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Curated News Edition

- 14/09/12

Fighting irrelevance with fire

(Democracy in America)

These are: effective school leadership, collaborative teachers (with committed staff and IMPROVING Americas schools professional development), parent is no easy task, but in recent years -community ties, a studentthe school-reform movement has centered (and safe) learning made great strides and there is climate with high expectations, growing agreement about what it and ambitious and demanding takes to make a great school. The instruction. tired arguments of the past are The teachers in UEI's home city finally being put to rest. Much as of Chicago are striking, leaving we would like to say that the key 350,000 children out of class. The is something simple like charters, unions say they only want the best or smaller classes, or different outcome for the students. But this t e s t i n g , o r f e w e r m e d i o c r e cannot be true. This is because teachers, or more motivated their demands (to have a role in parents, or less poverty, in fact the hiring and firing of teachers there is no silver bullet. A system and to weaken or delay plans for this stagnant requires changes on improved teacher assessment) many levels. essentially kick away at two of the T h e b o f f i n s a t t h e U r b a n UEI's five essential pillars for Education Institute (UEI) in great schools. C h i c a g o h a v e w r i t t e n a n For effective school leadership, e x e m p l a r y b o o k o n s c h o o l the head teacher must be able to improvement. They looked at 100 hire and fire teachers. (This, one elementary schools that showed m i g h t a d d , i s h a r d l y a progress in attendance and test revolutionary approach to the scores over a seven-year period, workplace.) Instead the union and 100 others that did not. They feels it must have some input, and a r g u e w i t h q u a n t i t a t i v e that the most recently sacked datathat five essential pillars teachers should be first in line for are needed to build a great school. a job. Do any readers fancy trying
Submitted at 9/14/2012 1:39:44 PM

to run a school, or any organisation, with the staff that you are told to hire rather than those you want? Neither do I. The other reason teachers are on strike is that they dont like teacher evaluations, and they really don't like them being linked to their pay (even though this works). You'll hear that the arguments are over the kind of tests that are used and the extent to which it determines pay. But the bottom line is that the union doesn't like any serious teacher evaluation and wants to delay it for as long as possible. Yet teacher evaluations linked to pay are coming; it is a national tidal wave. The current evaluation system is so ineffective that that 99.7% of teachers are deemed satisfactory to distinguished. In other words, all of Chicagos teachers are above averagedespite the fact that four out of ten of the children they teach do not actually graduate from school. If that figure isn't mind-boggling enough, consider also that of every 100 first-year students who content]

enter a public high school in Chicago, only about six will earn a bachelor's degree by the time they reach their mid-20s. Karen Lewis, head of Chicago's teachers union, whined on Tuesday that there were too many factors beyond their control "such as poverty, exposure to violence, homelessness, hunger and other social issues beyond our control". Yet the Chicago Tribune points out that a federal study shows that poor inner-city kids in Boston, New York, Houston and other metro areas outperformed Chicago elementary students in maths and science. Moreover, the University of Chicago is able to run four public charter schools serving 1,700 students on the South Side of Chicago and have 100% of its 2012 class accepted to college. In the last decade, 200,000 people have left Chicago. Today 150 of its schools are half empty. Families have fled the city's terrible schools and gone to the suburbs. And the city is desperate to reverse this trend. This is why it is safe to assume that the

demands of the city are aligned with the needs of the students and parents. And the reason that demands of the unions are not aligned with the children is that about 100 schools need to close. Tim Knowles, director of the UEI, told "Chicago Tonight", a publicaffairs television programme, earlier this week that this could mean about 5,000 teachers (or 20% of the union) losing their jobs. Of course the union wants to make sure it has a say in who gets rehired, regardless of whether this is best for the children. Of course the union does not like teacher evaluations; it weakens the union's ability to protect all their members. The unions are entitled to their opinion. And teachers are of course entitled to strike; it is an important right. But let us not perpetuate the myths of this strike. The union is thinking more of its members than the children its members are charged with teaching.

[unable to retrieve full-text

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Curated News Edition

Anti-American fury sweeps Middle East over film

(Reuters: Top News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:02:29 PM

KHARTOUM/TUNIS| Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:02pm EDT (Reuters) - Fury about a film that insults the Prophet Mohammad tore across the Middle East after weekly prayers on Friday with protesters attacking U.S. embassies and burning American flags as the Pentagon rushed to bolster security at its missions. The obscure California-made film triggered an attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya's city of Benghazi that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans on Tuesday, the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 al Qaeda attacks on the United States. In Tunis, at least three people were killed and more than two dozen wounded, state television said after police gunfire near the U.S. embassy in the city that was the cradle of last year's Arab Spring uprisings for democracy. At least one person died in the Sudanese capital Khartoum, a doctor said, after some of thousands of protesters had leaped into the U.S. embassy. As U.S. military drones faced Islamist anti-aircraft fire over Benghazi, about 50 marines landed in Yemen a day after the U.S. embassy there was stormed.

For a second day in the capital Sanaa, police battled hundreds of young men around the mission. In Khartoum, wider anger at Western attitudes to Islam also saw the German embassy overrun, with police doing little to stop demonstrators who raised a black Islamist flag. Violence at the U.S. embassy followed protests against both Washington and the Sudanese government, which is broadly at odds with the West. The wave of indignation and rage over the film, which portrays Mohammad as a womanizer and a fool, coincided with Pope Benedict's arrival in Lebanon for a three-day visit. The protests present U.S. President Barack Obama with a new foreign policy crisis less than two months before seeking reelection and tests Washington's relations with democratic governments it helped to power across the Arab world. He was at Andrews Air Force Base near Washington to greet a flight bringing home remains of the four dead from Benghazi. It also emerged that Libya had closed its airspace over the second city's airport for a time because of heavy anti-aircraft fire by Islamists aiming at U.S. reconnaissance drones flying over the city; Obama vowed to bring the ambassador's killers to justice.

The closure of the airport prompted speculation that the United States was deploying special forces in preparation for an attack against the militants who were involved in the attack. A Libyan official said the spy planes flew over the embassy compound and the city, taking photos and inspecting locations of radical militant groups who are believed to have planned and staged the attack on the U.S. consulate. There were protests in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. MARINES TO YEMEN The Pentagon said it had sent a "fast" platoon of Marines to Yemen to bolster U.S. embassy security after clashes in Sanaa. U.S. embassies were the main target of anger and protest but most embassy staff were not at work because Friday is the Muslim weekend across the Arab World. The frenzy erupted after traditional Muslim Friday prayers. Fury over the film has been stoked by Internet video footage, social networks, preachers and word-of-mouth. Protesters clashed with police near the U.S. embassy in Cairo. Two Islamist preachers in Egypt told worshippers that those who made the movie deserved to die under Islamic law but they urged

protesters not to take their anger out on diplomats. In the restive Sinai peninsula, militants opened fire on an international observer base near El Gorah, close to the borders of Israel and the Gaza Strip, and burned tires blocking a road to the camp, a witness and a security source reported. The source said two members of the force were wounded. The Sudanese who broke into the German embassy in Khartoum and hoisted an Islamic flag, while one person was killed in protests in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli. Police in the Sudanese capital had fired tear gas to try to disperse 5,000 protesters who had ringed the German embassy and nearby British mission. A Reuters witness said police stood by as a crowd forced its way into Germany's mission. Demonstrators hoisted a black Islamic flag saying in white letters "there is no God but God and Mohammed is his Prophet". They smashed windows, cameras and furniture in the building and then started a fire. Staff at Germany's embassy were safe "for the moment", Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said in Berlin. He also told Khartoum's envoy to Berlin that Sudan must protect diplomatic missions on its

soil. Sudan's Foreign Ministry had criticized Germany for allowing a protest last month by right-wing activists carrying caricatures of the Prophet and for Chancellor Angela Merkel giving an award in 2010 to a Danish cartoonist who depicted the Prophet in 2005 triggering protests across the Islamic world. BASHIR UNDER PRESSURE President Omar Hassan al-Bashir is under pressure from Islamists who feel the government has given up the religious values of his 1989 Islamist coup. The official body of Sudan's Islamic scholars called for the faithful to defend the Prophet peacefully, but at a meeting of Islamists, some leaders had said they would march on the German and U.S. embassies and demanded the ambassadors be expelled. The Foreign Ministry said in its statement: "The German chancellor unfortunately welcomed this offence to Islam in a clear violation of all meanings of religious co-existence and tolerance between religions." Sudan used to host prominent militants in the 1990s, such as Osama bin Laden, but the government has sought to distance itself from radicals to improve ties ANTI-AMERICAN page 7

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New round of quantitative easing biggest yet?

(Reuters: Top News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 2:32:38 PM

The Federal Reserve building is seen in Washington June 19, 2012. Credit: Reuters/Yuri Gripas By Ann Saphir CHICAGO| Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:32pm EDT (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Reserve's third round of bondbuying could ultimately rival the size of its first huge quantitative easing, which was widely seen as boosting growth. The sheer scale of the program and the radical shift in policy it marks will shape the legacy of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, whose term may end before the buying is through. The Fed initially disappointed some investors on Thursday when it said it would buy $40 billion of mortgage-backed securities each month. That is far less than the $75 billion a month it bought in its second round of bond-buying, or the more than $100 billion monthly tab for its first round. But this time, the Fed has promised that "if the outlook for the labor market does not improve substantially," it won't stop buying and could ramp up its spending further. Depending how the Fed defines "substantially" and how long it

takes to get there, it could end up buying bonds for several years, adding $1.7 trillion or more to its balance sheet, analysts say. By comparison, the Fed's initial round of quantitative easing, first announced in November 2008 as the U.S. economy slumped into a deep recession, totaled $1.75 trillion . "They've clearly committed to do what it takes to get unemployment down where they want it," said Pierre Ellis, an economist at New York-based Decision Economics. "There's no limit." To Ellis, the "big bazooka" of open-ended bond purchases -designed to boost the economy by lowering borrowing costs -- won't have much immediate impact because the economy's main headwind is uncertainty over fiscal policy and the outcome of a presidential election. That's a view shared by several of the central bank's hawkish members. U.S. Treasuries sold off broadly on Friday and 10-year and 30year debt yields rose to their highest levels since May as the new stimulus spurred risk-taking in stocks, reducing demand for bonds, and as bond investors feared inflation from the program. Disappointment that Treasuries were not included in the central bank's third round of quantitative

easing added to the selloff, traders said. A rise in long-term yields runs counter to the goals of the program, which include pushing down long-term borrowing costs. Bernanke, whose term ends in January 2014, sought on Thursday to tamp down worries that he is aiming for higher inflation, which is near the Fed's 2 percent target. The goal, he said, is to bring down unemployment, which at 8.1 percent is well above what most economists believe it should be. Still, he acknowledged the possibility that the Fed could tolerate some period of higher inflation. "If inflation goes above the target level, as we talk about in our statement in January, we take a balanced approach," he said at a press conference following the Fed's policy shift. "We bring inflation back to the target over time but we do it in a way that takes into account the deviations of both of our objectives from their targets." Many analysts say the Fed's latest program may exceed its predecessors in size, and more importantly, also pack the desired punch. "We believe that with a strong commitment from the Fed, progress in Europe and the

passing of the U.S. election, the U.S. economy will have a pretty decent shot at achieving abovetrend growth in 2013," Julia Coronado, an economist at BNP Paribas, wrote in a note to investors. Thursday's announcement could add another $1.2 trillion to $1.7 trillion to the Fed's balance sheet, she said. TIED TO THE MAST The Fed has kept short-term rates near zero since December 2008, and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has led the U.S. central bank into ever-newer territory to lower real rates further. After the first round of bondbuying in 2008 and 2009, the Fed resorted in 2010 and 2011 to a second round to ward off deflation as the recovery faltered. As he doubles down on quantitative easing, Bernanke's approach looks flexible enough to win support from both ends of the Fed spectrum - the doves who want more easing to bring down unemployment, and the hawks who worry that more easing could overheat the economy and spark inflation. "Everybody likes tying it to economic conditions," said Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Toronto-based Capital Economics. He estimates the program could eventually grow to

between $960 billion to $1.44 trillion in size. "The doves like this because they think the markets will think it's even bigger" than QE2, he said. At the same time, "it gives the hawks something, that if the economy picks up, they can get this stopped." The Fed did not say how big it expects its latest program to be, but the clues are plain in its quarterly economic forecasts, also published Thursday. Only three Fed policymakers expect the unemployment rate, now at 8.1 percent, to fall more than half a percentage point by the end of next year. If the Fed sees 7 percent as substantial progress, the forecasts suggest continued bond buying through late 2014; if a bit lower, bond-buying could be needed through mid-2015, Ashworth said. Underscoring that interpretation, the Fed said Thursday it expects to keep rates low until at least then. Before the crisis, unemployment was closer to 5 percent. Chicago Fed President Charles Evans has spent the last year arguing strongly for the Fed to tie monetary policy more closely to economic milestones by vowing to keep rates low until NEW page 10

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Curated News Edition

Why we work
(Democracy in America)

essentially a system for producing things to sell at a profit, the greater the better. If products sell JOE BIDEN's comments on the because they improve the quality dignity of work at the Democratic of our life, well and good, but it National Convention last week doesn't in the end matter why they (was it just last week?) inspired an sell. The system works at least as interesting meditation on " What well if a product sells not because Work Is Really For?" from Gary it is a genuine contribution to Gutting, a professor of philosophy human well-being but because at the University of Notre Dame. people are falsely persuaded that M r G u t t i n g e x p l a i n s t h a t they should have it. Often, in philosophers from Aristotle to fact, its easier to persuade people Bertrand Russell have taught that to buy something thats inferior we work so that we can buy time than it is to make something thats for meaningful leisure. But Mr superior. This is why stores are Gutting worries that capitalist, filled with products that cater to consumer cultures leaves their fads and insecurities but no real natives with fatuous desires and human need. therefore ill-prepared to make It's true, as Mr Gutting says, that good use of their free time. This the engine of capitalism runs on thought leads Mr Gutting to profits, not on well-being. And no propose that higher education doubt many of our desires do not function less to make us to better spring from deep, autonomous producers, and more to make us reflection on the nature of the w i s e r c o n s u m e r s , t h e r e b y good life. But it is a basic mistake somewhat offsetting the insidious to suggest that participating in effects of capitalism on our fads and seeking fortification d e s i r e s a n d e n h a n c i n g o u r against insecurity fulfils "no real autonomy by making us more human need". The humiliation reflective about our wants and and anxiety of a teen too poor to about the contours of a good life keep up with school fashion is not generally. trivial, and neither is the ease and Though I agree with Mr Gutting confidence that comes from fitting about the role of liberal education in. We do learn to better manage in widening our horizons and the disquiet of social comparison lending context to our choices, he as we mature, but we are never stumbles along the way into free of it. Imitation is how culture s e v e r a l e r r o r s c o m m o n i n is reproduced over generations. critiques of consumer culture. He And status-conscious striving not writes: only leads us to speak as others [C]apitalism as such is not speak, to dress as others dress, interested in quality of life. It is and to consume what others
Submitted at 9/14/2012 5:35:20 AM

consume, but also, when wellchanneled by society's institutions and norms, drives the invention in the arts and sciences which lead to, among other things, capitalist consumer culture, as well the Notre Dame University philosophy department. Now, if consumer desire was only randomly or incidentally related to "real human need", and businesses could pile up profits by persuading consumers "falsely" to want whatever crap they want consumers to want, we would have good reason to doubt that inhabitants of consumer cultures will ever make prudent use their leisure. And so it is that Mr Gutting doubts it: It would seem, then, that we should increase leisureand make life more worthwhileby producing only what makes for better lives. In turn, workers would have the satisfaction of producing things of real value. (For a recent informed and vigorous defense of this view, see Robert and Edward Skidelsky, How Much Is Enough?) But this raises the essential question: who decides what is of real value? The capitalist systems own answer is consumers, free to buy whatever they want in an open market. I call this capitalisms own answer because it is the one that keeps the system operating autonomously, a law unto itself. It especially appeals to owners, managers and others with a vested interest in the system.

But the answer is disingenuous. From our infancy the market itself has worked to make us consumers, primed to buy whatever it is selling regardless of its relevance to human flourishing. This strikes me as unjustifiably condescending to consumers. Isn't it even a little plausible that consumers, and not just "owners and managers" will find "capitalism's own answer"that consumers themselves decide what is of real value to themespecially appealing? I know Mr Gutting is a philosopher, but empiricism is really not so terrifying if you give it a chance. The United Nations Human Development Index, which integrates measures of health, wealth, and education, is intended as a proxy measure of human flourishing. The top 20 countries in the index each practice some form capitalism, and each comprises a "consumer culture". Anglophone welfare capitalism and Northern European capitalist social democracy, which seem to do about equally well on the HDI, are good as it gets in terms of this standard measure of human wellbeing. And other measures, such as self-reported life satisfaction, give similar results. Thus we must reject Mr Gutting's implicit hypothesis that consumer choice under capitalism is uncorrelated with consumer well-being. Capitalist consumer cultures are where humans tend to flourish

best. Speaking of disingenuity, I fear that Mr Gutting here is guilty of a form of intellectual slackness all too typical of the humanities scholar: reasoning from canned ideology instead of evidence. Even as a specimen of a priori reasoning, Mr Gutting's argument seems lacking. Human preferences are always and everywhere socially primed. To point out that "the market" has primed us to want what it sells does nothing to establish that it gets us either nearer or further away from our genuine interests, from authentic human flourishing, than do the alternatives. How does patriarchial agrarian communitarianism fare in its ability to align desire with the objective conditions for flourishing? How does authoritarian socialism fare? How does Islamic theocracy fare? What is the superior alternative? Where are people in fact well-educated and relatively autonomous? It bears repeating that Nordic social democracy, like Anglophone welfare capitalism, is integrated with and supported by a form of capitalist consumer culture, and so cannot be an alternative to it. (I bought this desk at IKEA!) Mr Gutting writes: True freedom requires that we take part in the market as fully formed agents, with life goals determined not by advertising WHY page 10

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US government spending cuts include $129ma year for embassy protection - The Guardian
Dominic Rushe in New York (Top Stories - Google News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:36:37 PM

The automatic spending cuts called sequestration will start in January if Congress cannot find a compromise. Photograph: J. Scott Applewhite/AP The US government will slash spending targeted for the protection of embassies around the world as part of a $100bn program of automatic spending cuts set to be start this January if Congress can not find a compromise. The news comes after ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, and three other Americans died following attacks the US consulate and a safe house refuge in Benghazi on Tuesday night. US embassies across the Muslim world are now being targeted by protesters angered by a video that denigrated the prophet Muhammad. According to a 400-page White House report released on Friday, automatic spending cuts to be made at the end of the year will include $129m a year earmarked for the next nine years to go to maintaining and protecting US embassies.

The cuts are a small part of massive cuts to the military, air traffic control, the federal bureau of investigation, housing and social welfare programs, government salaries and private contracts that "would have a devastating impact on important defence and nondefence programs", according to the report from the White House budget office. Starting in January, some

$54.7bn per year will be cut from defence spending and continuing for nine years. The report details cuts for 1,200 separate budget line items. The White House said the spending cuts would total $984bn, and the government would spend $216bn less in interest payments on the federal debt. Salaries for military personnel and Medicare benefits are exempt, but the cuts will be

felt across the board. Air force and navy aircraft procurement is set for a $4.2bn cut. Defence department operations and maintenance would lose $3.9bn. Pentagon healthcare would be cut by $3.3bn. The national institutes of health would lose $2.5bn. Rental assistance for the poor would be cut by $2.3bn, food safety and inspections would lose over $1bn.

