The Long Journey - Chapter 2 - A Voyage of Dreams

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The Long Journey

By Jacob Hegh

Dreams. What are they and why do we have them? The Aminorians believe them to be the connection between the body and soul. Dreams are as such the very language of the soul and body. Others, however, believe that dreams are merely a random mixture of imagery and sounds created when the mind is unleashed during sleep. They believe that dreams, in this chaotic state, symbolize the inner beast. But to Vincent the dream had become real. He believed that the female from his dream was his true love, and when she was calling out for aid he immediately began planning a journey that would take him far beyond the shores and safety of Amina. Vincent wasnt going by himself, however. Two of his closest friends, Kaylee and John, had gone with him. The three had been through a lot together and they werent about to let Vincent go alone. Late at night Vincent found the two standing at the harbour waiting for him and they finally set sail. They were going to the great city of Techia, home of the machine-people, and further into the beyond and the unknown. But the sea is both beautiful and treacherous and it can reveal our true natures.

A Voyage of Dreams
The three friends had gone aboard the ship by the name of The Dawn. The ship wasnt a traditional ship, though. It was designed by its captain, who was an old Aminorian called William and he was as sturdy as he claimed his ship to be. He had designed the ships sails to be able to swing and twist around the mast. He figured it would give the ship more manoeuvrability and this would be the maiden voyage for his design. The sails were held in place by a stabilizer and some safety mechanisms. William was the only crew the ship really needed. At least he thought it wouldnt need any more than him. William was no stranger on the sea and had been on many trips but sadly he had paid the price. On one of his voyages he lost a leg in an accident and had to have it

replaced with a wooden one but he would not let himself be knocked out quite so easily. He had agreed to take Vincent, Kaylee and John to Techia but from there they would be on their own. It was morning and the weather was clear. The sun was shining from the cloudless sky above and Vincent was slowly waking up. He dried his eyes which was still wet from his sleep. This was a rare occasion for Vincent as he did not have the dream during the night. He dreamt of something that appeared to be random. He rose from his bed, walked outside and saw John and Kaylee talking. Kay, Kay, Kay No Just no John said to her. Vincent looked at them both and realized that he had just jumped into the middle of their conversation. What? It could work! Kaylee replied. John looked at her and shook his head in disbelief. Kaylee It wont work. Trust me. Vincent walked over to them. Hi guys So What wont work? he asked. Oh. Hi Vince! Kaylee said while smiling at him. Vinnie! You finally decided to join the land of the awake, eh? You do realize its well pass 12, right? What would the others not say if they could see that kind of laziness? Oh dear, oh dear John replied jokingly. And looks whos talking. This is the first time Ive heard of you being awake before noon. Vincent replied with a smile. Yes, that is true, but we arent talking about me, now are we? Anyway, Kay thinks she can teach me to overcome my distaste of water and I say that it wont work. John looks at Kaylee, Its as simple as that, Kay. But John you cant jus Kaylee tried to reply but John cut her off. Hey! No buts! I dont like water. Thats it. Youre just being silly, John Kaylee said. Me? Being silly? The water is the one who is being silly. And you, Kay. And Vincent too. John turned around and started looking at the sea. His look turned serious as he mumbled The sea is no place for me. Later that day John was sitting on the deck and checking his pack. He wanted to make sure that everything was there. John was not a careless soul and he more often than not wanted to be in control of his surroundings. John wasnt too thrilled about the idea of others controlling his life. This was one of the reasons why he wasnt too happy about working. But this had given him a the habit of constantly checking to see if he had remembered everything. As he was checking his pack Vincent came and sat next to him. John..? How are you holding up? Being out here at sea and all that... John looked at Vincent with a comforting look in his eyes. Im fine You know, I just need to not look at that big blue thing and everythings fine John said. You havent told Kay why you dont like the sea? Vincent asked. No, I havent Maybe I should, though? I mean She does seem to care about me More than you know, my friend Vincent said. John looked at him with a smile. Shes something else, isnt she? Sometimes I wonder why she even stays with us With me Perhaps

