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September 16, 2012 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 2

Saturday, September 15th

8:30 a.m. Weekly Memorial Mass
5:00 p.m. Thomas E. Reilly, req. The Reilly Family
Sunday, September 16th
Twentieth Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 a.m. Emile Cattano, req. The Buttery Family
9:00 a.m. Anne Maurer, req. her son
10:30 a.m. Charles and Gerry Hanley, req. Dot and Bill
12:00 p.m. Anthony Champi, req. The Champi Family
Monday, September 17th
7:00 a.m. For the People of the Parish and all their intentions
12:10 p.m. Deceased Members of the Early and McHugh
Families, req. Eileen McHugh
Tuesday, September 18th
7:00 a.m. Anne Morrissy, req. Barbara McMahon
2:10 p.m. Anne Morrissy, req. John and Cynthia Kirchner
Wednesday, September 19th
7:00 a.m. James Sangunitto, req. his daughter Barbara
12:10 p.m. Rita H. Wilson, req. Fred and Maureen Stickel
Thursday, September 20th
7:00 a.m. Ken Maurer, req. his mother
12:10 p.m. Teresa and Edward Conroy, req. Terry Dill
Friday, September 21st
7:00 a.m. Mary and Peter Kirwin, req. The Kirwin Family
12:10 p.m. Dougie Rillo, req. his family
Saturday, September 22nd
8:30 a.m. Weekly Memorial Mass
5:00 p.m. Rev. John Kelly, req. The Cullen Family
Sunday, September 23rd
Twentieth Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 a.m. Adele Calandra and Daisy Hughes, req. Rosemarie
9:00 a.m. Margaret Grycock, req. The Leslie Family
10:30 a.m. In Honor of St. Jude, req. The Balestrieri Family
12:00 p.m. Thomas and Adeline Hunt req. their family

Masses for the Week
Calendar of Parish Activities
Week of September 16, 2012
Saturday, September 15th
Speakers during the 5:00 p.m. Mass from the:
Inner City Scholarship Fund and the Knights of Columbus
7:009:00 p.m. Jr. Youth Club Get Acquainted Night, Open Gym /
Entire Parish Hall / Kitchen
Sunday, September 16th
Catechetical Sunday
Speakers during each Mass from the:
Inner City Scholarship Fund and the Knights of Columbus
9:00 a.m. Commissioning of Catechists and Family Based Parents
during Mass, Church
10:0011:30 a.m. Catechist and Family Based Parents Communion
Breakfast, Entire Parish Hall / Gym / K
Monday, September 17th
3:004:30 p.m. A of OLP Gym Time, Gym
7:30 p.m. Novena and Rosary, Church
Tuesday, September 18th
9:009:30 a.m. Sandwiches for St. Josephs Social Service Center
Elizabeth, Parish Hall Lobby
3:004:30 p.m. A of OLP Gym Time, Gym
7:00 p.m. K of C Open House Meeting, Entire Parish Hall / kitchen
7:309:00 p.m. Adult Choir Practice, Church
7:309:30 p.m. Discovering Christ Dinner Team Meeting, Pope John
Paul Room
Wednesday, September 19th
3:304:45 p.m. Religious Ed. Classes begin for Grades K-6 School /
Gym / Entire Parish Hall
7:158:30 p.m. Religious Ed. Classes begin for Grades 7-8 School /
Gym / Entire Parish Hall
Thursday, September 20th
1:002:00 p.m. Holy Hour for Reparation, Church
3:304:45 p.m. Religious Ed. Classes begin for Grades K-6 School /
Gym / Entire Parish Hall
7:009:00 p.m. A of OLP Gym Time, Gym
7:00 p.m. Holy NightMens Cornerstone, Entire Parish Hall
Friday, September 21st
3:004:30 p.m. A of OLP Gym Time, Gym
Saturday, September 22nd
9:00 a.m.6:00 p.m. Rosary Society Annual Fall Plant Sale, Grassy
area near the Parish Hall
4:007:00 p.m. 9th Grade Confirmation Prep Covenant Ceremony
and Program (5:00 p.m. Mass included, Gym / Church /
Parish Hall
Sunday, September 23rd
8:001:00 p.m. Rosary Society Annual Fall Plant Sale, Grassy area
near the Parish Hall
12:00 p.m. Youth Minister Tracey Vieira will speak during Mass

