Curriculum Vitor Vieira Vasconcelos - December - 2017

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Curriculum Vitae

Vitor Vieira Vasconcelos

Personal Date of Birth: June 8,1983 E-mail:
Details Address: Phone: (55-31) 993311593 / (11) 96603-6153
Rua Rocha nº 58 Apto: 51 Engineering ID: MG43685TD
Cep: 01.330-000 Link for social networks:
City: São Paulo. State: São Paulo
Linkedin, Academia, Scribd, Research Gate
Country: Brazil

Professional Summary
Vitor Vieira Vasconcelos, PhD Natural Sciences, has expertise in environmental data modelling, GIS, remote sensing,
hydrology, and public policies on natural resources. Vitor has more than 10 years’ experience in government
environmental departments, research institutions and consultancy companies.

Academic Degrees

Post-Doctoral Fellowship (2015) Stockholm Environment Institute – Asia Centre

PhD in Natural Sciences (2014) UFOP (Federal University of Ouro Preto) with major in Environmental Geology and
Conservation of Natural Resources and PhD internship in Water Resources Engineering at Chulalongkorn University
Master’s degree in Geography (2010) PUC-Minas (Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais State)
Expert Degree in Soil Science and Environment (2009) UFLA (Federal University of Lavras)
Bachelor of Geography (2017) UERJ (University of the State of Rio de Janeiro)
Bachelor of Philosophy (2006) UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais State)
Environmental Technician (2005) CEFET-MG (Federal Center of Technologic Education of Minas Gerais State)
Computer Science Technician (2005) CEFET-MG (Federal Center of Technologic Education of Minas Gerais State)

In progress:
Bachelor of Environmental Sciences (expected completion: 2018) Open University (UK)

Brazilian Portuguese – Native tongue
English – proficient (ECPE – Michigan – certificate in 2011 / TOEFL Score: IBT 106 in 2013, ITP 660 in 2014)
Spanish – intermediate level
Thai – basic level
Brazilian Sign Language – basic level

Rubem Braga Award – Best Scientific Project (2004) CETEC-MG (Technological Center Foundation of Minas Gerais State) and
CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development)
Best paper in the 5th Simposyum of Environmental Management and Biodiversity (2016|) UFFRJ (Rural Federal University
of Rio de Janeiro State)

Advanced skills in GIS and Remote Sensing applications: ArcGis, QGis, Geoda, Envi, Saga, Erdas, GPS Trackmaker,
Grass, Geoviz
Intermediate skills in GIS and Remote Sensing applications: MapInfo, PCI Geomatica, Surfer, Spring, AutoCad Map,
TerraView, MapWindow, Infraworks, Whitebox GAT
Skills in Statistics applications: R, SPSS, Simca.
Intermediate skills in Image Editors: Photoshop, Gimp, Illustrator.
Intermediate skills in Hydrological Modelling: Weap, Hec-Ras, Hec-HMS, MGB
Basic computer programing skills: logical, structural, visual and modeling languages (UML, Prolog, SQL, Python, HTML)
Professional Experience

Experience Period Institution Position Activities

1 year and June 2016 Federal University of Assistant Professor of Ecological Dynamics applied
6 months Actual ABC (UFABC) Professor to Territorial Planning
Water Resources Management and
1 year and October 2014 Stockholm Environment Post-Doctoral
Modeling, Water Quality, Remote Sensing,
5 months February 2016 Institute – Asia Centre Fellow
GIS, Environmental Policies
Hydrological Modeling and Climate Change
1 month August 2014 WayCarbon Consultant
Vulnerability Assessment
Graduate professor for the course
July 2014 UNA University Center Professor Environmental Inspection for Courts and
September 2013 Chulalongkorn
PhD Internship Water Resources Management, Hydrology
4 years February 2015 University
and 1 Public Ministry of Socio-environmental conflict mediation,
August 2011
month Prosecutors of Minas Consultant projects to mitigate socio-environment
July 2014 Gerais State impacts
July 2010 Consultancy on conflict resolution, public
Legislative Parliament Legislative
policies and law on environment,
July 2014 of Minas Gerais State Consultant
agriculture, mining and energy
Brazilian Institute of
August 2009 Environment and Environmental Environmental Impact Assessment,
1 year
July 2010 Renewable Resources Analyst Environmental Surveillance
Technological Center
March 2009 Foundation of Minas Hydrogeology, Water Quality,
5 months GIS Analyst
July 2009 Gerais State (CETEC- Environmental Information Systems
National Institute of
1 year and September 2006 Colonization and Environmental Environmental Impact Assessment, Water
5 months March 2008 Agrarian Reform Technician Use Allocation, GIS
Technological Center Environmental Assessment of River
3 years August 2003 Research
Foundation of Minas Basins, Hydrogeology, Environmental Law,
and 1 Technician
August 2006 Gerais State (CETEC- Information Systems for Environmental
month Internship
MG) Management
Total: 13 years and 6 months

