, for sure.
Conference play starts with LSU
What: Alabama vs. LSU
Where: Foster Auditorium
When: 7 p.m. Friday
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Players prepare
for tournament
By Aldo Amato
Staff Reporter
First-year mens tennis
head coach George Hussack is
looking to open up his career
at the Capstone with domi-
nant play in the Duke Fab Four
The Crimson Tide mens
tennis team has faltered over
the years, especially during
the latter part of the season.
Last year, the Tide went 2-9
in conference matchups and
lacked consistency through-
out the fall and spring sea-
The Tide will be sending
four players to Cary, N.C.,
this weekend including senior
Jerryd Botha, juniors Daniil
Proskura and Carlos Taborga,
and freshman Becker
Hussack said he is look-
ing for the team to show con-
sistent competitive spirit in
his first competition as head
What Im
looking for
this weekend
is for the four
guys to com-
pete, he said.
I want to just
see how these
four guys han-
dle match situ-
ations against
people who
are not their
Hussack spent the past
three seasons as the assistant
head coach for the University
of Southern California
Trojans, who have won the
last four NCAA titles, before
being tapped as the new head
coach at Alabama.
Despite only being with
the team for a short period
of time, Hussack said he has
gelled somewhat with his
players and found leadership
roles in a fresh start for the
Crimson Tide.
I feel like everyone has
been very energetic and
responsive, he said. I feel
like everyone is clear on what
we have to do, so were all on
the same page.
Hussack said he has relied
on senior leadership to begin
the season but is looking for
each of his players to step up
in their own leadership role.
Ive leaned a bit more on
our two seniors Jarryd Botha
and Harris Barnard, he
said. But Ive really relied
on everybody to do their own
The fall season is normally
considered a growing period
for collegiate tennis players,
and Hussack said he expects
this weekends tournament to
be no different.
I think it is a great chal-
lenge and a great opportunity
for the guys to get into the sea-
son, he said. I really think
they are going
to be able to take
a lot away from
this event.
One thing
Hussack said
he would like to
not only see this
weekend, but
throughout the
entire season, is
consistent and
quality play in
both the singles
and doubles competitions.
The Tide struggled in both
areas last season, but Hussack
said he is more focused on the
future and not the past.
You know, I think we need
contributions from every-
where, he said. Were going
to need contributions from
everyone, one through six.
Whatever happened last year,
happened last year.
Setting the time for new season
By Aldo Amato
Staff Reporter
The Crimson Tide womens
tennis team is looking to begin its
fall campaign with a strong show-
ing in Cary, N.C., at the Duke Fab
Four Invite.
Head coach Jenny Mainz, who
is entering her 16th season at
the helm of the womens tennis
program, said despite the recent
success the team has had in
past years, there is still room for
improvement in the fall season.
Well its been a while since
the girls have competed, Mainz
said. So I think the biggest thing
through the fall is setting the tone
in the first tournament and sharp-
ening up. Our goal is to be com-
petitive and compete with a lot of
Competitive is exactly what the
Tide has been in recent years.
Last year, the team maintained
a top-10 ranking throughout its
spring schedule. Mainz said the
tournaments in the fall help pre-
pare her players for both confer-
ence and non-conference oppo-
nents, beginning with the Duke
Fab Four Invite.
The Tide will send four play-
ers including No. 10 ranked junior
Mary Anne MacFarlane, sopho-
more Emily Zabor, and fresh-
men Maya Jansen and Natalia
Maynetto. The team will get its
first look at a new SEC opponent,
Texas A&M, among other schools
that Mainz said were among the
nations elite.
The competition is very good,
Mainz said. Its a great field and
some of those teams finished top
five or top 10 in the country, so its
not just them going into their first
tournament because they certain-
ly will be thrown into the fire.
Although winning the tourna-
ment is a primary goal, Mainz
said she is more focused on seeing
how her players compete early
on and learn some of the teams
strengths and weaknesses.
You know, I just want to see
how they compete, she said. Im
sure we are going to come back
after the completion of the tour-
nament and identify some things
we need to work on, so thats
what the tournament is for too.
Improvement is what Mainz
said she preaches to her team
every day in order to maintain
the individual and team success
the Tide has enjoyed the past
couple of seasons.
Champions realize its a pro-
cess to be respected, Mainz said.
I say to the team daily, Lets get
UA Athletics
Alabama womens and mens tennis begins its fall season this weekend at the Duke Fab Four Invite.
Page 10 | Thursday, September 13, 2012 NEWS OPINION CULTURE SPORTS
a little bit better today, lets take
one step forward and lets chip
After only a single practice,
Mainz said she is impressed with
her players work ethic and prep-
aration for the fall tournaments.
The girls are working hard,
she said. The spirit of the team
and the charisma seems very
energetic and very positive.
The two senior captains, Alexa
Gaurachi and Antonia Foehse,
have done a good job at establish-
ing leadership.
