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Case 8:12-cv-01137-CBM-AJW Document 34

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1 Paul D. Clement (DC Bar 433215) 2 H. Christopher Bartolomucci (DC Bar 453423) 3 Nicholas J. Nelson (DC Bar 1001696) 4 5 BANCROFT PLLC 6 1919 M Street, N.W. 7 Suite 470 Washington, D.C. 20036 8 202-234-0090 (telephone) 9 202-234-2806 (facsimile) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Of Counsel: Kerry W. Kircher, General Counsel (DC Bar 386816) William Pittard, Deputy General Counsel (DC Bar 482949) Christine Davenport, Senior Assistant Counsel (NJ Bar 043682000) Todd B. Tatelman, Assistant Counsel (VA Bar 66008) Mary Beth Walker, Assistant Counsel (DC Bar 501033) OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL, U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 219 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 202-225-9700 (telephone) 202-226-1360 (facsimile)

23 Counsel for Proposed Intervenor-Defendant the Bipartisan 24 Legal Advisory Group of the U.S. House of Representatives 25 26 27 28

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18 Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group of the U.S. House of Representatives (House) 19 will move this Court on Monday, October 15, 2012, at 10:00 a.m., or as soon 20 thereafter as counsel may be heard, in the United States District Court for the 21 Central District of California, Southern Division, Courtroom 2, 312 North Spring 22 Street, Los Angeles, California 90012-4701, for an order granting the Houses 23 unopposed motion for leave to file a consolidated memorandum in excess of 24 twenty-five (25) pages. 25 26 MOTION Pursuant to Local Rule 11-6, the House respectfully moves for leave to file

27 one consolidated memorandum of up to sixty (60) pages in support of the Houses 28 1

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1 motion to dismiss Plaintiffs claims and in opposition to Plaintiffs Motion for 2 Preliminary Injunction (Aug. 23, 2012) (ECF No. 12). 3 4 LOCAL RULE 7-3 STATEMENT On September 12, 2012, counsel for the House conferred with Jesi J.

5 Carlson, counsel to Defendants Janet Napolitano, the Department of Homeland 6 Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, and the United States Citizenship and Immigration 7 Service, who advised that her clients consent to the relief requested in this motion. 8 On September 12, 2012, counsel for the House conferred with Peter A. 9 Schey, counsel for Plaintiffs, who advised that his clients take no position 10 regarding the relief requested in this motion. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 September 13, 2012 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2
Kerry W. Kircher, as ECF filer of this document, attests that concurrence in the filing of the document has been obtained from signatory Paul D. Clement. The Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group currently is comprised of the Honorable John A. Boehner, Speaker of the House, the Honorable Eric Cantor, Majority Leader, the Honorable Kevin McCarthy, Majority Whip, the Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Leader, and the Honorable Steny H. Hoyer, Democratic Whip. The Democratic Leader and the Democratic Whip have declined to support the position taken by the Group on the merits of DOMA Section 3s constitutionality in this and other cases.
2 1

A proposed Order is submitted herewith and oral argument is not requested. Respectfully submitted, By: /s/ Paul D. Clement Paul D. Clement BANCROFT PLLC1 Counsel for Proposed Intervenor-Defendant The Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group of the U.S. House of Representatives2

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CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on September 13, 2012, I electronically filed the foregoing

3 Notice of Unopposed Motion and Unopposed Motion of Proposed Intervenor4 Defendant the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group of the United States House of 5 Representatives for Leave to File a Consolidated Memorandum in Excess of 6 Twenty-Five Pages with the Clerk of Court by using the CM/ECF system, which 7 provided an electronic notice and electronic link of the same to the following 8 attorneys of record through the Courts CM/ECF system: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Gary H. Manulkin, Esq. Reyna M. Tanner, Esq. LAW OFFICES OF MANULKIN & BENNETT 10175 Slater Avenue, Suite 111 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Peter A. Schey, Esq. Carlos Holguin, Esq. CENTER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 256 South Occidental Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90057 Julie Greenwald Marzouk, Esq. Monica Nikole Ashiku, Esq. PUBLIC LAW CENTER 601 Civic Center Drive West Santa Ana, CA 92701 Beatrice Ann M. Pangilinan, Esq. ASIAN LAW ALLIANCE 184 Jackson Street San Jose, CA 95112

