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Detailed notes on the movie CancerIsCurableNow The doctor of the future will give no medicine, But will interest

his patients in the care of the human frame, In diet and in the cause as well as prevention of disease. Thomas Edison The individual will be required to take responsibility for their choices Toxic exposure, daily, from everyday household chemicals and appliances are killing us. Cleaners, air fresheners, shampoos, deodorants, body lotions, make up, hair dyes, microwaves, cell phones, computers. Electronics, furniture, carpets, synthetic flooring and our own clothing are constantly gassing out chemicals from flame retardant an d mildew resistant appliances, furniture and so called creature comforts. Biological effects of EMFs: Cardiovascular Genetic alterations Sleeping disorders Cancer Hormonal disturbances Cellular/molecular Immune function Behavioural changes Metabolic affects Nervous system/brain. Brittle diabetes Blood brain barrier permeability Autoimmunity Calcium efflux Fertility impairment Interpersonal effects Impaired learning

FOOD TOXINS from FAST FOODS-RESTAURANT AND CONVENIENCE MSG, aspartame, preservatives, food colouring, hydrogenated fats100% responsible for degenerative health and are highly addictive. They are devoid of 80% of the original nutrients, found in fresh, uncooked, natural and organic food and have 0 natural enzymes left critical for digestion and metabolic processes. These enzymes are needed to access and carry nutrients to cells for health. PLASTICS like Bisphenol A are the number one pollutants of our bodies. It is present in bottles, lining of cans and dental sealants and it exudes from the plastic by just coming into contact with it. Bisphenol A is a very potent hormone and endocrine disrupter. It is proven that plastics cause heart disease, cancer, diabetes and most likely obesity. They are gumming up all the cell membranes of the body and rendering them useless or worse harmful as the body tries to protect itself by covering them over with tissue.(the origin of growths and tumours) VACCINATIONS (Sheri Tennpenny and Dr. Eisenstein and Dr Mercola) Chemical and preservative cocktails being injected straight into our bloodstream. Primarily Thimersol (mercury) Mercury, a heavy metal, is a neurotoxin and absolutely drives cancers. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS like refined sugar, hydrogenated oils, artificial colours, preservatives, MSG, bleached white flour, aspartame, GMOs and food enhancers. (GOOGLE-10 AMERICANS-Environmental Working Group analysis) Named neurotoxins and carcinogens that are in everyone at birth! Bottom line is we are all poisoned living on a poisoned planet and will not enjoy it until we do something about it! EMOTIONAL TOXINS -- Fear, loss, depression, anxiety affect us all and weakens our immune system by producing excess CORTISOL creating a cancer friendly, acidic environment in the body. Long term, unresolved emotional discord accelerates cancer. OVERWHELMED -- some people will use cancer as a check out station due to overwhelming hopelessness. The most important question to each individual is Do you want to live?. Without the DESIRE TO LIVE it is very difficult to proceed. THE REAL CAUSE OF CANCER Each one of us has 750,000 cancer cells in us and we are constantly fighting cancer and micro diseases every day. Our immune system is either going after these cells or not when it becomes overwhelmed due to thoughts, actions, diet, exposure to toxins and then there becomes an unbalance. There is a tipping point where the cancer overwhelms the immune system. A tumour is actually tissue built by our own bodies to wall off and protect itself from cancerous tissues! Cancer cells divide out of control but