Mainz said although it is the
teams first competition, it is still
crucial to see how the team per-
forms in order to establish a win-
ning culture this fall.
I think its not only important
that we represent Alabama well,
she said, but also set the tone on
how we want to start the season.

I feel like everyone is clear

on what we have to do
so were all on the same
George Hussack
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Editor | Marquavius Burnett
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Page 12
By Zac Al-Khateeb
Staff Reporter
If the Alabama football team
was able to take any lesson
away from its game against
Western Kentucky on Saturday,
its that it cant afford not to play
up to its standards, regardless
of the opponent.
The Crimson Tide will see if
it was able to learn that lesson
this weekend when it travels
to Fayetteville, Ark., to take on
the Arkansas Razorbacks, a
team that, much like the Tide,
didnt play up to its standards
Saturday the Razorbacks lost
a stunner to the University of
Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
34-31 in overtime.
In that game, no Arkansas
rusher eclipsed 100 yards,
including junior Knile Davis,
and the defense gave up over
500 yards of total offense to the
Despite the Razorbacks per-
formance against what many
believe was an inferior oppo-
nent, Alabama head coach Nick
Saban said he wasnt going to
let their loss affect the way his
team prepared for the game.
They had a very difficult
misfortune in the last game
that they werent able to over-
come, Saban said. But we still
have to expect that were going
to get their very best perfor-
mance, and we need to have our
very best performance if were
going to be able to play the kind
of game we need to play on
the road and have a chance to
be successful against what we
think is a very, very good team.
Indeed, rather than use their
loss as an excuse not to prepare,
Alabama is instead expecting to
motivate the Razorbacks head-
ing into the game.
Junior quarterback AJ
McCarron said, more than any-
thing, Arkansas loss would
only serve to make the team
Yeah, definitely, McCarron
said. They still got a chance to
win the SEC. Theyre definitely
going to throw everything in
the book at u s .
We r e
goi ng
t o
have to
be ready f o r
the things t h e y v e
shown us on film, things that
they havent and things theyre
going to come up with.
Still, Arkansas loss to the
Warhawks isnt the only thing
that may serve as a distraction
for Alabama. Arkansas senior
quarterback Tyler Wilson,
whos thrown for 568 yards and
five touchdowns so far this
season, suffered a head injury
against ULM and is question-
able to play in Saturdays game.
Regardless, Saban said he
wasnt going to let his play-
ers assume theyd be playing
against freshman quarterback
Brandon Allen, Wilsons back-
Nobody here should be feel-
ing warm and cozy about the
other teams circumstance or
situation, Saban said. We
need to be thinking about what
we need to do to be success-
ful, regardless of who plays in
the game.
The message seems to have
stuck with Sabans defensive
players, as seniors Robert
Lester and Nico Johnson have
both said theyre preparing
as if Wilson is going to play.
Lester said even if he doesnt
play, Arkansas other playmak-
ers on offense would be more
than enough to make up for his
Were looking at it as if he is
going to play, Lester said. And
even if he doesnt, Arkansas has
great players and their backups
are more than capable of com-
ing in and managing the game
and making plays.
S t i l l ,
despite all the questions
surrounding Arkansas
team, McCarron said the only
thing his team should worry
about is what it can control:
improving on last weeks per-
formance over the Hilltoppers.
Alabamas defense didnt
seem to play with the same
intensity as usual, and the
offensive line, considered pos-
sibly one of the nations best,
gave up six sacks on McCarron.
Even on special teams, sopho-
more wide receiver Christion
Jones let a few punts go that
he should have fielded.
For McCarron, improve-
ments can be made all
over the field.
Kind of a let-
down week to our
standards, so were
definitely going to
have to step it up,
McCarron said. First
SEC game, in-confer-
ence game, so well
definitely have
to be on our
A- game
c o m e
t h i s
Both sides of Saturday: Preview of Alabama-Arkansas
By Andrew Hutchinson
Staff Writer for The Arkansas Traveler
1. Forget Last Week
The clich, just take one
game at a time has been
used for years in sports. Most
often, it is used for teams that
have big games in the weeks
ahead, but it can also apply to
teams coming off bad losses.
Arkansas should
not have lost to
the University
of Louisiana-
Monroe, and
e v e r y o n e
knows it. The
must com-
p l e t e l y
put the
g a m e
o u t
of their
minds in
order to com-
pete against Alabama.
2. No Needless Penalties
Two weeks in a row,
Arkansas has been
penalized for unsports-
manlike conduct for hitting
a player after he was out of
bounds. These penalties give
opponents a first down and move
them up 15 yards. With an offense as
potent as Alabamas, Arkansas cant
afford to give them second chances.
Likewise, if the Hogs are moving the
ball on Alabamas stiff defense, they
cant afford to lose yards with false
3. Offensive/Defensive Line
The Crimson Tide is
known for its hard-
nosed, physical play on
both sides of the ball.