The FBI would lose $735m for salaries and expenses. The automatic cuts, called sequestration, were put in place in order to force an agreement between Republicans and Democrats on a deficit reduction plan following the debt-ceiling crisis of 2011. But a bipartisan "supercommitee" set up to negotiate a compromise collapsed, leaving sequestration in place. Half the cuts will come from defence spending and half to social programs and other nonmilitary funding. "As the administration has made clear, no amount of planning can mitigate the effect of these cuts," the budget officer reported. "Sequestration is a blunt and indiscriminate instrument. It is not the responsible way for our nation to achieve deficit reduction." The report calls the cuts "deeply destructive to national security, domestic investments, and core government functions". The cuts will come at the same time as Bush-era tax cuts are set to expire, together the spending cuts and tax hikes have been dubbed the "fiscal cliff". On Thursday, Federal Reserve GOVERNMENT page 6

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Curated News Edition

Honoring dead from Libya, Obama vows to 'stand fast'

(Reuters: Top News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:01:32 PM

continued from page 5

By Margaret Chadbourn ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, Maryland| Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:01pm EDT (Reuters) - President Barack Obama vowed on Friday to "stand fast" against violent antiAmerican protests sweeping the Muslim world as he honored the return of the remains of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans killed in an attack in Libya this week. Leading a somber ceremony with the flag-draped caskets of the Libya dead laid out beside him, Obama pledged to do everything possible to protect U.S. diplomats abroad and said he would hold foreign governments responsible for helping to safeguard them. "The United States will never retreat from the world," Obama told a crowd that included grieving family members, diplomatic personnel and military service members inside a vast aircraft hangar at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington. Obama spoke as growing fury about a film that insults the Prophet Mohammad tore across [unable to retrieve full-text content]

chairman Ben Bernanke said the fiscal cliff was a serious threat to the fragile US recovery. "If the fiscal cliff isn't addressed, as I've said, I don't think our tools are strong enough to offset the effects the Middle East and other parts of resolve. inflammatory film, and she of a major fiscal shock so we'd the Muslim world after weekly "We will bring to justice those insisted the violent response was have to think about what to do in prayers on Friday, with protesters who took them from us. We will "totally unacceptable." that contingency," said Bernanke. attacking U.S. embassies and stand fast against the violence on She said countries like Egypt, "So I think it's really important for burning American flags as the our diplomatic missions," he said. Tunisia and Libya, which had cast the fiscal policymakers to, you Pentagon rushed to bolster " W e w i l l c o n t i n u e t o d o off authoritarian rulers, "did not know, work together to try and security at U.S. missions. everything in our power to protect trade the tyranny of a dictator for find a solution for that." The obscure California-made Americans serving overseas, the tyranny of the mob." Republicans and Democrats film triggered an attack on the whether that means increasing At the start of the ceremony, appear at a stalemate as the White U.S. consulate in the Libyan city security at our diplomatic posts, Marine pallbearers hoisted the House insists any deficitof Benghazi that killed U.S. working with host countries caskets one by one from a military reduction deal includes more Ambassador Christopher Stevens which have an obligation to cargo plane and carried them into taxes and many Republicans focus and three other Americans on provide security, and making it the hangar while a military band on cuts to social social programs Tuesday, the anniversary of the clear that justice will come to played somber music. As Obama and government spending. September 11, 2001 al Qaeda those who harm Americans," he spoke, he was flanked by four Republican House speaker John attacks on the United States. said. hearses. Boehner said this week that a The attack and the spread of anti- The ceremony was held to honor The remains were to be flown to compromise seemed unlikely. U.S. violence to other Muslim the return to U.S. soil of the a military mortuary at an air base This entry passed through the countries have raised questions b o d i e s o f S t e v e n s , S t a t e in Dover, Delaware. Full-Text RSS service if this is about Obama's handling of the D e p a r t m e n t i n f o r m a t i o n (Additional reporting by Patricia your content and you're reading it Arab Spring revolutions of the management officer Sean Smith Zengerle, Lisa Lambert, writing on someone else's site, please read past year even as he seeks re- and security personnel Tyrone by Matt Spetalnick; Editing by the FAQ at in November in a closely Woods and Glen Doherty, both Will Dunham) only/faq.php#publishers. Five contested race. former Navy SEALS. This entry passed through the Filters recommends: Incinerating T h e w a v e o f a t t a c k s h a s Some U.S. officials believe the Full-Text RSS service if this is Assange - The Liberal Media Go reverberated into the presidential deadly attack could have been your content and you're reading it To Work. campaign, with Republican plotted in advance, but White on someone else's site, please read challenger Mitt Romney and his House spokesman Jay Carney said the FAQ at seizing the chance to on Friday he had no information only/faq.php#publishers. Five reassert their accusations that suggesting the assault on the Filters recommends: Incinerating Obama has weakened U.S. global Benghazi consulate was "pre- Assange - The Liberal Media Go leadership. planned." To Work. U.S. RESOLVE Clinton repeated that the U.S. Obama acknowledged "these are government had nothing to do difficult days" but expressed firm w i t h t h e m a k i n g o f t h e [unable to retrieve full-text content] [unable to retrieve full-text content]

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continued from page 2

with the West. A Lebanese security source said a man was killed in Tripoli as protesters tried to storm a government building. Earlier, a U.S. fast food restaurant was set alight. Twelve members of the security forces were wounded by stones thrown by protesters, the source said. Protesters also clashed with police in Yemen, where one person died and 15 were injured on Thursday when the U.S. embassy compound was stormed. U.S. and other Western embassies in other Muslim countries had tightened security, fearing anger at the film may prompt attacks on their compounds after the weekly worship. Obama has promised to bring those responsible for the Benghazi attack to justice, and the United States also sent warships towards Libya which one official said was to give flexibility for any future action. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Washington had nothing to do with the crudely made film posted on the Internet,

which she called "disgusting and reprehensible", and the Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff called a Christian pastor in Florida to ask him to withdraw his support for it. Palestinians staged demonstrations in both the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. Israeli police, some on horseback, used stun grenades and made a number of arrests outside Jerusalem's Old City as a few dozen demonstrators tried to march on the nearby U.S. consulate. "Israeli police prevented an illegal demonstration from reaching the U.S. consulate in East Jerusalem and used stun grenades after rocks and bottles were thrown at them," police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. In Nablus, in the northern West Bank, several hundred people protested and burned an American flag, witnesses said. AMERICAN FLAGS BURNED The largest protests were in the Gaza Strip, which is controlled by Islamist group Hamas, with at least 30,000 Palestinians staging

rallies across the coastal territory. Some 25,000 took to the streets of Gaza City, answering a call by Hamas and the smaller Islamic Jihad faction and waving the green and black flags of the two factions. American and Israeli flags were set alight, along with an effigy of the film's producer. Protesters in Afghanistan set fire to an effigy of Obama and burned a U.S. flag after Friday prayers in the eastern province of Nangarhar. Directing their anger against the U.S. pastor who supported the film, tribal leaders also agreed to put a $100,000 bounty on his head. About 10,000 people held a noisy protest in the Bangladeshi capital. They burned U.S. flags, chanted anti-U.S. slogans and demanded punishment for the offenders, but were stopped from marching to the U.S. embassy. There was no violence. Thousands of Iranians held nationwide protests. There were also rallies in Malaysia, Nigeria, Jordan, Kenya, Bahrain, Qatar, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Iraq.

(Additional reporting by Mohammed Ghobari in Sanaa, Samia Nakhoul in Beirut, Ulf Laessing and Khalid Abdelaziz in Khartoum, Gareth Jones in Berlin, Suleiman Al-Khalidi in Benghazi, Marie-Louise Gumuchian in Libya, Sami Aboudi in Dubai, Raissa Kasolowsky in Abu Dhabi, Aref Mohammed in Basra, Iraq, Siva Sithraputhran in Kuala Lumpur, Anis Ahmed in Bangladesh, Regan Doherty in Doha, Roberto Landucci in Italy and Mirwais Harooni in Kabul; Writing by Philippa Fletcher; Editing by Peter Millership and Alastair Macdonald) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Home Depot steps up ecommerce efforts in China Reuters

(china - Google News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 1:49:01 PM

Business Insider Home Depot steps up ecommerce efforts in China Reuters NEW YORK (Reuters) - Home Depot Inc (HD.N) has already started selling goods on website in China and is looking for opportunities to partner with other e-commerce sites as it tries to maintain a presence in the world's most populous country... Why IKEA Took China By Storm, While Home Depot Failed Miserably Business Insider Home Depot's do-it-yourself model fails in China's do-it-forme market Chicago Tribune Home Depot closing last 7 China big box outlets Los Angeles Times all 203 news articles

TUAW Origin Stories: EleMints

Victor Agreda, Jr. (TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog)

up iPhone programming quite fast. While he's moved on from chemistry, find out why he Submitted at 9/14/2012 5:00:00 PM created EleMints in the video The developer of EleMints, below. D i m i t r i B o u n i o l , s t a r t e d Origin Stories is a continuing programming as a kid and picked series on TUAW highlighting the

purpose behind apps and how

they came to be. If you're Please see our terms for use of interested in participating, please feeds. let us know on our feedback form. Source| Permalink| Email this| TUAW Origin Stories: EleMints Comments originally appeared on TUAW The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Fri, 14 Sep 2012 17:00:00 EST.

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Tentative deal reached with striking Chicago teachers - Chicago Tribune

(Top Stories - Google News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:12:25 PM

he was that delegates would be happy enough with the deal to end the strike. Chicago Public Schools and the I cant provide assurances, but I teachers union have reached a can tell you that its a contract tentative agreement on a new that the committee expects to contract and classes could resume recommend to the membership. for 350,000 students on Monday, And if we have been listening to according to school and union the membership well and have officials. heard their concerns, then that The unions House of Delegates agreement will be acceptable to will review the proposal at a our membership overall, Bloch meeting this afternoon and is said. likely to vote to end the five-day- We are hopeful that we will have old teachers strike on Sunday a complete agreement done by after final details have been Sunday, that when the House of worked out, officials say.Im Delegates will review it, that they pleased to report that the talks will have confidence in that today were very productive," agreement and that they will vote CTU attorney Robert Bloch told to suspend the strike so students reporters. "We are still continuing can return to school on Monday, to work out the details of the he added. contract, but we are hopeful that School board president David w e w i l l h a v e a c o m p l e t e Vitale was also upbeat about the agreement to present to the strike ending as he left the talks at unions House of Delegates by the Chicago Hilton and Towers Sunday. this afternoon. "And if the delegates so vote, we Im pleased to tell you that we will suspend the strike and have in place the framework students can return to school on around the major issues," Vitale Monday," he said. said. We have more work to do Bloch was asked how confident here. The heavy lifting is over.

The general framework is in place. He declined to discuss specifics but indicated the two sides will be back Saturday with the hope of finalizing details of a contract. My message (to parents) is they should be prepared to have their kids in school on Monday, Vitale said. A City Hall source said the school district and union have reached a framework with all points resolved. Under a deal put on the table by CPS earlier this week, teachers would receive on average a 16 percent raise over the next four years. That figure includes both cost-of-living salary bumps and the so-called step increases for working another year in the district. CPS estimates the cost of those raises will begin at $80 million the first year and increase by that amount in each of the contract's next three years. The union calls those projections exaggerated and says its own analysis puts the cost at $60-$100 million less. The district and union continue to

haggle over how teachers will be evaluated and a framework for recalling teachers who've been laid off because of school closings, consolidations and turnarounds. Job security has emerged as a critical issue during these contract talks as CPS considers closing between 80 and 120 sparsely enrolled and under-performing public schools to cut costs and conserve resources. Union leaders worry about the jobs that could be lost during such a dramatic downsizing. Tribune reporter Naomi Nix contributed This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Huawei: Australia law could exclude China firms - The Seattle Times
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Submitted at 9/14/2012 2:18:00 PM

The Express Tribune Huawei: Australia law could exclude China firms The Seattle Times An official of Chinese telecoms equipment giant Huawei Technologies said Friday he is concerned that new Australian laws to protect communication networks from cyber-attacks could exclude companies from tendering for work simply because they're... China's Huawei urges Australia not to discriminate on telco security Reuters China telecom equipment makers deny threat to US security The Express Tribune Congressional Panel Probes China Tech Firms' Ambitions Manufacturing Business Technology Business Insider all 917 news articles

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Romney says United States should get tougher with Egypt - Reuters
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New Obama ad hits Romney on China - CBS News

(china - Google News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:45:45 PM

States, Egypt needs to understand it must honor its peace treaty with Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:08:56 PM Israel, he said. U.S. Republican presidential "It must also protect the rights of n o m i n e e a n d f o r m e r the minorities in their nation. And Massachusetts Governor Mitt finally among other things it must Romney speaks at a campaign also protect the embassies of our r a l l y i n F a i r f a x , V i r g i n i a , nation and other nations," he said. September 13, 2012. Egyptians angry at a film they Credit: Reuters/Jim Young said was blasphemous to Islam By Steve Holland clashed on Friday in Cairo for a NEW YORK| Sat Sep 15, 2012 third day with police who blocked 12:07am IST the way to the U.S. Embassy, NEW YORK(Reuters) - Egypt where demonstrators climbed the needs to ensure the security of walls and tore down the American foreign diplomats or risk losing flag earlier this week. the $1.3 billion in aid it receives Four Americans, including the each year from the United States, U.S. ambassador, were killed in Republican presidential candidate Libya in related violence. Mitt Romney said on Friday. The United States gives $1.3 After Islamist protesters breached billion in military aid a year to the U.S. Embassy in Cairo this Egypt, plus other assistance. week, Romney told a fundraising " T h e A m e r i c a n p e o p l e a r e breakfast in New York the United disturbed and reeling with the States should take a tougher line news around the world," Romney with Egypt. told the fundraising event, which "I think for instance in Egypt we brought in $4 million for his should make it very clear to campaign, for a two-day regional m a i n t a i n a r e l a t i o n s h i p , a haul of $7.5 million. friendship, an alliance and A number of polls this week financial support with the United showed Obama building a lead

over Romney after the Democratic National Convention last week but the Republicans' advisers insist the race is close and the former Massachusetts governor remains in solid shape with less than two months to go until the November 6 election. Romney, an advocate for a strong relationship with Israel, criticized Obama for deciding not to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when the two leaders are in New York this month for the annual U.N. General Assembly. The presidential race thus far has been dominated by questions over how to rekindle strong growth in the U.S. economy, a challenge that plays to Romney's strengths as a former business executive. Romney's vice presidential running mate, Paul Ryan, a budget expert who lacks foreign policy experience, also jumped into the Mideast debate. "We have all seen images of our flag being burned and our embassies under attack by vicious mobs," he told a conservative

group in Washington on Friday. "Amid all these threats and dangers, what we do not see is steady, consistent American leadership," he told the Values Voter Summit meeting. "In the days ahead, and in the years ahead, American foreign policy needs moral clarity and firmness of purpose," he said. (Additional reporting by John Whitesides; Editing By Alistair Bell) Link this Share this Digg this Email Reprints This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

ABC News New Obama ad hits Romney on China CBS News (CBS News) As campaign discourse pivots back to the economy, the Obama campaign is out with a new ad challenging Mitt Romney on China, accusing the former Massachusetts governor of outsourcing jobs and rebutting his claims that he would stand up... Obama campaign pushes back on Romney over China The Hill (blog) New Obama ad ties Romney to China Orlando Sentinel (blog) Romney ad hits Obama on China policy CNN (blog) USA TODAY all 7,589 news articles

Startup of the Week: Staff
Submitted at 9/14/2012 9:00:00 AM is a social platform that aggregates

information and reviews about beauty products from blogs, magazines and YouTube. The aim is to allow users to understand the best products for their specific skin/hair type. The

site has forged affiliate deals with Aronsten. multiple retailers and can sell on By: Staff, Edited by: some of the insights gleaned from David Cornish Continue reading... users to cosmetics companies. catches up with Ben


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continued from page 3

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unemployment fell below 7 percent. Doing so, he says, would avoid the temptation of backing off from easing at the first signs of economic strengthening. In a series of speeches in recent months, he has likened a strong Fed commitment to low rates to a modern-day Ulysses tied to the mast of his ship, prevented from responding to the siren call of premature monetary tightening. While the Fed did not embrace Evans' 7-percent unemployment rate target, it did adopt his view that the Fed should hold fast to easy policy even after the recovery picks up speed -- a historic shift in policy. DON'T STOP 'TIL YOU GET ENOUGH Any eventual ceiling on the size of QE3 looks sky-high. The Fed may only buy Treasuries and agency-backed debt, and some Fed officials say it has bought nearly as much of the U.S.

national debt as it can without impairing the market's function. But with mortgage-backed securities, there is plenty room to run: economists estimate the size of that market at more than $7 trillion, although the Fed would need to avoid disrupting the market's function. Michael Gapen, an economist at Barclays, sees QE3 topping out at $700 billion - slightly more than the second round of quantitative easing, but less than half the first. The impact, he said, could be limited to boosting economic growth by a few tenths of a percentage point, although that could be enough to generate momentum. "If you can keep the economy persistently above trend, then that has a self-reinforcing effect," he said. Combined with the European Central Bank's vow to buy as many bonds as needed from euro zone states -- on condition they

undertake reforms -- QE3 "has the potential to be very positive for the U.S. economy," Gapen said. However, he said one real threat to the economy remains: a raft of tax increases and spending cuts that will automatically take effect at the end of the year unless Congress acts. But if lawmakers successfully avoid the so-called fiscal cliff, the outcome for the economy could beat expectations and ultimately trim the size of QE3. (Additional reporting by Karen Brettell; Editing by Dan Grebler) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

campaigns but by our own experience of and reflection on the various possibilities of human fulfillment. Such freedom in turn requires a liberating education, one centered not on indoctrination, social conditioning or technical training but on developing persons capable of informed and intelligent commitments to the values that guide their lives. This conception of freedom strikes me as a bit too demanding. Again, there's nothing special about advertising campaigns. Our goals are shaped at least as much by our family and friends as by religious indoctrination or our conformist, status-seeking instincts. It would be foolish to deny that "true freedom" has nothing to do with weakening the influence of all forces these upon us, but neither must we be Diogenes, sleeping naked in ditches wholly indifferent to the opinions of men, to count as truly free. That said, Mr Gutting is spot on about the liberating effects of a liberal-arts education, and you need not be a philosophy

professor worried about budget cuts to believe it. However, I would add the observation that, as a matter of fact, the world's best universities sprouted in the world's most capitalist cultures, and that this is no coincidence. If Mr Gutting is right that the well-educated are, in one important sense, more "fully formed" as agents than the lesswell-educated, then it would seem that these capitalist cultures, full as they are of excellent, accessible universities, should be most expected to produce people wellprepared to intelligently employ themselves at leisure. Now, if it happens that some people actually work more as their level of educational attainment rises, then maybe Aristotle et alia had it wrong. Work is not always instrumental to leisure. For some people some of the time, work is intrinsically satisfying, partly constitutive of well-being, and undertaken for its own sake.

Delhi: HIV-positive man gets 25 years jail for raping step-daughter -
(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:30:09 PM

Delhi: HIV-positive man gets 25 years jail for raping step-daughter New Delhi: A Human Immuno-

deficiency Virus (HIV)-positive man was sentenced to 25 years in jail by a Delhi court on Friday for repeatedly raping his minor step-

daughter. The convict, Sabhajeet Maurya, was also fined Rs 6000 on three separate charges. Court wants STD test in sexual

assault cases Times of India all 4 news articles

Curated News Edition



John McCain Gets In A Shouting Match With Sean Hannity: 'You Were Wrong About Libya'
Brett LoGiurato (Business Insider)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:15:00 PM

Housing's Hurdles Limit Fed's Help - Wall Street Journal

(housing - Google News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 2:59:19 PM

President Obama has found somewhat of an unlikely ally over the past few days in Sen. John McCain. Last night, McCain found himself in an argument with conservative Fox News anchor Sean Hannity over the state of Libya after the escalating violence in the country this week left the country's U.S. Ambassador, Chris Stevens, died. Hannity remarked that he "predicted with pinpoint accuracy" that Egypt the other country involved in violent protests this week would become a terrorist-supporting state in transitioning. Here's Hannity's long-winded question to McCain: "How is it that Sean Hannity and a few others of us out here predicted with pinpoint accuracy that the Muslim Brotherhood would be in charge in Egypt? Their first task when they took over the Parliament was to declare Israel, our closest ally, their enemy their No. 1 enemy. How is it that the administration with all their intelligence and the CIA how is it that they didnt

see this coming? They kept telling the American people, this is democracy. I dont view the Muslim Brotherhood as democracy. They want Sharia law implemented now in Egypt. McCain shot back with a stern tone, saying it was " not clear that thats true." McCain then turned the subject to Libya, where he said Hannity and others at Fox had been wrong. Here's the tense exchange: Also, it was you and people on Fox that said in Libya, We didnt know who they were and lets

government was elected. So you were wrong. After launching back into a diatribe about Egypt and the attacks, Hannity seemed a bit betrayed. Frankly, Senator, I would think you're with me on this, he told McCain. I am not taking the side of the administration, McCain said in response. I am saying that the largest nation in the Arab world is something we have to carefully calibrate our actions with. Thanks. Despite saying he wasn't taking the side of the administration, this is the second time in two days not help these people. They had McCain has sided more with an election and they elected Obama's position on a contentious m o d e r a t e s . T h e y r e j e c t e d issue. Islamists. And yes, there are al- On Thursday, McCain defended Qaeda factors and there are Obama as the president was extremists in Libya today, but the taking heat for not explicitly Libyan people are friends of ours, endorsing Egypt as an ally. Here's video of McCain's and they support us, and they appearance on Hannity, courtesy support democracy. So you were wrong about you were wrong of Mediaite: Now read: The Obama campaign about Libya. I dont think I was wrong about is saying Ann Coulter is the only Libya at all, Hannity shot back. one left defending Mitt Romney > I know you were. They had a Please follow Politics on Twitter free and fair election, and a and Facebook. d e m o c r a t i c n o n - I s l a m i c Join the conversation about this story Housing's Hurdles Limit Fed's Help Wall Street Journal In 2009, Mr. Obama unveiled his housing-rescue plan that aimed to help homeowners modify their loans. Implementing it has been frustrating for the administration, and that may pose a test to the President's re-election bid. WSJ's Arian Campo-Flores... Bernanke hearts housing Crain's New York Business (blog) Federal Reserve Stimulus Program Aims to Fire Up Housing Market LoanSafe Fed move to have only modest effect on housing, experts say Memphis Commercial Appeal (blog) all 4,567 news articles


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The Czech Republic Has Banned Hard Alcohol

AP (Business Insider)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:15:00 PM

PRAGUE (AP) The Czech Republic has taken an unprecedented emergency measure and banned the sale of spirits with more than 20 percent alcohol content as it battles a wave of methanol poisonings that has already killed 19 people. Health Minister Leos Heger said Friday the ban was effective immediately and applies nationwide. It covers all possible sales locations, including restaurants, hotels, stores and the Internet. Kiosks and markets had earlier been banned from selling spirits with more than 30 percent alcohol content, but Heger said the measure has not been effective enough because "an absolute majority" of people who have been poisoned bought the toxic alcohol in restaurants, bars and stores. Heger said the ban could possibly take weeks. It is estimated that up to 20 percent of all the liquor in

restaurants across the country is likely made on the black market That the death toll from the poisonings reached 19 Friday after a 66-year-old woman was found dead in the northeastern city of Havirov and the first person was hospitalized in Prague also prompted the minister to take the step, Heger said in a brief statement late Friday.

Police said a 30-year man has been in critical condition in a Prague after buying toxic booze in a shop. Dozens of people have been hospitalized, some in critical condition after drinking vodka and rum laced with methanol. The problem has appeared largely centered in northeastern Czech Republic.

