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NET DAY WISE SHEDULE Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Module Name Module 1: SDLC

Module 2: SQL SERVER 2005

Module 2: .NET Framework

Module 3: C# 2.0

Module 4: ADO.NET

Module 5: Web Technology

35 36 37 38 39 Module 6: ASP.NET 2.0 40 & XML Web Services 41 42 43 44 45 46 Using Visual Studio 47 2008 48 Module 7: C# 3.0 49 Extensions 50 Module 8: Language51 Integrated Query 52 (LINQ) 53 Module 9: Windows Communication 54 55 Module 10: Silverlight 56 57 Module 14: Windows 58 Presentation Foundation (WPF) 59

.NET DAY WISE SHEDULE Day wise Chapters Phases of SDLC Normalization Techniques Intro about DBMS, RDMS DDL, DML, DCL,TCL Constraints, Operators, Functions Joins & Sub Queries , Views, Indexes Stored procedures, Triggers, cursors ,Transaction Introduction to .NET Framework 2.0,CLR Introduction to C#,Data Types, Literals and Variables, Operators & Control Statements,Structure , Enum Array and Array List,Methods Classes and Parameters Inheritance Access Specifiers,Constructor & Destructor Access Modifiers Namespaces & Streams Interfaces & Exception handling Class Library & Assemblies Versioning Advanced Concepts Delegates and Events,Reflection,class factory Multithreading Indexers and Properties Generics Introduction to Windows GUI Application Introduction to ADO.NET Connected Architecture1 Connected Architecture2 Disconnected Architecture1 Disconnected Architecture2 HTML 1 HTML 2 Java Script CSS XML Introduction to ASP.Net 2.0

HTML Controls Standard Controls Validation Controls Using ADO.NET Using ADO.NET Data Controls Master Page and Content Page State Management and Global.aspx Caching & Error Authentication Introduction XML Web Services, SOAP Implement Webservices in Web & Windows Application

Introduction to VS2008 & VS2010 Implicitly Typed Local Variables and Arrays,Object Initializers, Collection Initializers,Extension Methods,Anonymous Types,Lambda Expressions Anonymous Functions,Auto-Implemented Properties,Partial Method Definitions LINQ to objects, LINQ to SQL LINQ to ADO, LINQ to XML Introduction to SOA,WCF,Difference between WCF and Web service WCF Fundamental, WCF Architecture,WCF Hosting,Binding,Contracts Introduction to Silverlight,Silverlight User Interface Controls,Data Binding Displaying SQL Database Data in a Data Grid using LINQ and WCF,Designing your first Silverligh Introduction to Windows Presentation Foundation,WPF Development Tools WPF Fundamentals,Custom Controls ,Built-in Controls of WPF Layout,Input,Data Binding,Templates and Styles

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