On the offensive line,
Alabama is led by reigning Outland
Trophy winner Barrett Jones, as well
as two other potential first-round NFL
draft picks (D.J. Fluker and Chance
Warmack). They open gaping holes
for running backs and provide quar-
terback A.J. McCarron ample time to
find open receivers. On the defensive
line, Alabama averages 64 299 lbs.
two deep. Theyll challenge Arkansas
relatively inexperienced offensive line.
Both Arkansas lines must step up their
game, and players must fill the holes
left in the offense and defense by Kiero
Small and Tevin Mitchel, respectively,
if Arkansas is to have a chance.
4. Wrap Up on Defense
Several plays against ULM almost
resulted in sacks, but Arkansas defend-
ers couldnt bring down quarterback
Kolton Browning. They were getting a
hand on him but never wrapped him
up, allowing him to escape and make
plays. Also, when the Hogs hit ULMs
running backs and wide receivers, it
usually took a couple players to tackle
them. If Arkansas gets past Alabamas
stellar offensive line, they must capi-
talize and sack McCarron or tackle
their running back.
5. Fan Support
Arkansas is coming off its most
embarrassing loss since losing to The
Citadel in 1992, and some would argue
this is worse than that loss. Fans are
not happy, but that doesnt mean they
shouldnt support the team. The play-
ers have practiced all year and are not
going out there and intentionally los-
ing. Hog fans that boo them should be
ashamed of themselves. As much as
players say they dont listen to nega-
tivity, they still hear it. If Arkansas
fans pack out Donald W. Reynolds
Razorback Stadium, it becomes a very
hostile environment for the visiting
team. Fans need to come and encour-
age the team so that the Razorbacks
can make the most of the home field
Five keys to an Arkansas victory over Alabama Tide not paying attention to Arkansas loss to ULM
rron said, more than any-
Arkansas loss would
serve to make the team
ah, definitely, McCarron
They still got a chance to
he SEC. Theyre definitely
to throw everything in
book at u s .
ready f o r
hings t h e y v e
n us on film, things that
avent and things theyre
to come up with.
, Arkansas loss to the
awks isnt the only thing
may serve as a distraction
abama. Arkansas senior
erback Tyler Wilson,
thrown for 568 yards and
ouchdowns so far this
n, suffered a head injury
st ULM and is question-
o play in Saturdays game.
ardless, Saban said he
t going to let his play-
ssume theyd be playing
st freshman quarterback
on Allen, Wilsons back-
body here should be feel-
arm and cozy about the
teams circumstance or
ion, Saban said. We
o be thinking about what
ed to do to be success-
gardless of who plays in
message seems to have
with Sabans defensive
rs, as seniors Robert
and Nico Johnson have
said theyre preparing
Wilson is going to play.
said even if he doesnt
Arkansas other playmak-
n offense would be more
Were looking at it as if he is
going to play, Lester said. And
even if he doesnt, Arkansas has
great players and their backups
are more than capable of com-
ing in and managing the game
and making plays.
S t i l l ,
despite all the questions
surrounding Arkansas
team, McCarron said the only
thing his team should worry
about is what it can control:
improving on last weeks per-
formance over the Hilltoppers.
Alabamas defense didnt
seem to play with the same
intensity as usual, and the
offensive line, considered pos-
sibly one of the nations best,
gave up six sacks on McCarron.
Even on special teams, sopho-
more wide receiver Christion
Jones let a few punts go that
he should have fielded.
For McCarron, improve-
ments can be made all
over the field.
Kind of a let-
down week to our
standards, so were
definitely going to
have to step it up,
McCarron said. First
SEC game, in-confer-
ence game, soo we well
definitely y hhave
to be on on our r
A- ga game me me
c oo mm eeeeeeee
t h iii sssssssssss
eendd. .
Staff Writer for The Arkansas Traveler
1. Forget Last Week
The clich, just take o
game at a time has be
used for years in sports. M
often, it is used for teams t
have big games in the wee
ahead, but it can also apply
teams coming off bad loss
Arkansas shou
not have lost
the Univers
of Louisian
Monroe, a
e v e r y o n
knows it. T
must co
p l e t e
g a m
o u
of th
order to co
pete against Alabam
2. No Needless Penalt
Two weeks in a r
Arkansas has be
penalized for unspor
manlike conduct for hitt
a player after he was out
bounds. These penalties g
opponents a first down and mo
them up 15 yards. With an offense
potent as Alabamas, Arkansas ca
afford to give them second chanc
Likewise, if the Hogs are moving
ball on Alabamas stiff defense, th
ca can n t t afford to lose yards with fa
st st st s arts.
3. OOffensive/Defensive Lin
Th he e Crimson Tide
kn kn kn kkkkkkkknow wn for its ha
nnnooo no nnnnn seed, physical play
bbbbbo oo bo b th h sides of the b
OOOOOOOn OOOO the offensive li
e A
s Tra

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