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A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK Vol. 4 No. 36, September 13, 2012

The Chalice

When Kingdom Comes

By Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister
I was interested in an article that I saw from Phillips Theological Seminary (our Disciples seminary in Tulsa) that was introducing Bill Hemm, the new minister of Forest Park Christian Church in Tulsa. Bill is from Broken Arrow originally, but moved to New York City where he was a stock broker for Morgan Stanley. He worked in the World Trade Center and was at work in his office on the 63rd floor of the South Tower 11 years ago. As he tells the story, he went down to get his usual chocolate milk at the cafeteria on the 45th floor on the morning of 9/11. When the first plane hit the North Tower, he was unaware of what had happened, but a voice came over the building speakers on each floor telling everyone to evacuate the building. He was happy to comply as he had some boring meetings that day, and the break would be welcome. As he descended the stairwell, the second plane hit his building. It felt like a bomb. He kept going, still not knowing what had happened, but trusting those wonderful public servants directing him down the stairs. As he exited the building, he was told to keep walking as far away as possible. When the buildings collapsed, he was far enough away to be unaware of the tragedy. Wow. What a story. As I write this on 9/11, I am reminded of that day. And the brave people who risked their lives to help others. The public servants who didnt make it out of the building because they were determined to assist others. True sacrifice. Rev. Hemm goes on to say this in the article: It is real uncomfortable for me when people say things like God had

a plan for you. That is why you got out. Did God not have a plan for those people who didnt get out? That doesnt work for me. I dont know that God saved me because of some sort of plan. But, I got to see what it is like when you really put yourself in harms way for someone else. I dont know whether the security people thought the building was coming down. But they werent going anywhere. They were going to help everyone out of the building. That is where I see the kingdom of God. Wise words from a faithful servant. The kingdom comes when good folks reach out to others in need. When they sacrifice themselves for the sake of their brothers and sisters. When Christ is present, even in the midst of tragedy. See you this Sunday as we celebrate the sacrifices made in this church in our unified worship service.

YOU! Made To Be Generous

You are a generous person! Did you know that? Do you realize that you have generosity in your very DNA? It is true, and in our combined Sunday School hour on Sunday, September 16, we will explore why this is so and how much fun it is to practice generosity. There will be something for folks young and old to connect with as we discover the abundance of God and joy of living generously. Bring your Bibles and (if you are able) one dollar! We are excited to welcome Rev. Bruce Barkhauer, Minister for Faith and Giving for Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). For twenty-five years, Rev. Barkhauer has led congregations in Ohio and Indiana in achieving high levels of financial support for local and global missions and he now shares his experience across the life of the whole church. Rev. Barkhauer brings a Biblically-based understanding about stewardship combined with theological integrity and weds them to the current trends and best practices related to spirtuality and money. Come to the combined Sunday School this Sunday!

Gratitude Sunday This Sunday September 16

Adults, Students and Children in 4th and 5th Grade

9:30 Sunday School with Rev. Barkhauer

10:45 Unified Worship 12:00 - FREE Gratitude Lunch!

Everyone is invited!


One Gift TOUCHES Many Hearts!

own expectations: my church had always given to me, and now that I was able, I expected to give back to my church and to God. I continued to give as I was able over the years, and when Bill and I married, we were in easy agreement that we would give to the church. It only seems right that since we can, we give financially to support the church that gives so much to us, spiritually and emotionally. And then we had kids. And all the stuff that goes with them. And to them. And suddenly so many questions that I had never considered before were apparent to me: In our increasingly materialistic society, how do we teach our girls to value spiritual growth and not monetary growth? Can we teach them to be generous? How can we help them see that giving is as much for our own souls as it is for those who receive? Will they make a positive difference in the world? Those of you who know me certainly know I dont have the answers to these questions! But Bill and I are doing our best to be mindful of them as we parent our girls and as we teach them about God, try to model for them our own generosity, and let them see the true joy that comes from giving. Please join us on the journey these next weeks as we strive to give extravagantly and focus on the abundance of Gods grace.