she can sense the purity in me. John said jokingly. Heh, Im sure of it Vincent said. Look, Im glad that youre here. Both of you. I cant imagine doing this without you Vince, Im happy to be here. Especially out here. At sea. Which I love. With the wind in my fur. Besides I couldnt let you do this all by yourself, now could I? You wouldnt last very long without this survival expert, you know. John said jokingly. Yes, what would I do without you?? Heh Anyway, what was it that Kay wanted you to do? Vincent asked. Oh that! She wanted to give me some kind of wings to help make me float if I should ever want to go swimming But why would I do that? We arent meant for swimming, you and I. Not her either! Wings wont change that But she just doesnt want to accept that. John replied. She wanted to give you wings? I think she just wants to help you. I know But still John said. Some time later that evening Vincent and Kaylee had gone to sleep. John was still awake. He was looking out a small window where he could see the moonlight reflecting on the calm surface of the sea. He had found some kind of serenity just looking at the calm sea. John was quite fearful of the ocean but it seemed he had found something to calm him down. He was wondering if he should tell Kaylee about his fear, but he was actually more afraid of her reaction to it. He always thought that Kaylee liked him because he was nigh fearless. Because he was strong and courageous. But admitting to be fearful of something, especially of something that Kaylee did not see as something frightening, could be potentially damaging, he thought. As he was sitting and contemplating about his decision to tell her or not he heard a sound coming from Kaylees bed. The three shared a room on the ship and John could see them both lying in the dark room only lit by the moonlight entering through the windows. John looked at Kaylee and saw something he hadnt expected to see. She was lying curled up on her side crying. John had never seen her this way before and didnt know what to do. As he was looking at Kaylee and wondering what to do he heard a sound coming from Vincent. He looked at Vincent and saw him turning in his bed. John looked at them both with a puzzled look as he didnt know what to do. John didnt dream, or at least he could never remember having a dream, and thus wasnt sure about waking them up or not. He decided to let them both sleep but found himself quite astounded. John looked out of the small window at the calm surface yet again and was disheartened by the sound of Kaylees lament. As the sound of her crying faded into the silent night John figured that her dream was finally over. He went to bed that night thinking about Kaylee and how we all fear something. Maybe it was alright to fear, he thought. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Some days later John was sitting on the deck looking at the sunlit surface of the sea. The suns reflection on the ocean sometimes caught Johns eyes but he was trying to overcome his fear of the sea and didnt mind the reflection. He looked around and saw Vincent talking to William, the captain, and when he looked to the other side he saw Kaylee approaching him. Hey John she said softly. She sat down next to him. Kaylee always had a way of making other people smile. It must have been because of her natural high spirit and this was one of the reasons why John was so troubled about seeing her cry the other night. Oh, hi Kay Looking at the sea again? she asked. Yeah, you know Im trying to reconcile with the blue thing. Perhaps one day well even be friends John said jokingly. Kaylee smiled at him and looked at the sea. She made a small grin, looked at him and got up. As she was turning away from John he said: Kay, wait She looked at him with an inquisitive look. Yeah? she asked. Alright I think its time that I told you about why I dont exactly like the sea. Look down and describe what you see to me. She looked straight down at the surface. I see Water? Yes you do But you also see darkness. You can see the dark abyss below the surface, and thats John took a deep breath. You see That dark abyss? Thats what Im afraid of. Not knowing what hides in the darkness. Whenever I look at it I feel like Im falling into Well, oblivion. I feel like Im being consumed by it. Im disappearing. Being lost in the dark. Forgotten. John looked straight down at the surface. He took another deep breath. Lost Forever he said. Kaylee looked at him with a sad look and John looked at her. I understand, John She placed her hand on his shoulder. John smiled at her and said, But with you I might just be able to face that fear. he said. She smiled at him. So, the big, bad John fears the sea, huh? she said jokingly. Why you little! I knew youd make fun of me! Kaylee started laughing. John looked at her and smiled. It was nice to see her like this, he thought. Dont worry, John Well keep you safe. Vincent hadnt noticed the two talking until they began laughing. He looked at them for a short time when William said: Well arrive at Techia tomorrow I think You think? Yeah, I cant be sure Im no sailor Oh wait, I am a sailor! But yeah Tomorrow If those clouds will let us pass through them, that is. William said jokingly at first but then anxiously, Hopefully theyll let us pass. Vincent looked into the horizon where massive clouds were gathering. Theyll most likely let us pass. I can feel it. William reassured Vincent. Later that night John found himself yet again sitting in the dark room and looking out of the window. He was beginning to get used to seeing the surface, but now he was also beginning to worry about the clouds. The surface of the sea wasnt quite as calm as he had been used to seeing.

