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Database Processing - Ninth Edition

CHAPTER 2 The Entity Relationship Model

True-False Questions
1. E-R models are expressed using a single standardized set of universally accepted symbols. Answer: False Level: easy Page: 31 A schema is a representation of something of interest to the modeler. Answer: True Level: easy Page: 32 An internal schema is a representation of how users view the database. Answer: False Level: easy Page: 32 A conceptual schema is a complete logical view of the database. Answer: True Level: easy Page: 32 An implementational schema shows physical storage using a particular product or technique. Answer: False Level: easy Page: 32 An entity is something in the users work environment that the users want to track. Answer: True Level: easy Page: 37 Entities of a given type are grouped into entity classes. Answer: True Page: 37 Level: easy








An entity class is described by the structure of the entities in that class. Answer: True Level: moderate Page: 37 An entity instance of an entity class is the representation of a particular entity and is described by the values of the attributes of the entity. Answer: True Level: hard Page: 37 In E-R modeling, entities within an entity class may have different attributes. Answer: False Level: easy Page: 37




Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


In E-R modeling, an attribute may be either composite or multi-value, but it cannot be both. Answer: False Level: moderate Page: 37 An identifier of an entity instance must consist of one and only one attribute. Answer: False Level: easy Page: 38 A composite identifier is defined as a composite attribute that is an identifier. Answer: False Level: hard Page: 38 An identifier may be either unique or non-unique. Answer: True Page: 38 Level: moderate





E-R modeling recognizes both relationship classes and relationship instances. Answer: True Level: easy Page: 38 Relationships do not have attributes. Answer: False Page: 38 Level: moderate



A single relationship class involves only one entity class. Answer: False Level: hard Page: 38 A binary relationship is a relationship based on numerical entity instance identifiers. Answer: False Level: moderate Page: 38 The degree of a relationship is expressed as the relationships maximum cardinality. Answer: False Level: hard Page: 39 A relationships minimum cardinality indicates whether or not an entity must be involved in the relationship. Answer: True Level: easy Page: 39 Relationships among instances of a single entity class are called redundant relationships. Answer: False Level: moderate Page: 40 A weak entity is an entity that cannot exist in the database without (and is logically dependent upon) another type of entity also existing in the database. Answer: True Level: hard Page: 41







Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


ID-dependent entities are a common type of weak entity. Answer: True Level: moderate Page: 41 All weak entities must have a minimum cardinality of 1 on the entity on which it depends. Answer: True Level: hard Page: 42 Multi-value attributes are represented in E-R diagrams by creating a new weak entity to represent the multi-value attribute and creating a 1:N relationship. Answer: True Level: moderate Page: 42 Subtype entities are used to produce a closer-fitting model when an entity has sets of optional attributes. Answer: True Level: easy Page: 44 Entities with an IS-A relationship should have the same identifier. Answer: True Level: easy Page: 44 Inheritance in a generalization hierarchy means that the supertype entity inherits all the attributes of the subtype entity. Answer: False Level: moderate Page: 45 Where the extended E-R model uses the term entity, the IDEF1X model uses the term generic entity. Answer: False Level: easy Page: 46 Where the extended E-R model uses the term supertype entity, the IDEF1X model uses the term generic entity. Answer: True Level: easy Page: 46 Where the extended E-R model uses the term 1:N relationship, the IDEF1X model uses the term identifying connection relationship Answer: False Level: moderate Page: 46 Where the extended E-R model uses the term N:M relationship, the IDEF1X model uses the term non-specific relationship Answer: True Level: moderate Page: 46











Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


There is no term in the extended E-R model for the IDEF1X model term domain. Answer: True Level: moderate Page: 46 In IDEF1X modeling, connection relationships are always drawn from a child entity to a parent entity. Answer: False Level: moderate Page: 49 In IDEF1X modeling, the default non-identifying connection relationship is a 1:1 relationship. Answer: False Level: moderate Page: 49 In IDEF1X modeling, the default non-identifying connection relationship is a mandatory parent entity connected to an optional child entity. Answer: True Level: moderate Page: 49 In IDEF1X modeling, an identifying connection relationship implies that the primary key of the parent entity is part of the primary key of the child entity. Answer: True Level: moderate Page: 49 In IDEF1X modeling, there is no way to document a weak entity that is not an ID-dependent entity. Answer: True Level: hard Page: 49 In IDEF1X modeling, a non-specific relationship is a 1:N or N:1 relationship. Answer: False Level: hard Page: 50 When an IDEF1X model is implemented as a relational database, a non-specific relationship will be converted into two 1:N relationships. Answer: True Level: moderate Page: 50 In IDEF1X modeling, a domain is a named set of possible values for an attribute. Answer: True Level: easy Page: 55 UML is intended for modeling and designing object-oriented programs and applications. Answer: True Level: easy Page: 57 For database design, UML-style E-R diagrams must be treated very differently from traditional E-R diagrams because of their object-oriented background. Answer: True Level: moderate Page: 57












Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


Maximum cardinalities are represented in UML-style E-R diagrams with the same notation (1:1, 1:N, N:M) as in traditional E-R diagrams. Answer: False Level: moderate Page: 58 In UML-style E-R diagrams, a weak entity is shown by placing a filled-in diamond on the line to theparent of the weak entity. Answer: True Level: moderate Page: 58 One weakness of UML-style E-R diagrams is that there is no means of distinguishing between a weak entity that is ID-dependent and a weak entity that is not ID-dependent. Answer: False Level: hard
Page: 58




UML-style E-R diagrams allow for the existence of class attributes, which are attributes that pertain to the collection of all entities within that class not to the individual entity instances themselves. Answer: True Level: hard Page: 60 UML-style E-R diagrams allow for the visibility of attributes. Answer: True Level: easy
Page: 60



UML-style E-R diagrams introduce object-oriented notation that is of limited practical value in traditional, relational database design. Answer: True Level: easy Page: 61

Multiple Choice Questions

50. Which of the following is not one of the three schemas used in the ANSI/SPARC three schema model? a.) external b.) internal c.) implementational d.) conceptual e.) All of the above are names of the schemas used in the model.

Level: easy Page: 32


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


Which of the three schemas used in the ANSI/SPARC three schema model is a representation of how users view the database? a.) external b.) internal c.) implementational d.) conceptual e.) All of the schemas are consistent with this description.

Level: easy Page: 32 52. Which of the three schemas used in the ANSI/SPARC three schema model is a complete logical view of the database? a.) external b.) internal c.) implementational d.) conceptual e.) All of the schemas are consistent with this description.

Level: easy Page: 32 53. Which of the three schemas used in the ANSI/SPARC three schema model shows physical storage using a particular product or technique? a.) external b.) internal c.) implementational d.) conceptual e.) All of the schemas are consistent with this description.

Level: easy Page: 32 54. When discussing a data model under construction, users will speak in terms of the ____________ schema that they work with, which database developers must translate into a ___________ schema. a.) external, internal b.) external, conceptual c.) internal, implementational d.) internal, conceptual e.) conceptual, implementational

Level: moderate Page: 32


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


Which of the following is not a key element of E-R models? a.) identifiers b.) entities c.) objects d.) attributes e.) relationships

Level: moderate Page: 37 56. The representation of a particular entity is called a(n) ______________. a.) entity class b.) entity relationship c.) entity instance d.) entity attribute e.) None of the above.

Level: easy Page: 37 57. Attributes may be ____________ attributes. a.) composite b.) element c.) multi-value d.) both a and c e.) both b and c

Level: moderate Page: 37

58. An identifier may be .

a.) b.) c.) d.) e.) Level: moderate Page: 38 59.

composite unique a single attribute non-unique All of the above.

