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Prosperity For Life

Your life is a journey with many different stages and each stage brings with it new challenges. As you take each step in life your role and responsibilities change. Whether you are at the beginning of your career, have just started a family, require funds for your childrens education and marriage or would like to plan for your retirement, you need to have a financial planning tool which can respond to your changing circumstances and at the same time provide you sufficient funds to fulfill your and your familys needs. EFU Life brings you Prosperity for Life a flexible and high value savings and protection product that ensures that your dreams become a reality at all stages of life throughout your life! Main features of the plan: Choose different levels of life insurance protection for the same amount of premium

Change your level of life cover as your circumstances change Get loyalty rewards through Guaranteed Loyalty Bonus Accelerate the build-up of your fund through Fund Acceleration Payments Benefit from the plans high investment allocation Participate in the returns of the EFU Growth Funds Hedge against inflation through the Inflation Protection Benefit Cover yourself through whole-of-life insurance protection Access your saving when you need it Add supplementary benefits to tailor the plan to your needs

Education Plan
One of the best investments any parent can make in their lifetime is an investment in their childrens education. Of course, parents do strive to give their children a good start in life by accumulating assets for them such as business, property and cash, but these can be "temporary" in nature. One asset, that is permanent, however, is a good college / university education - that is something no one can take away from them. A good solid education is now a prerequisite to financial stability and advancement in the very competitive and technologically advanced world that your children are growing up in. But unfortunately too often one hears the following words: I wish I had started saving early enough to be able to send my children to university. With EFUs Education Plan, you can make sure that unlike other parents your dreams for your children will become a reality. Guarantee their education even if you should die In the unfortunate event of your death prior to the maturity of the Plan, you would want to make sure that your education plans for your children will still be fulfilled. There are two key questions you need to address in this context: Q: How will the fund you originally targeted for now be produced? The Continuation Benefit, which is built into the Plan will ensure that all future contributions will be paid by EFU followin g your death until the Plan maturity date. This means that the education funds you had originally planned for will still be available for your children. Q: How will the current school fees be paid so that your child continues to receive the education necessary to prepare him for university education? To deal with the problem of funding school fees after your death, the Education Plan also provides an Income Benefit. This benefit, which is optional, provides a fixed amount, payable quarterly in advance, to ensure that the school fees continue to be met. The quarterly income you choose will be based on your current school fees requirements. Guarantee their education even if you should fall sick This optional Waiver-of-Premium Benefit provides that if you are unable to follow any occupation for at least six months due to sickness or accident, the present contribution to your Plan will continue to be paid in full by EFU. This means that whether or not you continue to enjoy good health, your education plans for your children will succeed. Inflation Protection Under the Inflation Protection, the contribution will increase every year by 5% of the previous years contribution with an appropriate increase in benefits, without any medical evidence. For complete details about Education Plan, please download our product brochure.

Marriage Plan
An ideal marriage for one's child is a cherished dream of every parent. Realization of this dream is not an easy task. A litt le foresight, however, can make it possible. What you need is a long term financial plan to help this dream come true. Let EFU Life provide you with the comfort of a guaranteed secure future for your children. EFU Marriage Plan helps you save systematically so that you can give your child the much-needed financial security for the years to come. The Plan provides a complete financial planning package for you to plan for expenses associated with your childrens marriage. Planning in advance through the Marriage Plan for your childs or even grandchilds wedding celebrations now allows you to spread the cost over time, giving your savings a chance of significant growth. The Plan provides high value savings, coupled with a guaranteed level of life assurance protection and flexibility, with various options to customize the benefits according to your needs. Simply put, EFU Marriage Plan gives you the freedom to enjoy every moment with your children today, without worrying about their future tomorrow.

Nisa Savings Plan

Financial planning is a subject which is usually taken care of by the male head of households mainly because he is the sole breadwinner for the family. In todays ever changing world however, the idea of the male being the sole bread winner is fading away as both men and women have joined the race to success as equals. Women of this era are indeed capable of walking shoulder to shoulder with men. Therefore as a woman managing a household, there is a constant need for you to have the protection of financial security. Whether you are young and starting your first job, re-entering the job market, or a housewife you need to have the comfort that your loved ones will have access to the benefits of your financial planning. Let EFU Life provide you with the comfort of a guaranteed financial security and life assurance protection. The EFU Nisa Savings Plan helps you accumulate a fund, which can be used to finance your future financial needs. The Plan provides high value savings, coupled with a guaranteed level of life assurance protection and flexibility, with various options to customize the benefits according to your needs.