His worries about the sea quickly faded though when he heard Kaylee crying again. He decided to wake Kaylee from her nightmare this time and as he was approaching her he saw Vincent twisting and turning. It was as if he was trying to reach something in his dreams. John sat next to Kaylee who was still dreaming and crying in her sleep. He put his arm around her and gently woke her up. Kaylee opened her eyes and saw John sitting next to her. Kay Its alright It was only a dream It cant harm you I wont let it. John told Kaylee as she was looking deeply into his eyes. John gently put his hand on her shoulders to calm her down and he noticed that Vincent had calmed down as well but was still asleep. John looked back at Kaylee who was breathing heavily. She was looking around the room as if to recognize the real world from the one in her dream. As she was calming down she fell deeper into her bed but serenity would prove to be short-lived that night. John began to feel the ship starting to tremble and heard the wind blowing harder with each stroke the waves pounded on the side of the ship. He got up from Kaylees side. She had fallen asleep again. He walked towards the window. He looked outside and saw the otherwise calm surface from earlier had now turned rather violent. Vince..? Kay! Get up! Now! he shouted. Both Vince and Kay woke up from their sleep and nearly fell out of their beds when a large wave struck a blow on the ship. They rushed onto the deck and saw the sky as dark as the very sea and they felt the wind howling through the air. Standing in the doorway John immediately felt his fear of the dark sea overcome him and he took a step backwards into the cabin. He looked up at William who was courageously struggling to maintain control of the helm. Sorry to have woken you! I could use some help, though, now that youre all up! William shouted. Vincent and Kaylee rushed to Williams aid when Kaylee suddenly saw John standing in the doorway to the cabin. He shook his head repeatedly and kept saying No as if to convince himself that he was actually in a dream. Kaylee ran towards him and grabbed his hands, John! JOHN! John looked at her with a terrified look in his eyes. His hands were trembling. He was falling into his fears of the dark, unknown abyss of the sea. Kaylee was still holding his hands. John! Fight your fears! We need you! Vincent, secure the mast! The sail is cutting lose! We cannot lose it! William shouted. Vincent looked at the mast and started making his way towards it but he didnt notice Kaylee and John standing in the doorway when the sail suddenly broke out of one of its locking mechanisms and started turning around the mast itself like the hands of a clock turning. Because of the strong winds the sails were turning violently in the air. Kaylee was still standing in the doorway when parts of the sail caught her and pulled her out of the doorway. She was stuck in some of the ropes that used to