Which type of identifier is used to identify a set of instances of a given entity? a.) class b.) attribute c.) unique d.) instance e.) non-unique

Level: moderate Page: 38


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


A composite attribute is an attribute that a.) is multi-value b.) describes a characteristic of the relationship c.) consists of a group of attributes d.) is calculated at run-time e.) is an identifier

Level: easy Page: 38 61. For a relationship to be considered a binary relationship it must satisfy which of the following conditions? a.) It must involve exactly two entity classes. b.) It must have a maximum cardinality of 1:1. c.) It must have a maximum cardinality of 1:N. d.) Both a and b e.) Both a and c

Level: hard Page: 38 62. Minimum cardinality refers to . a.) the most instances of one entity class that can be involved in a relationship with one instance of another entity class b.) the minimum number of entity classes involved in a relationship c.) whether or not an instance of one entity class is required to be related to an instance of another entity class d.) whether or not an entity is a weak entity e.) None of the above.

Level: moderate Page: 39


A hash mark across the relationship line near an entity indicates a.) a maximum cardinality of one b.) a unique identifier c.) a minimum cardinality of zero d.) a maximum cardinality of many e.) None of the above.

Level: moderate Page: 39


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


To represent a multi-value attribute in an E-R model, ______________________. a.) create a new weak entity with a 1:N relationship b.) create a new subtype entity with a 1:1 relationship c.) create a new strong entity with a 1:1 relationship d.) create a new weak entity with a 1:1 relationship e.) create a new subtype entity with a 1:N relationship

Level: hard Page: 42 65. Supertype / subtype entities are said to have a(n) __________________ relationship. a.) HAS-A b.) IS-A c.) recursive d.) redundant e.) multi-value

Level: easy Page: 43 66. Which of the following is not true about subtype entities? a.) Subtypes may be exclusive. b.) The supertype and subtypes will have the same identifier. c.) Subtypes are used to avoid a situation in which some attributes are required to be null. d.) Subtypes have attributes that are required by the supertype. e.) Subtypes can produce a closer-fitting data model.

Level: moderate Page: 43-45




You are given an E-R diagram with two entities, ORDER and CUSTOMER, as shown above, and are asked to draw the relationship between them. If a given customer can place a maximum of many orders and a given order can be placed by at most one customer, which of the following should be indicated in the relationship symbol between the two entities? a.) 0:1 b.) 1:1 c.) 1:N d.) N:1 e.) N:M

Level: hard Page: 38


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


In terms of generalization hierarchies, the characteristic of inheritance means that: a.) b.) c.) d.) e.) the attributes of an instance of the supertype include the attributes of the subtype. an instance of the supertype must belong to one of the subtypes. the attributes of an instance of the subtype include the attributes of the supertype. there is a redundant relationship among instances of the subtype. the attributes of different subtypes must not overlap with each other.

Level: hard Page: 45 69. Where the extended E-R model uses the term entity, the IDEF1X model uses the term ______________. a.) entity b.) supertype entity c.) subtype entity d.) generic entity e.) category entity

Level: easy Page: 46 70. Where the extended E-R model uses the term subtype entity, the IDEF1X model uses the term ______________. a.) entity b.) supertype entity c.) subtype entity d.) generic entity e.) category entity

Level: easy Page: 46 71. Where the extended E-R model uses the term 1:N relationship, the IDEF1X model uses the term ______________. a.) relationship b.) non-identifying connection relationship c.) identifying connection relationship d.) non-specific relationship e.) domain

Level: moderate Page: 46


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


Where the extended E-R model uses the term N:M relationship, the IDEF1X model uses the term ______________. a.) relationship b.) non-identifying connection relationship c.) identifying connection relationship d.) non-specific relationship e.) domain

Level: moderate Page: 46 73. There is no term in the extended E-R model for the IDEF1X model term ______________. a.) relationship b.) non-identifying connection relationship c.) identifying connection relationship d.) non-specific relationship e.) domain

Level: moderate Page: 46 74. IDEF1X models can be drawn showing: a.) entities only. b.) entities and primary keys. c.) entities, primary keys and attributes. d.) a and b e.) a, b, and c

Level: easy Page: 47 75. Drawings of IDEF1X models cannot show: a.) entities. b.) identifying connection relationships. c.) non-identifying connection relationships. d.) domains. e.) primary keys.

