BADI - Step by Step Guide On Adding A New Tab in ME21N

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Step by step guide on adding a new tab in ME21N using a BADI

By Krishna Chaitanya Gogineni, Deloitte Consulting

Introduction: The requirement is to add below screen fields in the ME21N, ME22N, ME23N (Header Section) New tab called Other Data using a BADI.

Step by step procedure: First, add the new fields required in the extension structure for EKKO table (CI_EKKODB). These fields will reflect in the new tab which we are going create in the ME21N screen.

Now, Implement the BADI (ME_GUI_PO_CUST). First method: SUBSCRIBE DATA: ls_subscriber LIKE LINE OF re_subscribers. * we want to add a customer subscreen on the Header tab CHECK im_application = 'PO'. CHECK im_element = 'HEADER'. * each line in re_subscribers generates a subscreen. We add one subscreen in this example CLEAR re_subscribers[]. * the name is a unique identifier for the subscreen and defined in this class definition ls_subscriber-name = subscreen1. * the dynpro number to use ls_subscriber-dynpro = '0001'. * the program where the dynpro can be found ls_subscriber-program = 'SAPLZKMMM_KAU86037'. * each subscreen needs his own DDIC-Structure ls_subscriber-struct_name = 'CI_EKKODB'. * a label can be defined ls_subscriber-label = text-001. * the position within the tabstrib can be defined ls_subscriber-position = 13. * the height of the screen can be defined here. Currently we suport two screen sizes: * value <= 7 a sevel line subscreen * value > 7 a 16 line subscreen ls_subscriber-height = 7. APPEND ls_subscriber TO re_subscribers. Here, parameter im_element is defined as HEADER as we are adding new tab in header section of PO. Define a function group and take the main program and define it in ls_subscriber-program. Also define a sub screen with the required fields and assign it to the parameter ls_subscriber-dynpro.

Then method MAP_DYNPRO_FIELDS FIELD-SYMBOLS: <mapping> LIKE LINE OF ch_mapping. LOOP AT ch_mapping ASSIGNING <mapping>. CASE <mapping>-fieldname. WHEN 'ZZPAYMENT_AGRE'. <mapping>-metafield = mmmfd_cust_03. WHEN 'ZZPROJECT'. <mapping>-metafield = mmmfd_cust_04. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. TRANSPORT_FROM_MODEL: DATA: l_header TYPE REF TO if_purchase_order_mm, ls_mepoheader TYPE mepoheader, ls_customer TYPE CI_EKKODB. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * system asks to transport data from the business logic into the view *--------------------------------------------------------------------* CASE im_name. WHEN subscreen1. * is it an Header? im_model can be header or item. mmpur_dynamic_cast l_header im_model. CHECK NOT l_header IS INITIAL. * transport standard fields ls_mepoheader = l_header->get_data( ). * store info for later use MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_mepoheader TO dynp_data_pbo. WHEN OTHERS. * ... ENDCASE. TRANSPORT_TO_DYNP: Define a FM 'ZK_KAU86037_PUSH' to push the values. CASE im_name. WHEN subscreen1. CALL FUNCTION 'ZK_KAU86037_PUSH' EXPORTING im_dynp_data = dynp_data_pbo. WHEN OTHERS. ENDCASE. TRANSPORT_FROM_DYNP: Define another FM 'ZK_KAU86037_POP'. CASE im_name. WHEN subscreen1. CALL FUNCTION 'ZK_KAU86037_POP' IMPORTING ex_dynp_data = dynp_data_pai. IF dynp_data_pai NE dynp_data_pbo. * something has changed therefore we have to notify the framework * to transport data to the model re_changed = mmpur_yes. ENDIF. WHEN OTHERS. ENDCASE. TRANSPORT_TO_MODEL: DATA: l_header TYPE REF TO if_purchase_order_mm, ls_mepoheader TYPE mepoheader, ls_customer TYPE CI_EKKODB, l_po_header_handle TYPE REF TO cl_po_header_handle_mm.

*--------------------------------------------------------------------* * data have to be transported to business logic *--------------------------------------------------------------------* CASE im_name. WHEN subscreen1. * is it an item? im_model can be header or item. mmpur_dynamic_cast l_header im_model. CHECK NOT l_header IS INITIAL. ls_mepoheader = l_header->get_data( ). * standard fields changed? IF dynp_data_pbo-zzpayment_agre NE dynp_data_pai-zzpayment_agre OR dynp_data_pbo-zzproject NE dynp_data_pai-zzproject. * update standard fields ls_mepoheader-zzpayment_agre = dynp_data_pai-zzpayment_agre. ls_mepoheader-zzproject = dynp_data_pai-zzproject. CALL METHOD l_header->set_data EXPORTING im_data = ls_mepoheader. ENDIF. WHEN OTHERS. ENDCASE. Then we have to implement one more BADI to display the tab and update the values. Implement the BADI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST. This cannot be used multiple times. In this, we have methods (PROCESS_HEADER,PROCESS_ITEM).if we need to any validations for the fields we can write the logic here in this methods. In my case I need to check for the document type which I implemented in the method (PROCESS_HEADER). FIELDSELECTION_HEADER: I have implemented this method as my requirement is to show the fields for particular document types only. Final output:

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