lock the sail to the mast and couldnt break free. Vincent saw her being thrown around with the sail. He ran towards one of the remaining locking mechanisms still intact and kicked it free which propelled him into the air. He needed to time everything right in order to catch Kaylee being pulled with the sail as it was spinning around the deck. As he flew through the air he managed to catch her but couldnt free her from the bonds. John! JOHN! he shouted. John was looking up at the two spinning and trembling in the air and was nearly frozen when time suddenly felt like it slowed down. His senses had reached a much higher level than ever before due to the fear-induced adrenaline rush pumping through his body. John! Cut the rope! Cut the rope! John snapped out of his trance and looked at them with a serious look in his eyes. He turned around and ran towards his pack grabbing a large knife. He rushed outside and waited for Vincent and Kaylee to reach the right spot for him to make a move. He waited. And he waited. When they finally reached his side of the mast he grabbed one of the ropes and started climbing the spinning sail. With the wind and water simultaneously beating on him he struggled to reach them. Throw the knife! shouted Vincent. John looked up with a contemplative look in his eyes. He knew that the only way to throw the knife would be to let go of the rope, and that meant that he would fall down on the deck. And it was a long way down. His only choice was to wait for the sail to spin them over the ocean where he could at least have a change of making it if he could hit a large enough wave. When he was hanging above the water he threw the knife. Vincent caught it and watched John fall into the water below them. Hurry! Kaylee shouted. Vincent used the knife to cut Kaylee free and when they both looked down John was nowhere to be seen. Both of them were frightened and feared the worst but they knew that they had to get down from the mast. Letting go falling into the water would be too dangerous. Kaylee looked around and saw a rope hanging from the ships second and smaller mast. The rope! Grab it! Vincent saw the rope and grabbed it just as they were spinning towards it. They glided down the rope until they reached the floor but on their way down the rope they heard a thumping sound from below them. John! Kaylee shouted relieved. John had indeed gone off to sea with the waves but he was slammed back onto the ship. The ship had just the right angle to let the wave hit the deck with John tumbling along with it. Vincent and Kaylee reached the floor where John was lying. Lets John said while coughing water out of his mouth. Lets never do that again he said jokingly with a confused smile on his face. Kaylee smiled at him as he was lying dizzy on the deck. Vincent reached out his hand to help John onto his feet when he heard William shout from above: Secure the sail, Vincent! Use the safety mechanism! Vincent quickly helped John up and looked at him

with a quirky smile. Youre looking fine. You did good! Vincent patted him on the shoulder and then turned around and went for the safety mechanism which would hopefully bring the mast to a stop. Ye Yeah Im What? Who? John said while stumbling onto his feet. Kaylee, start the stabilizers! shouted Vincent from the other end of the ship. Kaylee rushed to the stabilizer but realized when she reached it that it had taken damage. The strong wind and constant bashing by the waves had rendered it broken beyond repair. Its broken! Kaylee shouted. Vincent was still struggling with the safety mechanism when it suddenly snapped. The sail had taken too many turns for one mechanism to handle and it broke. The sail was now turning in the wind uncontrollably and it was only a matter of time before it would come tumbling down taking the mast with it. Well, thats not good. William said quietly to himself. He looked at the lifeboat which was miraculously still intact. He sensed that the storm wasnt about to let them pass and he gathered that the four of them would stand a better chance in the lifeboat. That meant abandoning the ship. But William wasnt ready to give up just yet. John! Wake up, man! William shouted. The words came crashing down on John who was still fighting his dizziness. Get up here! William cried. John shook his head and ran up the stairs leading to the helm but the wind was fighting his approach and his dizziness didnt make it any easier. However he managed to pull through and get to William. If that thing falls it will take the ship with it! William told him. We need to make a controlled But before William could finish his sentence the mast broke and came trembling down on the deck. The crash had created a hole and water started pouring onto the deck more rapidly. Vincent had gone away from the broken safety mechanism and was on his way to the helm when William pointed at the lifeboat. Im not too keen to say this But A good captain goes down with his ship. William looked at John. Splashes of water were pouring down on them both from the endless waves. Abandon ship. Ill find a way to keep her afloat long enough for you to make it. We cant leave you behind! John said angrily. Look, The Dawn is going down! If you dont go now shell be taking you with her! Now go! John hesitated to turn around and head for the lifeboat. He looked desperately and angrily at William but then turned and jumped down the stairs. Kaylee was on the side where the lifeboat was. Kay! The lifeboat! shouted John. Kaylee stopped at the boat and looked confused. Vincent was standing on the other side of the ship. The fallen mast had divided them. Cut free the lifeboat! John cried. Kaylee cut lose the restraints keeping the lifeboat in place and watched it drop into the violent sea. Vincent looked at Kaylee as she cut the boat lose and went across the fallen mast and