Methanol is mainly used for industrial purposes, but unscrupulous criminal networks sometimes misuse it to illegally produce cheap liquor because it's cheap and impossible to distinguish from real drinking alcohol. Labs all across the country have been testing round the clock samples of suspicion alcohol that has been seized during police raids. Thousands of liters of illegal alcohol have been seized and almost 20 people arrested, but police spokeswoman Stepanka Zatloukalova said Friday it still wasn't clear what the sources are for the worst methanol poisoning "in decades." Meanwhile, in Prague, restaurant manager Jonathan Weinstein said if the ban "were to last a month or two, of course, it's a big problem." Please follow Business Insider on Twitter and Facebook. Join the conversation about this story

Week Ahead: Housing Data Take Center Stage - Fox Business

(housing - Google News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:12:11 PM

RealtyBizNews Week Ahead: Housing Data Take Center Stage Fox Business No less than three important housing reports are due on Wednesday: the Mortgage Bankers Association Purchase Applications Index, which measures applications at mortgage lenders; housing start figures, which reflect the strength of the residential... List of improving housing markets expands to 99 Liberty Vindicator 99 Housing Markets Improve in September; Americans More Optimistic RealtyBizNews Next Wk/US: Housing Data, Empire State, Philly Fed, LEI, TICS MNI News all 4 news articles

Gillmor Gang Live 09.14.12 (TCTV)

Steve Gillmor (TechCrunch)

Gillmor Gang Kevin Marks, Steve Gillmor. Recording live at John Taschek, Robert Scoble, and 1pm Pacific.

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More good housing market news: Bay Area's August home sales strongest in six ... - San Jose Mercury News
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PSU trustee: No detailed review of Freeh report

(Sports News Headlines Yahoo! News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:53:43 PM

from the subprime mortgage crisis that sent the economy into the Great Recession and crated home Los Angeles Times sales and prices. August was the... More good housing market news: Southland housing market ends Bay Area's August home sales summer with rising prices and strongest in six... sales Los Angeles Times San Jose Mercury News Socal housing market gains Bay Area home sales have strength LA Observed increased year-over-year every all 93 news articles month since July 2011, as the region's housing market recovers
Submitted at 9/14/2012 12:01:29 PM

The head of Penn State's Board of Trustees said Friday the board isn't planning a detailed review of the school's internal investigation into the Jerry Sandusky child sexabuse scandal.

HOUSE OF THE DAY: A Gorgeous Park Avenue Duplex For $24.75 Million
Meredith Galante (Business Insider)

apartment takes up the sixth and seventh floors of 820 Park Avenue. Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:16:00 PM The building was constructed in A Park Avenue duplex on the 1926, and is a cooperative with Upper East side just hit the market elevator access. Expect to pay for $24.75 million. $18,281 a month in maintenance The home belongs to society fees. c o u p l e P a m e l a F a r k a s a n d The home has been on the market Andrew Paul, who are moving to just one day. their West Village townhouse, 820 Park is a pre-war building. according to The Observer. See the rest of the story at The home has five bedrooms and Business Insider 5.5 bathrooms. There were Please follow The Life on Twitter originally 17 rooms total, the and Facebook. home was renovated to make the rooms more spacious. The

U.S., Egypt Must Manage Strategic-Democratic Disconnect

(World Politics Review: Articles)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 8:26:00 AM

fade relatively quickly. Nevertheless, as expressions of the anti-American sentiment that Days after demonstrators stormed pervades the region, the protests the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, highlight the challenges facing a n d t h e U . S . C o n s u l a t e i n Washington as it tries to navigate Benghazi, Libya, a wave of anti- the changing political landscape American protests has swept of the Middle East. through the region. For now, the Before examining those demonstrations targeting U.S. challenges further, however, it is embassies remain limited in size important to distinguish between and scope, and if previous the incidents in Benghazi and episodes of similar reactions to Cairo, for though they were perceived slights against Islam are i n i t i a l l y p r e s e n t e d a s t w o any indication, they are likely to e x a m p l e s o f t h e s a m e

phenomenon, they in fact represent discrete events, with distinct but equally significant implications. ... This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.


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Muslims Show Respect for Religion by Attacking Pope

Daniel Greenfield (FrontPage Magazine)

intolerance was not limited to Christianity. On the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:26:58 PM Muslims engaged in their usual If theres one consistent element antics on the site that they had in the medias coverage of the occupied and transformed into the Mohammed riots, its that Al Aqsa Mosque, cursing, Muslims are sensitive darlings screaming and throwing stones. who get very upset when religion Jerusalem police clashed with is offended. All they really want hundreds of Muslim youth Friday is for everyone to respect after they left prayers atop the religion their religion. Temple Mount in the direction of Some 1,000 demonstrators the Damascus Gate. Police said marched from Tripolis Althe rioters were on their way to Mansouri Mosque to nearby Nour the US consulate, In a rare move, Square following Friday prayers, the US State Department on shouting slogans against the U.S. Thursday issued a travel warning and Pope Benedict XVI, who They also set four delivery upon his arrival in Beirut. As a for Jerusalem, urging American began a three-day visit to mopeds ablaze. friend of God and as a friend of citizens to defer nonessential Lebanon. travel and exercise caution. The Pope has a rather important men. They tore down posters and role in Catholicism, but thats Earlier, speaking to reporters Muslim demands that people banners welcoming the pope that okay because the only religious aboard his plane, the pope called respect their religion might have had been put in place by Saad figure that Muslims expect for an end to weapons imports to some credibility if they showed Hariris Future Movement. e v e r y o n e t o r e s p e c t i s Syria and called them a sin. equal respect for the religions of The demonstrators ignored Mohammed. Syrias rebels have appealed for others. warning shots fired by police, and If Christians pulled down posters weapons shipments to help them This entry passed through the tried unsuccessfully to make their with Koranic verses on them, fight the regime. He also praised Full-Text RSS service if this is way to the Tripoli Serail, which is there would be more riots and the Arab Spring uprisings, which your content and you're reading it close to Nour Square, hurling murders. But because they didnt have ousted four long-time on someone else's site, please read stones at policemen blocking their the FAQ at access to the Pope, they fell dictators. path. Some demonstrators also back on the usual Muslim protest The attacks on the Pope are plain only/faq.php#publishers. Five beat policemen with wooden and outlet, burning a fried chicken and simple Islamic intolerance of Filters recommends: Incinerating steel sticks. franchise. KFC Akbar. all religion, but their own. That is Assange - The Liberal Media Go Finding themselves unable to Is it something that the Pope did what is behind these protesters To Work. storm the Serail, the protesters or said? Not in the least. and this intolerance should be headed some 500 meters down the I have come to Lebanon as a directly addressed. road to a KFC/Hardees outlet, pilgrim of peace, the pope said Naturally Muslim religious setting the establishment on fire.

How is Trinamool ignorant of every hike, asks Karat The Hindu

(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:38:51 PM

The Hindu How is Trinamool ignorant of every hike, asks Karat The Hindu Communist Party of India (Marxist) general secretary Prakash Karat on Friday described as peculiar the pattern of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee pleading ignorance every time a fuel hike was announced and saying she was opposed to the... The pinch of sky-high prices Deccan Herald Diesel price hike: Carmakers like Maruti Suzuki, M&M & GM India hopeful... Economic Times Diesel price hike, LPG rationing to hit common man Times of India Hindustan Times- Indian Express - Daily Pioneer all 965 news articles

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US May Jail Mohammed Film Director to Appease Islam

Daniel Greenfield (FrontPage Magazine)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 12:31:54 PM

You know how the Obama Administration asked YouTube to look at the Mo trailer a second time and see if it meets the criteria for censoring it, without actually telling them to censor it? Well this is kind of like that. Muslims want the filmmaker to be punished. So the probation authorities are being pushed to find him in violation of probation so they can stick him in jail. US probation officials are looking into potential violations of prison release terms by a California man linked to an antiIslam film that triggered violent protests in Muslim countries, a court spokeswoman said on Friday. The US probation office in the central district of California is reviewing the case, said Karen Redmond, spokeswoman for the administrative office of the US Courts. On what grounds are they

reviewing the case? Dont ask, or they might start reviewing you too. Thats how things work in the age of Obama. We dont have blasphemy laws. We just have a government that enforces them. Theres no Federal censorship of blasphemous material. The government will just flag the material and even though YouTube reviewed it already and only blocked it in the Muslim

world, it will strongly suggest to YouTube that it review it again and find it in violation. And the perpetrator of a movie will have his physical location and information about his family splattered all over the media, even though he likely has relatives in Egypt and is a target for death threats. And then the government will review any grounds for sticking him in jail so the Muslims will stop attacking

Obamas embassies in the Muslim world. But dont say the word, Sharia. Only Islamophobic crazies think were going to have men tried and imprisoned for blaspheming against Islam unless theyre in the military. Or unless they really upset Muslims. In Los Angeles, law enforcement sources say authorities are focused on learning how the Innocence of Muslims movie relates to the violence, including the killing this week of the U.S. ambassador to Libya. They also want to make sure those connected to the production are aware of possible dangers posed by their association, sources said. No Sharia to see here. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Coalition commits to Pacific Hwy upgrade - Sky News Australia

(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:55:12 PM

Sky News Australia Coalition commits to Pacific Hwy upgrade Sky News Australia Coalition commits to Pacific Hwy upgrade Updated: 06:42, Saturday September 15, 2012 Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Nationals leader Warren Truss have committed a coalition government to the completion of the Pacific Highway upgrade. Liberal pledge to fix NSW's death highway Nationals target key seats with highway pledge ABC Online Nationals pledge funds for Pacific Highway The Canberra Times Bundaberg News Mail- Sydney Morning Herald all 35 news articles

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Could it Be ... Stagflation?

Geoffrey Norman (The Weekly Standard)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 2:31:00 PM

Get the Best Deals in ANY

First there is this: The signs are not comforting.


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Islamists Attack Peacekeepers in Sinai

Daniel Greenfield (FrontPage Magazine)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:03:17 PM

The Realist Prism: When U.S. Politics Does Not Stop at the Water's Edge
(World Politics Review: Articles)

The headquarters of the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) in the Sinai was attacked on Friday night by dozens of Bedouin Salafi gunmen, Israels Channel 2 News reported. Dozens of gunmen, in some 50 vehicles, surrounded the base and then 60-70 of them burst in, storming into the base amid heavy gunfire. First reports of the attack surfaced a little after 8 p.m. local time. Half-an-hour later, Channel 2 reported that Egyptian troops in 11 armored vehicles had arrived at the base, to try to help to restore order. The TV report said four members of the MFO, all of them officers, were injured. It said three of them had been evacuated to Israels Soroka Medical Center, with at least one of them in serious condition. Three of the men were said to be of Colombian nationality. Earlier reports had suggested several fatalities in the attack. The attackers were described as Bedouin jihadists, possibly affiliated with Al-Qaeda. First

the deed to the property, raising tensions with China, which also Submitted at 9/14/2012 8:16:00 AM claims the islands as the Diaoyou. Three separate incidents this Both countries are now sending week have all highlighted how the naval forces to the islands, which g r o w i n g d i s t r a c t i o n i n raises the stakes if there is a Washington over the upcoming violent incident, since Japanese U.S. presidential election is vessels have been instructed to undermining U.S. diplomacy. turn back ships entering the area. The first has to do with the ... territorial dispute between Japan This entry passed through the and China over the Senkaku Full-Text RSS service if this is Islands, possession of which your content and you're reading it confers exploitation rights to the on someone else's site, please read reports said Al-Qaeda flags were on a war between Israel and the lucrative fishing grounds and vast the FAQ at flying at the base after the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood offshore hydrocarbon fields in the only/faq.php#publishers. Five attack. The attack was reported to regime. exclusive economic zone that Filters recommends: Incinerating have been motivated by Muslim Push out the peacekeepers, surrounds them. The Japanese Assange - The Liberal Media Go anger at an anti-Islam film, occupy the area and bring on the government earlier this week To Work. Innocence of Muslims, which war. That was the game that announced that it would buy the has sparked anti-Western protests Gamal Abdel Nasser played. The islands from the family that holds in many Arab cities in recent only difference is that Morsi is days. using proxies to do his The TV report said the gunmen Brotherhoods dirty work for him. b r o k e t h r o u g h t h e s e c u r i t y This entry passed through the perimeter of the base the first Full-Text RSS service if this is time anything like this has ever your content and you're reading it happened, it said and brought on someone else's site, please read down two observation towers. the FAQ at the usual excuse is its about only/faq.php#publishers. Five (TREND HUNTER - The Latest the dimensions of their models, the movie, but its not. Filters recommends: Incinerating Trends) handsets like the Sony Xperia X The real story is that this is Assange - The Liberal Media Go Submitted at 9/14/2012 11:43:02 AM are becoming all the more h e l p i n g d i s m a n t l e a n y To Work. appealing. This gadget still international presence in the Sinai ( When the sports... which is part of the Death of majority of the most popular Camp David watch that will bring smartphone brands are increasing

Honed Concept Cellphones - The Sony Xperia X is a Seriously Sharp Upgrade from the Previous Model (

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World News/


Questions over whether truck was allowed to use crossing - Brisbane Times
(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 12:00:50 PM

SBS Questions over whether truck was allowed to use crossing Brisbane Times The scene of a crash involving a truck and two trains at a level crossing in Banyo. It remains unclear whether a truck driver had a permit to travel across a level crossing where his vehicle became stuck and was hit by a

train yesterday morning. Radio message from Banyo Train station to Queensland Rail's control room key... Driver seriously hurt after trucktrain crash Sydney Morning Herald Truck, trains in level crossing smash The Australian ABC Local- ABC Online all 97 news articles

Afghanistan: Injuries As Camp Bastion Hit - Sky News

(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:07:18 PM

Unthinkable? Leaving employment rights alone - The Guardian (blog)

(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:55:06 PM

BBC News Afghanistan: Injuries As Camp Bastion Hit Sky News There has been an attack on the main British military base in Afghanistan, and injuries have been reported, Pentagon sources say. It is thought that buildings at Camp Bastion in Helmand

Province were damaged but it is not known if walls were breached. Military plans possible early Afghan withdrawal The Guardian Philip Hammond: British troops could withdraw from Afghanistan before 2014 Hammond: Troops may return earlier The Press Association BBC News- Daily Mail- Evening Standard all 284 news articles

Richard III could get state SC questions govt on coal funeral after discovery of blocks allotment, strongly defends CAG - Indian Express bones - Metro
(Nation - Google News) (Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:58:08 PM

Metro Richard III could get state funeral after discovery of bones Metro Calls have been made for King Richard III to be given a state funeral if the bones found in Leicester are verified as belonging to the deceased monarch. Chris Skidmore, MP for Kingswood,

has made the claims saying that any expense created by holding a... Call for full state funeral for Richard III Financial Times Boning up is the best way to learn history The Independent Call for Richard III state funeral Bourne Local Vancouver Sun- This is Leicestershire all 32 news articles

Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:13:23 PM

BBC News SC questions govt on coal blocks allotment, strongly defends CAG Indian Express The Supreme Court asked the Centre on Friday to explain if guidelines for distributing the coal mines of largesse had been strictly followed. The court questioned the coincidence that

BBC News Unthinkable? Leaving employment rights alone The Guardian (blog) "The problem of growth is that we have a very serious shortage of demand," said Vince Cable last Sunday, asserting a Keynesian reading of the slump that events are vindicating. He went on to denounce ideologues who seek a solution in cutting what they... Should it be easier to fire workers? Channel 4 News Cable to cap unfair dismissal payouts BBC News Vince Cable: Government is 'having it both ways' on firing several blocks were secured by workers politicians, their associates... The Press Association- Daily Why not cancel coal allocations, Mail SC asks Centre Chandigarh all 455 news articles Tribune Explain coal allocation: SC to Centre Deccan Herald Leaders' kin got coal blocks: SC Hindustan Times Business Standard- Daily Pioneer - Times of India all 103 news articles


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Accountant gets 18 years for Oz Lotto murder Sydney Morning Herald

(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 9:37:45 AM

Sydney Morning Herald Accountant gets 18 years for Oz Lotto murder Sydney Morning Herald THE suburban accountant Peter Kelly had, in the words of his sentencing judge, lived the ''blameless life of a good man''. So what drove this ''calm and

collected'' father to murder Maria Lou Devrell, his friend of 25 years whom fortune had blessed... Lotto winner killed over 'wasteful' habits Accountant jailed for killing lotto winner ABC Online Jail for Australian man who killed lottery winner TVNZ SBS all 28 news articles

BitRhymes On Track For $45M In Annual Revenue On The Strength Of Virtual Bingo
Darrell Etherington (TechCrunch)

Benefits of Gaming at Work - Ross Smith's Gamification Keynote Discusses Productivity Games (
(TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 11:28:02 AM

( In this gamification keynote, Director of

Test for Microsoft Ross Smith discusses how gaming transforms the workplace. He strongly believes in the idea that active play, when designed and...

from someone like Zynga is a sign that theres still plenty of opportunity to be had in this Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:16:21 PM space, but that it might be best If you had to take a guess at what explored by peering into corners has been at or near the top- that dont immediately seem like grossing spot in the U.S. iPad App winners. Bingo is traditionally Store for the past month without seen as a game for octogenarians, looking, Id bet a bingo simulator but BitRhymes CEO Sumit wouldnt be high on your list. But Gupta said in an interview that Indias BitRhymes has proven surprisingly, theres been lots of that in fact users are interested in i n t e r e s t f r o m y o u n g e r playing good old-fashioned bingo d e m o g r a p h i c s , a n d u s e r s o n t h e i r u l t r a - m o d e r n i P a d have predominantly been women. d e v i c e s , a n d r e v e a l e d t o Both Gupta and lead investor TechCrunch that its currently Doug Renert of Tandem capital tracking to realize an annual run said that there looks to be a huge rate of $45 million in revenue on opportunity here in terms of the back of its premiere title, transitioning from online social Bingo Bash for Facebook, iPad gaming to real-money casino and iPhone. play. Thats an area that Zynga That one of the best-performing seems interested in approaching, social games on the App Store too, having recently partnered and Facebook right now isnt with RocketPlay to take social

sports betting to Facebook. Gupta says that while Zynga and others seem to be taking a watch-andwait approach pending passing of U.S. law that would make social real-money gambling perfectly legal. BitRhymes has had good initial success, but the challenge will be the same one that every social gaming company faces: coming up with a successor to early successful titles that continues to push the needle in terms of user interest and revenue growth. Thats something thats stopped Zynga in its tracks, and after Bingo, its unclear where BitRhymes will move next, though the company says it has its next release planned, but isnt yet sharing any info.

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New iPhones? How about the TUAW crew?

Mel Martin (TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:00:00 PM

Many of our readers are asking themselves if they should spring for the iPhone 5. Early reports look like it's flying off the shelves. I asked my colleagues if they plan to buy an iPhone 5. You might think, MacHeads that we are, that we'd all be buying. Not necessarily so. Kelly Guimont: I'd like to, but house buying means all my pennies go in that jar. Also, at a minimum I'm not going to preorder because I want to pick one up and hold it to see how it is. I'm thinking I might pick up a 32 GB 4S (my 4 is 16 GB) outright so I can "upgrade" and try to get on the "evolution" upgrade path instead of the "revolution" upgrade path. I love my 4, I just want a nicer camera so I don't feel so much like I have to carry my point/shoot for "real" pictures. Mike Rose: No specific plans yet (work phone) but may upgrade wife's 4 to hand it down. Michael Grothaus: I'm getting one as soon as the unlocked ones go one sale. Kelly Hodgkins: Well, I'm on the "not getting an iPhone 5

bandwagon" now, but that may change. I have an iPhone 4S on Verizon and am perfectly happy with the phone. I'm not eligible for an upgrade, and the jump in specs is not enough for me to want to pay full retail price for the phone. This is all subject to change as my husband is getting an iPhone 5. We've pre-ordered and it's scheduled for delivery on the 21st. Just in case I see the iPhone 5 and fall in love with it, I have reserved a price at Gazelle for my iPhone 4S. If I change my mind, I can always sell the iPhone 4S and buy the iPhone 5 at the end of the month. I'm excited to see what happens when the iPhone 5 arrives on our doorstep next week. Michael Jones: I'll be getting an iPhone 5, but likely will wait until next month. My theory is that AT&T's habit of letting you upgrade every year hasn't kicked in for everyone pre-ordering because the 4S was released in October, not in September -- it hasn't been a year yet. So I'll wait, because even if I don't get a discount, it'll be easier to get one in a few weeks. Megan Lavey-Heaton: No, I'm not getting an iPhone 5. I have a perfectly good iPhone 4S that I haven't even had for a year yet.

