ST Francis Xavier Catholic Primary School Weekly Newsletter

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Roberts Road, Balby, Doncaster DN4 OJN Telephone: 01302 344678 Fax: 01302 341231 e-mail:

14th September 2012

Attendance award was won this week by: Top Dog Patrick 97.8% The Cup Brigid 99.3% School Target is 95.0% School weekly total 95.3% School total 95.0% WELL DONE !!
Patrick Zach Szurgot for being the 1st to tidy up, everyday. Hilda Georgia mills for settling into her new class and always having a smile. Aidan Adrianna Antoniw for fantastic start to new year in new class. Brigid Anna andrezejewska for supporting others in their learning. Bede Jakub Styczen for outstanding effort in numeracy. Columba Julia Mackowska for making a great start to new school year, and keen and enthusiastic.
Let Gods love shine in our lives as we care and share and learn together

This weeks achievers are:

Light Reminders Please can parents be reminded that all money sent to school must be put into envelopes, clearly marked with childs name, class and what the money is for. Dinner money is due on a Monday morning. Thank You. Children are not allowed to wear earrings for school, if your child has recently had their ears pierced then can you make sure that your child is wearing plasters over the earring for their own safety and that of others. Reception class require a P.E kit for Monday 10th (white t shirt black/ navy shorts, trainers. Please check your childs planner for P E days in the other classes. Dates for parent Curriculum meetings Monday 24th September 5.30 p.m. Aidan class, Tuesday 25th September 5.30 p.m. Brigid & Hilda Wednesday 26th September 5.00 p.m. Bede Wednesday 26th September 5.30 p.m. Columba Thursday 27th September 3.30 p.m. Patrick & Nursery
School Times Just a reminder regarding school times. The children can come in to school from 8.45am. The gates will be closed at 8.55am if children arrive after this time they will have to come to the front entrance so they can be registered appropriately. If your child arrives after 8.55am they will be marked late and persistent lateness can lead to involvement of the education welfare services. IF THE BACK GATES ARE CLOSED PLEASE DO NOT OPEN THEM School finishes at 3.20pm. If you are delayed for any reason at the end of school and you know you will be late please let school know. This can save a lot of distress for your child.

Can parents please remember they are responsible for their children before school starts and after it has finished. Please do not let your children climb on or over the school gates or wall as the children know that this is NOT acceptable behaviour and a health and safety risk No smoking We would like to remind parents not to bring dogs or to smoke in the playground. If you do smoke, please take into consideration the area you are smoking in. Please avoid smoking in any area that the children may have to pass in order to get into school.
Let Gods love shine in our lives as we care and share and learn together

Thank You.

Let Gods love shine in our lives as we care and share and learn together

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