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1. Name


2. Age: a.20-25 years 3. Gender: a. Male 4. Marital status a. Unmarried 5. Department 6. Designation 7. Daily wages a.Rs115-200b. Rs.201-300c.Rs.301-400 d. More than Rs. 400 8. Experience: a. 0-2Years b. 3-5Years c. 6-8Years d.9-11 Years e. Above 11Years : b. Married :________________________ :________________________ b. Female b. 26-35Years c. 36-45Years d. More than 45Years

9 What is your opinion about the working conditions in the company? a. Excellent b. Good c. Fair d. Poor e. Very poor

10.Do you agree that health and safety provisions were made clear for you? a. Highly agree b. Agree c. Neutrally agree d.Disagree e.Highly disagree

11. Are you aware of the safety and health provisions provided by the organization? a. Yes b. No

11. a. If yes how do you aware of that, through



Induction program Display related to provisions Training programs Experience


12.Mention your satisfaction level towards the safety and health policy statement a. Highly satisfied b. Satisfiedc. Neutrally satisfied d. Dissatisfied e. Highly dissatisfied 13. What is your satisfaction level towards personal protective equipment provided by the company? a. Highly satisfied b. Satisfiedc. Neutrally satisfied d. Dissatisfied e. Highly dissatisfied 14.Do you satisfied with arrangements for communicating health and safety provisions? a. Highly satisfied b. Satisfiedc. Neutrallysatisfied d. Dissatisfied e. Highly Dissatisfied 15.Areyou satisfied with the organization health and safety audits? a. Highly satisfied b.Satisfiedc. Neutrally satisfied d. Dissatisfied e. Highly dissatisfied 16.How do you feel about the health and safety action/development plan or manual? a. Highly satisfied b.Satisfiedc. Neutrally satisfied d. Dissatisfied e. Highly dissatisfied 17.What is your opinion regarding health provisions available for you? Factors Ventilation Drinking Water Latrines & Urinals Temperature& Humidification Cleanliness Lightning Disposal of effluents Spittoons Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutrally satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

18. What is your satisfaction level towards the health provisions provided by the company?

a. Highly satisfied b.Satisfiedc. Neutrally satisfied d. Dissatisfied e. Highly dissatisfied 19.What is your opinion towards safety provisions in the company available for you?

Factors Fencing of the machinery Hoists & Lifts Fire extinguisher Self-activating machinery Prohibition of children Hazard reporting First Aid Cardinal Rules PPE Medical Facilities Handling and storing gas





Very Poor

20. What is your satisfaction level towards the safety provisions provided by the company? a. Highly satisfied b.Satisfiedc. Neutrally satisfied d. Dissatisfied e. Highly dissatisfied 21. Mention your satisfaction level towards the service of internal first aiders or medical personals? a. Highly satisfied b.Satisfiedc. Neutrally satisfied d. Dissatisfied e. Highly dissatisfied


22. Mention your satisfaction level towards the maintenance of environment in the company Factors Pollution control Disposal of waste Work area condition Leakage of acid Raw material handling 23. What is your satisfaction about the incidents and accidents management? a. Highly satisfied b.Satisfiedc. Neutrally satisfied d. Dissatisfied e. Highly dissatisfied 24. Mention your opinion towards the factors affecting provision within the company Factors Contractors behavior Labour behavior Area of work Management attitude Company schedule Labour strength 25. Mention your expectations towards the health provisions? High Medium Low Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor

Factors Ventilation Drinking Water Latrines & Urinals Temperature& Humidification Cleanliness Lightning Disposal of effluents Spittoons




26. Do you satisfied with the safety means of reaching heights such as a commercially rated step-ladder or kick-stool? a. Highly satisfied b. Satisfiedc.Neutrally satisfied d. Dissatisfied e. Highly Dissatisfied 27. Do you agree that electrical safety provisions were provided for you by the company? a. Highly agree b. Agree c. Neutrally agree d.Disagree e.Highly disagree

28. Mention your expectations towards the safety provisions?

Factors Fencing of the machinery Hoists & Lifts Fire extinguisher




Self-activating machinery Prohibition of children Hazard reporting First Aid Cardinal Rules PPE Medical Facilities Handling and storing gas


29. Mention the overall satisfaction level towards the safety and health provisions provided by the company a. Highly satisfied b. Satisfiedc. Neutrally satisfied d. Dissatisfied e. Highly Dissatisfied 30. Any suggestions _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________


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