2013 and I don't want to pay $500 for a 16 GB iPhone. TJ Luoma: I have the 4S and am keeping it. Since the original iPhone I have kept to an "every other" schedule, mostly because they came with two-year contracts. However I have also seen that the 3GS and the 4S had significant improvements and refinements over the previous version. The new form factor is nice, but I don't really feel the I've got full AppleCare on it until need for a bigger iPhone. I like November 2013, and I'm not up the 4S. While the iPhone 5 will no for contract renewal until July doubt be great, I'll sit back and 2013. The 4S is nowhere near enjoy knowing that next year I obsolete. You're going to have a can upgrade on day one, and I'll far easier time finding accessories benefit from everything Apple and the like for the older-style learned about the 5 from a year of d o c k c o n n e c t o r s w h i l e t h e "real world" testing. i n d u s t r y c a t c h e s u p w i t h Chris Rawson I have an iPhone Lightning. The improvements this 4S, 64 GB. Assuming my carrier go-around are in the software, and doesn't try to stand in my way, I'll u n l i k e p r e v i o u s h a r d w a r e be paying full price -- probably u p g r a d e s , t h e 4 S w i l l d o NZ$1500 -- for the 64 GB iPhone everything in iOS 6 that the 5 5 on launch day here in New does. I'm not going to miss out on Zealand. I'm buying the iPhone 5 any features. If I had an earlier primarily because SHINY NEW, iPhone, I think the 5 would be but I also have a halfway decent worth it, especially if you have a excuse other than "I want it." At 3GS. But 4S to 5 for me is like my day job, we're going to be beta going from an iPad 2 to a new testing responsive design across iPad. Not enough of an upgrade to our website later this year, and the make it worth it. iPhone 5 is one more resolution to Dave Caolo: I'm not getting one. test against. My contract isn't up until July Victor Agreda, Jr.: I pre-ordered

a black 32 GB model from Apple because they painted the silver metal black in this model. Mike Schramm: Bought one last night. 16 GB black. The sleep button on my iPhone 4 broke, and I want Siri and a faster one for gaming anyway. How about me? I'm holding on to my iPhone 4S. AT&T is giving me no incentive to buy, and with Verizon and Sprint telling us no simultaneous voice and data, switching is out of the question. iOS 6 gives me new maps, panoramas, do not disturb and a host of other features. Plus I won't have to buy a load of new cables and adapters. I've got a price on my 4S from Gazelle if I get weak, but I'm planning to hold fast. Dear readers, are you on the fence, or jumping over it? Standing pat? Let us know, and why you feel the way you do in the comments. New iPhones? How about the TUAW crew? originally appeared on TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Fri, 14 Sep 2012 15:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Source| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Power and Hunter-Reay travel long roads to finale

(Sports News Headlines Yahoo! News)

Over the past decade, there have been times when both Will Power and Ryan Hunter-Reay were

either out of work or deep in debt. Both considered abandoning racing altogether.



Curated News Edition

5 YouTube Stars Ready For Prime Time

Fruzsina Erdgh (ReadWriteWeb)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:53:00 PM

BuzzFeed announced its hire of Web video pioneer Ze Frank today. For a media organization touted as the master of Facebook and Twitter clicks, the question is, what took so long? YouTube is a vast ocean of talent untapped by marketers, ad agencies, news organizations, non-profits, political campaigns - really, anyone interested in conquering the Web video landscape. Here are five stand-out personalities. By the nature of their business, top YouTubers are the Web's allaround players. They're excellent at spotting trends, as it behooves them to address said trends onscreen. Many started out writing, shooting, and editing their own videos. They've successfully built their own brands, negotiating advertising and promotional deals. They're excellent community managers, constantly fielding comments, criticisms, and incorporating feedback into their work. Every successful YouTuber is is an analytics whiz, monitoring audience engagement across various platforms. While many YouTubers enjoy the freedom the video-sharing platform gives them, their areas of expertise put them in a unique position to help organizations in need of an online push. Here are 5 Top YouTubers that would be a

big get for any company. Ray William Johnson VidStatsX YouTube Ranking: 1 Subscribers: 5.8 million Video Views: 1.98 billion YouTubes first millionaire (April 2011), Johnson invented the viral video commentary format with his show, entitled =3, copied by Comedy Centrals Tosh.0. Besides =3, on his main channel, Johnson does the popular Your Favorite Martian channel, featuring mostly original songs

with animated music videos; he's set to release an album this year. Johnson has appeared in local theater productions in Los Angeles and has nurtured other YouTube talent like Meekakitty and The Will of DC. RWJ is signed with Makers Studios. Ryan Higa VidStatsX YouTube Ranking: 2 Subscribers: 5.6 million Vieo Views: 1.3 billion The reigning YouTuber until last year when he was dethroned by Johnson, Higa has enjoyed a few

small roles on TV. He started a reality show and toured the country with his YTF. A vlogger, sketch comedy artist and occasional musician, Higa is part of You Offend Me, You Offend My Family (YOMYOMF), one of the Google-funded premium content channels. Like Johnson, Higa has been responsible for building other top YouTubers' careers, including KevJumba. Jenna Marbles VidStatsX YouTube Ranking: 5 Subscribers:

4.1 million and Video Views: 740 million The first woman to break into YouTubes Top 10, the comedic Marbles is a relative newcomer to YouTube. In only two years, the growth of her popularity is unparalleled, and she has been credited with singlehandedly reinvigorating the vlog, a YouTube form that many thought was on its way out. While most of YOUTUBE page 27

Curated News Edition



Microsoft Tries To Patent the Holodeck! (Well, Almost)

Mark Hachman (ReadWriteWeb)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:13:00 PM

Microsoft took a step toward creating - and owning - the Star Trek holodeck this week via a patent application that introduces the concept of a peripheral display that can project game scenes onto the walls, ceiling and floors of a room. The idea, according to patent application number 20120223885, is to improve the realism of the display, so that the player is immerse more thoroughly in the game world. Right Out Of Star Trek Thats not too far away from the holodeck concept introduced in Encounter at Farpoint, the premiere episode of Star Trek: Next Generation where the crew members enjoy simulated experiences in a room where holographic projections layered on extruded force fields and replicated matter give the illusion of reality. (OK, maybe it is rather far away, but one step at a time.) Microsoft already has produced one of the most immersive peripherals for a video game: Kinect, whose infrared eyes can detect a users skeleton, face and voice, recognizing him and placing him in a virtual world. Players can interact with virtual

objects by kicking, punching, or grabbing them - although such interactions must by necessity take place within the twodimensional frame of the TV screen. What Microsofts patent application proposes is a way to reduce the awareness that youre sitting in front of that screen:

Even when focused on the display, the user may perceive architectural and decorative features of the room the display is in via the user's peripheral vision. Such features are typically out of context with respect to the displayed image, muting the entertainment potential of the media experience. Further,

because some entertainment experiences engage the user's situational awareness (e.g., in experiences like the video game scenario described above), the ability to perceive motion and identify objects in the peripheral environment (i.e., in a region outside of the high resolution display) may intensify the

entertainment experience. What the patent application offers is the ability to go beyond that limitation, projecting peripheral images onto the walls, ceiling and floor of a players living room. The application suggests that the MICROSOFT page 27


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Curated News Edition

Why iPhone 5 Users On Sprint & Verizon Still Lack Simultaneous Voice & Data
Dan Rowinski (ReadWriteWeb)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 2:40:23 PM

wireless standard designed to send data from one point to another. It functions on an Internet ProtocolThe more things change, the based standard that is more akin more they stay the same. Apples to Wi-Fi than traditional cellular newest iPhone finally brings 4G service. LTE, for the most part, LTE to the device, a long awaited does not yet have a dedicated transition, but customers of Sprint speech channel for voice calls, as and Verizon find themselves in a 2G and 3G do. Companies familiar situation. The iPhone 5 are working on the function, on both carriers will not allow known as Voice Over LTE, simultaneous voice calls and data (VoLTE), but it is very limited transmission, a feature AT&T a n d n o t r e a d y f o r p u b l i c long has lorded over its rivals. A c o n s u m p t i o n . c o m b i n a t i o n o f t e c h n o l o g y So how can many LTE phones, restraints and design decisions by i n c l u d i n g S a m s u n g L T E Apple once again leave Sprint and s m a r t p h o n e s o n S p r i n t a n d Verizon customers without a Verizon, support simultaneous feature that, theoretically, should voice and data? There are two be very simple. reasons for this. Consumers want technology to AT&T and T-Mobile operate on work. They do not much care a standard called Global System how. But a quick explanation of for Mobile Communications LTE, as simplified as possible, (GSM). Sprint and Verizons informs why the iPhone 5 on networks are built on a different Sprint and Verizon does allow standard known as Code Division simultaneous voice and data Multiple Access (CDMA). LTE is usage. a natural extension of GSM. On its most basic level, LTE is a When smartphone manufacturers

develop phones for various carriers, they decide what types of antennas to use based on the wavelength a carrier uses to transmit its signal, commonly referred to as a spectrum band. LTE runs on multiple bands, requiring multiple antennas. For AT&T, this is not a problem. The same architecture that supports its GSM-based voice function can also access data on LTE bands. For CDMA, a third antenna is necessary to handle this function. Consequently, when you make a call on your 4G LTE smartphone, your voice is not actually transmitted via LTE but rather a 3G network. The phone switches from the LTE band to the 3G band. On AT&T this requires two antennas. For Sprint and Verizon, it would require three to support the switchback to the CDMAbased 3G network. This quite literally means you drop from 4G LTE to 3G

WCDMA (where voice and data are already multiplexed) for the call, then hand back up to LTE when you're finished," wrote Brian Klug, senior editor of smartphones at AnandTech. "This is the way that voice works at the moment for all GSM/WCDMA carriers, and on all those handsets with LTE to date, Samsung can support simultaneous voice and data on LTE smartphones because they decided to implement that third antenna. Apple did not. According to reports, the motivation for this was to not only create a very thin smartphone, but to simplify manufacturing so Apple can make as few unique versions of the iPhone as possible while still hitting as many LTE-capable markets as possible. As reported by Klug, according to FCC documents, two unique versions of the iPhone 5 exist that are nearly identical except for the types of antennas they include. To support simultaneous voice and

data on Sprint and Verizon, Apple would have had to make a third unique version. Doing so would complicate the manufacturing process and cut into Apples profit margin, something the iPhone maker is very protective of. In the end, the iPhone 5's functionality is motivated by profit. Sprint and Verizon customers are still going to buy the iPhone 5, with or without simultaneous voice and data. The are used to doing without it, so it does not behoove Apple to change its design to achieve a marginal result. Essentially, for Apple it is more headache than it is worth. The only way it will change, outside of a drastic change of course in Apples design and manufacturing approach, is when VoLTE becomes ready for public use, eliminating the need to fallback to 3G networks for voice capabilities. As it stands, VoLTE is not expected to be ready for widespread use until 2015-16.

Play Ball!
(Holy Kaw!)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 8:53:49 AM

Back in 1936, National Geographic photographer Luis Marden climbed around the great

Maya ball court at Chichen Itza to get a dramatic shot. Today's visitors have to keep their feet on the ground. See more cool vintage photos of Maya ruins from the National

Geographic Travel. Total National Geographic curation. Permalink| Leave a comment Geographic archives at National

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Zynga Counters EA Lawsuit With Allegations Of Anti-Competitive Behavior

Anthony Ha (TechCrunch)

Iram Zaidi, CoFounder of Profound Aesthetic (INTERVIEW) - . (

(TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 11:59:02 AM

incensed by the departure of several of its executives for Zynga Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:31:55 PM that it tried to pressure Zynga into Zynga just filed its legal response entering a no hire agreement. to Electronic Arts copyright (You may recall that Apple, lawsuit. The response has three Google, Adobe, Intel, Intuit, parts: A motion to strike portions Pixar, and Lucasfilm have all of EAs suit, an answer and been embroiled an antitrust demand for jury trial on other l a w s u i t o f t h e i r o w n o v e r portions of the suit, and a a l l e g a t i o n s o f n o p o a c h counterclaim from Zynga. agreements.) Ive embedded Zyngas full Zynga writes: responses below. Heres the initial The truth is that despite years of statement from Zyngas general trying to compete, and spending counsel Reggie Davis: more than a billion dollars on Today we responded to EAs acquisitions, EA has not been able claims which we believe have no to successfully compete in the m e r i t . W e a l s o f i l e d a social gaming space and was counterclaim which addresses losing talent, particularly to social actions by EA we believe to be gaming leader Zynga. Desperate anticompetitive and unlawful to stem this exodus, EA undertook business practices, including legal an anti-competitive and unlawful threats and demands for no-hire scheme to stop Zynga from hiring agreements. We look forward to its employees and to restrain the getting back to focusing all our mobility of EA employees in efforts on delighting our players. violation of the spirit of the T h e j u i c i e s t o f t h e t h r e e antitrust laws and California responses is the counterclaim, public policy. EA sought, by which alleges that EA was so t h r e a t o f o b j e c t i v e l y a n d

subjectively baseless sham litigation, what it could never lawfully obtain from Zynga a no -hire agreement that would bar Zyngas hiring of EA employees. To illustrate this point, Zynga quotes an email from EA CEO John Riccitiello to former EA executive and then-Zynga COO Schappert: Some of our people will always leave. But they are leaving for one place Zynga. I get that they can reach out. The question is what happens when they do. Listen and send them back to me, or their boss at EA. Or, listen, nod and lend a hand. We are crossing into a place I dont think we want to be But I believe you can and should find more talent outside of EA. The counterclaim also describes an exchange between Zyngas lawyers and EAs: EAs General Counsel communicated to Zynga that Mr. Cottles departure had intensified EAs concern about losing talent

to competitors and increased Mr. Riccitiellos wrath toward Zynga by again making him look bad to his Board, shareholders and the gaming community. Mr. Riccitiello was placing extraordinary pressure on the EA legal team to finally obtain a go-forward no-hire agreement unrelated to Zyngas hiring of Mr. Cottle that would prohibit Zyngas future ability to hire EA employees. If Zynga refused to agree to the no-hire, then Mr. Riccitiello wanted Zynga to know he would file an objectively and subjectively baseless sham lawsuit against Zynga for the express purpose of chilling Zyngas future hiring of EA employees and discouraging EA employees from seeking out or accepting employment with Zynga. Updating 2. Zyngas Motion to Strike 3. Zyngas Answer and Demand for Jury Trial 4. Counterclaim (Public)

( Breakthrough artists such as The Weeknd and even sports superstars like Terrel Owens have been spotted wearing Profound Aesthetica clothing label that is the definition of cool....

The Secret to Being SelfTaught: Curiosity [Learning]

Melanie Pinola (Lifehacker)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 12:30:00 PM

Thread: YouTube in the developing world.

(Dave Winer)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 10:43:26 AM

Pretty amazing that YouTube is

playing such a central role in the battles in North Africa and the Middle East. And of course Twitter. A few notes on what's


One thing most self-taught (and self-made) people have in common is curiosityimmense, driving curiosity. If you can develop your curiosity and have patience, you can learn anything on your own. More


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Curated News Edition

Apple found not guilty vs Samsung in initial ITC ruling

Chris Burns (SlashGear)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:47:55 PM

The Apple vs Samsung (and vice versa) legal battle continues with Apple being found not guilty in an initial ruling this week in infringing four Samsung patents with the iPhone and iPad. The patents being spoken about here include technology connected with CDMA and UMTS mobile devices as well as a method for dialing a smartphone and a the manipulation of digital documents. Judge Gildea who presides over this case has made it clear that he finds no violation in respect to any of the asserted claims at this time. Its been ruled that Samsung has not shown any domestic industry for any of the four patents and that such a finding would be necessary for Apple to have done anything wrong legally. This ruling with the ITC requires that a domestic industry exist in order to rule against a party. Would that Samsung have provided the requirements here, they may have been able to ban the iPad and

iPhone from import but thats beside the point since theres no Industry where one does not exist, so to speak. This determination is still able to be reviewed by the six-member Commission that makes up the decision-making body of the ITC. The claims in this case deal with the following items, thus says Foss Patents this week: Claims 75-76 and 82-84 of U.S.

Patent No. 7,706,348 on an apparatus and method for encoding/decoding transport format combination indicator in CDMA mobile communication system (an allegedly UMTSessential patent) Claims 9-16 of U.S. Patent No. 7,486,644 on a method and apparatus for transmitting and receiving data with high reliability in a mobile communication

system supporting packet data transmission (allegedly UMTSessential) Claims 5, 9-10 and 13 of U.S. Patent No. 6,771,980 on a method for dialing in a smart phone Claims 1-5 of U.S. Patent No. 7,450,114 on user interface systems and methods for manipulating and viewing digital documents

This is part of a grand war between the two giant hardware companies, both of them having massive stakes in the mobile industry and one whole heck of a lot to lose. Apple recently won a giant case vs Samsung in the USA that resulted in $1.5 billion in damages for mobile patents as well. Stay tuned as these companies keep up the boxing for some time to come! Story Timeline Samsung guilty on dozens of patent infringements vs Apple Samsung patent infringement ruled "willful" vs Apple Samsung damages over 1 billion dollars vs Apple Samsung device bans to be fought with "all necessary measures" vs Apple Apple found not guilty vs Samsung in initial ITC ruling is written by Chris Burns& originally posted on SlashGear. 2005 - 2012, SlashGear. All right reserved.

Obama Cuts $2 Million from Protection of Foreign Missions, $129 Million form Embassy Security
Daniel Halper (The Weekly Standard)

The researchers at the Republican National Committee notice this

alarming fact in President Obama's sequestration plan:

Curated News Edition

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Last-minute HTC One X+ emerge ahead of HTC event

Scott Webster (CNET News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:14:28 PM

Friday Humour: Bernanke Teaches Us About Money.

Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:00:42 PM

Thus far, we've not seen a quadcore CPU and 4G LTE, however Nvidia has been promising such a She don't look like much, but beast for the end of 2012. For she's got it where it counts. what it's worth, there hasn't been With less than one week to go much noise on the T-Mobile before HTC takes the stage in version of the One X+ as of late; New York, additional details have however, it is reportedly still in sprung up for the HTC One X+ testing. smartphone. As a refresher, this is While we certainly expect HTC the handset rumored to be a faster, to announce the One X+ at its more powerful version of the September 19 press event, this AT&T phone. doesn't mean the phone will be Expectations thus far put the immediately available for order. phone as running Android 4.1 HTC Source advises that that Jelly Bean and featuring 1.6GHz phone(s) may not be ready for quad-core Tegra 3 processor. retail until mid-October at the Coupled with 1GB RAM and earliest. But whatever happens, 32GB storage, the One X+ should CNET will be on hand to bring offer consumers an updated HTC you the full story. variant. such as Facebook and Flickr. Sense 4.5 user interface. This entry passed through the The latest word on the street As for what HTC might have in Perhaps as a sign of things to Full-Text RSS service if this is comes courtesy of HTC Source, store with its Sense 4.5 UI, HTC come, Engadget noticed that a your content and you're reading it which tells us that the One X+ Source's insider indicates it's quad-core version of the One X+ on someone else's site, please read w i l l l o o k i d e n t i c a l t o i t s mostly behind the scenes. Rather recently made its way to the FCC, the FAQ at save for it being ever than reinventing its own wheel, which just happened to include only/faq.php#publishers. Five so slightly thicker, likely to HTC looks to be improving the 4G LTE support. Listed as Filters recommends: Incinerating accommodate a higher capacity experience of its own apps. The offering connectivity to AT&T's Assange - The Liberal Media Go battery. The new flagship device gallery app, for instance, is said to 4G LTE network, this would be a To Work. is also tipped to come in a 16GB pull images from outside sources first for U.S. consumers.

State Dept. Can't Explain Difference Between Cairo Apology and Obama Statement
John McCormack (The Weekly Standard)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:25:00 PM

Contact Information: Tips: tips [ at ] General: info [ at ] Legal: legal [ at ] Advertising: ads [ at ] Abuse/Complaints: abuse [ at ] Suggested Reading: Make sure to read our " How To [Read/Tip Off] Zero Hedge Without Attracting The Interest Of [Human Resources/The Treasury/Black Helicopters]" Guide It would be very wise of you to study our disclaimer, our privacy policy and our (non)policy on conflicts / full disclosure. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

From Thursday's press conference with State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland: QUESTION: Whats the

divergence between what that message [from the U.S. embassy in Cairo] said and what the message is coming from

Washington? MS. NULAND: I dont --


Technology/ Culture/

Curated News Edition

Why Google Glass is destined for HyperReality TV

Chris Burns (SlashGear)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:03:35 PM

A rather interesting video has come out this week with New York Fashion Week playing host to Google Glass technology, the ultimate product being an allGlass shot video on the runway with designer Diane von Furstenberg. What this film DVF Through Glass shows us is a very real vision one weve seen a few times before, in different formats of what it feels like to be the subject of the film rather than watching it. Watch as you become the model walking through the dressing room and youll see and experience Google Glass in what we thus far are understanding the project to be all about ramming the whole world into the head of one single subject.

When you watch a reality television show like Dance Moms or Honey Boo Boo, you and thousands of other viewers watch the subjects live their lives and perform for the camera no matter how much the show suggests that its all taking place exactly as it would without our eyes present. With Googles Glass, well be

able to take the place of the people in the show and better yet, well only be seeing the world through the tiny Glass camera, not a film crew. In this way well be seeing a whole new environment. The people in the show will react differently than they would with a full film crew present, and if and

when they understand that Glass is whats filming them, theyll usher in another set of filmed reactions that wont have been seen by any larger camera in the past. This will be an experiment not so much in taking the place of the subject of the show, but in seeing how the subjects of the show act when theyre filmed by a

fellow subject rather than by a standard film crew. Have a peek at the DVF video here first and check the reactions at this weeks Fashion Week it gets indy real quick! Then have a peek at a couple other demonstrations from Google, first with the mother and child duo Madame & Bebe Gayno cuteness! Then have a peek at the amazingly fantastic skydive session from Google I/O 2012. Why Google Glass is destined for Hyper-Reality TV is written by Chris Burns& originally posted on SlashGear. 2005 - 2012, SlashGear. All right reserved.

