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Alor Incident By Ranko Di Motti

inspired by true events

EXT PAG ISLAND - PAG CITY - CENTER - NIGHT Empty streets. Suddenly we see small rock flying vertically across. Then another, bigger one. It smashes against the pavement. A man appears from the dark and witness unusual scene. We see one of the rocks flying in front of historic church and Ducal Palace. Another witness also appears, no rocks hit any of them. INT INTERNET - RANDOM NEWS CLIPS We see forum and newsgroups, spreading the news about the event at Pag. We see background story, how Pag was plagued with UFO incidents in the past. INT MICHAELS HOME - USA We see Michael at his desk, in front of laptop and tablet. Grabbing the phone he awaits response. MICHAEL (Greets Dado. Asks how hes doing) DADO We see Dado in his apartment. (greets back, asks whats the occasion, will they meet again) MICHAEL (Confirms, asks him about events at Pag. In conversation we found out that theyve been there before.) DADO (Informs him about expecting a baby in 7 months.) MICHAEL (Is happy for him. Goes back to Pag subject. Asks him if he wants to return there once more.) DADO (Asks when, how long)




MICHAEL (Plan is about a week, short time. Will get wage as last time) INT DADOS HOME - CROATIA They agree the excursion as soon as Michael arrives. Dado sits in front of computer screen and searches photos of Michael and him. He finds the directory and opens it. His wife joins. DIANA (Asks about the conversation, when are they going) DADO (Answers) DIANA (Argues that she wants to go, too. She was not with them the last time, they were not together then) We see the pictures of Pags triangle ("Paski trokut") taken by Michael and Dado. EXT PAG ISLAND - PAG CITY - CENTER - DAY Dado, Michael and Diana drive to parking place and walk out of the car. We hear the converation, Michael insisting not to oversleep at their place, heading for Pag as soon as possible as priority for him. At the city vendors they meet with locals and investigate the events. We soon find out that there are talks about strangers at Alor village, at the other part of the island. EXT - ALOR VILLAGE - DAY We see desolated road heading to Alor, with Alor sign at the right. Paul is walking along the road. He has backpack. He walks away from the road and sits on a stone, looking at stones beneath. He takes out a notebook and writes something. Then he gaze at direction of Alor village. CAMERA IS MOVING AWAY, PASSES ALOR HOUSES AND VILLAGERS, MOVING AWAY IN THE DISTANCE. WE SEE AREA OF PAG TRIANGLE. AND HEAR ONLY WIND. CAMERA MOVES A LITTLE BIT FURTHER. IT (CONTINUED)



STOPS AT ANOTHER DESOLATED PLACE OUTSIDE ALOR. WE SEE BLACK MILITARY BOOT IN FRONT, PASSES OUT OF SCREEN AND OTHERS WALKING BY. EXT - NOVALJA TOWN - APARTMENT - DAY Dado, Michael and Diana unload bags from the car and enter apartment. Michael greets lady landlord and she shows them in. INT - APARTMENT - DAY LADY LANDLORD (She talks while showing their rooms; "We dont get many tourists off season.") DADO (Asks in croatian and translates immediately to Michael; "Did you heard about UFO sightings around the island?") LADY LANDLORD She looks at him, silently looking at him. EXT - ALOR OUTSKIRTS - DAY Dado, Michael and Diana arrive at Alor. They park by the main road. DADO (Telling them to go visit Pag Triangle and then return to Alor) DIANA (Asks whats the terrain like) They walk out to rocky surroundings and chat along. Diana asks Michael what Lady landlord told to Dado. MICHAEL ("She also said about Alor and some strange people appearing", he answers briefly)




DADO (Hands over a map to Diana, explaining they dont need it for this path, its not far away) We see them approaching triangle site, walking slow because of sharp stones along the path. Finally at the site, they meet Paul. They greet each other. EXT - PAG TRIANGLE SITE, DAYTIME MICHAEL (Asks him if he is from The States) PAUL (No, Canada, he answers.) They chat about what they do here, Dado asks him did he hear about strange people appearing. Paul answers he didnt see stranger, but also heard rumors. He is excited about them exploring UFO stories and they invite him to join them on the way back. They invite him to hike around Alor, maybe theyll spot phantom strangers. HIKING AROUND ALOR, WITH TIME SUN IS SETTING EXT - OUTSIDE ALOR, SUN IS SETTING DOWN, BONFIRE PLACE Michael, Dado, Diana and Paul are sitting along the beach, near Alor village. DIANA (commenting, "From afar it looks like Moons surface, but its really sharp rocks, Ive almost ruined my shoes") PAUL (yes, stones on this island are very special. It is said that there are many spring water inside the sea, coming from the Velebit mountain range across the channel sea.) DADO (Yes, this island doesnt have its own source of water)




