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12th September 2012


EXCLUSIVE: British Parliament to Investigate Bahrain and Saudi Arabia Human Rights Abuse
The Foreign Affairs Select Committee will hold an inquiry into the human rights abuses perpetrated by Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, Labour MP and committee member Ann Clwyd has announced. In a brieng on Bahrain organised by Index on Censorship, Clwyd said: "Eric [Lord Avebury, joint vice-chair of the Parliamentary Group on Human Rights] and I have raised the question of Bahrain Submits Reply Bahrain over and over again to UN Human Rights in the House of Lords, House Council of Commons and obviously we're not satised with the Bahrain has approved 156 out answer we've had." of 176 recommendations set by the UN Human Rights During the same brieng, Council when it discussed the activist and acting president Kingdoms Periodic Review of the Bahrain Centre for last May. Human Rights (BHCR) Maryam Al-Khawaja called on The Kingdom has approved the UK to discussdiplomatic 143 recommendations fully and economic sanctions and endorsed 13 others against Bahrain and to end partially, Human Rights Affairs the sale of arms. Minister Dr. Salah bin Ali Abdurrahman said. Read More community has emboldenedthe government. Most astounding is the silence from one of Bahrains greatest allies: the United Kingdom. The UK government has made countless pledges to push on Bahrain to implement supposed reforms, but has yet to push forcefully on its partner where it counts. Read More authorities. The President of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, one of the leading voices claiming Government oppression of political prisoners, is now on the other side of the situation. Rajab's wife Sumaya told an activist from BCHR last week about conditions after she had nally been allowed to see her husband in Jaw Prison. The BCHR claimed: Read More He made the statement as Bahrain submitted its reply to the recommendations of the UN Human Rights Council. The report is expected to be approved next Wednesday (September 19) Dr. Salah said, stressing out Bahrains reserves regarding several other recommendations because they either contravene Islamic precepts and constitutional provisions or interfere in Bahrains sovereignty, being politically tainted. Read More The United States Government has appropriated at least $299 million in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and Section 1206 assistance to Bahrain since 2002, with $10 million in FMF in the pipeline for FY 2012 and $10 million requested for FY 2013. As you know, Section 620M of the Foreign Assistance Act (the Leahy Law) states that: No assistance shall be furnished under this Act or the Arms Export Control Act to any unit of the security forces of a foreign country if the Secretary of State has credible information that such unit has committed a gross violation of human rights. Read More for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), sent a trial observation mission to Bahrain to observe the opening of the appeal in cases against Mr. Nabeel Rajab. It remains very concerned at the continuation of the policy of silencing and criminalising legitimate human rights activities. Read More

Bahrain is Britains shame

When confronted with the facts of its own brutal crackdown on popular protests and human rights defenders, Bahraini ofcials usually stick to a routine. They hide behind tired lines of denial and hype supposed reforms. The actual situation on the ground continues to deteriorate and inaction from the international


We are writing to alert you to credible reports that the security forces of the Government of Bahrain continue to engage in human rights violations against nonviolent, pro-democracy protesters and to urge you to immediately suspend further U.S. military assistance and arms transfers to the responsible units, as required by law.

Bahrain Opinion: The Significance of the Detention and Treatment of Nabeel Rajab
Since human rights activist Nabeel Rajab was imprisoned and then given a three-year sentence for Twitter messages and participation in protests, there have been reports of his mistreatment by Bahraini

Bahrain: Human rights defender Nabeel Rajab to remain in detention, appeal trial to resume on September 27
The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation

violations of human rights against university students.

Bahrain: Students rights gravely violated through sham trials, expulsions and unfair detention
More than a year and a half following the start of the revolution in Bahrain, university students are still being subjected to sham trials, unlawful imprisonment and prevention from continuing their studies. The Bahrain center for human rights (BCHR) is gravely concerned over these continuous

Sham Trials On Thursday 06 September 2012, the high criminal court ruled in the cases of 96 defendants accused in the 13 March University of Bahrain thug attack incident which included students, staff, administrators and a security guard. The court upheld sentences of 84 students, reduced prison sentence against 3 to 3 months imprisonment and acquitted 9 Read More

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