September 16, 2012 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 3

Relatives and Friends Who eed Our Prayers
Please pray especially for the following people who have recently been added to our prayer list:
Rose Castaldo Lois Shuh Joseph Prezuhy
Helen Nastromarco Harriet Moore Beatrice Ryan
Louis Delmaro Marylou Perrini Gail Souren
Jackie Giacalone Charles Gero Sr. Josephine Marie
seven special intentions
Let us also pray for the men and women who are serving in our military in particular those who are from
our parish:
SSG Joseph Cornall, ArmyAfghanistan CPT Tom Sullivan, ArmyKuwait
PFC icholas Hudspith, ArmyKuwait 2LT. John Truppa, Army

Please remember our dearly departed who have passed away recently especially
Mary Vecchione.
May they rest in peace.
Please remember that there is a special intention book located in the Baptistery of the church.
Your intention can be written in it and prayed for during the Masses that are said at Our Lady of Peace.
Scripture Reading
for the Week of
September 16th

Twenty Fourth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Is 50:5-9a; Jas 2:14-18; Mk 8:27-35
1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Lk 7:1-10
1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a; Lk 7:11-17
1 Cor 12:3113:13; Lk 7:31-35
1 Cor 15:1-11; Lk 7:36-50
Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Mt 9:9-13
1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Lk 8:4-15
Pray for the Transforming Power of God
Loving God, You called on each by name and gave Your only
Son to redeem us. In your faithfulness, You sent the Holy Spirit
to complete the mission of Jesus among us. Open our hearts to
Jesus. Give us the courage to speak His name to those who are
close to us and the generosity to share His love with those who
are far away. We pray that every person throughout the world
be invited to know and love Jesus as Savior and Redeemer. May
they come to know His all-surpassing love. May that love
transform every element of our society. We ask this through
Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
To the Men of Our Parish
From the Knights of Columbus
By now, you should have received Fr. Bills letter inviting the
men of the parish to consider joining the Knights of Columbus.
The Knights of Columbus has been serving Our Lady of Peace for
many years. The Knights invite the men and their wives to an in-
formal, inviting, open house to learn what we are all about, and
more specifically, to learn about the activities of our local council
783. You will find the evening most rewarding.
The Open house is on Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 7:30
p.m. in the Parish Hall. Refreshments will be served.
September 16, 2012 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 4

Pray the Rosary for Religious Liberty
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council 783
Serving St. Teresa of Avila, Our Lady of Peace and Church of the Little Flower

You are invited to join us in praying the Rosary for the protection of religious
freedom and conscience rights.
The next procession will be at Our Lady of Peace Church following all masses on
September 15 and 16. We will start at the altar and process through the church to
the statue of Our Lady outside. The Fourth Degree Knights will lead the proces-
sion. Please join us even if you dont know how to pray the Rosary We will be
glad to teach you.
We would like to thank everyone who came forward as
catechists. However, because the volume of late reg-
istrants has caused some class sizes to exceed our
maximums, we still find ourselves in need of
catechists in grades 3, 4, and 5. If you feel called to
this teaching ministry, please contact us!
The foundation for Sacrament preparation begins in
first grade. If you have not yet registered, please con-
tact our office.
Important dates
September 16 Catechist Commissioning and Family-
based Orientation after 9 a.m. Mass.
September 19-20 Religious Ed. Sessions begin.
For information, details, or any questions you may
have, please contact our office.
From the
Catechetical Office
Food Pantry Items
of the Week
Our Food Pantrys supplies of assorted canned fruit,
pancake syrup and dish and laundry detergents are low.
Those that share from our pantry truly appreciate the
generosity of all those who donate to it.
Mens Cornerstone Presents
A ight of Reflection
Thursday, September 20th at 7:30 p.m.
Parish Hall doors will open at 7:00 p.m.
Our guest speaker will be Fr. Tom Blind
Food and beverages will be provided.
RSVP by September 18th to Dave Janazzo 973-309-
6667 or Paul Johnson 908-464-6592.
Sandwiches eeded for the eedy
On September 18th, we will deliver sandwiches made at
home by parishioners to St. Josephs Social Service Cen-
ter, Elizabeth for the needy.
Please contact Marie Russo at 908-918-0779 or Arlene
Hluch at 908-604-6674 for details about how to make the
sandwiches. Bring the sandwiches that you have made to
Our Lady of Peace on Tuesday morning, September 18th
from 7:00 to 8:45 a.m. sandwiches can be left in the
Church vestibule nearest the Rectory. From 9:009:30
a.m. please bring your sandwiches to the Parish Hall
Lobby. At 9:30 a.m., we leave to deliver the sandwiches to
St. Josephs. Thank you very much!
Sign-ups for Our Lady of Peace CYO Basketball are
now open. Boys and girls in 4
through 8
are welcome to register.
All registration forms and directions for sign-ups are
available on the CYO Basketball website. You can
find a link to CYO basketball on the Parish Website
( From the Parish Home Page,
click on Youth Activities, CYO Basketball and you
will find a link for the CYO Website.
We will be accepting registration forms through
Monday, October 1st.
September 16, 2012 OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Page 5