10 tips for taking better kid pics

(Holy Kaw!)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 9:58:00 AM

Every parent dreams of being able to capture all the priceless looks of their children on film, but few of us manage to record those precious moments to our satisfaction. If youre determined to preserve

their youth outside of the yearly portrait shot at the mall but dont have the funds to hire a professional photographer for a session at the park, Jodi Friedman at Digital Photography School has ten tips on lighting and technique to achieve the perfect shot. Get a little closer. One of the biggest differences you can make

is to get closer to the subject in your photo. Sometime we are

caught up with getting the nice scenery behind them and our children get lost in the image. Look for different angles. One way to get more variety in your photos is to look for different angles instead of always taking them straight on. Try to engage your kids. Be silly, make funny faces, jump

around, sing silly songs. They will be more likely to give you natural expressions and they will have more fun. Full story at Digital Photography School. Taking the perfect picture. Permalink| Leave a comment

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Culture/ Sports/


continued from page 21

depth camera (the existing camera used by a Kinect or some next-generation device) could be placed next to an environmental display projector, so that the same unit could project images around the user. More sophisticated setups could use more than one RGP projector. Instead of surround sound, think of a surround display. Next Step? 3D! Microsoft even goes so far as to suggest that a properly placed arrangement of cameras could enable 3D wiggle stereoscopic images on the walls, improving the experience even further. The patent application also mentions that the projected images would account for the angles of the walls and other scenery - a feat that Intel accomplished in real life this week, and with a Kinect, to boot. As for a controller - who needs

it? An improved Kinect-like device could also be used to track the players eyes or face, letting those serve as controls, the patent suggests. Of Course There's A Catch Of course, there are a significant number of issues Microsoft doesnt really account for, such as the number of projectors needed to create an actual image. Players may not be able to tromp through the living room hunting space aliens without tripping over a coffee table or couch. (But imagine the hilarity of a game that superimposed a virtual Covenant Hunter over your wedding photo!) There might also be problems with orientation; the patent application suggests that players could turn around and see a virtual enemy sneaking up behind them. If a game player was able to orient himself independently, he

or she would end up interacting primarily with the display projected on the walls, not the HDTV. To think of this another way: if the HDTV always represented the north-facing view in the game, any time the player wanted to run south, or east, he or she would be facing the wall. And if the game rotated back to accommodate the player movement, there would really be no way to interact with an enemy behind you. Still, we can't help but be excited about any progress toward creating the much-loved Holodeck.

Wirelessly Control Any Appliance on the Cheap with Remote Control Power Switches [Stuff We Like]
Craig Lloyd (Lifehacker)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 12:00:00 PM

lights on, getting a set of remote control power switches may be the perfect solution. More

If you're sick of flipping switches all over your house just to turn the

continued from page 20

the top-performing women on YouTube produce content for women in the beauty and style sections, Marbles appeals to both men and women. Unlike Higa and Johnson, though, her videos are not for kids. Philip DeFranco VidStatsX YouTube Ranking: 20 Subscribers: 2.2 million Video Views: 966 million DeFranco started vlogging because of Ze Frank, he told his audience at last years VidCon, so it's fitting he is on this list. The pupil has overcome the master in

terms of profit and audience, with DeFranco creating multiple wildly successful YouTube shows and tapping YouTube talent like Tobuscus and new media entrepreneur Sarah Penna. DeFrancos latest venture, SourceFed, is the first clear success of the Google-funded YouTube premium content. Called the Jon Stewart of YouTube, he delivered covereage of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions that was the most-viewed on YouTubes Election Hub. He also

hosted this years Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. DeFranco is part of the Revision3 studio and makes six figures a month, though he recently said in a Reddit Ask Me Anything session that he pays himself $100,000 a year, investing the rest into his business. Tyler Oakley VidStatsX YouTube Ranking: 702 Subscribers: 240,000 Video Views: 28 million Representing the LGBT crowd, vlogger Oakley is more influential in the YouTube space than his subscriber numbers suggest. For

example, last year she created a viral sensation by tweeting Miles Jais video Like Mah Status. Besides YouTube, Oakley is also influential on Twitter and Tumblr. (Sports News Headlines She was this years Taco Bell Yahoo! News) Twitter correspondent at the Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:07:56 PM Video Music Awards.

High wind wipes out play in Women's British Open

Play was called off for the day at the Women's British Open on Friday because of strong wind that disrupted the second round so badly that organizers declared early scores "null and void."



Curated News Edition

NVIDIA TegraZone breaks 5 million download mark

Chris Burns (SlashGear)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:05:10 PM

If youre pumped up about the multi-core Android smartphone experience with NVIDIA, youll be pumped up to hear that theyve broken the 5+ million downloads and that rising star is still shooting upward! If youve got an NVIDIA-powered Android device and dont have the TegraZone app on your device, youve got to grab it instantly! What the TegraZone offers up is not just a simple place to grab Android apps galore, but a great guide for you to see whats

possible on your high-powered machine. The statistic being reported today suggests that the actual app the guide has been downloaded and installed on millions of devices across the earth. What youre doing with this application if you have it already is exploring the NVIDIA-optimized universe. If youre part of that 5 million download mark, youre already deep inside the most dedicated gaming environment on the market today! No other processor group has done exactly what NVIDIA has

with their TegraZone initiative. Developers regularly team up with NVIDIA to optimize their games for their next-generation processors starting with the Tegra

2 dual-core, and now working with the Tegra 3 as well quadcore processing power with an extra core for low-powered tasks and standby computing for battery

preservation. Have a peek at our NVIDIA TegraZone category here on SlashGear thatll give you everything you need to keep up with NVIDIA and their Tegra gaming universe and keep that download number rising with a TegraZone download today! NVIDIA TegraZone breaks 5 million download mark is written by Chris Burns& originally posted on SlashGear. 2005 - 2012, SlashGear. All right reserved.

Windows XP users to lose Google Apps support in Internet Explorer

Casey Newton (CNET News)

widely used version of the venerable browser. But Microsoft Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:29:32 PM blocks Windows XP users from Google is ending support for IE 8 installing more recent versions of in Google Apps. IE, owing to the way device Millions of Internet Explorer drivers are handled inside Vista users who work with Google and Windows 7. Apps are about to need an Users facing that dilemma have upgraded browser -- but if they're at least one easy way around that using Windows XP or earlier, dilemma -- install Chrome! -- but they may be out of luck. plenty of IT managers frown on Google said today that it would that sort of thing, particularly in end Google Apps support for g o v e r n m e n t a n d e d u c a t i o n Internet Explorer 8, the most s e t t i n g s . R e l a t e d s t o r i e s :

Microsoft takes steps to drown Google Apps before it's too late

Evernote unveils small business app. A Google Apps offense? Google to retire Postini, migrate features to Google Apps

on IE 8 than any other version, according to NetMarketShare. This entry passed through the Google's support for IE 8 will Full-Text RSS service if this is end November 15, shortly after your content and you're reading it the introduction of Internet on someone else's site, please read Explorer 10 on October 26. the FAQ at"Each time a new version of one only/faq.php#publishers. Five of these browsers is released, we Filters recommends: Incinerating begin supporting the update and Assange - The Liberal Media Go stop supporting the third-oldest To Work. version," the company explained in a blog post. More Internet Explorer users are

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Technology/ Culture/ Finance/


Zynga countersues EA for alleged 'anticompetitive and unlawful business practices'

Donna Tam (CNET News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:10:35 PM

EA is accusing Zynga of ripping off its Sims Social game. Zynga is countering EA's allegations of infringement with a compliant over what the social gaming company characterizes as "anticompetitive and unlawful business practices," Zynga said in a statement today. The company filed a 3-part response today to EA's lawsuit, which accused Zynga of ripping off EA's Sims Social game. "Today we responded to EA's claims which we believe have no merit," Zynga General Counsel Reggie Davis said in a statement today. "We also filed a counterclaim which addresses actions by EA we believe to be anticompetitive and unlawful business practices, including legal threats and demands for no-hire agreements. We look forward to

getting back to focusing all our efforts on delighting our players." More on the filed complaints to come soon. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Zapping brains improves decision-making of cocaine-addled monkeys

Ian Steadman
Submitted at 9/14/2012 11:40:00 AM

TwoFingerScroll Dramatically Improves Windows Touchpads [Windows Downloads]

Melanie Pinola (Lifehacker)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 11:00:00 AM

Plan to save 1,700 jobs at Hall's factory is rejected

Tom Rowley (Finance News Business news from the UK and world)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 2:57:51 PM

Our ability to make decisions can be dramatically curtailed when inebriated, ill or injured -- but, if an experiment on cocaine-addled monkeys is anything to go by, in the future we may be able to compensate for this with a neural implant that can alter brainwaves and act as a "neuroprosthesis". According to the Smithsonian's Surprising Science blog, a study safeguard more than 1,700 jobs, i n the Journal of has been rejected by the N e u r o e n g i n e e r i n g s a w company's Dutch owners.

neurobiologists train rhesus monkeys to complete a simple picture-recognition task, while measuring their brainwaves -then using that information to later influence them into making better decisions while inebriated with cocaine. It bodes well for the possibility of a future where damage to the brain can be compensated for just as today we can compensate for lost limbs. By: Ian Steadman, Edited by: Olivia Solon Continue reading...

Windows: More often than not, the touchpads on Windows laptops frankly suck. They tend to be unresponsive and clumsy. TwoFingerScroll greatly improves the Windows touchpad experience, with new features such as three-finger swiping and horizontal scrolling and, most importantly, smoother performance. More

A rescue plan for the makers of Hall's sausages, designed to


Technology/ Food/ Finance/

Curated News Edition

Impossible Lab: turn iPhone snapshots into instant photos

Dave Caolo (TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:00:00 PM

Striking South African miners reject Lonmin pay offer

Telegraph Staff (Finance News - Business news from the UK and world)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:10:14 PM

Half-Life mod Black Mesa launches after eight-year development

Max Tatton-Brown

40 volunteers and the mission to not just faithfully reproduce the Submitted at 9/14/2012 10:28:00 AM original but look for Eight years ago, two independent opportunities to enhance it volunteer teams joined forces and w i t h o u t i m p a c t i n g o n t h e began work on a project to original's strengths. This includes entirely recreate the whole of the tweaking areas that feel outdated original Half-Life game within its from gameplay innovations in sequel's upgraded engine. With i n t e r v e n i n g y e a r s a n d the launch of the product today, streamlining sections of the game fans will finally be able to get that just aren't fun anymore. their hands on a retelling of a By: Max Tatton-Brown, Edited story originally released back in b y : O l i v i a S o l o n C o n t i n u e 1998. reading... Over the years, the team grew to

This is entirely too cool. A recently funded Kickstarter project lets you produce Polaroidlike instant photos from your iPhone. As you can see, after you take a photo with the iPhone, it's placed on a modified stand that exposes it to instant film stored inside. Once that process is done, the device spits out your picture and you wait for it to develop (shaking optional). It's cool that this has been funded. It's bulky, yes, but the retro appeal can't be denied. Impossible Lab: turn iPhone snapshots into instant photos

Striking South African miners have rejected a pay rise of R900 (67.40) increase that would give new-entry workers a basic monthly salary of R5,500.

originally appeared on TUAW The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Fri, 14 Sep 2012 16:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Source| Permalink| Email this| Comments

2012 Taste Test Awards

(Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 5:00:00 AM

When we pick foods in the grocery category, we're looking for products available in most major markets nationwide. We scour nutrition labels for artificial trans fats, too much salt, or too much saturated fat.

After booting out foods that didn't cut the mustard, we served 200 finalists to a tasting panel, who sampled everything blindbrands were not revealed. There are tens of thousands of products on shelves: We rotate through different categories each year. This entry passed through the

Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Curated News Edition



A Palestinian Spring - By Jonathan Schanzer

Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:26:15 PM

Here's what you need to know about the protests in the West Bank. BY JONATHAN SCHANZER| SEPTEMBER 14, 2012 It has been a week of protest across the Middle East. Beginning in Egypt and Libya, then spreading to Yemen, Tunisia, Lebanon, and Sudan, angry crowds took to the streets to protest an anti-Islam film that few had likely ever seen. The protesters weren't too fickle about their targets: They not only attacked U.S. missions in Cairo and Benghazi, but also set the German embassy in Sudan aflame and burned down a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Lebanon. Amidst this furor, you might have missed a slew of protests that occurred for a more tangible reason. Protesters demonstrated across the West Bank earlier this week, prompting speculation that the Arab Spring has finally arrived in Palestine. In recent days, from Bethlehem to Hebron to Ramallah, the Palestinians have taken to the streets. Only this time, they're not protesting against the Israeli occupation -- they're denouncing their own leaders. As the Palestinian protests rage, here are eight things you need to know: 1. It's a rough economy. The protests first began as an angry

response to a regional hike in fuel prices. But as the Washington Post notes, "the demonstrators are also upset about the costs of basic goods, including dairy products and cooking gas, which are also imported from Israel and sold at prices similar to those charged there, although the average

income in the West Bank is far lower." Palestinians feel squeezed economically. As one protest sign -- creatively hung on a donkey -read: "Only in Palestine: The Gulf weather, Parisian prices, and Somali wages." Meanwhile, foreign aid has fallen

significantly. As punishment for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's unilateral statehood bid at the United Nations, the United States has withheld$200 million in assistance. Arab states, meanwhile, have consistently failed to fulfill their pledges. As a result, the Palestinian Authority

faces a financial crisis, with debts of $1.5 billion and a cash shortfall of $500 million. These financial woes have forced the government to delay paying the salaries of some 153,000 civil servants on several occasions over PALESTINIAN page 32


Curated News Edition

continued from page 31

the past few months. Add to this widespread charges of corruption and nepotism among the ruling elite, and you've got an unsustainable economic situation. 2. It's political. Economic issues notwithstanding, these protests are the product of political frustration. This has become abundantly apparent by recent protests against the Paris Protocol, an economic agreement signed as an annex to the Oslo Accords that tethers the Palestinian economy to Israel's. In rejecting the agreement, despite very tangible benefits from economic cooperation with Israel, the Palestinians show how little hope they have in the Oslo framework. Abbas, meanwhile, refuses to negotiate with the Israelis unless they institute a complete freeze on settlements -- a step Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insists is a non-starter. In lieu of diplomacy, the Palestinian leadership has vowed to revive its bid for statehood at the United Nations. However, this will likely yield only non-member observer status at best. In the meantime, the world has lost interest in the Palestinian cause, as the U.S. presidential elections, global economic jitters, and the threat of a nuclear Iran all take center stage. But the Palestinians know their problems start at home. The split between the Fatah leadership in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza continues to undermine the very concept of Palestinian national identity. This internecine

conflict has repeatedly prevented elections, leaving West Bankers keenly aware of the fact that their ossified and corrupt government is past its expiration date. 3. The Palestinian Authority is in the crosshairs. This is the biggest domestic challenge the PA has faced in its 18 years of existence. Palestinians cannot ignore the fact that their quasi-government has squandered one opportunity after the next, from the Yasir Arafat's failure to make peace with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak at the 2000 Camp David summit to the mysterious implosion of the 2008 talks between Abbas and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, which could have also brought an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The PA was always supposed to be an interim body to pave the way for an actual Palestinian state. In the absence of a peace process, it has lost its raison d'tre. That's why some are calling for the PA to be dismantled. The PA's economic and security cooperation with Israel, critics claim, only serves to benefit the Israelis. Of course, Israel provides a range of critical services to the PA -- but this only underscores the fact that the governing body has yet to assume all the responsibilities of governing. Mounting allegations of corruption have challenged the PA's legitimacy long before its security forces began clashing with local residents. The ongoing protests are only making matters worse. Don't forget that the PA

was crafted in the image of an Arab autocracy -- think Hosni Mubarak's Egypt -- not exactly the most revered form of government these days. 4. Salam Fayyad is in trouble. One of the figures most closely associated with the PA is Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. The former World Bank official, once a darling of the West for his efforts to combat corruption and increase transparency in Ramallah, has become an object of Palestinian ire. Protesters called for his resignation and chanted"Let's go, Fayyad get out" on the streets during the recent round of demonstrations. On Sept. 8, an angry mob surrounded Fayyad's entourage as he finished a radio interview in Ramallah, and on Sept. 10 protesters threw shoes at a poster of the premier. Fayyad promised to step aside if there is a "real public demand" -but his departure would be a loss for the Palestinian movement. He is still among the PA's best bets to enact political and economic reform. However, the fact that he is an independent who never joined Fatah has earned him many political foes-- including Mahmoud Abbas. The fact that he has strong ties with the United States and Israel doesn't exactly earn him street cred in Ramallah, either. Some Palestinians quietly speculate that Fatah figures are helping to organize anti-Fayyad rallies, as pro-Fatah elements have made their voices heard at a handful of demonstrations. Fatah central committee member

Mohammed Shtayyeh and former PA intelligence chief Tawfiq Tirawi have reportedly egged on the protests. 5. Mahmoud Abbas is in trouble, too. If Fatah figures are behind the anti-Fayyad protests, they're playing with fire. If Fayyad goes, Abbas could be next. Protesters are already calling for the president's resignation. Abbas has tried to get out in front of the protests, declaring early on that "[t]he Palestinian Spring has begun." But his recent travel to India amidst this unrest underscores his utter lack of respect for public opinion. It's worth noting that Abbas's term officially expired in January 2009. In the age of the Arab Spring, leaders who cling to power past their sell-by dates have become a rare breed. 6. Gaza is safe...for now. On Sept. 3, a young man in the Gaza Strip immolated himself, mimicking Tunisian produce merchant Mohammed Bouazizi, who set off the Arab Spring in late 2010. The Palestinian Maan News Agency quoted Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook as saying that the protests in the West Bank may soon spread to Gaza, but Hamas has since denied this. For the time being, however, Gaza appears insulated from the protests. Hamas, after all, draws no Western aid, and consequently has few qualms about crushing dissent. Meanwhile, it's safe to say the Islamist faction is watching the West Bank with bated breath.

Ever since Hamas won the Palestinian legislative elections in 2006, its leaders have believed they are the rightful heirs to the Palestinian Authority. The current unrest, not to mention the assault on the PA's leadership, would appear to vindicate the Islamist group. 7. Nonviolence turns to violence. Much has been made of popular or non-violent resistance in recent years as a means of challenging Israel. As it turns out, the Palestinians are now employing these very tactics against the PA. While the first few days of protests were marked largely by transportation strikes and chanting crowds, some protesters have forgotten to channel the spirit of Gandhi and Martin Luther King. In one demonstration on Sept. 10, Palestinians even smashed windows and attempted to storm a municipal building in Hebron before clashing with police. Eighty people were injured in those clashes. Imagine what could happen if protester violence instigated a determined crackdown by PA security forces. Can the Palestinian protesters maintain discipline? 8."Intrafada"... for now. With more protests planned throughout the West Bank, the Palestinian Spring shows no signs of abating. Although palpable anger against the Israelis is a common theme, the protests appear to be primarily aimed at the Palestinian Authority. This is, to borrow from PALESTINIAN page 35

Curated News Edition



Honoring Chris Stevens - By Jason Pack

JASON PACK (Foreign Policy)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:11:54 PM

How the U.S. ambassador killed this week in Benghazi would have handled Libya. BY JASON PACK| SEPTEMBER 14, 2012 The Sept. 11 killing of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens is a disaster for Libya's post-Qaddafi transition. The perpetrators of the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi ruthlessly exploited Libya's fluid security situation and capitalized on the symbolism of 9/11, all to undermine the country's heretofore impressive steps towards democracy and endanger its burgeoning relationship with the United States. I met Ambassador Stevens on a handful of occasions. He was a casual and approachable man who boasted an impressive personal touch. His killing is not only a tragedy for both Americans and Libyans -- it is an attack on the engagement efforts between the two countries that he symbolized. It is no small irony that Stevens was killed as he was in Benghazi to open up an American cultural center. The likely long-term effect of this tragedy is that the U.S. mission in Benghazi will be shut down indefinitely, and plans to open a full consulate will be shelved. This is terrible news for the new Libya: Benghazi needs the mission, the cultural center, and the consulate to help overcome its decades of isolation

under Muammar al-Qaddafi. Stevens worked tirelessly to support a free Libya. Since his untimely death, he has received well-deserved praise from all quarters for his work in the country. It seems only natural to

ask, then, how he would handle the crisis that Libya currently finds itself in. As a staunch advocate of increased U.S. engagement in Libya, he frequently spoke about the nuts and bolts that would be needed to

move the U.S.-Libyan relationship to the next level -seemingly trivial things like deploying a full-time commercial officer to work in the U.S. Embassy and smoothing the visa hurdles that prevent more Libyan

students from studying in the United States. He was especially a believer in giving the Libyans whatever technical expert they were clamoring for -- the last time HONORING page 35



Curated News Edition

Why the Embassy Riots Won't Stop - By Michael Koplow

MICHAEL KOPLOW (Foreign Policy)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:19:56 PM

The world has become one big crowded theater, and anyone with a laptop can now yell "fire" and set off a stampede. BY MICHAEL KOPLOW| SEPTEMBER 14, 2012 The riots erupting across the Arab world over the hate-filled video Innocence of Muslims have taken many people, including those responsible for security at U.S. embassies, by surprise. After all, Barack Obama's administration has assiduously been working to improve America's ties and standing with Muslim societies, from the president's speeches in Ankara and Cairo in 2009 to the policies supporting emerging democratic movements in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, and other Arab states. Furthermore, the current anger in the streets of Cairo and Tunis is over a film the U.S. government had no hand in creating or promoting, and it would therefore be logical to assume that once enough steam is let off and the protests run their course, everything will go back to the status quo that existed before this week. Unfortunately, that's probably not true. It's far more likely that the

events of this week mark the beginning of a period in which violent protests against the United States in Arab countries will become more commonplace.