Grand Start plan

Having grandchildren is one of the major highlights of old age and being a grandparent can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. The bond that grandparents share with their grandchildren is very special where these young children are showered with love, care and guidance to make their future a successful one. There is an undeniable sense of satisfaction you receive from knowing that youve contributed to the prosperity of your grandchildren by giving them a chance to become the high achievers of tomorrow. Now you can get this satisfaction by providing them with the opportunity to have a head start in their life. Let EFU Life provide you with the comfort of a guaranteed secure future for your grandchildren. The EFU GrandStart Plan helps you accumulate a fund, which can be used to finance your grandchildrens college or university education. The Plan provides high value savings, coupled with a guaranteed level of life assurance protection and flexibility, with various options to customize the benefits according to your needs.

Capital Growth Bond

An increasing number of investors have discovered that to achieve real capital growth over and above inflation, it is necessary to have a substantial portion of their investments in asset-backed investments such as shares. But successful investment in equities is not easy. Knowing what to buy and sell, and when, demands experience and expertise and can be extremely time consuming. The EFU Capital Growth Bond provides the ideal solution. The Bond provides both the investment expertise and the spread of risk through investments across a wide range including equities, government securities and cash deposits. Security through Spread The money you invest with us will be invested in the EFU Capital Growth Fund. The objective of the Fund is to maximize capital growth whilst reducing the potential risk normally associated with pure equity funds. Emergency Access There may be instances when you require access to part of your investment to meet a particular need. The Plan gives you the flexibility to make partial withdrawals and leave the balance of the investment (minimum of Rs. 20,000) to continue to participate in the performance of the Capital Growth Fund. Retirement Income You may need a regular retirement income as opposed to a lump sum under the Bond. The Capital Growth Bond gives you the facility of applying the Cash Value to provide a pension to help you maintain your standard of living in retirement. The income payable (subject to the Companys minimum) will be dependent on the guaranteed payment period, the value of your investment and your age at the time. Built-in Protection Benefits The Bond also provides valuable protection benefits which are automatically built in at no extra cost. NATURAL DEATH The death benefit is the bid value of your units or 101% of the original investment net of any withdrawals, whichever is the greater. ACCIDENTAL DEATH In case of accidental death, the benefit is the value of your units plus an additional sum equal to the greater of the original investment net of any withdrawals or the value of your units. This benefit is available up to age 60.

Savings Plan
The Savings Plan is a high value unit linked life insurance product with a substantially higher unit allocation in the early policy years providing rapid accumulation of cash values. The plan is specifically designed for group schemes where there is a need for such higher cash values and fund accumulation. The fund accumulated through the plan may be used for education and marriage of children, purchase of a house, expanding business, retirement income or any other purpose. The Savings Plan is ideal for individuals and groups where the employees would prefer to pay their contribution through withdrawals from their Provident Fund balances. The plan makes use of the provisions of the Income Tax Rules 2002 under which members of Recognized Provident Funds can withdraw funds from their provident fund balances and pay towards the contribution of life insurance plans. The opportunity for Growth The contributions to the Plan will buy units in the one of the EFU Growth Funds. The Savings Plan is designed to provide a large cash sum at the end of your selected period. Payment of Contributions As mentioned above, the plan is funded by contributions from the employees Provident Fund balance. Each covered employee needs to give a written authorization to the trustees of the Provident Fund to make permanent withdrawals and pay the premium to EFU Life. The trustees, on an annual basis, would make the necessary deductions from the employees Provident Fund balance and make the payment of premium to EFU Life.