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Jesi J. Carlson, Esq. Timothy Michael Belson, Esq. Lana L. Vahab, Esq. Katherine E.M. Gottel, Esq. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Office of Immigration Litigation P.O. Box 868, Ben Franklin Station Washington, DC 20044 /s/ Kerry W. Kircher Kerry W. Kircher

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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA Southern Division ___________________________________ ) MARTIN R. ARANAS, IRMA ) RODRIGUEZ, and JANE DeLEON, ) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) No. 8:12-cv-01137-CBM (AJWx) v. ) ) [PROPOSED] ORDER JANET NAPOLITANO, et al., ) ) Defendants. ) ___________________________________ ) UPON CONSIDERATION OF the Notice of Unopposed Motion and

14 Unopposed Motion of Proposed Intervenor-Defendant the Bipartisan Legal 15 Advisory Group of the United States House of Representatives for Leave to File a 16 Consolidated Memorandum in Excess of Twenty-Five Pages (Motion), the 17 opposition, if any, the reply in support, if any, and the entire record herein, it is by 18 this Court this ____ day of _________, 2012, hereby ORDERED 19 20 That the Motion is GRANTED. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That Proposed Intervenor-Defendant the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group

21 of the United States House of Representatives may file one consolidated 22 memorandum of no more than sixty (60) pages in length in opposition to Plaintiffs 23 Notice of Motion and Motion for Preliminary Injunction (August 23, 2012) (ECF 24 No. 12), and in support of the Houses motion to dismiss. 25 26 27 28 ___________________________ Honorable Consuelo B. Marshall United States District Judge

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1 Paul D. Clement (DC Bar 433215) 2 H. Christopher Bartolomucci (DC Bar 453423) 3 Nicholas J. Nelson (DC Bar 1001696) 4 5 BANCROFT PLLC 6 1919 M Street, N.W. 7 Suite 470 Washington, D.C. 20036 8 202-234-0090 (telephone) 9 202-234-2806 (facsimile) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Of Counsel: Kerry W. Kircher, General Counsel (DC Bar 386816) William Pittard, Deputy General Counsel (DC Bar 482949) Christine Davenport, Senior Assistant Counsel (NJ Bar 043682000) Todd B. Tatelman, Assistant Counsel (VA Bar 66008) Mary Beth Walker, Assistant Counsel (DC Bar 501033) OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL, U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 219 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 202-225-9700 (telephone) 202-226-1360 (facsimile)

23 Counsel for Proposed Intervenor-Defendant the Bipartisan 24 Legal Advisory Group of the U.S. House of Representatives 25 26 27 28

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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA Southern Division ___________________________________ ) MARTIN R. ARANAS, IRMA ) No. 8:12-cv-01137-CBM (AJWx) RODRIGUEZ, and JANE DeLEON, ) ) MEMORANDUM IN ) SUPPORT OF UNOPPOSED ) MOTION OF PROPOSED Plaintiffs, ) INTERVENOR-DEFENDANT ) THE BIPARTISAN LEGAL v. ) ADVISORY GROUP OF THE ) UNITED STATES HOUSE OF JANET NAPOLITANO, et al., ) REPRESENTATIVES FOR ) LEAVE TO FILE A ) CONSOLIDATED ) MEMORANDUM IN EXCESS ) OF TWENTY-FIVE PAGES ) ) Hearing: October 15, 2012 ) Time: 10:00 a.m. ___________________________________ ) Hon. Consuelo B. Marshall On August 23, 2012, the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group of the U.S.

18 House of Representatives (House) moved for leave to intervene as a party 19 defendant to defend against Plaintiffs constitutional challenge to Section 3 of the 20 Defense of Marriage Act, Pub. L. No. 104-199, 110 Stat. 2419 (1996) (DOMA), 21 codified at 1 U.S.C. 7, and to litigate related jurisdictional issues, if any. See 22 Mot. of the [House] for Leave to Intervene (Aug. 23, 2012) (ECF No. 18) 23 (Motion to Intervene). That motion is now pending. 24 On the same day that the House filed its Motion to Intervene, Plaintiffs 25 Martin R. Aranas, Irma Rodriguez, and Jane DeLeon filed two significant motions: 26 a motion for a preliminary injunction, see Notice of Mot. & Mot. for Prelim. Inj. 27 (Aug. 23, 2012) (ECF No. 12) (Motion for Preliminary Injunction), and a motion 28 1

