Twitter Counsel Statement Re: Handing Over User Info

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BROWN OF HARRIS BEACH, PLLC, TO THE CRIMINAL COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK September 14, 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have the documents with us today in a sealed envelope. On behalf of Twitter, Inc., we would like the opportunity to make a statement on the record. As this court has specically stated in its prior rulings, this case includes an issue of rst impression, and we would suggest, as such, is certainly worthy of review by the appellate courts of this state. The underlying legal issue of rst impression is complicated and is adversely affected since there is an argument that will surely be made by the District Attorney, that by complying with the subpoena and producing the documents in question, Twitter may arguably extinguish its appeal currently pending in Appellate term. As a pure matter of law, today Twitter is being given a fundamentally unfair Hobsons choice that is contrary to the core of our justice system of being compelled to either waive its right to appeal so that novel legal issues may be adjudicated on the merits, or being held in criminal and/or civil contempt. Such would be a patently unfair and unjust result where Twitter is exercising the legal remedies available to it in order to have a novel issued decided by the courts. Since our appeal is already led and the appeal is scheduled to be heard in November, and as set forth at paragraph 24 of our affirmation response, we would respectfully asked this court to stay

its June 30, 2012 decision and order pending review and determination by Appellate Term. In the alternative, I have the documents subject to the District Attorneys subpoena with me today. They are contained in a white, legal-sized sealed envelope with my name on the back of the envelope and the caption of the case on the front of the envelope. I would ask the court to consider the following resolution to strike the reasonable balance of conrming that Twitter is not willfully disobeying a court order, with twitters fundamental right to appeal the decision of this court. Twitter respectfully request that Your Honor receive the documents and hold them under seal (without inspection or production to the District Attorney) until such time as the Appellate Term issues its decision concerning this courts orders, particularly since this is a novel issue, all parties will benet from the guidance of the Appellate Division. Moreover, the Disorderly Conduct trial is scheduled for December 12, 2012, and thus there would be no unreasonable delay of the Harris non-jury trial. Neither the People of the State of New York nor the District Attorney will not be prejudiced by awaiting a decision on the appeal, and in fact may benet in future cases from an appellate resolution of this matter. Twitter respectfully requests the Court to hold the documents under seal until the appeal is decided on the merits In the alternative, should the Court conduct an in camera review of the documents, Twitter requests that the documents remain in the Courts sole possession and custody until a determination is made on the appeal. Thank you Your Honor

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