the debris. The lifeboat was still tied to a rope ladder but it could come lose at any moment. When both John and Vincent finally reached Kaylee the rope ladder began to snap due to the strong pull of the ocean. What about William?? Kaylee asked John. Hes not coming on this one! We need to hurry! William was still standing at the helm watching the three climb down the rope ladder. His struggle to maintain the boat had become increasingly difficult since water was pouring onto the deck through the hole created by the fallen mast. He looked around as if to find something but when he looked back at the three to see their progress he saw Vincent had gone missing. He leaned over the railing and saw nothing but a shape and then a splash. Kaylee had gone into the water after Vincent. John was still trying to climb down the rope. Vince!! cried John. Vincent was climbing down the rope when a wave caught him and dragged him with it. Johns fear of the dark sea was coming back and he found himself clinging onto the rope. The solid ground beneath him had vanished and he felt his heart beating more aggressively. He saw the waves not only drag Vincent under the sea but it had also thrown him into the side of the ship. John felt like the sea was alive and actually trying to stop them. Then he saw Kaylee dive into the dark sea, vanishing from Johns eyes. Kaylee!! No!! John became frozen in time. Clinging onto the wet and slippery rope. He could feel it breaking. He could hear it as he closed his eyes. Suddenly something or someone grabbed John by his arm. Come along now! William said and pulled John onto his back. William climbed down the rope and onto the lifeboat with John. He looked over the railing to see if he could spot Kaylee and Vincent somewhere but the dark water made it nearly impossible. Vince..? Kay..? said John as he dragged himself to the railing. Then they heard a sound coming from the other side of the lifeboat. Kaylee had found Vincent and was trying to pull him onto the lifeboat. Kaylee! Vince! cried John relieved and rushed to help Kaylee pull in Vincent. When they finally managed to pull Vincent up they put him on the floor of the boat. The hit he took to his head when he was thrown into the side of the ship had made him dizzy. John was relieved to see that both of them were alright. Kaylee sat down next to Vincent. Alright then. Guess were all here! William said and headed towards the rope ladder and cut it off. As he was pulling the lifeboat out of the storm he saw his ship go down into the black sea. After what felt like mere moments the storm started to quiet down as they were pulling away. So William What happened to the good captain? John asked jokingly. I never said I was a good captain. William replied with a smile. Im happy to see that you chose to be a bad captain, then. Thanks for pulling

me onto the boat. Williams just looked at him and smiled. Perhaps my little invention with the sails still needs some tweaking. William said to himself but John heard him. Yeah, I think youre right. he said and went back to the other two. Kaylee and Vincent were both exhausted and leaning on each other. John could see that they were drifting in and out of sleep. Kaylee..? John said quietly. She looked at him. Thanks for bringing him back. She smiled at John and then looked at Vincent. Get some rest, younglings. Well be at Techi Before he could finish his sentence he saw that the three had already fallen asleep. He saw Kaylee holding Vincents hand and John lying next to Vincent. Well be a Techia before you know it. The following day the sun was shining. The sea was at peace once more. The storm had taken its toll but at least they were all safe. Wake up! William said loudly. As they woke up Vincent let go of Kaylees hand and tried to get up. As they were finally able to see again from the sleep clouding their vision they saw what appeared to be a single, massive structure rising in the horizon. Were here. William said. Techia.

End of chapter 2: A Voyage of Dreams.

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