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VAJIRAM & RAVI PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: Important Topics for Mains 2012 (Paper -I)

Chapter-1 Woodrow Wilsons vision of PAi.e. dichotomy theory and his recommendations on business-like admn (pvt admn v/s pub admn contrast) NPA-NPM-NPS Models: the comparison of emphasis, the interconnections between them and the evolving emphasis; how do they reform the PA; which is most conducive to Good Governance, Gary Wamsleys Blacksburg Perspective PCA/LPG in the context of Institutional Pluralism and Networke d Admn Service Guarantee Acts and their purpose as a Good Governance initiative, linking it to the concept of Citizens Charter and also to Right Based Laws (Entitlement Theories) Chapter-2 Important Thinkers This Year (Ch 2,3,4): Gullick-Urwick, Mayo, Weber, Simon, Argyris, Maslow-Herzberg, Norbert Weiner, Lawrence and Lorch Criticisms of POSDCoRB and of Principles/Classical Theory/Science of Administration Mayos ideas and its relevance for Indian Admn and Esp for Morale Post Weberian developments; Parkinsons Law--Peter Principle, Critical Theory Jurgen Habermas; Reforms to make bureaucracy suitable to developing countries Chapter-3 Decision making: Value-fact premises and bounded rationality theory of Simon Motivation (importance and theories; Maslow-Herzberg; Indian applications) Leadership (contemporary theories/ role of participative leadership, transformational leadership in India today) Chapter-4 (alongwith Ch-3 of Paper-II for PSUs) Open Systems/Contingency theory concept of cybernatics -- linking it to the concept of ecology of administration Reforms in PSUs disinvestment, accountability, autonomy etc Regulatory Organisations (role in checking malpractices/corruption and whether they have made any difference) Chapter-7 Current Status of Comparative Public Administration and its applied benefits Idea of Ecology in P.A.; Ferrel Heady's analysis of role/impact of ecology components Critical appraisal of Riggs, challenges of devt in prismatic societies Development dilemma in terms of Differentiation-Integration, Exogenic-Endogenic, stages of Development Chapter-8 State v/s Market debate and current perspective on it (state -mkt partnership for development) Anti- development thesis (its relevance to India) MDGs and their progress/prospects in India Various schemes/policies for Gender -inclusive development in India and role of self help groups Chapter-10 Policy Paralysis in the current context linking with anarchy theory and pressure groups, reasons for govt inaction; Mixed Scanning Model and its relevance Challenges involved in Post-policy processes-implementation, monitoring, evaluation & review, problems faced and possible solutions Chapter-11 Potential/Role of e-Governance applications in India (hurdles/lessons learnt & future roadmap); e-Gov case studies in India; NeGP 2006 Role of Network Analysis (PERT/CPM) in the light of role to Infrastructure development in Modern India Aspects related to other chapters (not taught by me) Chapter-5 (Accountability and Control) is very important for 2012, especially its links with Chapter-1 (Good Gov) and Chapter-8 (Development Dynamics) Civil Society (its role, civil society engagement esp in the wake of the Lokpal Bill Experience) Judicial Accountability Act and its potential in Good Governance and accountability Whistle blowers protection and its role in corruption combating Gender budgeting/Outcome Budgeting/Performance Budgeting , role of Social Audit

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