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Internal workings of aliencraft Part two/ "Zeta-Reticula" ( Continuing from Part-one.

) I was obliged to accompany this tall Alien-form towards a number of glass-type vessels. Which comprised of a compartmental-door, a rubber-looking static-base and tubes which fed into the top via sealed-openings. Using telepathy this ET for want of a better word, then asked me to get inside one of these transparentvessels. He explained in a calm polite manner that because of the Vibrational-distortion occuring in dimensional-flight, beings like myself must be housed within a safe-environment. He was wearing some sort of jumpsuit a colour-green and it "protected" him and the others from "any" unwarranted intrusion. again he explained because of his Race and their Skeletal-makeup and Bio-chemistry form, they could travel Time and its many-levels without fear of accelearated De-composition. (An accelerated growth rate). Certainly this reassurance did little to my internal ideas of what was about to happen? Before entering this glasstube I asked if this spaceship was on earth? or cloaked somewhere outside our orbit? He seemed puzzled, however he said "they" have frequented earth many times, and "indeed" take some earth people back to their planet. I then opened the compartmental-door and stepped inside, my attire had somehow been removed? I was naked and standing upright, I had little room to move my arms or legs and my head seemed to fit snugly into a purpose built bottle neck aperture. He gazed upon me and still using telepathy told me not to be concerned, the liquid would fill my entire body and prevent damage to my organs and sight. i never saw him press any switches but immediately a dark orange-liquid began to fill the vessel slowly rising upward. My vision became blurred and I noticed the change of colour outside of the vessel, eventually the liquid reached my mouth and I had no choice but to take it down! I choked at first but then found myself breathing, a spontaneous interaction of this strange liquid brought me back to reality. Looking through this glass I percieved nothing just an array of fast-moving colours, a spectrum of globules passed by, this large-craft seemed to have dissapeared. Then at first one saw a feint glowing white-light, which grew larger and came closer towards this containment. I then felt terribly-sick and percieved the liquid emptying out of the vessel, I felt weak and the ET carried me to a rest bed. i then UNFORTUNATELY Awoke! I was covered in sweat, drenched! Such experiences haunt ones mind over time. NOT in a frightening aspect but in relation to what "may" have occured within myself, both physically and Mentally? As I have ALWAYS said/ i have been available for ANY tests to prove the "validity" of ALL my encounters. Be they

Alien/Paranormal/Supernatural, of which I have had many!/ All lifeforms, have a "Link" to the "Godhead" to the Beginning, the MANY Universal-systems have their Parallel-time-scales, their Tree-of-knowledge. They "float" within that which is the "GreatAbyssmal-Garden", tended as it were by the Spider-Queen-of-space, mentioned in other treatise as SQS. She whom can transcend all Time all space!/ "for She whom spins the Webs of space, is not of the Aeons making! For when She returns to repair a past, she disperses a Newawakening!/ I have lived a STRANGE Life! Even now im caught between the flux of spacetime and Earthly-reality. I have seen/talked to many forms, without the aid of drugs or ceremonial-ritual. Im like a magnet to the "unseen", perhaps my mind is on the "edge" of Cavernous-time and occasionly i fall into the darkness therein? Certainly I have no wish for Marriage or Children, no long-term companion. I will say I have a "connection" a bearing towards MARDUK! I will say that I have talked to MERLIN and finally the CABAL the NWO, are NOT as aquainted with the occult or the Cosmos as they might think!! TRThompson

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