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1 for provisional class certification, see Notice of Mot. & Mot. for Class 2 Certification (Aug. 23, 2012) (ECF No. 13). Pursuant to the Courts Scheduling 3 Order (Aug. 27, 2012) (ECF No. 17), the House intends to respond to the Motion 4 for Preliminary Injunction on September 14, 2012. The House also intends to file 5 a motion to dismiss on September 14, 2012. Given the significant overlap in 6 arguments that the House intends to advance in support of its motion to dismiss 7 and in opposition to Plaintiffs Motion for Preliminary Injunction, the House 8 should be allowed to file one consolidated memorandum of not more than sixty 9 (60) pages. 10 As an initial matter, an opposition by the House to the Motion for 11 Preliminary Injunction is entirely consistent with its charge to defend DOMA 12 Section 3 against Plaintiffs constitutional challenges. See Reply to [Depts] 13 Resp. to Mot. of [House] for Leave to Intervene at 5-6 (Sept. 7, 2012) (ECF No. 14 29). This is particularly so where, as here, the Department of Justice 15 (Department) already has advised that it will not defend DOMA Section 3s 16 constitutionality in this case, see Letter from Judith C. Appelbaum, Acting Asst 17 Atty Gen., to the Hon. John A. Boehner, Speaker of the House (July 25, 2012), 18 attached to Notice to the Court (July 25, 2012) (ECF No. 5-3). And, given the 19 Departments repeatedly articulated legal position that DOMA Section 3 is 20 unconstitutional, it is unlikely to contest seriously the Plaintiffs likelihood of 21 success on the merits a crucial factor in determining whether a preliminary 22 injunction is warranted. See [Depts] Partial Oppn to Ex Parte Application to 23 Continue Hrg on Mot. for Prelim. Inj. & Class Certification at 3-4 (Aug. 26, 2012) 24 (ECF No. 16). 25 It follows, therefore, that any House opposition to the Motion for 26 Preliminary Injunction would require substantially the same showing as its motion 27 to dismiss: namely, that (i) DOMA Section 3 is constitutional; and (ii) the 28 2

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1 Plaintiffs cannot prevail on the merits because they have failed to state a claim 2 under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6). In order to eliminate redundancies 3 that would result from two filings, it is in the interest of the Court and the parties 4 that the House be permitted to file one consolidated memorandum that is no more 5 than sixty (60) pages in length. After all, Local Rule 11-6 provides that the House 6 would be entitled to twenty-five (25) pages for each separately-filed memorandum. 7 Accordingly, the net effect of this motion is to request up to, but no more than, ten 8 (10) pages above and beyond what normally would be allowed under the Local 9 Rules. 10 11 13 pages. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons, the Court should grant the Houses unopposed

12 motion for leave to file a consolidated memorandum in excess of twenty-five (25) Respectfully submitted, By: /s/ Paul D. Clement Paul D. Clement BANCROFT PLLC1 Counsel for Proposed Intervenor-Defendant the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group of the U.S. House of Representatives September 13, 2012

27 of the document has been obtained from signatory Paul D. Clement. 28 3

Kerry W. Kircher, as ECF filer of this document, attests that concurrence in the filing

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1 2

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on September 13, 2012, I electronically filed the Memorandum

3 in Support of Unopposed Motion of Proposed Intervenor-Defendant the Bipartisan 4 Legal Advisory Group of the United States House of Representatives for Leave to 5 File a Consolidated Memorandum in Excess of Twenty-Five Pages with the Clerk 6 of the Court for the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California using 7 the CM/ECF filing system, which provided an electronic notice and electronic link 8 of the same to the following attorneys of record through the Courts CM/ECF 9 system: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Gary H. Manulkin, Esq. Reyna M. Tanner, Esq. LAW OFFICES OF MANULKIN & BENNETT 10175 Slater Avenue, Suite 111 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Peter A. Schey, Esq. Carlos Holguin, Esq. CENTER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 256 South Occidental Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90057 Julie Greenwald Marzouk, Esq. Monica Nikole Ashiku, Esq. PUBLIC LAW CENTER 601 Civic Center Drive West Santa Ana, CA 92701 Beatrice Ann M. Pangilinan, Esq. ASIAN LAW ALLIANCE 184 Jackson Street San Jose, CA 95112

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Jesi J. Carlson, Esq. Timothy Michael Belson, Esq. Lana L. Vahab, Esq. Katherine E.M. Gottel, Esq. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Office of Immigration Litigation P.O. Box 868, Ben Franklin Station Washington, DC 20044 /s/ Kerry W. Kircher Kerry W. Kircher

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