A Gentle Reminder.
The deadline for bulletin articles and inserts is HIGH
NOON on the MONDAY before the Sunday you want
the article/insert to appear. I will do my best to accom-
modate articles received after that time but your article
may not appear until the following Sundays bulletin.
Please email articles to: As a
word doc. Thank you for your cooperation. Joanne
Place your bets and join us for an
evening filled with
fun, games and prizes!
Saturday October 27, 2012
Tickets: $40 per person or $75 per couple
Seniors 65 and older $20
Price Admission for NEW ACADEMY Families
and Staff
Includes:$100 fun money, light buffet, dessert
and complimentary raffle tickets for prize bas-
kets, 50/50 and silent auction items.
Wine and beer will be available
Payment can be left at
The Rectory or AOLP School Office
Checks can be made out to OLP HSA
Buy your tickets before 10/13 and get
$100 EXTRA play money
Doors Open @ 7pm
Contact Maggie Reilly with questions @908-403-8365 or
A Thank You from Our Scouts
The Cub Scouts from Pack 99 would like to thank all
who made a purchase or donation at last weekends
Popcorn Sale. We appreciate your support and hope
you enjoy your popcorn. Thank you!
Pack 99 Cub Scouts
The Knights of Columbus Council 783, serving the
people of Little Flower, Our Lady of Peace and St.
Teresas parishes, will hold the 69
year of A
Taste of Italy Annual Dinner on Sunday Nov. 4,
2012 4:00PM to 6:30PM in the OLP gym. Great
food, great friends, some Italian, more Italian and a
little more Italian!
Contact Fred Cowburn H 908-464-3397or C 908-
868-9010, Ray Cooney H
908-464-1493 or
Youth Club ews
You are invited to join the Junior (5
and 6
grade) or
Middle School Youth Group (7
and 8
grade). There
are booklets available at the tables in back of the
church or in the rectory mail slots. The booklets de-
scribe the programs offered and activities planned.
Come join in the fun!!!
JR and Middle School Youth Clubs
Friday, Oct 5
Corn Maze in Chester, NJ
6:30 9:30 pm Must submit permission slip and
payment by 9/30/12 Permission slip available in rec-
tory mailslot.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact me at 908-508-0544 or
Maureen MillerJunior/Middle School Youth Minister
The Avila Lecture Series
The Avila Lecture Series is an adult enrichment program
providing an array of topics for those wishing to gain
insight into our Catholic traditions, teaching and history.
The gatherings will take place in St. Teresas Memorial
Hall, 306 Morris Ave., Summit. Gatherings are held on
Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Admission is free.
The topic for September 19th is The Marian Spirituality
of Blessed Titus Brandsma, Martyr of Dachau.
Future lecture dates are October 17th, November 14th,
and December 5th. For more information please call the
St. Teresa Rectory Office at 908-277-3700 or visit
St. Teresa of Avila Parish Annual Pro-Life
Dinner Making Sense Out of Bioethics will be held at
the Grand Summit Hotel on Friday, October 5th. The
guest speaker will be Rev. Tad Pacholczyk, Director of
Education National Catholic Bioethics Center. The ticket
price is $42. Contact Louise Biunno at 908-313-8427 or for details and a registration form.
Seating is limited please register by September 28th.

omen and men want happy, healthy, life-long
relationships built on trust, honesty, and
intimacy. But most of all, we want our relationships to
be built on real love. In todays society, understanding
real love can be difficult. As Catholics, we believe
Christ shows us the most perfect image of love: his
total gift on the Cross. We find the true meaning of our
lives when we imitate this total gift of self and draw our
strength from it.

Women and men profoundly and uniquely imitate this
love in marriage. They vow to give themselves to each
other, completely. Because of their sexual difference,
husband and wife can truly become one flesh.
Through the language of their bodies, their sexual
union recalls their vows: giving themselves to one
another in love that is total, faithful, and life-giving.
Their sexual love is meant to be an intimate
communion with the othermind, body, and soul
the whole person.