Three reasons stand out. First, there is a fundamental disagreement between what the United States views as a basic right and what many Muslims

living in Arab states view as a basic right. Where Americans prioritize freedom of speech as a value to be cherished and upheld no matter the circumstance, the

Arab world sees sanctity of religion as a value that cannot be violated in any instance. While WHY page 36

Curated News Edition


continued from page 33

continued from page 32

I spoke with him, he told me that his Libyan counterparts wanted Americans with experience in integrating war veterans back into society. If he were still alive, Stevens would understand that cowering inside the embassy has the potential to make Libya more, not less, dangerous for U.S. personnel. The murder of Stevens, as well as other American and Libyan personnel, has unsurprisingly overshadowed the country's recent positive developments. On July 7, free and fair elections were held in Libya and a non-Islamist majority was elected to the General National Congress (GNC). The new body, which assumed power on Aug. 8, had been taking steps to combat the low-level militia violence that has plagued the country since the fall of Qaddafi. That progress is now being called into question. Just like Egyptian terrorists who attack tourists at the pyramids or at Sinai's beaches, the Libyan militants struck at the very lifeblood of their country's economy. If the security situation deteriorates and foreign companies cut back on their investments, Libya's transition to democracy will have little chance of success, despite the goodwill of both the Libyan people and the international community. Amid a week filled with tragedy, Libya took another step forward: On Sept. 12, the GNC convened to elect Mustafa Abu Shagur as prime minister, making him the first truly elected leader in the

country's history. So joyous was this news that many Libyans resumed their habit of firing celebratory rounds into the night sky. Abu Shagur has his work cut out for him. He will have to rapidly distance himself from the mistakes of the NTC, in which he served as deputy prime minister. He will have to choose ministers based on technical merit, and not for partisan or geographical reasons. This especially means not giving the interior ministry to an official from Misrata and the defense ministry to a senior militiaman from Zintan, as they currently are allotted. Abu Shagur knows that the security situation must be his top priority, but building the fledgling Libyan security services will require active Western, and especially American, involvement. The goal of the consulate attack was to scare away just such assistance. To prevail over the terrorists, the United States must remain involved in Libyan capacity building. As I wrote back in February, there is much more the United States can do to help its Libyan allies, including serving as a matchmaker between Libyan officials and the American private sector and engaging with moderate Islamists and mainstream militias. Most Libyans realize that the United States is a crucial ally and was instrumental in supporting the revolution. A recent Gallup survey found that Libyans' views

of the United States were the most favorable in the history of its polling of the Arab Middle East. Abu Shagur's election provides another piece of evidence: The new Libyan prime minister is an American citizen -- proof that ordinary Libyans don't harbor strong anti-U.S. sentiments. Though Abu Shagur must renounce his U.S. citizenship before being sworn in as prime minister, he will remain a willing friend and partner with the United States. Nonetheless, the bilateral relationship is now being put to the test. The changing security restrictions on foreign diplomats in Libya in the wake of this tragedy will present a massive challenge: Non-essential U.S. embassy staff have already left Libya and the future of cultural outreach and education programs are up in the air. Pre-existing security protocols have already limited the movements of diplomats outside their embassies. How can diplomats build personal connections without traveling around the country, or even around the capital? Paradoxically, this is exactly the moment that outreach programs and a human touch are most required. Sending 50 marines to help the Libyans wage their upcoming counteroffensive against the militants throughout eastern Libya is necessary -- the Libyans lack the capacity themselves -- but is unlikely to drastically help matters. Foreign investment? Libya not only needs security for

its own sake, but to encourage foreign investment that will bolster its economy and consequently provide a better life for its people. These concerns are currently the largest barrier to foreign companies entering the Libyan market. A common misconception holds that most foreign companies operating in Libya are in the oil sector. In fact, this isn't a growth sector for American companies -- but helping the Libyans spend their petrodollars on infrastructure and diversifying their economy is. The updated State Department travel warning issued on Sept. 12 could have been even more restrictive, but fortunately it was wisely understated. It only warns U.S. citizens against nonessential travel to Libya -- it does not advise them to leave Libya immediately. However, this is a distinction that might be lost on some businessmen, who undoubtedly have the murder of the U.S. ambassador and his colleagues fresh on their minds. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

analyst David Pollock, an "intrafada" -- not an intifada against Israel. Of course, that could change. If the Israeli military gets caught up in a clash that results in Palestinian casualties, it could quickly spark a new round of violence that could quickly get nasty. Would the PA leadership welcome the opportunity to unleash the angry crowds on Israel? It certainly could create some breathing room for them by redirecting their rage elsewhere. Anger at Israel is the lowest common denominator on the Palestinian street. But that does not mean the people of the West Bank don't want to put their own house in order. It might be a bit late in the day, but it's still the Arab Spring. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.


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continued from page 34

this is not new, the explosion in communications technology and the resulting dissemination of information, no matter how obscure or trivial, pushes this divergence of worldviews to the forefront. Five years ago, nobody in the United States, let alone in Egypt or Libya, would have heard of "Sam Bacile," and not more than a handful of people would have seen any part of the infamous film. Now, however, anyone with a laptop can create an abhorrent masterpiece and ensure that it is viewed by millions of people the world over. The entire planet has become, in the words of Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer, a " crowded theater" on the brink of stampede. This means that episodes like the current one are guaranteed to happen over and over again as Muslims are exposed to the pathology of hatred that consumes a fringe of Americans and take offense. Florida preacher Terry Jones and "Sam Bacile," a.k.a. Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, are the worst types of ethnic violence entrepreneurs, and Arab Muslims are going to be increasingly angry at what they see as infinite affronts to their sacred values and rights while the United States does nothing to curtail the rights

of its citizens to express their views, no matter how odious they might be. Second, while the Obama administration has desperately tried to be on the right side of history when it comes to the Arab Spring, years of American support for Arab dictators has left the United States with zero credibility. Decades of U.S. missteps in the region cannot be undone in the span of a couple of years, particularly when Arab countries like Egypt feel that the United States has nakedly used them to further American ambitions and interests. On top of the myriad of historical resentments, the United States is viewed with deep suspicion for supporting democratic movements in some places, such as Libya and Tunisia, but propping up the government in others, like in Bahrain. This places the United States in a completely lose-lose situation, where it jeopardizes long-term strategic assumptions and relationships in places like Egypt as it sides with protesters and parties calling for democracy yet gets no credit for it from publics that view the United States as hypocritical -- or worse, as an enemy. Even more than other states given its global status, the United States

often has to make difficult decisions when its interests and values clash, but Arab societies are either unwilling or unready to cut Washington any slack or grant any leeway -- making it all the more difficult to respond to incidents like the Innocence of Muslims conflagration. Against a backdrop of massively unpopular decisions, Arabs unfamiliar with the United States just assume that this is yet another instance in which America is choosing not to take action and prosecute the filmmakers, when in reality that option is simply not available in a country where free speech is absolute. Finally, the emergence of nascent democratic politics in Arab Spring states has thrown a newly added complication into the mix. Newly elected governments need to remain popular to appeal for votes and remain in office, and the easiest way to do this is to step aside and let popular demonstrations against the Untied States proceed unabated. In some cases, governments will actually encourage the rioters. The Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt did exactly that, as President Mohamed Morsy was faced with calls to stand up to the United States over the fate of the film's creators; it took an angry phone

call from President Obama for him to change course. In addition, the presence of elected governments in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia means that protester are no longer focused on U.S. support for authoritarians, but on the perceived threat from American values that allow things like mockery of the Prophet. This makes incidents such as the current one even more likely to break out, as offensive material is both ubiquitous and a permanent feature of American culture. While the anger triggered by Innocence of Muslims is sure to abate at some point in the near future, the riots taking place are not blips on the radar screen. American diplomats won't be breathing a sigh of relief anytime soon. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

The Most Amazing Images of the Week, September 10-14, 2012

Dan Nosowitz (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:30:53 PM

White Rhino This northern white rhino is absurdly endangered. Like, there are almost certainly none left in the wild, and only seven in captivity. Of those, only four are capable of reproducing. And they're not. To encourage that, zoos are putting them back in the wild, but since poaching is the reason there are only seven goddamn northern white rhinos left in the world, they've each been given a 24-hour armed guard. via@cespur A manmade batcave, icy transjovian volcanoes, arachnids eating Seattle, and the rest of the pictures that amazed us this week

Mike Ashley's Sports Direct close to deal to buy JJB

Helia Ebrahimi (Finance News Business news from the UK and world)

Mike Ashley's Sports Direct is close to striking an eleventh hour deal to buy troubled retailer JJB.

Curated News Edition



House Approves Sweeping, Warrantless Electronic Spy Powers; "The Program"; Are Your Emails Being Monitored? Mine Likely Are (Mike Mish Shedlock) (Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis)

"The Program" The New York Time Op-Ed " The Program" shows a video from The filmmaker Laura Poitras Submitted at 9/14/2012 11:35:00 AM Is the government watching your profiles William Binney, a 32emails? year veteran of the National They are probably watching Security Agency who helped mine. The House just approved design a top-secret program he extending an eavesdropping bill s a y s i s b r o a d l y c o l l e c t i n g another five years. The National Americans personal data. I have Security Agency is collecting a been detained at the border more staggering amount of Americans than 40 times. Once, in 2011, conversations, but only examining when I was stopped at John F. a small slice of them, or so they Kennedy International Airport in say. New York and asserted my First The bill specifically allows Amendment right not to answer eavesdropping without cause, if questions about my work, the the government believes the border agent replied, If you dont conversation is with someone who answer our questions, well find lives outside the US. our answers on your electronics. Since I exchange emails with As a filmmaker and journalist people from all over the world, entrusted to protect the people the government probably has a who share information with me, it huge file on "Mish". is becoming increasingly difficult Worse yet, the Government's for me to work in the United amazing interpretation "of out of States. Although I take every the country" applies to anyone in effort to secure my material, I the country as well as long as the know the N.S.A. has technical government is doing so on abilities that are nearly impossible grounds they are looking for al- to defend against if you are Qaida. targeted. So if you are Muslim, Jewish, or The 2008 amendments to the in any other targeted religious or Foreign Intelligence Surveillance ethnic group, everything you do Act, which oversees the N.S.A. o r s a y i s p r o b a b l y i n a activities, are up for renewal in government file somewhere. December. Two members of the

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Senators Ron Wyden of Oregon and Mark Udall of Colorado, both Democrats, are trying to revise the amendments to insure greater privacy protections. They have been warning about secret interpretations of laws and backdoor loopholes that allow the government to collect our private communications. Thirteen senators have signed a letter expressing concern about a loophole in the law that permits the collection of United States data. The A.C.L.U. and other groups have also challenged the constitutionality of the law, and the Supreme Court will hear arguments in that case on Oct. 29. Laura Poitras is a documentary filmmaker who has been nominated for an Academy Award and whose work was exhibited in the 2012 Whitney Biennial. She is working on a trilogy of films about post-9/11 America. This Op-Doc is adapted from a work in progress to be released in 2013. Loopholes Widened, Warrantless Electronic Spy Powers Approved Wired reports House Approves Sweeping, Warrantless Electronic Spy Powers. The House on

Wednesday reauthorized for five years broad electronic eavesdropping powers that legalized and expanded the George W. Bush administrations warrantless wiretapping program. The FISA Amendments Act, which is expiring at years end, allows the government to electronically eavesdrop on Americans phone calls and emails without a probable-cause warrant so long as one of the parties to the communication is believed outside the United States. The communications may be intercepted to acquire foreign intelligence information. The government has also interpreted the law to mean that as long as the real target is al-Qaida, the government can wiretap purely domestic e-mails and phone calls without getting a warrant from a judge. Thats according to David Kris, a former top anti-terrorism attorney at the Justice Department. The government does not have to identify the target or facility to be monitored. It can begin surveillance a week before making the request, and the surveillance can continue during the appeals process if, in a rare case, the secret FISA court rejects

the surveillance application. The courts rulings are not public. The vote was 301-118 in favor of passage, with 111 Democrats and seven Republicans voting no. According to one former Justice Department official, the FISA Amendments Act gives the government nearly carte blanche spying powers. The National Security Agency told lawmakers that it would be a violation of Americans privacy to disclose how the measure is being used in practice. The NSA said the NSA leadership agreed that an IG (Inspector General) review of the sort suggested would further violate the privacy of U.S. persons. Got That? Please read the last paragraph above carefully. Spying on people is not an invasion of privacy, but somehow disclosing the number of people being spied up or how they are being spied upon is an invasion of privacy. Any legislator voting for this preposterous act is unfit for public office in my opinion. Trashing the US constitution in this manner is not acceptable. Addendum: HOUSE page 42



Curated News Edition

ECRI's Lakshman Achuthan Says US in Recession Now; That Makes Three of Us (Mike Mish Shedlock) (Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 2:34:00 PM

Quick Notes About the Unemployment Rate US Unemployment Rate -.2 to 8.1% This month the number of people employed fell by 119,000. In the last two months, the number of people employed fell by 314,000! In the last year, the civilian population rose by 3,695,000. Yet the labor force only rose by 971,000. This month the Civilian Labor Force fell by 368,000. Last month, those "not" in the labor force increased by 348,000 to 88,340,000, another record high. This month we set another record high with a whopping 581,000 dropping out of the labor force. If you are not in the labor force, you are not counted as unemployed. In the last year, those "not" in the labor force rose by 2,723,000 Over the course of the last year, the number of people employed rose by 2,347,000. Participation Rate fell .02 to 63.5%; There are 8,031,000 workers who are working part-time but want full-time work, a decrease of 215,00. This one the only bright spot in the report. Long-Term unemployment (27

Lakshman Achuthan, CEO of ECRI says the US recession started in June. Sept. 13 (Bloomberg) -Lakshman Achuthan, chief operations officer of the Economic Cycle Research Institute, talks about the U.S. economy. Achuthan speaks with Tom Keene and Sara Eisen on Bloomberg Television's "Surveillance." Julian Callow, chief international economist at Barclays Capital, also speaks. In the interview above, Julian Callow at Barclays made the statement he did not think the US was in recession because the unemployment rate was trending down. Callow is clearly not digging into the numbers and/or Callow simply fails to understand how the household survey even works (and it is the household survey that established the unemployment rate). Yes, Virginia, It's a Recession Ironically, two consecutive horrendous household surveys following months of weak regional Fed manufacturing surveys was enough for me to say on September 7, 2012 Yes, Virginia, It's a Recession.

weeks and over) was 5.033 million a decline of 152,000 (likely an artifact of the decline in the labor force). Were it not for people dropping out of the labor force, the unemployment rate would be well over 11%.

the Fed believes that as well. Here are two key Household Survey figures. In the last two months employment dropped by 314,000. In the last two months the labor force fell by 518,000 while those not in the labor force rose by an amazing 929,000!

John Hussman announced on September 10, 2012 in LateStage, High-Risk" I continue to believe that the U.S. joined an unfolding global recession, most probably in June of this year." Lakshman Achuthan stated on September 13, 2012 he thought the recession had started (not just one was coming) I stated the same thing on September 7, 2012 but that does not necessarily make me first. I have not seen everything this group has said, and there could be others as well.

Regardless, it's a small group, and if I am wrong I am in good company. We may not know for another six months. It's in the hands of the NBER. Over the past several years Mike "Mish" Shedlock people have dropped out of the h t t p : / / labor force at an astounding, Household Survey Data globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot. almost unbelievable rate, holding click on chart for sharper image com the unemployment rate artificially In the last year, the civilian Click Here To Scroll Thru My low. Some of this was due to population rose by 3,695,000. Yet Recent Post List Mike "Mish" major revisions last month on the labor force only rose by S h e d l o c k i s a r e g i s t e r e d account of the 2010 census finally 971,000. investment advisor representative factored in. However, most of it is Those not in the labor force rose f o r S i t k a P a c i f i c C a p i t a l simply economic weakness. In by 2,723,000 to yet another record Management. Sitka Pacific is an response to that weakness the Fed high 88,921,000. asset management firm whose responded with Panic! and I T h a t i s a n a m a z i n g goal is strong performance and r e p e a t e d m y s t a t e m e n t s o n "achievement" to say the least, low volatility, regardless of employment and unemployment. and one that has the Fed in panic market direction. Visit http:// I am going to reiterate my belief mode. that the household survey tends to That Makes Three of Us ECRI'S page 39 lead and today's panic suggests

Curated News Edition



Chinese CAT-Equivalent, Sany, Finds Itself In Liquidity Crunch, Seeks Covenant Waiver
Tyler Durden

be alive as is, having had a comparable near-death experience back in 2007/2008: should its Over two weeks ago we first bondholders end up owning the described what at that point was equity, so be it. However, another merely the hint of trouble at far more troubling and certainly Australian mega-miner Fortescue u n d e r p r i c e d c o v e n a n t which is slowly but surely losing renegotiation has struck, this time the fight with insolvency courtesy impacting Chinese conglomerate of plunging iron ore prices, Sany Heavy Industry, a company whereby it was once again proven which is the Chinese equivalent of that bonds always have a better US Caterpillar and Japanese grasp of the situation than Komatsu, which is owned by equities. Sure enough the cash Liang Wengen who is mainland crunch which we predicted was China's richest man with a $10 imminent at Fortescue, has since billion net worth, and which is so hit the company over the past big and diversified that under no several days, as the firm is circumstances should it be forced currently in dire liquidity straits, to request covenant waivers, desperate to renegotiate covenants especially not under a soft-landing and get waivers that allow it to scenario for China. And yet this is continue operations even as precisely what it did. creditors get the short stick (in From Reuters: exchange for some serious money Sany Heavy Industry Co Ltd, a upfront). It is unknown whether it major heavy machinery maker will succeed, although judging by controlled by one of China's its halt from trading until next richest men, is asking its lenders week by which point it hopes to to waive a financial covenant on restructure its debt, things are $510 million of loans, Basis Point c e r t a i n l y n o t r o s y f o r t h e reported, highlighting the growing megalevered iron-ore company. In risks facing the industry in an retrospect, FMG AU is lucky to economic downturn.
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:16:36 PM

Why is this mega-corporation, which has RMB 50 billion in income in a good year, has a $12 billion market cap, and 70,000 employees, suddenly in liquidity crisis? Unpaid bills owed to companies in China's coal, steel and heavy machinery sectors jumped by a fifth in the six months to June as growth in the world's secondlargest economy slowed, reducing manufacturing, and demand for a range of commodities. Sany, which competes with Caterpillar Inc and Japan's Komatsu Ltd and which this year bought privately-owned German concrete pump maker Putzmeister for an estimated 360 million euros ($464.6 million), has $160 million in onshore loans and $350 million in offshore loans, according to Thomson Reuters data. Which covenant is being breached: The company, controlled by Liang Wengen - who is worth $8.1 billion, according to Forbes is asking its lenders to waive the net debt to tangible net worth covenant- one of the terms of its

loans - and to respond by the end of next week, Thomson Reuters publication Basis Point reported, citing sources. It did not name the lenders. According to sources, the current requirement on net debt to tangible net assets is at less than 0.8 times, Basis Point reported. And the punchline: Its loans receivable - amounts creditors expect to be repaid at a specific date - more than doubled to almost 23 billion yuan ($3.63 billion) at end-June from six months earlier. In other words the company which competes with Caterpillar (which already warned about some truly scary global trends) not only has a major debt problem, not only suddenly can not collect what is owed to it by various trade partners (which is the real red flag here), but also is suddenly facing collapsing profits: "The shares fell to more than 2-year lows late last month after Sany posted a 28 percent drop in second-quarter net profit its biggest quarterly fall since 2008."

And that, ignoring the propaganda for a second, is what is really going on in the Chinese economy: a gradual and encroaching halt, in which vertical trade linkages are collapsing as there is simply not enough loan growth and liquidity (either localized or global) to keep the run-rate in place. Hopefully the Fed and ECB can print enough "wealth" to somehow bail China out soon, because any hopes of the contrary are now forever dashed. In other news: one gently used Cat 797F for sale, some minor dings. Great fuel efficiency.$5,000,000 OBO Average: Your rating: None Average: 4.8( 6 votes) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

continued from page 38

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The Next Leader Of China Was Under Heavy Pressure From Communist Party Elders
Malcolm Moore (Money Game)

house and the other at the commission's compound. Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:12:00 PM "They called him unreliable and Xi Jinping, China's president-ineven brought up the idea of waiting, who has not been seen in significantly delaying the party public for two weeks, was under congress," said the source. "The intense pressure from within the fight was so harsh that Jiang Communist party before he Zemin [the former president] had disappeared, the Daily Telegraph to mediate." has been told. With Hu Jintao preparing to step Xi Jinping, 59, came under attack down from power, and hand over from party elders, who described to Mr Xi, he faces the uncertainty him as "unreliable" and of whether his successor will questioned whether he should be continue his legacy, or turn elevated to the pinnacle of against him, a perennial fear for a Chinese power. Chinese politician. The attacks came at the A new rift appears to have beginning of August at a short and emerged between the two main bad-tempered meeting in factions in the Communist Party: Beidaihe, a Chinese seaside the "red" princelings, the up-andresort, when senior party coming children of Communist members gathered to negotiate Party heroes, and the technocrats. and plan their once-in-a-decade Mr Xi is a princeling, while Mr leadership change. Hu is a technocrat, although Mr Two critical issues were on the Xi has been successful at bridging agenda: who should be on the allthe divide. "Song Ping and the powerful Politburo Standing other elders are suspicious of Mr Committee, and how to deal with As China begins to count down especially Qiao Shi and Song Xi of not sticking to the rules by Xi and the other princelings Bo Xilai, the Politburo member the weeks to the 18th party Ping," said the former editor, who meeting twice with members of because they are not obedient. whose wife has been convicted of congress, factions are again vying asked not to be named because of the Central Military Commission, They saw these princelings grow m u r d e r i n g t h e B r i t i s h for power in process is still clad in the sensitivity of the topic. which controls the People's up and know the difference businessman Neil Heywood. Soviet-era secrecy. Both Mr Qiao, 87, and Mr Song, Liberation Army, while Mr Hu between them and Mr Hu and There was no agreement on either "At the Beidaihe meeting, no 95, are strong supporters of Hu was visiting Hong Kong in early Wen Jiabao [China's premier], question, according to a well- decisions were made but the old Jintao, the outgoing president. who are more polite and less July. connected former editor of a state g a n g c r i t i c i s e d X i h a r s h l y , The elders allegedly accused Mr One meeting occurred in Mr Xi's NEXT page 42 media outlet.

