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Brand Matters

The Lingua Franca of Pharmaceutical Brand Names

Prepared By:
Md. Masum Chowdhury
Manager, Strategic Brand Management masum.pha@gmail.com_017176-42874

What is Lingua Franca ?

A lingua franca is a language used by different populations to communicate when they do not share a common language.

Why Brand Name is Important ?

Words have the power to inspire, to motivate and trigger a call to action. Words are the cornerstone of how we communicate. Thats why - when we try to develop a brand name, we have to take this matter creatively, precisely and effectively.

The value of good Name

New brand name depends upon selection of letters, making the word and meaning of names. Finally the value of words and language. It seems only logical to begin by looking to the semantics of the word brand.

How Brand Name originates ?

Brand originates from the Old Norse Brandr, meaning to burn. From the branding Livestock a mark of distinction and differentiation.

The value of good Brand Name

Good Brand Name is a mark of distinction and differentiation. Good Brand Name is a sign of quality and trust. Overall, Trustmark has been established as a relationship. Relationship securing preference and loyalty. Loyalty sustains future earnings.

Foundation of good Brand Name

The strongest brands are built on foundations which are Credible Differentiated Sustainable, for the lifetime of the brand.

The foundations of a brand needs to start with a
Clarity of values What a brand stands for Clarity of vision Where a brand is going Clarity of mission How it is going to get there Crucial window of brand opportunity is vital to ensure, from the outset. A brand proposition that will be relevant and credible across all target audience.

Differentiation is the name of the game and a distinctive name will play its part in enabling stand-out from the competition. A brand needs to work harder and to shout louder in order to be noticed.

Where might a brand ultimately be going ?

Brand Name An art and a Science

For many years, naming a drug was considerably less complex than today. With fewer drugs on the market, trademark classes were less crowded and there was greater opportunity for newness in a name. GP and prescribing audience were the core focus of Pharma Companies naming efforts, brand monikers became predictable with many brands in a given category sounding like everyone else.

Brand Name An art and a Science

Brand Name spoke largely to the science referencing the generic and/or to the specificity of a drugs indication. MIMs and MPR will bear witness to certain trends that can be charted in pharma naming. For example once upon a time maximum pharma brand names beginning with A.

Brand Name An art and a Science

As competition grew, however, companies looked to new ways to signal something new and different in their brand name. The shock of the new came in the form of brand names beginning at the other end of the alphabet Z.

Brand Name An art and a Science

Under-utilized letter-prefixes of Z and X are widely used from corporate brand to product brand. Visually distinctive and phonetically dynamic, Z and X had the double-edge benefit of sounding NEW , DIFFERENT. Z and X is the most underexploited letters of the alphabet.

For effective Brand Name pharmaceutical lingua-franca is very important skill for a Product Executive.

Few Scientific way for Pharmaceutical Brand Name

1. 2.
3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Benefit-led Name/Benefit-driven name Linking Strategy Brand Name (Encode AA (Angiotension Antagonist), Hyzaar, Cozaar. Franchise Approach Brand Name Terminology Specific Brand Name (For example Namenda An NMDA receptor agonist, encoding NMDA (N-methyl-D-Aspartate). Therapeutic Class driven Name Corporate Heritage Brand Name Broad Spectrum of Name Abstract Approach Palindromic Approach

Few Scientific way for Pharmaceutical Brand Name

1. Benefit-led Name/Benefit-driven name: Celebrex (Celecoxib) is the Benefit driven band name. Celebrex speaks to a quality of life message.
Celebrating the Science of Celecoxib. Levofloxacin for Excellent Efficacy Let Anxiety nil (Quality of Life Concept) A New dimension for treating Anxiety and Depression Enabling Relief (Quality of Life Concept)

Celebrex Lee Lexnil Antison Enbrel

Few Scientific way for Pharmaceutical Brand Name

Linking Strategy Brand Name : The Anti-hypertensive brands Hyzaar (Losartan Potassium) and Cozaar (Losartan Potassium+Hydrochlorothiazide) both encode AA (Angiotension Antagonist) within the brand name.