Level: moderate Page: + IDEF1X


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


IDEF1X modeling tools can be used for: a.) external schema modeling. b.) internal schema modeling. c.) conceptual schema modeling. d.) a and b e.) b and c

Level: hard Page: + IDEF1X 77. In IDEF1X modeling, a non-identifying connection relationship is indicated by: a.) a solid single connecting line. b.) a dashed single connecting line. c.) a solid double connecting line. d.) a dashed double connecting line. e.) a solid single line combined with a dashed single line.

. Level: moderate Page: 49 78. In IDEF1X modeling, the default non-identifying connection relationships implies that: a.) the relationship is 1:1, with a mandatory parent entity and an optional child entity. b.) the relationship is 1:1, with a optional parent entity and a mandatory child entity. c.) the relationship is 1:N, with a mandatory parent entity and an optional child entity. d.) the relationship is 1:N, with a optional parent entity and a mandatory child entity. e.) the relationship is 1:N, with a mandatory parent entity and a mandatory child entity.

Level: moderate Page: 49 79. In IDEF1X modeling, if a Z is placed at one end of a relationship, it implies that: a.) the relationship is 1:1, with exactly one child entity required. b.) the relationship is 1:1, with either zero or one child entities required. c.) the relationship is 1:N, with exactly one child entity required. d.) the relationship is 1:N, with either zero or one child entities required. e.) the relationship is a categorization relationship, with exactly one category entity required.

Level: moderate Page: 49 80. In IDEF1X modeling, an identifying connection relationship implies that: a.) the primary key of the parent entity is part of the primary key of the child entity. b.) the primary key of the child entity is part of the primary key of the parent entity. c.) the relationship is 1:N, with exactly one child entity required. d.) the relationship is 1:N, with either zero or one child entities required. e.) the relationship is a categorization relationship, with exactly one category entity required.

Level: moderate Page: 50


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


In IDEF1X modeling, a non-identifying weak entity is annotated with: a.) the letter N next to the weak entity. b.) the letter P next to the weak entity. c.) the letter W next to the weak entity. d.) the letter Z next to the weak entity. e.) nothing.

Level: hard Page: 49 82. In IDEF1X modeling, a non-specific relationship means that the relationship is: a.) 0:1 b.) 1:1 c.) 1:N d.) N:1 e.) M:N

Level: easy Page: 50 83. When an IDEF1X model is implemented as a relational database, a non-specific relationship will be converted into: a.) one 1:1 relationship b.) one 1:N relationship c.) two 1:N relationships d.) one M:N relationship e.) two M:N relationships

Level: moderate Page: 51 84. In IDEF1X modeling, E-R model subtypes are called ________________ and may be combined into _______________. a.) generic entities; generic groups b.) generic entities; generic clusters c.) category entities; category groups d.) category entities; categorization e.) discriminator entities; discriminants

Level: easy Page: 52


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


In IDEF1X modeling, a discriminator is: a.) an attribute of the generic entity that indicates which category entity class is associated with a generic entity instance. b.) an attribute of the category entity that indicates its associated generic entity class. c.) a symbol used with identifying connection relationships used as categorization relationships. d.) a symbol used with non-identifying connection relationships used as categorization relationships. e.) a symbol used with non-specific connection relationships used as categorization relationships.

Level: moderate Page: 52 86. In IDEF1X modeling, a domain is: a.) an attribute of the generic entity that indicates which category entity class is associated with a generic entity instance. b.) an attribute of the category entity that indicates its associated generic entity class. c.) a named set of possible values for an attribute d.) a named set of possible attributes for an entity e.) a named set of possible category entities in a categorization relationship.