Curated News Edition



Stocks Extend Gains But VIX/Credit Unimpressed

Tyler Durden
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:29:14 PM

Despite a last minute surge (as stock indices lurched from their day-session open to closing VWAP levels), US equity markets extended gains but basically slid lower once Europe had closed. The day session opened gap higher as Europe extended (though Spanish debt slumped) and rushed out of the gate to new multi-year highs only to stumble on high volume and large block size into the European close. Also notable that VIX - which had tracked stocks from the QE3 announcement, began to push higher as stocks 'capitulated' up in the high 1460s and then stocks rolled back downhill for the rest of the day. VIX ended the day up 0.5vol at 14.5% while ES closed up 8pts. Equity sectors have split into 3 groups from the FOMC statement - Materials/Energy/ Financials +~3.5%, Industrials/ Discretionary/Tech +~2%, and Healthcare/Staples/Utilities +~0.5%. The USD lost 1.65% on the week(EUR +2.3% and JPY 0.18%) as Treasuries saw some vol but were basically one-way street with the long-bond +26bps, 10Y +20bps, and 5Y +6bps.

Commodities outperformed USDimplied moves with Oil/Silver/ Gold all up around 2-3% on the week - while Copper surged overnight to gain just under 5% on the week. Credit markets were less exuberant than their tracking stocks yesterday with HYG ended the day red. S&P 500 e-mini futures surge out of the gate (from the US open) and were sold into by some bigger volume blocks... we fell to lows of teh day - which were the opening day-session level and

then pushed up to VWAP to close neatly... Protecting Gains? VIX notably underperformed today and stocks felt pressure once the retail orgasm hit this morning (and some capitualtive volume ran through into the European close)... but sectors seems extremely trifurcated... FX markets were very dispersed bythe end of the week with EUR winning and JPY losing (as carry trades were extended)...

but commodities outperformed the inferred USD weakness - with Copper spurting overnight... Treasuries were prety uch offered all week - with some vol in the last two days but between inflation prints and risk-on, it was hard to keep rates down - even for the great Oz... which we note saw rates moving as much as MBS spreads compressed - kinda removing a lot of that 'this is for main street housing is saved - low mortgage rates' chitter chatter we were fed.

Risk assets in general played catch up overnight with further FX carry strength and Treasury weakness dragging CONTEXT (our risk-asset proxy) up to Stocks. Correlation resurged and risk and stocks generally tracked well - though the end day push in Stocks seemed more about bouncing from S&P 500's daysession open to its VWAP and CONTEXT than any real buying pressure (and in fact - the deltas based on bid-side vs offer-side suggest this more selling into the pump than buying but who knows anymore...) Charts: Bloomberg and Capital Context Average: Your rating: None Average: 5( 1 vote) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.



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STOCKS CLIMB TO 5-YEAR HIGH: Here's What You Need To Know (DIA, SPY, QQQ)
Sam Ro (Money Game)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:00:00 PM

continued from page 40

Investors and traders are keeping this epic bull market alive. First the scoreboard: Dow: 13,593, +53.5,+0.4% S&P 500: 1,465,+5.7, +0.4% NASDAQ: 3,183, +28.1,+0.8% And now the top stories: Today's rally was modest. But it was good enough to establish a fresh 5-year high. It's worth noting that Middle East tensions sent oil prices north of $100 per barrel for the first time since May. A couple of economic reports this morning remind everyone that the U.S. economy remains weak. August retail sales excluding oil and gas climbed just 0.1 percent, which was lower than the expectation for 0.4 percent. The headline number increased by 0.9 percent versus expectations for a 0.9 percent gain. Industrial production was also ugly. In August, production fell 1.2 percent, reversing the 0.5 percent gain seen in July. Much of this was due to Hurricane Isaac. " Precautionary shutdowns of oil and gas rigs in the Gulf of Mexico in advance of the

personally ambitious". The pressure on Mr Xi, who is the focus of the world's attention as he tries to grasp his chance to be president, may explain his mysterious absence. A number of sources have indicated that he suffered a mild heart attack, but is now "recovering well". He is expected to make a public appearance Saturday, according to one commentator. However, other sources have suggested that Mr Xi has been occupied with trying to consolidate his position as he prepares for power. On Friday, when asked if the condolences that Mr Xi sent on the death of a former general was a sign of his good health, a spokesman for the foreign ministry said: "I am happy you

have taken notice of the relevant information". Zhang Ming, a professor of politics at Renmin university, said he had heard that Mr Xi was criticised by the party elders. However, he still expected him to take control. "No one would risk ruining the stability of the party at such a late point," he said. He added that physical illness was also no barrier to Mr Xi's ascendancy. "Who on the Politburo is not nursing some sort of chronic illness?" Please follow Business Insider on Twitter and Facebook. Join the conversation about this story

continued from page 37

Note to All Facebook Users: If you have not yet voted for your hurricane contributed to a drop of 2013 S&P 500 target: 1,600. 1.8 percent in the output of mines That's a 10 percent gain from favorite charity (it costs nothing for August," the Fed said in its here. "This would represent a new to vote), please do so. Chase is statement. "The output of utilities all-time high for the S&P 500, giving away $5 million to charity, declined 3.6 percent." surpassing the 1565 level reached and I have a cause that I support. Please click on this this link: Consumer sentiment, however, in October 2007," she wrote. Facebook Users, I Have a Favor jumped to 79.2 from 74.3 in Don't Miss: The 10 Countries August. This was the second With The Biggest Gold Reserves t o A s k , t h e n f o l l o w t h e instructions. highest reading since October In The World > Mike "Mish" Shedlock 2007. h t t p : / / Bank of America's Savita Please follow Money Game on globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot. Subramanian thinks that this bull Twitter and Facebook. market still has legs. In a note to Join the conversation about this com Click Here To Scroll Thru My clients today, she unveiled her story Recent Post List Mike "Mish" Shedlock is a registered investment advisor representative

for SitkaPacific Capital Management. Sitka Pacific is an asset management firm whose goal is strong performance and low volatility, regardless of market direction. Visit http:// account_management.html to learn more about wealth management and capital preservation strategies of Sitka Pacific.

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Zuckerberg Saved Facebook's Stock! (FB)

Jay Yarow (Money Game)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:54:00 PM

his ways with mobile. Facebook is going to build native applications, not HTML5 applications. He also Facebook's stock closed up ~6% said it doesn't make sense for today at $22. Since bottoming out Facebook to do a phone. And, he on September 4 at $17.73, the said Facebook's looking at doing a stock is up 24%. search engine. What changed this month? Well, Perhaps even more important M a r k Z u c k e r b e r g s p o k e a t than that, he said he wants to TechCrunch Disrupt, his first build a strong business. There's making money, which is not what public appearance since the IPO. been this sense out there that you want in a public-company He said he realized t he error of Zuckerberg doesn't care about

CEO. (You don't really want that in a private-company CEO, either, if you're an investor looking for a return.) At Disrupt, Zuckerberg made it clear that he wants to build a big business that makes a lot of money. That's the best way to attract the most talented people, said Zuckerberg. It's also the best way to build world-changing products. In other words, building

a big business isn't something Zuckerberg feels like he has to do as if it's a chore, it's something he wants to do, because it helps him accomplish his ultimate goal. Please follow SAI on Twitter and Facebook. Join the conversation about this story

Alleged Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Attends Coptic Churches in Calif.

(The Christian Post)

pseudonym used by Nakoula. In an "urgent" press release posted to the diocese's website on September 14, 2012| 2:11 pm Thursday, the church condemned On Thursday, His Grace Bishop both the film and the attacks on Serapion of the Diocese of Los the U.S. embassy in Libya, where Angeles told The Associated U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens Press that he recently spoke with a n d t h r e e o t h e r e m b a s s y Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, who e m p l o y e e s w e r e k i l l e d . is said to have created the " H o p e m u s t b e b r o u g h t t o "Innocence of Muslims" film. desperate places, kindness and Nakoula told the bishop he had mercy must be given a chance. no involvement in creating the However, hope will not thrive in film, though he told the AP on the midst of hatred and violence. Wednesday that he managed T h e r e f o r e , t h o s e w h o a r e logistics for the company that responsible for this brutal act created it. Previously, the film must be brought to justice in order was thought to have been written to give hope a chance," said and directed by a man named Sam Serapion. Bacile, but AP reports aided by a He also stated that those who U.S. law enforcement official produced the "inflammatory suggest the name Bacile was a movie" should be held responsible
Submitted at 9/14/2012 1:11:35 PM

and Coptic Christians in general should not be blamed for its content. Follow us "Copts across the Diaspora never participated in any humiliation or violence against those who often persecute Christians. It is not the Christian way to respond to hatred with hate. Christianity prohibits a Christian from such acts," said Serapion. "If burning the Holy Bible is wrong, then burning any book revered or respected by others is equally wrong. Holistically blaming the Copts for the production of this movie is equivalent to holistically blaming Muslims for the actions of a few fanatics. Even though Christians often face persecution, injustice

and calls for open attacks over the airwaves, we reject violence in all its forms." "Innocence of Muslims" negatively depicts the Islamic prophet Muhammad as a womanizer with mindless followers, and has served as a catalyst for attacks on U.S. embassies in Egypt and Libya. Other protests over the film, some of them violent, have been staged in Yemen, Lebanon, Bangladesh, London, Afghanistan, Palestine, Nigeria, Sri Lanka and the Maldives, the BBC reports. Although Nakoula has been identified as a Coptic Christian, Serapion told The Los Angeles Times that he spoke with leaders within the diocese and found out Nakoula is not a regular member

of churches in the diocese, and at times he "disappears for many months." Nakoula also has a history of using different aliases, the Times reports, and was released last summer following a 21-month stint in federal prison that he served after being convicted in an identity theft scheme in 2010. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.



Curated News Edition

Who Is Sam Bacile; What Is Terry Jones' Role in the Middle East Attacks?
(The Christian Post)

say sparked Tuesday's violence that killed Stevens and three others. September 14, 2012| 3:07 pm Nakoula is currently on probation The Obama administration is after being convicted of financial investigating whether the attacks crime s and was the center figure were planned in protest to behind the movie that was America's recognition of 9/11 or originally titled "Desert Warrior," were simply a spontaneous attack an adventure film that supposedly at the hands of an angry mob. The took place over 2,000 years ago. White House says it is still too The actors and crew who made early to determine how of if the the film claim they had no idea it attack was planned. was intended to mock Islam or " I k n o w t h a t t h i s i s b e i n g Muhammad and issued a joint investigated, and we're working statement after the violence in with the Libyan government to Libya. investigate the incident. I would "The entire cast and crew are not want to speculate on that at extremely upset and feel taken t h i s t i m e , " W h i t e H o u s e advantage of by the producer," spokesman Jay Carney said on said the statement, obtained by Thursday. Several Libyan security The Los Angeles Times. "We are guards also were killed. 100 percent not behind this film U.S. intelligence officials are still and were grossly misled about its trying to piece together the tragic intent and purpose. We are events of the past few days that shocked by the drastic rewrites of led to the unrest in Egypt and the script and lies that were told to Libya and at least four murders. all involved. We are deeply B u t b e h i n d t h e s c e n e s i s saddened by the tragedies that Gainesville, Fla., Dove World have occurred." Outreach Center pastor Terry Follow us J o n e s a n d a m a n f e d e r a l From what has been learned authorities have now identified as about Nakoula, he was convicted a Southern California Coptic in 2009 of fraud after opening a Christian by the name of Nakoula string of bank accounts under Basseley Nakoula, 55, who different names and transferred adopted the persona of Sam bogus checks between them, Bacile, the man who produced the cashing the checks before they amateur film titled "Innocence of bounced. Muslims" that Muslim extremists But this was not his first
Submitted at 9/14/2012 2:07:16 PM

encounter with law enforcement. In the late 1990s, he was convicted of manufacturing methamphetamine and sentenced to one year in jail and three years' probation. He was later jailed for another year after violating the term of his probation in 2002. Before being identified, the man calling himself Sam Bacile told The Associated Press that he was Jewish and Israeli, although Israeli officials had no knowledge or records of anyone by that name. When reporters found Nakoula, he told reporters that he managed logistics for the company that produced the film and denied that he was Bacile but said that he knew him. Prior to Bacile's identity being revealed, most of the focus has been on Jones and exactly what his role has been in promoting the movie. Jones' burning of the Quran two years ago sparked outrage in the Arab world and has since made him an easy target and excuse for Muslim violence. Jones told reporters on Tuesday that he had no role in creating the movie but planned to show it at his Gainesville, Fla., church and possibly promote it to a larger audience. "When we do our activities, when we raise our awareness of the radical element of Islam, we are posing those people absolutely no

danger," Jones told an NBC News affiliate. "We are, perhaps, insulting some people, but just because you are insulted, it gives you no right to break into someone's house, go into his yard, kill him and destroy his property. So we should by no means excuse their activities." The Gainesville pastor first gained notoriety in 2010 when he said he would burn 200 Qurans on Sept. 11, but called off the burning when Sec. of State Hillary Clinton and then-Gen. David Petraeus expressed concern that it would incite violence overseas and in the U.S. However, he did burn a Quran in the spring of 2011 after holding a mock trial over the Muslim holy book and proclaimed 9/11 as "International Judge Muhammad Day." In a statement prior to the deaths of Stevens, Jones defended his actions and called the Muslim people "intolerant." "The fact that angry protesters climbed the wall at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo today, ripped down the American flag and tore it apart further indicates the lack of respect that Islam has for any other religion, any other flag, any freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of religion," he said. "It further illustrates that they have no tolerance for anything outside of

Muhammad." As reported in The Christian Post on Thursday, Jones was asked to stop promoting the film after the attacks in Libya and was contacted by Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey on Wednesday. Jones told the general he would consider his request not to upload the film to the church's website, but then told reporters he would ignore the Pentagon's request. Nonetheless, columnists have demanded that evangelical leaders stop Jones and his church from any further actions that could incite violence in the Middle East but no one appears capable of influencing the free-spirited Florida pastor. A leading evangelical who was contacted for this story but asked not to be named said that Jones' actions were "detestable" but that his rights to free speech and to state his opinions were protected by the First Amendment. "I think what Mr. Jones is doing is a travesty and that he should stop immediately," the evangelical told The Christian Post. "This is no way for a true 'Christian' to act and because his actions are causing the loss of innocence lives, this should be reason enough for him to stop." WHO page 49

Curated News Edition



Gay or Straight? Alan Chambers Addresses Confusion Over His Sexuality

(The Christian Post)

opposite sex attractions towards my wife." Christian radio host Janet September 14, 2012| 4:24 pm Mefferd took issue with his "As I have said for more than a comments. When she asked him decade now, the opposite of about those specific comments on homosexuality i s n ' t her radio program this month, he heterosexuality (or vice-versa) it's mentioned that orientation is holiness," he wrote in a blog. ambiguous, which confused "The only label I want to wear Mefferd even further. when it comes to sexuality is Follow us Holy. "He (Chambers) made the remark "The sex or lust based labels of at one point in the interview that gay or straight, homosexual or orientation is ambiguous even as a heterosexual, feel like cheap professing Christian who has trophies to me that I don't want to s t r u g g l e d i n t h e p a s t w i t h put on my shelf for display. Long homosexuality," Mefferd said on ago I abandoned the quest for her show the following day. "He heterosexuality. I am content with s a i d o r i e n t a t i o n i s a l i t t l e Holy-sexuality." ambiguous. I said what does that Chambers, whose ministry helps mean? I read Romans 1 ... and it those who struggle with same-sex talks very clearly how God attraction, was responding to created us. God created us as critics who were confused by his heterosexuals." sexuality. The Exodus head had Following Mefferd's radio told journalist Lisa Ling in an program, Chambers wrote a blog, interview last month that he still stating, "People want my story to s t r u g g l e s w i t h s a m e - s e x fit into a box they can deliver as attraction, but at the same time is proof to themselves or others that attracted to his wife. change is simple and formulaic; "[A]m I heterosexual? I don't absolute in every way. For change know. I'm not gay," he said. "I t o b e a u t h e n t i c m u s t i t b e have Leslie attractions. I have a b s o l u t e ? "
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:24:03 PM

"We love putting God and people in a box. When someone tries to communicate their own outside-of -the-box story or describe God in a way that doesn't fit into our neat and tidy understanding we immediately begin to judge them by a set of man-made religious standards and rules that aren't of God," he stated. Chambers, a Christian who believes homosexual behavior is a sin, struggled with same-sex desires in the past. In a public letter this week, he decided to provide more details about that struggle. "Recently, as I have heard from people who have questioned me about 'still struggling' or wondering what 'change' looks like I have felt compelled to share this story. It isn't one I've talked much about, but the Lord reminded me of its significance in my life," he said. Chambers described having had two same-sex relationships one during high school and another during his 20s where he was emotionally dependent. "Emotional Dependency," he explained, "is when one person

latches on to another and becomes consumed with that person. The obsession, jealousy, and wanting to be a part of their entire world is excruciating." At age 19, some nine years into his same-sex struggle, he visited Exodus, seeking relief as he found himself conflicted fearing God and praying but giving in to temptations that he felt he had no power over. Though he expected a magical cure to become straight, what he ended up receiving at Exodus were not promises for heterosexuality but comfort and encouragement. There, as he pursued Christ with others who shared the same struggles, he found his heart changing. A few years later after being prayed for at a Christian gathering, he felt freed of the emotional and sexual feelings he had for a man that he was in a relationship with for four years. "Where I once would have spent my afternoon and evening waiting for 'him' to call me and make plans or simply let me know he was thinking of me, I spent it feeling like I'd been released from

an overwhelming debt. It was unbelievable," Chambers recalled. While he may still experience "visual attraction" today, Chambers stressed that there is no draw for him toward the samesex. "The deep unhealthy longing for male relationship that I once had has never returned," he stated. He has been happily married to his wife, Leslie, for 15 years and has two children. His orientation, he stressed, is toward Christ and his wife. "I choose Christ. I choose Leslie. I encourage you to label yourself according to what is most important and in ways that God would choose to label you." This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.



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F1 Doctor Who Revolutionized Safety Regulations Dies at 84

Alexander George (Wired Top Stories)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 2:22:00 PM

Ayrton Senna talks to Prof Sid Watkins in Spain, 1990. Photo: Sutton Images/Corbis Sid Watkins, the Formula One doctor who not only treated drivers, but implemented safety measures that saved drivers lives, has passed away from cancer at age 84. Most famously, Watkins treated Ayrton Senna, the Brazilian threetime F1 champion who died in 1994 at age 34 after a crash at the San Marino Grand Prix in Italy. After Sennas crash, Watkins performed a tracheotomy in hopes of reviving the driver after a wheel-assembly piece had penetrated his visor and forehead. Sennas was the last F1 driver fatality. Ron Dennis, chairman of McLaren, the company that made the cars that took Senna to each of his championships, said, Many drivers and ex-drivers owe their lives to his careful and expert work, which resulted in the massive advances in safety levels that todays drivers possibly take for granted. Since joining Formula One officially in 1978, Watkins innovated safety practices and construction requirements that

have made the sport so safe. Before his introduction, F1 medical teams were short on staff, and spent vital time arriving at the scene of a crash. Watkins orchestrated medical preparation before practices and race days, which meant, unlike years prior, staff knew details about nearby

hospitals, kept contact information for specialists, and sat with MedEvac helicopters on standby a last-resort as he sought to have a track set up for emergency procedures to be performed on-site. Bernie Ecclestone, the billionaire president and CEO of Formula

One Management, said of his talks with Watkins, We agreed that we needed a proper hospital at the track in the form of a fully equipped medical centre to stabilize injured drivers with immediate treatment, and a helicopter to transport them subsequently to specialist

facilities, and that the helicopter pad had to be as close to that trackside hospital as possible. He also developed the standardized techniques rescue teams use to extract drivers from wreckage. A demonstration to his DOCTOR page 49

Curated News Edition



The Beatles' Surreal Magical Mystery Tour to Get Resurrected For Millennials
Scott Thill (Wired Top Stories)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:30:00 PM

at the peak of their collective powers. And they were a Fab Four, mind you, who had just I am he as you are he as you are decided not to tour among said me and we are all together h y s t e r i c a l m a s s e s b e c a u s e watching Magical Mystery Tours political and cultural change had Blu-ray and DVD reissue arrive gotten too, for lack of a better Oct. 9. term, real. And it bombed. Image courtesy Apple Films Ltd. But the mainstream blowback Some things are better in from its lamely black-and-white, hindsight especially things day-after-Christmas airing just created by The Beatles, who were generated ever more Beatles consistently ahead of their time. geeks. And that is, of course, how For proof look no further than their hyperreality machine hums their film Magical Mystery Tour, onward. One mans crap made-for which did terribly upon its release -TV movie becomes another fans but could find a more receptive Pythonesque art trip, and the audience in the hipsters of popular tastes of the ensuing Generation Y. decades makes up the difference. What you are about to see is the Whos your Walrus now? product of our imaginations, Magical Mystery Tours Paul McCartney says in the m i l l e n n i a l c o m e b a c k w a s reissue trailer (below) for The inevitable, if only because its one Beatles 1967 film. And believe of the lesser-known Beatles films, me, at this point theyre quite which are lead by the must-see vivid. metamusicals A Hard Days Night Magical Mystery Tours vividly and Help! But the films lasting colorful imagination, out Oct. 9 in value is that its an experimental a bonus-packed Blu-ray and DVD snapshot of a period in an arty but reboot (and perhaps in theaters turbulent time not unlike the near you), has aged into our new current socio-political climate. It century better than originally has the potential to be as prescient advertised. Sloppy and surreal, it for the current generation as it is was hastily made for the masses nostalgic for the fans who came by four fully altered media titans before them.

