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Southeast Coastal Climate Network (SECCN) and its sub-group, the Florida Climate Alliance, are coali@ons of individuals and organiza@ons working on the issue of climate change in the coastal Southeast. The Network facilitates communica@on and collabora@on between members thus providing central places of discussion about how coastal communi@es can eec@vely respond to climate change. Membership is diverse and includes representa@ves from small businesses, government, academia, nonprot organiza@ons, and concerned ci@zens with a geographic spread spanning the Atlan@c coast from Maryland southward to Florida and along the Gulf coast to Louisiana. The host organiza.on for SECCN is Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.

SECCN on Social Media hAp://

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Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Using Community and Stakeholder Engagement to Change Minds & Futures
12 September 2012

Webinar Structure
Wicked Problems Values-based Engagement IAP2 Values Public and Stakeholder Engagement Engagement Tools and Techniques

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Wicked Problems
Deni@ve deni@on challenging (scoping issue) No stopping rule Solu@ons require levels not true / false Solu@on aXempts change the system Solu@ons hard to test Uniqueness Trickle down problems generated

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Systems Approach
Wicked problems worsen over @me Genera@ng new problems System elements out of alignment Change required Coordina@on - whole system change

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Ac@ons suppor@ng common interests Need for common understanding Accept the common stake Eliminate / guard against free riders Engaging stakeholders

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Holds an interest / stake in a pending decision or ac@vity Can defend rights or access resources in support of their stake Can organize into group in common purpose

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Can you think a one permanent solu@on to a wicked problem? How was that problem solved?

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Values-Based Dialogue
Produce of lived experience Tradi@on / habit Gives meaning to your life Hold it dear

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions




Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Values-Based Dialogue

Posi.ons Interest

Common Ground


Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Raise the level of discussion from tac@cal to strategic Build decision ownership Enlist suppor@ve ac@ons

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Typical shared values? Common ground for ac@on?

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

1. The public should have a say in decisions about ac@ons that could aect their lives 2. Public par@cipa@on includes the promise that the publics contribu@on will inuence the decision 3. The public par@cipa@on process promotes sustainable decisions by recognizing and communica@ng the needs and interests of all par@cipants, including decision makers

IAP2 Values

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

4. The public par@cipa@on process seeks out and facilitates the involvement of those poten@ally aected by or interested in a decision 5. The public par@cipa@on process seeks input from par@cipants in designing how they par@cipate 6. The public par@cipa@on process provides par@cipants with the informa@on they need to par@cipate in a meaningful way 7. The public par@cipa@on process communicates to par@cipants how their input aected the decision

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions


Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Public and Stakeholder Engagement

Decision not yet made Based upon a commitment to be inuenced or to share decision making The process of seeking input to inform decision making Provoke discussion to generate new thinking or to change ahtudes (delibera@on)

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Planning for Engagement

What is the decision? Who will decide? How will the decision be made? What are the givens ... the nego@ables ... What are the impacts? Who is impacted .... stakeholders How to align decision and engagement processes?
Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Why Invest?
Must .... its required You require informa@on ideas resources You need to share the decision to move forward Risk management (transac@on cost & @me)

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Durable Decisions




Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Level of Impact = Level of Engagement

Direct Indirect Unintended Moderate Signicant Drama@c

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Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Types of decisions? Types of impacts?

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Engagement Tools and Techniques

Processes designed to achieve specic outcomes Step-by-step Ac@ons and instruments Collabora@on built-in

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Informa@on Giving
NewsleXers / bulle@ns Adver@sement Website / email Bill stuer Phone messaging Brieng / presenta@on Open house

Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

Consul@ng People
Interviews Kiosks Web surveys / polls Comment cards Symposia Focus groups Site visits Delphi process Town hall mee@ng

Involving People
Keypad polling Workshops CharreXe Future search World caf Open space Apprecia@ve inquiry Study circle Dialogue Delibera@ve forum Revolving conversa@on Ci@zen panel Ci@zen jury Advisory Panel Mind mapping


Crea@ng Spaces for Produc@ve Social Discussions

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This webinar is part of the Southeast Coastal Climate Network webinar series. For more information about the Southeast Coastal Climate Network visit their website at

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