Level: easy Page: 55 87. Which of the following is true about UML? a.) UML is a methodology for developing OOP systems. b.) UML is a set of tools to support the development OOP systems. c.) UML is primarily focused on database development. d.) Both a and b are correct. e.) All of the above are correct.

Level: hard Page: 57 88. In UML-style E-R diagrams, the second segment of an entity class contains _______________. a.) the name of the entity b.) the cardinalities of the entity c.) constraints and methods d.) relationships e.) entity attributes

Level: easy Page: 57


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


Which of the following would indicate a minimum cardinality of 1 and a maximum cardinality of many in UML notation? a.) 1:N b.) 1 .. N c.) 1/* d.) 1 .. * e.) 1: *

Level: moderate Page: 58 90. In UML-style E-R diagrams, the third segment of an entity class contains ________________. a.) the name of the entity b.) the cardinalities of the entity c.) constraints and methods d.) relationships e.) entity attributes

Level: easy Page: 57 91. Which of the following is not a true statement about the current version of UML? a.) UML places a filled-in diamond on the parent of a weak entity. b.) UML does not provide a means to document exclusivity among subtypes. c.) UML uses the label <identifying> to document an ID-dependent relationship. d.) UML does not provide a means of identifying a recursive relationship. e.) UML shows the cardinality on the parent entity of a weak entity as simple 1.

Level: hard Page: 58 92. In UML-style E-R diagrams, which of the following would be considered a class attribute of the entity class CUSTOMER? a.) Customer Name (meaning, the first and last name of the customer) b.) Customer Address (meaning, the street, city, state, and zip code of the customers residence) c.) Customer Count (meaning, the count of the number of customers) d.) Customer Number (meaning, an assigned number to uniquely identify a customer) e.) Both a and b

Level: hard Page: 60


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


Which of the following is not a characteristic that was introduced to E-R diagramming by UML? a.) class attributes b.) relationship attributes c.) visibility of attributes d.) methods e.) constraints

Level: hard Page: 59-60 94. In UML, an attribute preceded by a ________ is protected. a.) ! b.) # c.) d.) + e.) <Persistent>

Level: moderate Page: 60 95. In UML, an attribute that is accessible only by methods of its entity class or of its subclasses is said to be ____________. a.) private b.) exclusive c.) protected d.) public e.) persistent

Level: easy Page: 60 96. In UML, an attribute that is accessible only by methods of its entity class is said to be __________. a.) private b.) exclusive c.) protected d.) public e.) persistent

Level: easy Page: 60


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


In UML, an attribute that is accessible and can be changed by any method of any object is said to be ______________. a.) private b.) exclusive c.) protected d.) public e.) persistent

Level: easy Page: 60

ORDERS -SumOfOrders -OrderNumber -OrderDate -OrderTakenBy PK Constraint:OrderNumber +GetOrderNo( ) +SetOrderDate( )


In the UML-style entity class ORDERS shown above, SumOfOrders is _______________. a.) an entity attribute b.) a method c.) a constraint d.) a class attribute e.) None of the above.

Level: easy Page: 60

ORDERS -SumOfOrders -OrderNumber -OrderDate -OrderTakenBy PK Constraint:OrderNumber +GetOrderNo( ) +SetOrderDate( )


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


In the UML-style entity class ORDERS shown above, GetOrderNo( ) is a(n) ___________. a.) private method b.) protected constraint c.) public constraint d.) public method e.) protected method

Level: moderate Page: 60

Fill in the Blank Questions

100. A(n) Level: easy Page: 32 101. schema is a representation of something.

The ANSI/SPARC view the database. Level: easy Page: 32 102. The ANSI/SPARC Level: easy Page: 32 103.


schema model is a representation of how users


schema model is a complete logical view of the database.