Few Scientific way for Pharmaceutical Brand Name

Franchise Approach Brand Name : Livial (Tibolone) is the Brand name of Wyeth International. But Nuvista marketed this brand in Bangladesh. Concor (Bisoprolol) is the brand name of MERCK,Germany but this brand marketed in Bangladesh by Popular Pharma. This is Called Franchise Approach.

Few Scientific way for Pharmaceutical Brand Name

Terminology Specific Brand Name (For example Namenda An NMDA receptor agonist, encoding NMDA (N-methyl-D-Aspartate). For example NTZ (Nitazoxanide) CP (Cefpodoxime Proxetil), Brand name of Acme OP (Omeprazole) Brand Name of Globe Omeprazole

Few Scientific way for Pharmaceutical Brand Name

Therapeutic Class driven Name : 3rd Generation Cephalosporin (Cef-3 is the brand name of Square). PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor), Brand name of Acme Omeprazole. Erbitux () Referencing ERB Herceptin () Encoding HER 2 Terceva () The targeted approach of Tarceva.

Few Scientific way for Pharmaceutical Brand Name

Corporate Heritage Brand Name : Rochipine is brand name of Roche Ceftriaxone. Roche is the originator of Ceftriaxone. So, Rochipine is the Corporate Heritage Brand Name. - Asitrum, Asilac represents the Asiatic. So Asitrum, Asilac is the Corporate Heritage Brand Name.

Few Scientific way for Pharmaceutical Brand Name

Broad Spectrum of Name : - Names which are indicative of the generic - Unique mode of Action - Names which suggest certain benefits - Names which suggest certain advantages - Names which suggest certain features - Names which suggest specific category

Few Scientific way for Pharmaceutical Brand Name

Abstract Approach : The term abstract harks to names which do not encode any overt, inherent meaning. For example within the anti-emetic category, classic articulations of an abstract name include Zofran and kytril. Neither is linked to generic, speaks to the category or references a specific benefit. These six letter success stories are built on the simple dynamics of sound and tonality. They exemplify the fact that names communicate as much via construct as content.

Few Scientific way for Pharmaceutical Brand Name

Palindromic Approach : as exemplified in such brands as XANAX, LOZOL, MERREM, KETEK,LEXXEL.

Few Scientific way for Pharmaceutical Brand Name

Classic vowel/consonant constructions have ceded to more innovative approaches, such as the conjunction of consonants, as exemplified in brands such as Vfend, an antifungal and Qvar, an asthma treatment.

Criteria for Ideal Pharmaceutical Brand Name

Fit with the brand proposition Relevant for all target audiences Distinctive, unique and memorable Future-proofed for the life of the brand

Criteria for Ideal Pharmaceutical Brand Name

Linguistically acceptable and appropriate Registrable and protectable as a trademark and URL Approvable by the requisite regulatory authorities.

Asiatic introduces...

A Sign of Quality and Trust

A Sign of Quality and Trust

Brand mark the part of the brand that is a symbol or brand name it may include distinctive coloring or lettering. It is usually not spoken

A Sign of Quality and Trust

Linking Strategy Brand Name

teno A teno lol BP + Amlo d pi in e

A Sign of Quality and Trust

A Sign of Quality and Trust

Benefit Driven Brand Name

Keep the Beat ! ! !

Atenolol Balance It

A Sign of Quality and Trust

Terminology Specific Brand Name

Angiotensin Receptor Blocker Losartan Potassium

A Sign of Quality and Trust

Terminology Specific Brand Name

A rb i um
Angiotensin Receptor Blocker

Losartan Potassium

A Sign of Quality and Trust

Terminology Specific Brand Name

Angiotensin Receptor Blocker Losartan Potassium

A Sign of Quality and Trust

Arbium Plus

Angiotensin Receptor Blocker

Losartan Potassium

A Sign of Quality and Trust

Benefit Driven Brand Name

A trusted option of remedy

A Sign of Quality and Trust

Benefit Driven Brand Name

One of the best Calcium channel blocker to control blood pressure.

A Sign of Quality and Trust

Benefit Driven Brand Name

Perindopril ensures cardiac safety

A Sign of Quality and Trust

Benefit Driven Brand Name

Perindopril ensures cardiac safety


Prepared By Masum Chowdhury Manager Strategic Brand Management Department, +880-0171-7642874


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