The True Joy of Giving by Shannon Medley, Annual Campaign Co-Chair

I am a lifelong Disciple. My parents were active church members, at First Christian Church, Shawnee, mentoring the youth, teaching and participating in Sunday School, CYF, serving as Deacons and then Elders, and on the Church Board. For memorable portions of my childhood, my grandfather was the Minister in our church. I have clear memories of sitting in the sanctuary next to my Grandmother while he preached. I remember the offering plate being passed every Sunday; it is such a familiar memory that I can feel the plate being passed over my head as a little girl, clamoring to drop my few coins into the plate. As I got older, the plate passed through my hands instead of over my head, but I still remember pulling coins, or sometimes bills, out of my little purse. My parents were not the sort to talk about tithing, at least with me, but I knew they gave to the church, of both money and their time. As a kid, it meant more to me to see my mom running the craft room at Vacation Bible School or my dad staffing the pumpkin patch than writing a check or putting a bill in the offering plate. It wasnt until much later, when I began my first job after law school that I really started thinking about tithing on my own. I had joined East Dallas Christian Church and for the first time in my life started to feel like an adult. Beginning to tithe wasnt so much a matter of deep reflection as a matter of my

Sunday, September 23
Praying in COLOR
10:00 Unified Sunday School Workshop for All in Fellowship Hall
Need help communicating with God? Maybe you love color. Maybe you are a visual or kinesthetic learner, a distractable or impatient soul, or a word-weary pray-er? Perhaps you struggle with a short attention span? But still you hunger to communicate with God. This new prayer form offers tools for a sensory prayer experience. Led by Anna Lisa Stanley & Janet Helms. Everyone is welcome! All Sunday School classes are encouraged to join.

Sundays, September 30 & October 7

REEL exploring fait h in f ilm THEOLOGY
10:00 Optional Sunday School Workshop for All in Fellowship Hall
REEL Thelology will meet the last two weeks of our Extravagant Generosity series. Larry and Sharon Mullins will lead these forums, pairing weekly worship themes to film clips. On September 30, to illustrate the importance of mentoring and reaching out to other generations and those that might seem different than us, we will explore clips from Finding Forrester and other classic films. On October 7, to illustrate the power of touch and reaching out to others, we will discuss film clips from such classics as Ghandi. Each lesson will be interactive, engaging, and provocative as it concerns the importance of reaching out to each other and the larger community, both those close to home as well as those around the world. An optional faith forum for adults. Sunday School classes are welcome, or they may meet as scheduled.

Prayers of the People

THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER Jim Hays, Bob Jennings, Jason Scheer (Larry & Judy Freemans son), Larry Hays (Dyke Moffatts brother-in-law), Jerri Jones, Rose Marie McKee, Bart Rodr, Virginia ONiel, Cynthia David (Winnie Halls daughter), Ed Berry, Bill & Mary Lou Womble OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS To Max & Linda Speegle in the passing of Maxs brother-in-law, Philip Stout, on August 26 in Tulsa. Services were held on August 29 in Stillwater.

Happy Birthday!
9/16 Colton Lagasse, Fern Rice 9/18 Boston Harris, Max Moore, Sharon Mugg 9/19 Jack Smith, Max Stapp 9/20 Jo Ann Bullard, Don Mecoy, Mark Preslar, Ruth Preslar, Brenda Wood 9/21 Donetta Herndon 9/22 Linda Burrows, Richard Cutter, Marni Fuller, Bill Howell, Jr., David Larrison, Sarah Rahhal 9/23 Jerri Brigham, Donna Combs, Jim Downing, Jeff Fine-Thomas, Randy Jones

Time & Location Change for BRIDGES: Christians Connecting with Muslims Study
The Bridges Study Group will now be held in the Chapel at 7:30 PM on Wednesday evenings. Questions? Please call Kelly VanOsdol at 341-0922. Our nation by act of Congress celebrates the signing of the September 17-23, 2012 This year marks the 225th anniversary of signing this historic document! The church bells rung at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, September 17, 2012, are in honor of the actual time and date of the signing. Constitution Week is the perfect opportunity to read and study this great document which safeguards our American liberties. - Thank you, the Daughters of the American Revolution

Give a Stocking to Our Troops

Many of our troops will not be home for Christmas, so, the Blue Star Mothers of Edmond would like to send them a special gift - a Christmas Stocking! The goal is 100 Christmas Stockings for our troops by December 1. Can you help? If you can sew or if you are able to purchase stockings, contact Becky Winn at 532-5150 - Thank you and God Bless!