The ANSI/SPARC internal product or technique. Level: easy Page: 32 104.

schema model shows physical storage using a particular

When designing a data model the users views must be translated into the developers conceptual schema. Level: moderate Page: 32 105. A(n) Level: easy Page: 37 entity is something that the users want to track in their environment.

106. Entities of a given type are grouped into Level: easy Page: 37 107. A(n) Level: easy Page: 37

entity classes .

instance is the representation of a particular entity.


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model

108. A(n) Level: easy Page: 37

composite attribute consists of a group of attributes.

109. If an identifier is a(n) Level: easy Page: 38

unique identifier, it will have one, and only one, entity instance.

110. Entities can be associated with one another in relationships . Level: easy Page: 38 111. The number of entity classes in a relationship is the Level: moderate Page: 38 112. Relationships of degree 2 are referred to as Level: moderate Page: 38 113. degree of the relationship.

binary relationships.

To show a minimum cardinality of one, a(n) line. Level: moderate Page: 39 114. To show a minimum cardinality of zero, a(n) Level: moderate Page: 39

hash mark is placed across the relationship

oval is placed across the relationship line.

115. Relationships among entities of a single class are sometimes called Level: moderate Page: 40 116. In some versions of E-R diagrams, attributes are shown in which they belong. Level: hard Page: 40 117. An entity that is not weak is called a(n) Level: easy Page: 41 118. strong entity.

recursive relationships.

ellipses attached to the entity to

A special type of weak entity in which the identifier of the entity includes the identifier of another entity is called a(n) ID-dependent entity. Level: moderate Page: 41


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model

119. Entities containing optional sets of attributes are often represented using Level: moderate Page: 43 120. In a generalization hierarchy, the all subtypes. Level: moderate Page: 43 121.

subtypes .

supertype entity contains the attributes that are common to

Generalization hierarchies have a characteristic called inheritance , which means that entities in the subtypes have all the attributes of the supertype. Level: hard Page: 45 122. The IDEF1X model uses the term the term entity. Level: easy Page: 46 123. The IDEF1X model uses the term the term subtype entity. Level: easy Page: 46 124. entity where the extended E-R model uses

category entity

where the extended E-R model uses

The IDEF1X model uses the term non-identifying connection relationship extended E-R model uses the term 1:N relationship. Level: moderate Page: 46 125. The IDEF1X model uses the term non-specific relationship extended E-R model uses the term M:N relationship. Level: moderate Page: 46 where the

where the

126. There is no term in the extended E-R model for the IDEF1X model term domain_. Level: moderate Page: 46 127. In IDEF1X modeling, a non-identifying connection relationship is indicated by Level: moderate Page: 49 128. a dashed line .

In IDEF1X modeling, the default non-identifying connection relationships implies that the relationship is 1:N_. Level: moderate Page: 49


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


In IDEF1X modeling, if a Z is placed at one end a relationship, it implies that the relationship is 1:1, with either zero or one child entities required. Level: moderate Page: 49 130. In IDEF1X modeling, a non-specific relationship means that the relationship is Level: easy Page: 50 131. M:N .

When an IDEF1X model is implemented as a relational database, a non-specific relationship will be converted into two 1:N relationships . Level: moderate Page: 51 132. In IDEF1X modeling, E-R model subtypes are called Level: easy Page: 52 Categorization 133. category entities .

In IDEF1X modeling, a discriminator is an attribute of the generic entity that indicates which category entity class is associated with a generic entity instance. Level: moderate Page: 52 Categorization 134. In IDEF1X modeling, a Level: easy Page: 55 135. domain is a named set of possible values for an attribute.

UML is a set of structures and techniques for designing applications. Level: easy Page: 57 136. In UML-style E-R diagrams, a(n) Level: moderate Page: 58 137.

object-oriented programs and

asterisk means a maximum cardinality of many.