MICHAEL (Gazing at the stars, comments how clearly you can see them. Comments about light polution in the west and how sky above south Europe is better for viewing the stars.) EXT - NIGHTSKY, DUSK, BONFIRE We see now only nightsky and stars. We hear in the background Michael, Dado and Diana talking, however we cant hear them clearly. Suddenly a small star appears to move and disappear. A second later another one appears with motion across the sky. As camera moves across the nightsky following moving stars, we can hear their conversation comprehensible. The moving meteor changes direction at sharp angle with various speed pattern. DIANA (We hear her comment: "Look!" and we see her pointing to the sky) We see night sky and one star shining very bright and then subdues into darkness - and in the next moment reappears as diminished moving light. DIANA, MICHAEL, DADO, PAUL (commenting, "What?" "whoa" "what is that") A few other stars appear to move in random fashion. EXT - SOME HOUSE IN ALOR - NIGHT The street is empty. Three figures in dark blue uniform appear at the dark corners of the street. They move to the window and they watch inside. Camera zooms above their heads and we see what theyre looking. Three persons are sitting at the table, talking and drinking. Suddenly one villager walks by them and shouts. They turn around, surround him and grab him quickly. EXT - NIGHT, BONFIRE Dado, Michael, Paul and Diana are staring to the sky. Lights are gone. SCENE DARKENS.


EXT - NOVALJA TOWN - APARTMENT - MORNING DADO Talks to Diana during breakfast. Michael joins in. (Something happened last night in Alor, a man is missing. Landlady told.) DIANA (Something is happening in Alor, shall we go back there? What Paul said, will he join us today?) MICHAEL (Yes, and he proposed a sightseeing tour. He said that he saw a distant house near Alor, it may well be worth visiting.) DIANA Smiling (How exciting, but Ill try taking a swim first) Diana takes her beach towel and rush for the beach nearby. INT - ALIEN LABORATORY We can see clean, bright room surrounded by unidentified technical objects and missing man sitting on a chair, unconscious. A stranger in blue uniform comes in the room. He has a white plate in his hand. Another man appears and does something to abducted man who wakes up suddenly, showing fear and shock. They start talking to him showing white plate, however the language cannot be discerned. White plate suddenly appears to have a map and they point at it. EXT - ALOR OUTSKIRTS - DAY Paul is approaching the car. Diana and guys are standing next to it. DADO Ready to explore today? Have you heard about a missing man from Alor?




PAUL Heard? The whole island is talking about it. We were there last night, how come we havent seen or heard anything? MICHAEL It might be connected to those strange lights in the sky we saw. DIANA Yes, people on the beach were talking about strange men in uniform walking around, everyone is talking about it. PAUL (Pointing with his arm) Lets go there, I want to see that desolated house up there. The group is walking toward the house. EXT - LONELY HOUSE - DAY Four of them approach the house - it is obvious that someone lives here right now; rags, plants dried hanging around, garage doors open with car inside. The group looks around. DIANA Hello! Anybody home? Paul is turning to Alor village in the distance. PAUL Nice view to the village and island. You cant see everything but in the same time you could spot unusual activity in the village from here. DIANA Look all these medicinal plants, someone who lives here... Local healer appears from behind a wall. LOCAL HEALER with plants, yes. Diana and guys look atartled at him.




MICHAEL Im sorry we were just passing by.. Local healer says nothing, silence instead of remark. DADO (In Croatian) We apologize for disturbing you, well be leaving immediately. However, we are curious about Alor, did you hear rumors about strange activities around the island? Local healer is still standing still, watching them as if exploring them with eyes. DIANA Lets go. LOCAL HEALER Do you want something to drink? Empty streets of Alor. Day is slowly passing, much shorter than in summer. We fly above the houses into the village fields, a house or few, then to the house of local healer. The group is sitting outside of house at the table, talking. LOCAL HEALER Yeah, I heard, everyone is talking about army men walking around the island, searching for something. DADO Army? LOCAL HEALER Look-a-like, with uniform, boots. I live here outside, but news travel quick. MICHAEL Were you outside last night? Did you see strange lights in the sky? LOCAL HEALER Last night, no. From time to time there are lights, and more. Makes a small pause. Light breeze can only be heard. LOCAL HEALER I packed my stuff last night, have all these herbs to export in the (MORE) (CONTINUED)



LOCAL HEALER (contd) city for market. I dont plan to stay here, neither should you. DADO Why? LOCAL HEALER Strangers, visitors are omen. Something bad will happen soon, you shouldnt stay here. You should go. DIANA Im scared a bit now. LOCAL HEALER You should be. Silence. DADO Sun is setting soon, we should be on our way back. Thank you. LOCAL HEALER Listen to me. Go when you have your chance, kids. EXT - ALOR VILLAGE - SUNSET A child is playing outside in the field. Suddenly we see boots approaching him and standing by him. Kid looks up slowely and they grab him. Mother in the distance runs to him screaming. Strangers dissapear from the viewpoint quickly. EXT - ALOR ROAD - SUNSET The four have left local healer. DIANA That man left me feel anxiety, I shiver. DADO Come, come. (hugs her) As they approach the village, they hear commotion coming ahead, screaming and people voices raising more and more. They hurry up and find out that there was abduction and strangers were seen at the scene.