U.S .Constitution

FaithLife Connections

Friday & Saturday, September 28-29

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party - September 20

Phillips Theological Seminary has developed a new lecture series FaithLife Connections. The first FaithLife Connection event will be held September 28-29 at Southern Hills Christian Church (co-hosted by First Christian Church). Dr. Mindy McGarrah Sharp will speak on the topic of Sustainable Faith: Communities of Care in a World Under Stress. The format will include Friday evening and Saturday morning presentations, lunch and afternoon panel discussion. The cost is $35. Registration forms at the Welcome Center. Visit

The next packing party is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 20, from 9am to noon. Please come and help pack shoeboxes! Thank you for ALL of your help at the last party...we had around 40 volunteers and filled 156 boxes!

Hearts 4 Bart Car Wash

Sunday, September 16
FCC Youth are holding a car wash to raise money for Bart Rodrs heart transplant. The car wash will be held in the main parking lot of the church from 1-4 p.m. This is a donation only car wash, so any amount will be gladly accepted and appreciated!

GIVE BLOOD...An Act of Extravagant Generosity!

Sunday, September 23, 8:30am to 12:30pm
How about making voluntary blood donation one of your gifts this year? Its not difficult what else can you do in an hour that has the potential to actually save someones life? Plus you get free Nutter Butter Cookies and a soft drink and your choice of an OU or OSU themed t-shirt! Did you know that we have sixty eight FCCE members that have given blood at least eight times to reach One Gallon donor status? Wow! Each of those 544 pints of blood has the potential to touch three lives in a health crisis, maybe one of your family, friends or co-workers! If youve never been a blood donor, why not start on Sunday, September 23 right here at church? The Blood Drive will be located in Rooms 114 & 115. Extravagant Generosity starts with just one pint of your life-giving blood. Call 877-340-8777 to sign up or schedule your appointment online at

Visiting Nurses Association will be giving Flu Shots on Sunday, October 7, in the rotunda from 8am to noon. Cost will be $25 or we can file Medicare for you if you have Part B. Be sure to bring your medicare card! Protect yourself and those you love!


Fun and Fellowship for the whole family!!


8:15, 9 & 11am


at First Christian
September 16, 2012
Common SS Hour - 9:30am Unified Service - 10:45am
Guest Minister: Rev. Bruce Barkhauer Scripture: Acts 9:36-43 & Acts 16:14-15

If you dont have a famous chili recipe, then please bring a finger food or dessert to share. Get out your old tap shoes, blow the dust off your horn, brush up on your jokes, because a new star is sure to be born! We would love to have all types of acts from every age group in the church. To register your variety act or pot of chili, pick up an entry form at rotunda display or fill out one online at DEADLINE TO REGISTER is Sunday, September 30th! Questions? Ask the Follies Committee: Dana Theobald, Darcy Biby, Frank Gresh, Sherry Parks, Mark Nash, Ross Herndon, Donetta Herndon, or Diane Ball.

5:30 pm - Chili Cook-Off, Fellowship Hall 6:30 pm - Variety Show, Sanctuary

September 23, 2012

Message: Rev. Greg Bunton Rev. Dr. Jerry Black Scripture: Matthew 12:46-50

Travel with the Classics Branson!

October 23-25, 2012
This trip includes three great shows: 3 Red Neck Tenors, The Duttons, and the musical production Joseph; and, two great dinners at The Great American Chicken House and at the Keeter Center. Come join us for a fun-filled trip! The cost is $389 (2-person occupancy) and includes transportation, two nights lodging, plus all meals and attractions listed on the itinerary. Spots will fill up fast, so, it is very important to reserve your spot early! For information and reservations, call Winnie Hall at 405-341-4297 or Ellen Chitwood at 405-341-2859.


Shelley Regan, Editor Read News Online @ Submit Articles to

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