Executive Pension Plan

Ensuring that retirement is planned for is vital, especially for those who are self-employed or are working in a company that does not provide a pension. Otherwise, they will end up becoming one of the vast numbers of people who can not maintain a decent standard of living in retirement, thus negating a lifetimes work. EFU offers the Executive Pension Plan to suit your circumstances to help you achieve financial independence in retirement. Expert Investment Management Your contributions will buy units in the EFU Growth Funds. The Fund is managed by experts who will adjust the mix of the underlying investments in the light of economic conditions and investment opportunities. A Range of Benefit Options You will be able to choose how to take your benefits from a whole range of options. During the plan term, you may select to withdraw your full or partial fund value. At maturity you have the option to withdraw the fund value as a lump sum amount, or you may select an income to be paid for your lifetime with payments guaranteed for 10 years as shown in the illustration above. Alternatively you can select an income which will continue to be paid to your spouse for the rest of his/ her life in case you die first. Access to savings Nobody can predict the future. If your circumstances change and you have a need for cash before the end of the savings period you can encash the policy for the full bid value of units without any early surrender penalties after the second annual premium has been paid. Early/Late Retirement The Executive Pension Plan is designed to mature between your ages of 60 to 70 years. Portability We live in times where change is the norm and it is likely that you will want to change your job in the future. It is therefore important that your retirement planning is flexible and can accommodate your changed circumstances. EFU Executive Pension Plan is fully portable and stays with you wherever you go. Thus you can continue paying contributions under one Plan up to your retirement. Additional Benefits The basic purpose of the Plan is to build up substantial capital to provide a pension. However, the Executive Pension Plan offers a range of additional benefits to help you tailor the plan to suit your particular needs.

Security Plan
The need to provide high life cover at a minimum cost may arise for a number of reasons. For example you may need:

To provide a replacement income for your family on your death To ensure that your early death does not jeopardize your future plans for your children in terms of their education, wedding etc.

To protect the continuity of your business by ensuring that funds are available for your beneficiaries. EFU Security Plan is a term assurance contract which allows you to provide protection against the financial consequences of death at a very low cost. High Cover for a Nominal Cost Example: Male aged 35 next birthday To provide a lump sum payment of Rs. 500,000 on death during a 20 year term the annual premium would be Rs. 3,960 i.e. just over Rs. 10 per day.

Inflation Protection Under the Inflation Protection, the contribution will increase every year by 7% of the original premium with an appropriate increase in benefits, without any medical evidence. Additional Benefits The basic objective of the Security Plan is to pay a lump sum if you die within the term of the Plan. The Plan can also be arranged on a joint-life basis so that both husband and wife are covered. The benefit (Sum Assured) would then be payable on the first claim of either partner. You also have the flexibility to tailor the Plan to suit your circumstances by being able to choose from a range of additional benefits. Family Income Benefit Accidental Death and Disability

Accidental Death and Disability Plus Waiver of Premium

Loan Protection Plan

Probably the biggest financial commitment most of us undertake is a house or a business loan. But how is this loan going to be serviced if the income flow stops or reduces drastically should you die or suffer from a critical illness? Your assets, which you have spent years building up, may have to be sold forcibly to repay your loan. The EFU Loan Protection Plan, by providing a capital sum on death and critical illness, can ensure that your loan will be repaid leaving your assets unencumbered. The Benefits Taking into account the term of your loan and the interest rate payable, we will tailor the plan to suit your needs. The Plan will provide a level of cover which will reduce approximately in line with the reduction of loan capital outstanding through the term of the loan. The reduction of the loan capital is dependent on the interest rate payable. The graph below illustrates the effect of various interest rates - a higher interest rate implies a higher principal amount of loan outstanding at any point in time. The EFU Loan Protection Plan gives you the facility to choose the level of cover at four different interest rates. This means that you can ensure that on death the cover available will be more or less sufficient to repay the outstanding loan, leaving your home or business unencumbered. High Cover for a Nominal Cost Example: Male aged 40 next birthday To cover a principal amount of loan of Rs. 500,000 for a 20 year term and at 10% interest rate, the annual premium would be Rs. 3,915 i.e. just over Rs. 10 per day. Additional Benefits The following riders can be added to the main plan:

Lifecare Benefit Lifecare Benefit Plus Waiver of Premium

Accidental & Hospitalization Plan

There is absolutely nothing better then being blessed with good health. However, No one can predict the future. What would happen to you if you suffered an accident or had to be hospitalized? The likelihood is that you and your dependants would be adversely affected. EFUs Accident & Hospitalization Plan will help guarantee your financial well being. The Plan will pay out cash on death, disablement or prolonged absence from work as a result of an accident or hospitalization due to an accident. The Plan provides a comprehensive range of benefits from which you can choose. You can also tailor the level of payments to your needs by being able to choose up to 10 Units of Benefits. Death With this plan, you can guarantee that your family receives a substantial lump sum on your accidental death to help them maintain their standard of living. Double Indemnity If death occurs as a result of an accident whilst you are traveling as a fare-paying passenger on a licensed public conveyance or on a commercial airline, that standard lump sum payment is doubled. Permanent Partial Disability If you become disabled as a result of an accident, cash will be paid to you expressed as a percentage of the Basic Sum Assured Per Unit of Benefit. Please contact the Head Office for details. Permanent Total Disability Under this benefit, the cash payment (sum assured) will be made after 6 consecutive months of total disability, which means inability to engage in any occupation for which you are reasonably qualified for by education, training or experience. ADDITIONAL BENEFITS In addition to the basic benefits included in each unit you can add the following two benefits to enhance your cover.