In UML-style E-R diagrams, a filled-in diamond is placed on the line to the entity. Level: moderate Page: 58 138.

parent of a weak

When modeling a weak entity in UML-style E-R diagrams, the cardinality on the parent entity is always shown as 1 . Level: hard Page: 58


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


In UML-style E-R diagrams, the fact that a weak entity is not ID-dependent is indicated by putting the label <non-identifying> on the relationship. Level: hard Page: 58 140. In UML-style E-R diagrams, the classes of all entities that are to be stored in the database are labeled with the keyword <Persistent> . Level: hard Page: 59 141. In UML-style E-R diagrams, an attribute that is preceded by a + has a visibility of Level: hard Page: 60 public .

142. In UML-style E-R diagrams, an attribute that is preceded by a # has a visibility of protected. Level: hard Page: 60 143. In UML-style E-R diagrams, an attribute that is preceded by a - has a visibility of Level: hard Page: 60 private .

Essay Questions
144. Describe and discuss schemas and the ANSI/SPARC three schema model. A schema is a representation of some real-world system of interest to the person creating the schema. Created by the American National Standards Institute/Standards Planning and Requirements Committee (ANSI/SPARC), the ANSI/SPARC three schema model is used in data modeling and database development. The external schema, also known as the user view, illustrates how users see the database. The conceptual schema is the complete logical view of the database developed by the database developer. The internal schema shows how the conceptual schema will be physically implemented by a specific product or technique. The job of the database developer is to translate the users external schemas into the conceptual schema. The specific DBMS product used to implement the database will generally translate the conceptual schema into an internal schema. 145. Explain the ambiguity in the definition of a weak entity. The traditional definition of a weak entity is an entity that cannot exist in the database unless another entity exists in the database. Taken literally, this would include any entity that has a minimum cardinality of 1 to another entity since it could not be placed into the database without the existence of the second entity. Many people feel that this definition is too broad. Therefore, an alternative definition of a weak entity that would require an entity to logically depend on another entity in order to be considered weak has been presented. Under this more narrow definition, all entities that have a minimum cardinality of 1 to another entity would not be considered weak.


Chapter 2 - The Entity Relationship Model


Explain the concept of a generalization hierarchy and how it is represented in a traditional E-R diagram. A generalization hierarchy is when instances of an entity can be categorized into different types with each type sharing some common characteristics while having certain characteristics that are unique to each type. This is represented in E-R diagrams through the use of supertype and subtype entities. The supertype entity class contains the attributes that are common to all of the subtypes. The subtype entity classes represent the different types, or categories, of the supertype. Only the attributes that are unique to a given subtype tend to be listed as the attributes of that subtype. However, generalization hierarchies have a characteristic called inheritance, which indicates that all subtypes include, or inherit, all the attributes of the supertype. Each subtype has a relationship with the supertype. All subtypes should have the same identifier as the supertype since they represent different perspectives of the same thing.


Describe the relationships used in the IDEF1X standard and how they correspond to the relationships found in the extended E-R model. As used in the extended E-R model, the term "relationship" meant an association between entities, and it still has that basic meaning in the IDEF1X model. All other terms, however, have changed. "HAS-A relationships" in the extended E-R model are called "connection relationships" in the IDEF1X model. There are two types of connection relationships: "non-identifying connection relationships" and "identifying connection relationships." "Non-identifying connection relationships" correspond to" 1:1 relationships" and "1:N relationships" in the extended E-R mode, while "identifying connection relationships" correspond to the extended E-R model's "IDdependent relationships. The IDEF1X model "non-specific relationship" is the same as the "M:N relationship" in the extended E-R model. Finally, extended E-R model "IS-A relationships are called "categorization relationships in the IDEF1X model.


What new contributions to data modeling do UML-style E-R diagrams introduce? How valuable are these from a practical perspective? UML-style diagrams are a relatively new technique that focus on object-oriented application design. UML-style diagrams introduce new, object-oriented, concepts to data modeling, such as persistence, class attributes, visibility of attributes, and methods. All of these concepts are of limited practical value to actual database design since they cannot be easily or effectively represented in a relational database.


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