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The Teaching Perspective Inventory

1. General Information

The Teaching Perspective Inventory will help you understand and interpret your profile. And keep in mind that perspectives are the reason that as a teacher we will use it in a determined time. In our research involving hundreds of teachers, the vast majority hold one or two dominant perspectives. For this reason, we need to continue creating more reason to encourage and motivate them to enhance the reach of the goals according to this information.

2. Introduction

Effective teaching requires a substantial commitment to the content or subject matter. Good teaching means having mastery of the subject matter or content. Teachers must reveal the inner workings of skilled performance and must translate it into accessible language and an ordered set of tasks which usually proceed from simple to complex, allowing for different points of entry depending upon the learner's capability. Good teachers know what their learners can do on their own and where they need guidance and direction; they engage learners within their zone of development. As learners mature and become more competent, the teacher's role changes; they offer less direction and give more responsibility as students progress from dependent learners to independent workers. All of this situation can complement in the special areas that some teacher can reinforce during the process of teaching and also what the students expect from you as a teacher into the classroom.

3. The test result and the description of your teaching perspective

We have to take into account some simple steps to interpreting that have provided the examination results and we have to remind yourself what philosophical viewpoint each of the five perspectives represents. The height of each of the five vertical bars on your profile represents how strongly you hold each of the Five Perspectives outlined on the Summary Sheet. Although, too many interpreting is not the exactly the same as you took into account and also this is a measure to realize what we want during the process teaching learning. Nowadays, teachers don't have the adequate knowledge to interpreting the results of some test and we have to mention this because this develop the skills that some students can have. 4. Conclusion

In conclusion, we need to take into consideration what we are doing well during the process of teaching and then, we have to look for what are our weaknesses in the process of teaching. The most important thing makes to prevail as a teacher taking into account the interpreting of that Teaching Perspective. Actually, teachers should be virtuoso performers of their subject matter in this way. No matter if you as a teacher should take more protagonists
into the class and make feel comfortable to students around them and also teaching should focus on developing qualitative changes in thinking. In a few words, this is the first steps that teachers

should take into consideration when they want to analyze the results from Teaching Perspective.

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