Love Quotes

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Love is when you care about someone more than you care about yourself.

Lust is when you want to sleep with them. Infatuation is when you can't stop thinking about someone, and you desperately want to spend as much time with them as possible. Usually when you aren't sure if it's love or lust, it's really infatuation.....!
1. Most people have this feeling inside them but are not sure whether it is simple affection, a crush or maybe love. Well love is a lot more stronger word than simple affection and attraction towards someone. You're happy when your partner is with you. If you feel joy when your partner is happy and just a mere smile or his/her face gives you happiness than you are definitely in love with that person. Love is all about feeling one with your partner therefore you tend to enjoy all joys, lovely moments, moments of satisfaction with your partner and an unexplainably powerful internal feeling with that person.

2. When after a hectic schedule and a bad day at work, a glimpse of him/her can make you forget about all the bad things that had happened to you that day. 3. You get jealous when they talk about the another guy who likes her 4. You know you were in love with someone when no matter what they do, or how bad they hurt you, you will ALWAYS care. 5. You feel like being an open book- When you love someone you feel like being an open book and tend to share some of your biggest secret which you would never even share with your closest of friends. Love makes you surrender totally and you feel like pouring your heart out. 6. You talk without getting bored. Mostly when it's just a mere crush or attraction you would easily get bored after a while. Everything would just seem boring and you would not feel like carrying on any more. But when you are in love you would always have something to talk about, it would never get boring no matter how long and how much you talk. 7. Do you care for your partner just as you care for your family? And get sad when your partner is sad or maybe get happy when you partner is? Love is all about caring and sharing. And if you treat your partner just like you treat your family than you are definitely in love. 8. If you are ready to sacrifice with your habits, likes for your partners comfort then you are definitely in love. Love is all about sacrifices and compromises and if you are truly in love you would not mind being committed and making sacrifices for the one you love. 9. You walk really slowly when youre with them. 10. You smile when you hear their voice. 11. You start listening to slow songs while thinking about them. 12. To care about a person more than you CARE about yourself 13. You get lost in your conversations, and the hours pass like minutes. You're more than willing to listen to her when she talks about her day. The chemistry between you is remarkable. 14. Even if you catch her with no makeup on and her hair pulled back while she's unclogging a bath, she still looks beautiful to you.

15. She makes you want to be a better man. 16. You want to spend more n more time with her and you see a future together. 17. You find her beautiful than anyone. 18. You experience the strange feeling that your life would be totally empty without her. You tell your friends and family that she may be The One, and you're even thinking about marrying her. 19. You become more romantic than past. 20. All of a sudden you find yourself listening to cheesy romantic songs and thinking of her. You send her gifts and love notes to work and set up romantic. 21. She challenges and motivates you. She makes you happy, and you'd do anything to make her happy. 22. When it is love, you catch yourself thinking about how much fun you have with that person. 23. You feel complete and happy just holding hands or talking with them and when you do have just physical touch an explosion takes place each time with a fresh and new feeling every time. 24. If you love being in their presence even when nothing sexual is involved. It means that if you are with a person that you truly are in love with. 25. They're the last person you think about before you go to bed, and the first person you think about in the morning. 26. Love is when u cant see yourself with no one else when she is beautiful not sexy and just cute when u talked to her about nothing for hours and think is cute love is u make plans with her in your future 27. When you feel like you cant live without him/her. 28. Being someones everything. 29. Mutual passion and understanding. 30. An unexplainable attractive/magnetic force which cannot be control. 31. An irrevocable moment in life that makes you to change for him/her. 32. Sharing lifes most intimate details 33. If you find yourself anxious to be with him/her...if you enjoy your time with him/her...if you think about him/her all the time...feel that you are going to be together forever.....dream about him/her...can't stop talking about him/her...find yourself wanting to please him/her...get protective over him...always hoping and wishing he/she will call, text, or come by and see you, etc....

34. You feel different whenever you walk with her and have a hard time talking to her. Like you don't know what to say, or ramble on about nothing, little bit nerves. Another thing is you find yourself daydreaming about him or staring at him. (I do this sooo much!) 35. If someone says anything even slightly disparaging about her, you immediately rise to her defense. Furthermore, in social gatherings, you always agree with her even if you disagree behind closed doors. 36. To love someone unconditionally means that you love the person exactly as they are, exactly as they were before, and exactly as they will be in the future because people (nature, habits) get change all the time, so if you love the person, you will love them even if they become something you disagree with. 37. The butterfly stomach feeling, can't stop thinking about them, smile when you think of them or feel a surge in your stomach when you think of them. 38. Also when you know you probably know you love them but you don't want to admit it for some reason, and you get the butterfly feeling when debating to yourself about whether you do or not. There is a fine line between caring [a lot] about someone and loving them, or maybe that's just me being unsure. 39. While reading this, there was one person on your mind this whole time. It means you are in love with that person. Go n catch him/her, remember if he/her will left from your life no

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