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The Return of the Wrap Up

SUP BITCHES!!! (in my Rachel Cobb voice). Yes, were finally back in action. Its that time of year when even Browns fans still have that small ray of hope & optimism for a good season. Never mind that our starting quarterback finished week 1 with a QB rating of 5.1 (which hilariously enough is lower than his career 5.20 ERA in the minor leagues), or that our best defensive player is suspended for the next 4 games. But thankfully for us weve got a fantasy team to hold us over & help retain our sanity. Speaking of sanity, Ive developed a bit of a new philosophy regarding fantasy football (skip to the cliffs if you dont wanna hear me ramble). I used to obsess over my weekly matchups to the point where I would memorize all my opponents starters & watch as many games as I could, hoping at every snap that none of his guys made a play. If the game wasnt on Id stare at stat tracker or twitter, hoping their names wouldnt show up. It got to the point where I wasnt enjoying the games anymore; I was too caught up in the fantasy aspect & the stats to see the game as a whole. Id even miss some plays of the Browns games because I was busy staring at my computer, raging that Gronk scored his 3rd touchdown of the game instead of my guy Hernandez. Im trying not to worry about that stuff anymore. I keep up with the weekly practice reports, read the active/inactives report an hour before the game, and set my lineup to the best of my ability (my rule of thumb is when in doubt, screw the experts, GO WITH YOUR GUT). After a guy is locked in, I have no control of the outcome. He may go off, he may play like garbage, or he might even get hurt, but Im not gonna second guess myself. If all else fails just drink three 4 lokos. Anyways, who cares what I think, on to the awards!!

Cliffs: The gods have granted us the divine gift of the football season; stop obsessing over every little thing in fantasy & enjoy it. When in doubt, go with your gut. Yes Im a pretentious douche giving unsolicited advice.

MVP: Matt Ryan 32.46 (Factory of Sadness) Matty Ice! This might be the year Ryan makes the leap & joins the upper echelon of NFL QBs. He certainly has the weapons & scheme to do it. As I was telling Ben, I think Julio Jones is already an elite WR and will be a yearly top 3 guy in the coming years. I mentioned raging earlier; you guys should have seen Wills reaction when Tim took Julio with the 13th overall pick. I fear Will & Tims friendship will never be the same. Honorable Mentions: C.J. Spiller 24.40 (Kushtastic Blake), Kevin Ogletree 27.40 (Free Agent), Julio Jones 25.80 (Dumbledores Army), Alfred Morris 21.60 (Free Agent), Ray Rice 22.80 (Darren Sharpa)

Best Start of the Week: Stevan Ridley 22.20 (Darren Sharpa) Putting a New England RB in the starting lineup is scary. If there is an NFL coach that drives fantasy players crazy its Bill Belichick (Shanny is up there too). While were on the subject, heres my favorite clip of Bill:

Worst Start of the Week: Michael Turner 3.20 (Little Greg) OK so Im kinda busting Gregs balls here since he played me & left Adrian Peterson on his bench with over 20 points. Truth is I

would have done the same thing. The good news is that it looks like the same old AP is back in action. Runner-Up: Buffalo -2.00 (Jay Mariotti)

Game of the Week: Kushtastic Blake 98.12 vs. Barry Sanders 105.50 No games really stuck out this week, but this one came down to Monday night. The defending champ is off to an 0-1 start.

Beat Down of the Week: Factory of Sadness 129.16 vs. Dumbledores Army 101.54 Chox was determined not to start 0-6 for the third consecutive year. This marks Choxs first week 1 victory since 2009 (when his team was on autodraft). Big games out of Matt Ryan, Brandon Marshall, and Arian Foster were key. Whats impressive is that he put up more points than anyone despite the fact that his RB Fred Jackson went down early with an injury, and his flex DeAngelo Williams put up .90 points. It will be interesting to see if Chox can maintain his spot at the top with Fred Jackson out for at least a month.

Highlight of the Week: Trent didnt look that great (was his first game since BCS National Championship), but holy shit was this an awesome hit. Welcome to Cleveland!

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