Accidental Disability This benefit will help you replace part of your lost income by providing a monthly income so that you can continue your basic commitments. Accident & Sickness In-Hospital This benefit provides a fixed daily cash amount which will be paid directly to you even if the medical expenses are by your employer.

Income to meet Income paid for

Head Start Plan

Give your child a headstart in life! Having children is a major highlight of ones life. You shower your children with love, care and guidance to make their futur e a successful one. There is an undeniable sense of satisfaction you receive from knowing that youve contributed to the prosperity of your children by giving them a chance to become high achievers of tomorrow. Let EFU Life provide you with the comfort of a secure future for your child. The EFU HeadStart Plan helps you start a savings fund on the name of the child when he/she is young so that the accumulated savings can be utilized for his or her future financial needs. The Plan provides high value savings, coupled with a guaranteed level of life assurance protection and flexibility, with various options to customize the benefits according to your needs.

Khushhali Plan
Save today to enrich your life It is always a tough task to save up for something substantial. Setting aside funds for your childs higher education or marriage, saving up money for your own house or even for having the luxury of a regular income after retirement can be a challenging task. What you need is a financial instrument which you can make periodic investments in to ensure that when your time of need arrives you have a large amount waiting to be utilized! EFU Life brings you Khushali a flexible and high value savings and protection plan that provides you the satisfaction of having an accumulated fund at your disposal. With this economical savings plan you get more by spending less!

Wealth Builder Plus

See your capital appreciate! Making a sound investment requires good judgment and foresight. As an investor, one of the most important questions you face is: what do you want your investments to achieve for you? Most investors would like a combination of capital growth and, in an uncertain world, financial security. Many investors are tempted to leave all their investments in fixed interest accounts and/or government securities. However, these types of investments only provide interest with no capital growth. Whilst these investments may seem to offer attractive rates of return, for real capital growth i.e. over and above inflation, it is necessary to have a portion of your investments in asset backed investments such as shares or other similar assets which have the capacity for both capital growth and rising income. EFU Wealth Builder Plus Plan provides capital growth with the flexibility to select from one of the unit savings funds based on your risk appetite and investment objective at the inception of the policy. Salient features The EFU Wealth Builder Plus Plan gives you the unique option to invest your money in anyone of the following growth funds EFU Managed Growth Fund EFU Guaranteed Growth Fund EFU Capital Growth Fund

EFU Aitemad Growth Fund

Client Services Department

Sam Walton said many years ago, 'The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best, but legendary'. For us, Client Services is not a department, it is an attitude! We at EFU Life are always conscious of the significance of providing services that wins clients. Our custom is to walk upon our Vision Statement that clearly highlights the importance we lay on client services by mentioning that we envision providing service to our clients beyond their expectations. Our Client Services Department is the primary point of contact for our current and potential clients for all their policy service needs and life insurance related queries. The ultimate goal of our department is to make the whole interaction experience a memorable one for our clients. Our Client Services Team always stays in front to provide the utmost quality of support and assistance our clients deserve. The team also helps clarify all issues on which clients seek assistance. We make sure that our clients receive high-level of personalized policy services, such as;

processing renewal premium at policy anniversary, making necessary changes in case any restructuring is required by the client in his policy, assisting clients in reinstating a policy after it has lapsed due to non-payment, paying policy proceeds such as Claims, Maturities, Surrenders etc Our Client Services Department can easily be approached through a variety of ways, such as; By calling at Client Services Call Centre at 111-EFU-CSD (111-338-273). By sending an email at: For Individual Life Clients: csd@efulife.com For Bancassurance Clients: bod@efulife.com By writing at our Head Office on the address: o 37-K Block 6 PECHS Karachi - 75400 Pakistan By sending a fax at +92 213 453 7519 By walking-in at our Head Office on the address mentioned above. By filling out an Inquiry Form available on this website.

responding to client's queries, providing all kinds of policy information, helping clients interpret policy features, benefits etc, coordinating collection of premium through our sales colleagues,

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