DO NOT make tissue. It is the out of control division of cancer cells that makes the tumour grow. DEALING WITH THE CAUSE Cancer is a multi billion dollar business where a cure would not be desirableREAD PROFITABLE! ALTERNATIVE AND INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE ALREADY KNOWS THE CURE! Pull out the poisons, feed the body and God will heal. These practitioners of alternative and integrative medicine are watching amazing healings of metastasized tumours with changes in diet and supplements! It is rare to reverse cancer without dealing with the cause which can be many specific to the individuals life and lifestyle choices. It will be like peeling an onion in layers to discover the source of your bodys unbalance and DIS EASE. JOURNEY TO HEALTH SELF RESPONSIBILITYare you willing to make changes, be responsible and in control of your own health? We have been programmed from childhood to believe we are victims of poverty, bankruptcy, divorce, sickness and diagnoses and hold no responsibility for our own health. Weve been lead to believe IT JUST HAPPENS TO US. BUT, Cancer has been brewing inside our psyches and bodies most likely for decades. At the lump/bump stage that cancer has been developing for 7 years already. (radiologist) During all that time, lowering stress, settling disputes with partners & family, improving your job situation, changing the diet, etc, etc could have prevented the proliferation of cancerous cells. We live in ignorance because we were not told these fundamental truths about health and responsibility. BUT, once you know, you must now be responsible. Once you take responsibility, you take back power and no longer let things just happen to you. You are in control, not some overwhelming outside force. THE PAIN OF CHANGE Lifestyle change is the most difficult thing to do and if the patient is not convinced to make the changes he will not likely make it. ACTION IS THE MOTHER OF CHANGE! The Famous Radiologist will not work with a patient who is not willing to make changes. WE MUST REMOVE THE TOXINS AND FEED THE BODY IN ORDER TO GET RESULTS. Most people would rather avoid the pain of change than get to the pleasure of results we would get if we avoid the pain of change. Take a magic red pill and avoid the pain of change even if it means loss of hair, vomiting, pain and no energy. A holistic doctor will ask you to exercise, sweat, change the diet, de-stress and breathe in pure air and sunshine. VICTORY IS A DECISION Through information, hope and love, holistic practitioners will help change people from VICTIMS TO VICTORS! We must be convinced IT IS A DECISION TO BECOME VICTORS. Like planning a wedding or eventyou make the decision to get well and then you start to line things up. CANCER IS A WAKE UP CALL Cancer is not a punishment. It is a reflection of your belief system not supporting you. The real gift of cancer is that it is a wake up call or warning that you have to change, right now, profoundly and permanently. FINDING SUPPORT Find a team that gives you confidence, certainty and enough knowledge to stand up against the greedy system that does not want you to get well. If your doctor is not your partner and open minded then that is not the right support person for you. In 2010 we know that vitamins, supplements, detoxification, diet changes and exercise make a difference! Magazines, journals, research studies, book after book, discuss the value of nutrition and supplements. Cancer is a dis-ease of the body not a body part. The body is in dis-imbalance. You must shop for a doctor for your health partner. Ask to record the consultation and in order to remember what was said, share with family and perhaps another doctor as you are deciding what to do and who will be part of your team. SELF CONFIDENCE A simple blood test for cancer markers is all that is needed for follow ups to see if what you are doing is working. A NEW WAY OF HEALING Dr Dean Ornish found that 500 genes changed their readout simply by changing lifestyle. Successful clinics and doctors help their patients to deal with life, they remove the stressors, power boost the immune system and support the self healing mechanism and so even reverse end stage cancer. HEALING CANCER IS POSSIBLE The human body is a wonderful, beautiful organism. It has an amazing power of defenses to heal itself. Even cancer of the liver

can be healed. Gerson. YOUR BODY HEALS ITSELF Self responsibility cannot be avoided. Things like chemo, radiation and surgery may reduce the imminent threat but the answer lies within the bodys innate ability to heal! This ability to heal cannot be purchased. It must be cultivated within. MANDATORY TREATMENT Treatment is affordable and only a fraction of the cost of chemotherapy. EXERCISE Exercise is free of charge and absolutely critical for recovery. Exercise reduces cancer 50%. It is not optional, it is mandatory. Exercise is chemotherapy without side effects. OXYGEN (43 minutes) White blood cells are totally oxygen dependant. Deep breathing via a walk in the park or woods or inhaling from a machine, oxygenation of the tissues is essential. A lack of oxygen incapacitates white blood cells. SUNSHINE (45 minutes) Not only produces Vitamin D but recharges the life force in the body. Sunshine and the photons of that light over comes depression. High doses of Vit D are a big part of any cancer treatment today along with VitK to prevent calcification on arterial walls. VitK was always valued for its blood clotting ability. Its also important for bone health, immune function and kills cancer cells. Lots and lots of vegetables provide VitK. DIET Stop eating all the foods that cancer cells love! This is not an opinion but documented medical fact! Foods that cancer cells loves: SUGAR (cancer cells themselves are sugar metabolic cells); The tests to detect cancer cells involve a radio active glucose substance that cancer cells in the body will gobble up and then be radioactively detected on a screen during a PET Scan. Sugar is a diagnostic tool! Doctors know sugar feeds cancer and increases insulin resistance. Then excess insulin encourages more cancer cell growth! Oncologists keep cookies and tootsie rolls in their waiting rooms! A cancer cell has 96 receptor cites and a normal healthy cell has 4! Alcohol feeds sugarsugar feeds cancer! Fruit juices contain almost equal teaspoons of sugar as sodas. Cut out most fruits except high nutrient and low sugar fruits. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc PHYTOBERRY ALKALINE (50 minutes) Sugar creates acidity in the body. The body must be in pH balance to heal. Once the bodys pH goes into acidity, it is unable to transport oxygen and the whole metabolism goes into a fermentative situation instead of oxidative situation. The only thing that cell s can do in a fermentative state is split and grow and repeat. THATS CANCER. Almost every patient that comes in with cancer has a pH below 7. Get the pH above 7 and tumours shrink and pain goes away. VEGGIEGREENS DETOX DIET IDEAL DIET: 80% Raw/20% cooked is difficult but will heal the body. Whole food supplements will substitute. GERSON THERAPY Dis Ease comes from 2 major factors: TOXICITY AND DEFICIENCY Everything is organic, fresh and freshly prepared. Juicing and coffee enemas are used to detox and remove toxins. However, organic foods can not deliver fast enough to rebuild and support. So supplementation with enzymes and nutrients is necessary. The liver has to be restored and rehabilitated. CANCER GROWS QUICKLY ONCE IT GETS TO THE VISUAL STAGE So other nutrients like cod liver extract, pancreatic enzymes, CoQ10 and so rejuvenate the organs and tissues further damaged by the chemotherapy. DETOXIFICATION Coffee enemas had been recommended in the Merrick Manual until 1975! For those who will comply with the Gerson Therapy Doctors use supplements to detox the liver and kidneys first. The biggest part of our immune system is in the intestinal part of the body. Ionic foot baths, chelation, antioxidants, pH balancing by infusing sodium bicarbonate, lymphatic drainage, re hydration, opening the pores for detoxification through sweat therapies (far infrared) and nothing chemical. SUPPLEMENTATION Elevated blood sugar alone will cause imbalances with your mind and emotions. Just a deficiency of essential fatty acids will dull your brain. Just a deficiency of thyroid or any other kind of hormone, your brain cannot function. Just one deficiency will wreak