Complementary Qualification
Leadership and Management (90 h) 2001 – SENAC (National Service of Commerce Education)
Radar – Remote Sensing and Photo-interpretation (40 h) 2004 – CETEC-MG (Technological Center Foundation of Minas
Gerais State) and INPE (National Institute of Spatial Research)
Interpretation of Satellite and Radar Images (65 h) 2006 – CETEC-MG (Technological Center Foundation of Minas Gerais
State) and INPE (National Institute of Spatial Research)
Geoprocessing and Remote Sensing with Idrisi (40 h) 2007 – INCRA (National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian
Reform) and UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul State)
Mineralogy (10 h) 2008 – Mineralogy Museum of Belo Horizonte City
Environmental Computer Science (20 h) 2009 – UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais State)
Environmental Surveillance (176 h) 2009 – IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Resources) and
UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State)
Karst Geomorphology (10 h) 2010 – SBC (Brazilian Society of Speleology)
Occupation, Sustainable Use, and Preservation of Dry Forests (10 h) 2010 – UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais
Legislative Analyst Qualification (120 h) 2010 – ALMG (Legislative Authority of Minas Gerais State)
Scientific Production
Articles published in scientific journals: 49
Articles published in congresses, conferences and symposiums: 17
Book chapters: 4
Thesis and monographs: 4

Selected Academic Publications

Multivariate Geovisualization of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya cases in Brazil: a didactic experience. Vasconcelos, VV;
Pinho, CMD. Hygeia, 13(25):91-106. 2017, DOI: 10.14393/Hygeia132507.
Feasibility assessment of wind, solar and hydropower self-production schemes for the Tweed Valley Eco-village in
Scotland. Vasconcelos, VV. Espaço Energia. , 26:1-8, 2017.
What keeps the waters flowing in our rivers? Rethinking hydrogeology to improve public policy. Vasconcelos, VV, Applied
Water Science, 7(4):1579-1593, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s13201-015-0373-0
Analysis of spatial–temporal patterns of water table change as a tool for conjunctive water management in the Upper
Central Plain of the Chao Phraya River Basin, Thailand. Vasconcelos, VV; Koontanakulvong, S; Suthidhummajit, C;
Martins Junior, PPM; Hadad, RM, Applied Water Science, 7(1):245-262, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s13201-014-0240-4
Geomorphological maturity profile of the Paracatu river basin. Campos, OP, Martins Junior, PP, Vasconcelos, VV. Brazilian
Journal of Physical Geography, 9(6), 2016. DOI: 10.5935/1984-2295.20160145.
Information Science and Agricultural Land Suitability: interscalar approaches for land use planning. Vasconcelos, VV;
Martins Jr, PP. Interthesis, 12(2):221-245, Jul-Dec, 2015. DOI: 10.5007/1807-1384.2015v12n2p221
Public Policies for Negotiated Water Allocation: a dialogue between Thailand and Brazil. Vasconcelos, VV;
Koontanakulvong, S; Martins Junior, PP; Hadad, RM, Water Policy, 17(5):887–901, 2015. DOI: 10.2166/wp.2015.157
Ecology, Ethics and Economics. Martins Jr, PP, Vasconcelos, VV. Leopoldianum. 40(113-5):93-120, 2015.
Grounds for the implementation of expert systems to aid the decision-making process in environmental law. Vasconcelos,
VV; Martins Jr, P. RDBCI, v. 12, p. 5-21, 2014. DOI: 10.20396/rdbci.v12i1.1615
Methodologies for integrated studies of natural resources: a discussion on ecological-economic zoning. Vasconcelos, VV;
Hadad, RM; Martins Jr, PP. Pesquisas em Geociências, v. 40, p. 21-30, 2013
Spatial Modeling of Water Systems using Partial Least Squares: a study case for Paracatu Basin (SF7), in Minas Gerais
State, Brazil. Vasconcelos, V.V.; Martins Jr., P.P.; Hadad, R.M. Águas Subterrâneas, v. 27, n. 2, 2013, p. 47-65.
Estimation of flow components by recursive filters: case study of Paracatu River Basin (SF-7), Brazil. Vasconcelos, V.V.;
Martins Jr., P.P., Hadad, R.M. Geologia USP. Série Científica, v. 13 (1), p. 3-24, 2013. DOI: 10.5327/Z1519-
Map of Deforestation in Brazil, from 2002 to 2008. Vasconcelos, V.V. Caderno de Ciências. Mundo do Trabalho. 8o ano.
São Paulo: Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Ciência e Tecnologia. 2013. p. 64.
Document Management through Georeferencing Processes. Vasconcelos, V.V. ACTA Geográfica, Boa Vista, v.7, n.14,
jan./abr. de 2013. pp.193-197
Specialized System Prototype in Environmental Law for Aiding Decision Making in the Context of Rural Deforestation.
Vasconcelos, VV; Martins, PP. Climep, 2008. Rio Claro. V. 3, nº 2, p.53-71.


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