10. EXT - ALOR VILLAGE - SUNSET At the sight of abduction there are a lot of people surrounding grieving mother, suddenly abducted man turns running toward them from the direction where strangers dissapeared. PAUL What is he saying? DADO That..he was abducted alright. And either they let him go or he runaway, hes not sure himself, he just run and run when he saw he could. They wanted to ask him to show them something. DIANA (crying) Poor child, he didnt saw the child with them. Some of the villagers shouts Police are coming, and we see emergency lights in the distance. EXT - LONELY HOUSE - SUNSET Local healer is locking doors and putting the rest of bagage in the car trunk. He looks down to village and see the police lights in the distance. He sits at the driving seat and starts up the vehicle. He makes a move... but we can see strangers appear at the front of him, so he hits breaks and car stops. He looks in silence toward them and they stand in the place. He starts the car engine again and slowly pass them by. EXT - ALOR VILLAGE - SUNSET Police arrives and start talking to villagers, to the mother and abducted man. They ask him to show him where are strangers last seen. In the commotion, policemen start walking the path and some villagers follow them, including Paul, Diana, Dado and Michael. EXT - ALOR OUTSKIRTS - SUNSET Further away from the police, a few strangers are standing with the kidnapped boy. A stranger is pointing to the plate he is holding in his hand. The crowd can be heard now and strangers look in the direction of voices. They let the boy alone and start leaving the scene slowly. (CONTINUED)



Mother sees her child and runs to grab him. The police starts to shout warnings to stop or theyll shoot. Strangers are relatively close and they keep moving away. Police starts to shoot at them. The crowd screams, strangers do not appear to be affected. They retreat and disappear. CROWS STANDING STILL, POLICE WATCHING IN SHOCK. EXT - ALOR OUTSKIRTS - NIGHT Dado grabs Diana, she cries. PAUL Look! (points to the sky) The balls of light in various sizes dominate above them, moving from one direction into open sky. Michael takes picture. Everyone gazes above in wonder. MICHAEL I think theyre leaving. This is amazing. Lights disappear. EXT - BUS STATION - MORNING Diana enters the bus, Dado is saying hello. DADO This has become too dangerous for you, Ill be home tomorrow, we must make sure they are really gone. EXT - ALOR - DAY Kidnapped child is talking to a reporter. He says strangers didnt hurt them. They were showing him something and demanded some kind of information or direction. He says he couldnt understand their language. EXT - ALOR ROAD - DAY Dado and Michael are walking Alors road toward healers house. They arrive and notice the garage is closed and there are no stuff outside.




MICHAEL Hes gone. DADO Now we dont know if his doom prophecy is still true. MICHAEL Lets go to triangle site once more, before we leave. Paul said hes be there at noon. EXT - PAG TRIANGLE SITE, DAYTIME Dado and Michael make their approach to the site. They stand in its centre. Suddenly earth starts to shake violently. DADO Earthquake! They try to stay on their feet, quake stops after a minute and another one ensues. MICHAEL Look! Paul is there. (pointing to a distant ghat) Quake starts again, Dado and Michael hurry to Paul. Quake stops and as they try to help Paul reaching his hand, in the distance tsunami appears - it covers main centre of city Pag and surge of water makes its way into the bay rushing toward Alor direction. Water is not tall however it did make impact to the village and empties on the other side of the island. PAUL It was warning, they tried to warn. Water subdues and guys are watching the scene down below them. INT - TV NEWS Taped light from Alor appears on the screen. Some scientist make their statements. "It was Venus, most commonly associated with UFO, at sunset it appears as strange light". And another one "Tape was sent to laboratory, we need to make sure its not faked". Another news appear showing tsunami after-effect at Pag "The worst catastrophe since 1978 when tsunami hit this part of Adriatic." SCENE DARKENS


ALTERNATIVE ENDING Dado and Michael make their way to the triangle. Paul is waiting there for them. He is silent and raise his hand to greet them. Suddenly, they are surrounded by light. Light turns to darkness and they appear to float in space. Paul is showing them his home at distant galaxy. THE END

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