havoc on the brain which controls the rest of the body. Brian Aimes on nutrient deficiency. VITAMIN C Full FDA approval for fighting breast cancer with Vitamin C. Vitamin C potentiated by oxygen can have a tumourcidal effect and not just immune system support of white blood cells. ENZYMES (61 minutes) Collection of undigested proteins on our membranes is a cause of dis imbalance. Oral enzymes modify tumour cells and immune function to fight cancer. High doses of pancreatic enzymes will break down the tumour tissue protecting the cancerous cells. IMMUNE BOOSTERS (62 minutes) Mushrooms and herbs to target an individuals immune system. DENTAL CANCER Generally start at root canal sites, wisdom teeth or any extraction site. Rarely is the infection removed and the body grows over it and it becomes like gangrene. ANTINEOPLASTINS We are surrounded by numerous factors that can change the expressions of the genes and must always be vigilante with surveillance. HORMONE HARMONIZERS Organic foods, essential fatty acids(fish and plant)(not the bleached, chemicalized, smell less rancid oils), vitamins, minerals, herbs, food supplements, protein, pure water, quality sleep, exercise, sunshine(without hormone disrupting, cancer causing sunscreens) and fresh air. NATURE HAS NO SIDE EFFECTS Chemotherapy destroys the cancer cells but also the healthy cells. INSULIN POTENTIATION (68 minutes) Cancer has insulin receptorsmany more than a normal cell. There can be a very specific chemotherapy application combined with sugar and a hyperbolic chamber.*?* PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP More people are juicing and taking supplements. HEALTHY HABITS (71 minutes) The conscious mind can become aware through learning but the subconscious mind is the habit mind and unless one makes a habit of it then the habit mind never learns or changes. To imprint healthy habits it takes usually 6 to 12 months. It takes time, repetition and motivation. MOTIVATION Having a passion that excites and motivates you can be more powerful than toxins, crappy diet, exercise and sunshine! DONT DO ANYTHING TO NOT DIE / DO EVERYTHING TO LIVE. MENTAL DETOX If your mind is filled with chemical or neurotoxins from pharmaceutical drugs which have deadly side effects on the mind, you cannot have happy or joyful thoughts. If we have cancer, our brains are therefore toxic too muddying up our thinking. The term chemo brain is due to the toxins in the brain. MEDITATION Stress is a driving force for hormone disruption, weakened immune function and chronic illness. Meditation, yoga, tai chi, anything that puts us into a state of relaxation is vital. Art, dance, music are integrated into healing programs. SECONDARY GAINS Cancer victors are grateful for the learning opportunities cancer gave them. They improved their lives and relationships by learning and practicing a healthy lifestyle. To see and appreciate the benefits of their life changes is called emotional intelligence. The more we foster this the faster we heal. When the mind changes and we stop choosing negative foods and habits, then the

real healing begins. There is no quick fix. It is integrative and long term work to stay healthy. BENEFIT FOR ALL As you learn to be healthier, so will your family and children. You will all enjoy a much more satisfying and vibrant life. It is the greatest honour to teach and guide people to a healthy life. VOTE WITH YOUR MONEY More and more organic foods are available due to demand. TIME TO CHANGE Crisis is the drive force of evolution. If we continue to do what we have been doing for the next 40 years, humanity will be on the edge of distinction. NEW VISION, NEW BELIEF AND NEW MODELS ARE CRITICAL NOW. EPILOGUE You can reverse cancer. You can live with cancer and still have a good quality of life. People that have been given 6 months to live are living 20 years later with quality of life. Cancer does not have to be a death sentence. There are many options out there, if patients study sufficiently. If anyone ever tells you your body or mind has turned on you, slapem right there. Your body loves you with tens of trillions of cells wanting to do their job. Give them the tools to do it!

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