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Fachgebiet fr Technologie und Design von Hllkonstruktionen, Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Tina Wolf Lehrstuhl fr energieeffizientes und nachhaltiges Planen und Bauen, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang Lehrstuhl fr Bauklimatik und Haustechnik, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Hausladen

The Voids In A School Scuola a Roma [Analysis and Concept]

Debora Alice Pauluk Funing Lian

Project Title

Images minimum resolution 150 dpi generally no frames around images

Diagram of the Concept

The Voids In A School The project is a recycling of one existing building in Rome, Suola Carlo Urbani located in Rome. The school has as close neighborhood the church San Giovani. In the context of the school there are 2 different kinds of uses: one in the south completely residential and another in the north with offices and officials buildings. So we decided to make 2 different centers for the school, one more dynamic (for the use of this residential area existed) and another for the education. As main concept we explore the voids that make create different spaces and atmospheres, making the students breathe in the new organization.

Fachgebiet fr Technologie und Design von Hllkonstruktionen, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tina Wolf Lehrstuhl fr energieeffizientes und nachhaltiges Planen und Bauen, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang Lehrstuhl fr Bauklimatik und Haustechnik, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Hausladen

Project Title

Images minimum resolution 150 dpi generally no frames around images



Fachgebiet fr Technologie und Design von Hllkonstruktionen, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tina Wolf Lehrstuhl fr energieeffizientes und nachhaltiges Planen und Bauen, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang Lehrstuhl fr Bauklimatik und Haustechnik, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Hausladen

Design intent The architecture`s concept is explore this voids with a efficient communication between the students, both in the dynamic and education part. As architectural party we created 2 important centers that the old building didn`t have so clearly.


Sustainability and energy concept The clima design and energy concept consist in the creation of the 2 atriums for these 2 new center, to bring more light, ventilation and a social place. This type of organization favors the cross ventilation and good environment in the winter time.
Ventilation in Summer

Ventilation in Winter

Natural Lighting Concept The sun shading is used in the south, west and east. In the south we used horizontal sun shading made with pvc. In the west and east we used vertical ones made with pvc white due the regular classrooms located in this position.

Fachgebiet fr Technologie und Design von Hllkonstruktionen, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tina Wolf Lehrstuhl fr energieeffizientes und nachhaltiges Planen und Bauen, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang Lehrstuhl fr Bauklimatik und Haustechnik, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Hausladen

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