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4787 Page 1 2007-2008 VI SEMESTER B.TECH.


Maximum Marks:60 Answer all questions.

1(a) Using overlap and add method of block filtering, find the output of a filter with impulse response h[k]=[2 1 0] and the input sequence x[n]=[1 -2 3 0 1 2 0 1 1]. Take a block length L=3. (3) OR 1(a) Using overlap and save method of block filtering, find the output of a filter with impulse response h[k]=[2 1 0] and the input sequence x[n]=[1 -2 3 0 1 2 0 1 1]. Take a block length L=3. (3) 1(b) Using Cooley and Tukey algorithm, draw the signal flowgraph of a 16-point FFT by assuming N1=2 after one level of decomposition. (5) OR 1(b) Rearrange the signal flowgraph of a 8-point decimation in time FFT algorithm so that the outputs are obtained in normal order instead of bit reversed order for the inputs in normal order. Explain briefly any disadvantage of this rearrangement. (4+1) 1(c) If X[k] is the DFT of the sequence x[n], determine the N-point DFTs of the sequence xc[n]=x[n]cos(2kn/N) for 0n N-1. (3) OR 1(c) If X[k] is the DFT of the sequence x[n], determine the N-point DFTs of the sequence xc[n]=x[n]sin(2kn/N) for 0n N-1. (3) 1(d) Determine the output y[n] of the system for the input x[n]=cos(n/2) for n =0, 1, 2, 3 and h[n]= 2n for n=0, 1, 2 by using DFT and IDFT. (4) 2(a) Consider an LTI system with impulse response h[ n] = [(1 / 4) n cos( n / 4)]u[n] (i) Determine the system function H(z) (ii) Is it possible to realize this system in hardware? If yes, how? (4)

2(b) Design a Butterworth Low pass filter using Bilinear transformation with the following specifications: (6) 0.81 |H(eiw)| 1 0 w 0.21 |H(eiw)| 0.22 0.61 w Also convert it into high pass with wc(high pass)=0.8 and assume a suitable value of T. OR

4787 Page 2 2(b) Design a Butterworth Low pass filter using Bilinear transformation with the following specifications: (6) 0.81 |H(eiw)| 1 0 w 0.21 |H(eiw)| 0.22 0.61 w Also convert it into another low pass filter with wc (low pass)= 0.4 and assume a suitable value of T. 2(c) Determine a parallel and cascade realization of the following system H(z)=(1+z )/(1-z )(1-0.8e
-1 -1 j /4 -1


z )(1-0.8e

-j /4 -1

z )

3(a) Prove that for a linear phase Type-IV FIR system, there must be a zero at z=1 but not at z=-1. (2) 3(b) Compute all the zeros of the linear phase Type-III system. (3)

3(c) Explain the Window method of designing FIR filters? What is Gibbs phenomenon? (3+2) OR 3(c) Prove that the frequency response of a linear phase TYPE-II FIR system is given by the following expression. (5)

H (e ) = e

jwM / 2

( M +1) / 2 k =1

b[k ] cos[ w(k 1 / 2)]


Where b[k] = 2h[(M+1)/2 - k] , k=1,2, (M+1/2). 3(d) Determine the impulse response of the following system.

4(a) A digital system is characterized by the following difference equation y[n]=ay[n-1] + x[n]


Determine the impulse response of the system for a=0.5 and a=-0.5. Assume that 5-bit fractional sign magnitude representation is used. Comment on the result obtained.

4787 Page 3 4(b) Consider the system y[n]=0.875y[n-1]-0.125y[n-2]+x[n] (i) Compute its poles (ii) Determine the poles of the system by quantizing and truncating the filter coefficients using a 4-bit sign magnitude fractional representation. (iii) Determine the poles of the system by quantizing and rounding the filter coefficients using a 4-bit sign magnitude fractional representation. OR 4(b) Consider the system y[n]=0.5y[n-1]+x[n] (i) Compute its response to the input x[n]=(1/4)nu[n] assuming infinite precision. (ii)Compute the response of the system y[n] for n=0 to 5 for the same input by assuming sign-magnitude fractional 5-bit representation including the sign bit. The quantization is performed by truncation. (iii) Compare the two responses. 4(c) Explain the finite wordlength effect in DFT computations? What is the significance of multirate signal processing? (3+2) (2+2+1) (1+2+2)

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