When a couple deliberately contracepts or sterilizes
their sexual union, they change the meaning of their
love and their relationship to God. In our hearts, we
know we are made for an incredible, an amazing, and a
natural love to be shared in communion with our
spouse. Contraception impedes and even breaks that

The impact of a contraceptive mentality is not isolated
to individual couples. The widespread use of
contraception impacts the entire culture, forming
societies to be self-seeking, not welcoming to new life.

Forty years ago the Church through Pope Paul VI
predicted that if contraception became widely available,
there would be a general lowering of moral standards,
that mens respect for women would decline, there
would be an increase in infidelity and the breakdown of
the family, and finally, governments would sanction or
mandate contraception in social policy. The most
intimate relationship of the couple would be
manipulated by public authorities.

Looking around the world today, it is difficult to ignore
the growing disregard for women and children, the
breakdown of marriage and family life, and the
increased threat of government coercion.

But the good news is that the Father raised his Son,
Jesus Christ, who, through the Holy Spirit, is always
inviting us to encounter him, and to accept his
invitation to be in full communion with him and with
each other. Thats why he gave us the Church, whose
task it is to guide every person toward a true and fully
loving relationship with God and with one another.

There has been much news lately about the Churchs teaching on contraception and sterilization.
As Catholics, we may be asking thoughtful questions or struggling to understand this teaching.

To learn more, or to see questions others have asked,


USCCB Nationwide Bulletin Insert Summer 2012

CetvcnvticeI Nunueg 2u12

L, irtne of Laptism. those who catechize are handing on the faith
and Ieing a witness to the Cospel. We recognize the olnnteer
catechists of onr Jeligions Jdncation Program. the facnlt, at the
Academ,. and all parents who are models of faith. especiall, those
teaching in onr Jamil,-Lased Program.

Lncine LalIi )nd, Nicosia
JoIin Lrett Kim Ocello
)eanne tooL Karen Parenti
)oe tnnder Snzanne Scheader
L,nne Cosselin Leslie Sidoli
Viian Harris tath, Smallman
Hichael KonIeL Angela SnsLe
Jnss K,zima tora Terzo
Hilar, Hctarron Kara Thoms
Anna Hercanti )ane TiIoni
Hanreen Hiller L,nn Toome,
Val Hitrenter Denise Torsiello
Lea Honaco tecille West
Zofia HonczLa Kellee ZegarsLi
Jngrid Nan

Matthew 28:19

Join Us for 6 Weeks of Fall Sharing!
Signup Week End
Small Christian Communities.
Saturday and Sunday
September 15
& 16

after all masses.

Are you looking to enrich and renew your faith?
Do you want to make some new friends?
Do you want to be part of something very fulfilling?
Then join one of our Small Christian Communities.

We have groups for moms, dads, women, men,
women and men together, young, old.
You name it we have a group!

Maybe you want to start your own group.
Just let us know we can help.

Sign-up cards will be in the back of the Church.
Fill in your preferences & return to Rectory

Any questions contact:
Marty Ammenwerth at 464-3887
Wanted and Needed

High School Lectors

Our parish community is in need of
new lectors and you can fill that need.
You must to be a member of the
parish who has been confirmed.
Training will be provided.

Fr. Bill and Ms. Tracey Vieira will
hold a special meeting on Wednesday,
at 7:30 p.m. in the youth
room of the rectory.

Come and See.
Wanted and Needed

Altar Servers

Students in the 4
Grade and above,
come to learn more about serving at
The Table of the Lord.

Fr. Bill and Ms. Church will hold a
special meeting for all Our Lady of Peace
Academy Students on Wednesday, Sept.
at 3:15 in the afternoon in the church.

A special meeting for all our other
students will be held on Oct. 3
at 3:15
during Religious Education classes.

All students who are members of the
parish community are welcome.

Three Suggested Books for the
Small Groups 2012 Fall Session

Renew International
Advent Awakenings
Year C: Say Yes to God Prompts participants to
accept the invitation of Jesus coming, to be more open to
his presence in there lives. 4 weeks of Advent

At Prayer with Mary
Seven sessions on the life and mystery of Mary, which
will deepen your appreciation of Scripture, Catholic
teaching, personal testimonies and Marian prayer including
the renewed appreciation of Marys place in todays world,
where she, as always, points the way to Christ.
Angels of God by Stephen Binz
This study enhances todays fascination with angels
with an overview of the Bibles presentation of Gods
angels as guardians and messengers. Understanding their
presence throughout biblical history will enhance your
awareness of their invisible presence with us today.

Sign up cards will be at the back of the Church to join or
start your own Small Group or you may contact Marty
Ammenwerth at 464-3887.

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