Mystery Tours return journey, along with unseen performance footage, a dream scene directed by John Lennon that didnt make the cut, and a documentary on its supporting cast ( Victor Spinetti, for the unhinged win!). Beatles geeks will watch it through a critical prism informed by passionate data, such as the fact that its arrival came soon after the death of the bands manager and friend, Brian Epstein. But n00bs needing clues will crack up as the cultural icons that invented MTV stitch together videos for proto-rap (Lennons I Am the Walrus) and deep psychedelia (Harrisons Blue Jay Way) with B-roll from Stanley Kubricks Dr. Strangelove and nutty sketches and then call it a film. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is Like The Beatles last film (and freaking with spaghetti. But why reality-television herald) Let It theyre mesmerized by it isnt your content and you're reading it Be, Magical Mystery Tour is really the point. In fact, there was on someone else's site, please read mostly for the geeks. They trip on hardly a point at all with Tour, the FAQ at The Beatles tripping, and if there was it would look like only/faq.php#publishers. Five whether thats on a wish-fantasy an empty a circle, as Ringo Starr Filters recommends: Incinerating bus stuffed with extras, in a tent jokingly explains of the films Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work. during a striptease, uncomfortably concept in the trailer below. dancing in matching white suits, Feature interviews with both leading a cosplay parade or Starr and McCartney top Magical



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Isis Mobile-Payment Service Delayed

Nathan Olivarez-Giles (Wired Top Stories)

indefinitely, and Isis isnt saying why yet. In an e-mailed statement, Isis told Wired: Were working Submitted at 9/14/2012 2:17:00 PM through a final punch list of things A demonstration of an Isis to ensure a great consumer payments app running on an experience and seamless partner A n d r o i d - p o w e r e d H T C integration. The list is short, but a s m a r t p h o n e . P h o t o : I s i s few pieces require additional Isis the mobile payments joint time. venture from AT&T, T-Mobile The statement also said that Isis a n d V e r i z o n w o n t b e will have more information in launching on time. October about updated launch Back in May, Isis said its wave- specifics and momentum news. and-pay network would launch in R y a n H u g h e s , t h e h e a d o f hundreds of retail locations marketing at Isis, told CNET that throughout Salt Lake City, Utah, the venture is focused on making and Austin, Texas this summer sure when we launch we do it before a planned nationwide retail properly and do it right and that launch at chains such as Foot the delay shouldnt be too long. Locker and Macys, and even in Hughes also told the Wall Street Coca-Cola machines. MasterCard, Journal that the delay is not a Visa, American Express and result of a change in strategy or a Discover have all said they would new business model. support the service. But the initial Isis strategy so far mirrors that roll-out has been put on hold of its major rival, Google Wallet.

Both systems use near field communication (NFC) chips found in certain smartphones to store a users credit or debit card data. But while Isis is being held back by delays, Google Wallet is up and running, allowing users to

creating a network of NFC scanners or the selling of NFCequipped phones (which there arent very many of right now). To see just how far someone could take the idea of an e-wallet with todays infrastructure, Wireds Christina Bonnington has pledged to give up her real-world wallet for a full month. Starting today, shell be using only a smartphone for purchases, ID, and the like. The Isis news certainly wont make her life any easier. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it wave or tap their smartphones to on someone else's site, please read pay at more than 100,000 check- the FAQ at Five out scanners across the U.S. I s i s a l s o f a c e s g r o w i n g Filters recommends: Incinerating competition from mobile payment Assange - The Liberal Media Go apps made by Square and PayPal, To Work. neither of which are reliant on

The IKEA effect: Why we love DIY

(Holy Kaw!)

Psychology Today found an answer that explains this attachment, but may make you So, the clock you built in a junior pause when it comes to starting high shop class may not hold a your own Etsy site: hallowed place in anyones heart The act of building something, but your own, but chances are, putting your own blood and sweat you still value it more highly than (and if we're being honest, plenty the high-end model you put on the of frustrated swearing) into a one from your wedding registry, physical object, seems to imbue it the researchers dub the "IKEA but what is it about DIY that with additional value above and effect." Participants in another makes us feel so good? beyond its inherent quality, which
Submitted at 9/14/2012 9:40:00 AM

study who constructed their own origami frogs and cranes valued them roughly five times as much as another group of participants thought they were worth. The increased value is not just about effort, but about completion, as built-then-disassembled and incomplete projects received no such benefit. So, if you often suffer from buyers remorse, give the DIY

project a try; it might not impress the neighbors, but youll feel better for the effort. Full story at Psychology Today via Lifehacker. The charm of DIY. Photo credit: Fotolia Permalink| Leave a comment

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continued from page 46

continued from page 44

commitment to quick crash response, Watkins rode on the track himself, following drivers through the dangerous first lap in an outfitted car ready to attend to a wreck. The procedure didnt come to its potential until the late 1990s after hed outfitted a fleet of specially-equipped MercedesBenz station wagons. Among the many safety innovations he helped create or push through until it became regulation, Watkins lobbied for stronger seats and roll bars, wider safety belts, reinforced cockpits with padded lining, collapsible steering columns, and punctureresistant fuel cells. For the drivers, he advocated for more protective and flame-retardant helmets, shoes, uniforms, and gloves. As for the track, he campaigned to have catch fencing removed, expand the runoff areas, redesign especially dangerous corners, and install permanent medical centers. Prior to his

arrival, 13 drivers had died since 1968. Jody Scheckter, the 1979 F1 world champion, said, The thing that stand out for me is the way he went against the politics in racing to achieve a safer environment for the drivers. That takes a lot. While holding a tenure of neurosurgery at the State University of New York in 1962, Watkins worked as a track doctor at Watkins Glen circuit upstate. In 1970, as a professor of neurosurgery at London Hospital, he joined the medical panel of the Royal Automobile Club in 1970. Watkins began working in Formula One in 1978, when Bernie Ecclestone brought him to the sport. Of Watkins, Ecclestone said, I am pretty sure that he is irreplaceable. You only meet somebody of his calibre once in your lifetime. Besides his safety innovations, Watkins is credited with saving the lives of drivers Gerhard

Berger, Martin Donnelly, rik Comas, Mika Hkkinen, Rubens Barrichello and Karl Wendlinger. Former F1 driver Martin Brundle said of Watkins saving his left foot from amputation, Sid W would often prescribe a stiff whisky and aspirin unless your leg was hanging off. Drivers Rubens Barrichello, who also crashed at the San Marino Grand Prix, and Sennas nephew Bruno expressed their sorrow on Twitter. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

"However, Mr. Jones' right to free speech is protected and until he violates a specific law, unfortunately, I see no legal way to stop him." An effort by The Christian Post to contact Jones was unsuccessful prior to publication. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it

on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

TED: Wayne McGregor: A choreographers creative process in real time - Wayne McGregor (2012)
TEDTalks (TEDTalks (video))
Submitted at 9/14/2012 9:58:51 AM

We all use our body on a daily basis, and yet few of us think about our physicality the way Wayne McGregor does. He

demonstrates how a choreographer communicates ideas to an audience, working with two dancers to build phrases of dance, live and unscripted, on the TEDGlobal stage.

Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition pushed to Nov. 30

Richard Mitchell (Joystiq)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:00:00 PM

It looks like fans will have to wait for Baldur's Gate to swing open once again, as Beamdog head Trent Oster has revealed that Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition has been delayed. Writing in the

Baldur's Gate forums, Oster noted that the overwhelming response to the project - and the resulting influx of volunteers, additions and fixes - has lead Beamdog to push the project back from September 18 to November 30. In other words, it sounds as if the project has grown larger than

translations continue, and more volunteers keep joining," wrote Oster, adding that Beamdog has delayed the project to provide "the best possible product on launch." Oster asks for patience from fans, promising "something a little Beamdog originally intended. extra" is in the works for those "The suggestions, fixes, and who have already pre-ordered.

Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition pushed to Nov. 30 originally appeared on Joystiq on Fri, 14 Sep 2012 16:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments



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Nintendo's new Wii U comes to gamers November 18 along with TVii

Consumer Reports News (Consumer Reports)

charging cradle. Also included is the Deluxe Digital Promotion, a program that rewards you with Submitted at 9/14/2012 1:29:59 PM points for buying digital content Nintendo's new Wii U comes to f o r t h e W i i U t h a t c a n b e gamers November 18 along with r e d e e m e d f o r m o r e d i g i t a l TVii content. At Nintendo's pre-release event The TVii interface f o r i t s n e w g a m e c o n s o l e TVii. The big surprise yesterday y e s t e r d a y , t h e c o m p a n y was the introduction of the TVii announced, as expected, the Wii service for the Wii U. Using TVii, U's price and release datebut you'll be able to access all your t h e r e w e r e a f e w s u r p r i s e content in one place using the Wii announcements too, including the U GamePad. Nintendo's director TVii service. Even better, we o f N e t w o r k B u s i n e s s Z a c h were able to get some hands-on Fountain told the crowd yesterday time with the Wii U and a few that the purpose of TVii is to new games. "find, watch, and engage." The Wii U news. The Wii U goes When you search for a TV show, on sale November 18th, just in TVii looks for live TV and also time for the holiday shopping combs through your TiVo DVR blitzno big surprise there. A and Wii U's streaming-video apps Basic set ($300) comes with a to find that show. The GamePad white console with 8GB of functions as your remote control, storage, a white GamePad, the so you won't have to fumble with Wii U Sensor Bar (which detects other remotes. And you can controller motions), and an HDMI i n t e r a c t w i t h t h e W i i v e r s e cable. (Nintendo's social-media service) With the Deluxe Set ($350), the while you're watching a show. console and GamePad are black, Much like the X-Ray feature on and you get 32GB of internal the new Kindle Fire HD, TVii lets storage, as well as the Nintendo you find information on actors Land game, GamePad stand, and and locations in a show while

its strongest game lineup ever. We don't yet know which games will be available on launch day, but some popular titles were demoed at the event--and anyone who criticized the Wii for not having enough hardcore games will be pleasantly surprised. Not only were family-friendly games such you're watching. And sports are as Nintendo Land and New Super handled well: In a demo, football Mario Bros U shown, but also s c o r e s w e r e s h o w n o n t h e Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Mass GamePad, with favorite teams Effect 3 and Darksiders II. moved to the front of the list. And Mass Effect 3 on the GamePad while you're watching a game, all Hands on with games. I was able of the pertinent information, such to try out Mass Effect 3 yesterday, as scores, time remaining, and and to me, it looks as impressive d o w n , i s d i s p l a y e d o n t h e on the Wii U as it does on rival GamePad along with highlights of consoles Microsoft Xbox 360 and the game so far so you can catch Sony PlayStation 3. New features let you issue commands via the up if you missed the beginning. New Wii U details. First, GamePad, and you can switch longtime Nintendo fans will be from playing the game on your happy to know that the Wii U will TV to playing right on the be backward-compatible with Wii portable GamePad itself--which is games and accessories. And Wii huge and exciting news for U games can work with older Wii gamers. controllers, though none are I also spent some time with New included in the bundlesso if Super Mario Bros U, which uses you're upgrading from an older the GamePad in an interesting Wii, make sure you hold onto way: While I was not an active player, I could see everything that those controllers. That said, Nintendo is promising was happening on the screen on

the GamePad. I tapped the controller's screen to create helpful boxes for the two active players, and I tapped on enemies to eliminate them for the players. Bottom line. The Wii U appears to be a strong upgrade to the Wii. It finally brings Nintendo into the world of HD gaming, which was long overdue; Wii's visuals are showing their age. And with TVii, the Wii U has much more to offer from an entertainment standpoint. The GamePad controller is a promising new idea for the gaming world, and it will be exciting to see how it's implemented in future games. Even games that are already available for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 are getting new capabilities with the GamePad. I can't wait to get my hands on it for a full evaluation; look for a review here soon. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Curated News Edition



Our tests find affordable strips for blood-glucose meters (Consumer Reports)

and Walmart. Some of our best blood-glucose meters also have convenient Submitted at 9/14/2012 12:59:59 PM features like auto-strip coding and Our tests find affordable strips fast results. In addition to our for blood-glucose meters accuracy and repeatability tests, Giving blood for your job sounds we also used a panel of six a little extreme, but it's exactly s t a f f e r s w i t h d i a b e t e s w h o what our panel of volunteer checked out the meters and told us staffers did for our latest tests of how easy they were to use. One of 21 blood-glucose meters. For our the panelists, a type 1 diabetic, tests, phlebotomists took blood said a backlit screen, big memory from staffers with and without and the ability to download your diabetes and compared multiple readings to a computer are all readings from the meters against desirable features. He doesn't those from our lab glucose have a big memory on his current analyzer. But there were some meter, so he has to write out a p e r k s f o r t h e 1 5 p a n e l i s t s , week's worth of readings before i n c l u d i n g A n g r y B i r d s a n d he goes to the doctor, which he SpongeBob bandages and Oreo says is tedious. cookies! He also mentioned a few other Our tests found that most of the things he's learned over the last 20 meters were quite accurate. The years or so. Traveling this fall? top nine models from our Ratings H e s a y s t o p a c k e x t r a s o f were all excellent. But the big everything, including lancing news, especially if you pay for devices, lancets, test strips, and those expensive strips yourself, even an extra meter. He also was that you can save a lot of checks his blood before he drives money by opting for store brand or exercises. meters from places like Target "All diabetics who take insulin

need to test their blood sugars, at the very least, one or two times a day in order to adjust dosage and avoid low blood sugar," says Marvin Lipman, M.D., our chief medical adviser and a boardcertified endocrinologist. "Those on oral medications, who are in good control, can test less frequently." Here are a few tips and tricks from Lipman on using blood glucose meters: Wash your hands with warm water to dilate your blood vessels and dry your hands briskly and thoroughly with a towel. Snap your fingers to increase the blood flow to your fingertips. Skip alcohol wipes or hand cleansers before the finger stick. They can interfere with the

formation of a neat, rounded droplet of blood. Avoid picking a favorite finger. Use different fingers and even parts of the fingertip, in order to avoid eventual callus formation. Support your finger against a solid surface such as a wall or desk when using the lancet device. Use our buying guide for advice from our experts on what to look for in a blood glucose meter. And check with your insurer to see which brands they'll cover. One of our diabetic panelists said he uses his insurance's mail-order pharmacy, which allows him to spend just one co-pay on a threemonth supply of test strips. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences



Curated News Edition

Customer Service Rep: Consumers Need To Take More Responsibility For Their Problems
Chris Morran (The Consumerist)

Cats Plan To Rid The World Of Mickey Mouse Leads Him To Stow Away In Suitcase For 10 Hours
Mary Beth Quirk (The Consumerist)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:00:53 PM

will result in an escalation 90% of the time. A big problem with consumers in general is that they Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:20:36 PM don't like taking responsibility for For all the customer complaints their own actions. I think as a we post here at Consumerist, it's general rule of thumb whenever not often that we hear from you use an online service, you someone on the customer service will always need to agree to a side of the retail equation. So it U s e r A g r e e m e n t . C u s t o m e r was a pleasant surprise to receive service is trained to uphold the a message from Bill, a CSR for an user agreements. At least in the online retailer, who wrote in to call centers I've worked in, we've share his perspective on things. been also trained to bend the rules Bill admits he's not a supervisor - in order to make a customer - "just a grunt" is how he phrases happy. it -- but says he nevertheless Bill believes that generous refund spends 40 hours a week fielding policies at companies like Zappos customer calls from all across a r e " a g o o d w a y t o m a k e North America. consumers into monsters." "What a lot of people don't seem But he explains that he's not to understand is the amount of talking about some Draconian, no crap we put up with," he writes. -refunds-whatsoever policy: "I'm "My hope is that there can be a saying give compensation or better understanding of how refunds when needed, not when a consumers can inadvertently customer demands one because sabotage their own relationships they feel they deserve it." w i t h c o m p a n i e s , a n d w h y He adds that talking down to companies do what they do." CSRs could really just result in He continues: the customer harming their own I think it needs to be said that case. there one phrase in the customer "It's important to keep in mind service industry that is taboo to that customer service reps aren't say to a customer, and that is stupid," writes Bill. "It's difficult "Your Responsibility." Just - even counter-productive -- to uttering that phase over the phone fool or mess with them.

"Anyone who has taken calls has probably heard someone claim they're a lawyer; CSRs simply don't care what you do. Saying you're going to contact the BBB or file a lawsuit has the same yawn factor. Whatever the situation it is a very bad idea to curse out a CSR. That will most likely will result in a customer not being helped any further but may also result in a ban." We know that a lot of you have particular insights into jobs and businesses that most consumers don't know much about -- or about which they make huge assumptions. So if you feel like sharing your thoughts on what it's like to work retail, or food service, or in the shipping, banking, hospitality fields (or something we failed to mention here), feel free to share your views at This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

If the rest of my family was taking off for a vacation to Disney World and I wasn't allowed to go, I'd be terribly put out. But I am not a cat, and so unlike one Bobbob of Ohio, I can't climb inside my owner's suitcase and show up in Florida anyway. Bob-bob's recent journey took 10 hours, at the end of which his owner was a bit surprised to see him pop out of the luggage. The Ohio woman was busy making final preparations for the trip she was leading for a group of 18 disabled veterans confirming flight and hotel reservations and making sure someone would be there to take care of her six pets while she was away. But apparently Bob-bob had other ideas about this whole "leave the pets at home" situation, reports the Orlando Sentinel. Perhaps now was the time to finally strike at that giant pest, Mickey, eh? Right before the group left, the man in charge of handling all their bags thought he saw something move but figured it the long night of packing was just messing with his vision and put it with the rest of the baggage.

"This was the last bag I grabbed," he said of the green suitcase. "... [S]omehow it got zipped up." Cut to 10 hours later as the group is relaxing at the hotel near Disney. The green suitcase is unzipped and hey, there's Bobbob! The little guy was a bit wobbly from his journey but purring nonetheless. The group flew through Port Columbus International Airport and somehow the kitty's presence wasn't detected by the Transportation Security Administration. They're on the watch for danger but not felines, it would seem. "Our machines are very sensitive to picking up explosives and other threats to aviation," said a TSA spokeswoman. But stowaway cats? They get a free ride to the Happiest Place on Earth. Watch your back, Mickey. *Note: Pictured cat is not Bobbob. Sorry. Purr-fect stowaway: Bob-bob arrives at Disney after 10 hours in suitcase[Orlando Sentinel] This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Curated News Edition



Jenn-Air is the more repair -prone cooktop in our survey

Tourist Shouldve Tried Asking Nicely Before Demanding A Free Cannoli At Knifepoint
Mary Beth Quirk (The Consumerist)

but he didn't leave the knife. Police arrested him in short order, perhaps even in mid-bite, Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:00:33 PM right outside the bakery. They No one is entitled to a free couldn't find the knife, however. Consumer Reports News found that no one electric wall cannoli. But perhaps a polite The man had flown into Boston (Consumer Reports) oven brand stood out as the most request for such a treat would be a just a couple hours before for a or least reliable in 2012. Although better way to go than demanding two-week vacation. Taking in the Submitted at 9/14/2012 1:59:59 PM we lacked sufficient historical one at knifepoint in the wee hours local sights is one thing, but Jenn-Air is the more repair-prone data for all years to include Jenn- of the morning. A man visiting becoming a part of the local cooktop in our survey Air, our data indicate that it has Boston from Ireland celebrated criminal system was probably not Installing a cooktop and wall his very recent arrival on our part of his plan. He had to give up been a repair-prone brand. oven typically costs more than Keep in mind that models within country's shores by holding up a his passport and was ordered to buying a range so when you make a brand may vary and changes in bakery to get his hands on a stay away from the bakery. No the investment to customize your Air, according to the survey. We design or manufacturing may cannoli. more cannolis for you, buddy. kitchen you want to make sure the didn't have enough data to include affect future reliability. That said, Cops say the man walked into the Tourist's Apparent Cannoli appliances deliver when company the brand reliability of induction choosing a brand with a good kitchen of the bakery around 3:30 C r a v i n g L e a d s T o A r m e d is coming. Unfortunately, some cooktops, but the data does repair history can improve your a . m . T h u r s d a y m o r n i n g , R o b b e r y C h a r g e s I n N o r t h don't. Jenn-Air was the more suggest that as a cooktop type, odds of getting a reliable cooktop. apparently led there by an intense E n d [ C B S B o s t o n ] repair-prone brand of both electric induction models are about as And if you need a tie-breaker craving for a cannoli, reports CBS This entry passed through the and gas cooktops according to reliable as electric smoothtops. when comparing cooktops that Boston. Full-Text RSS service if this is 11,000 of our readers who Poor reliability kept the electric scored similarly in our Ratings, He picked up a knife and walked your content and you're reading it purchased a cooktop between Jenn-Air cooktops we tested off pick the one with the better repair up to a worker, demanding she on someone else's site, please read 2008 and the first half of 2012. our list of picks. The two 30-inch history. You'll find more than 40 h a n d h i m t h e d e s s e r t . S h e the FAQ at's what we found in the latest models in our labs were very good models in our Ratings of electric complied and the man left but only/faq.php#publishers. Five A n n u a l P r o d u c t R e l i a b i l i t y at high heat and excellent at low and gas cooktops. Subscribe now! he ignored the most important Filters recommends: Incinerating Survey from Consumer Reports heat. Of the two 30-inch gas S u b s c r i b e t o lesson we've learned from The Assange - The Liberal Media Go National Research Center. models we tested, one performed for expert Godfather. He took the cannoli, To Work. Gas and electric cooktops from better than the other but both were Ratings, buying advice and G E , F r i g i d a i r e , K e n m o r e , mediocre at best. reliability on hundreds of Whirlpool, KitchenAid and Wolf Our latest Annual Survey also products. Update your feed required fewer repairs than Jennpreferences


Gaming/ Food/

Curated News Edition

Slow-Cooker Favorites
(Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 5:00:00 AM

Super Joystiq Podcast 018: Mark of the Ninja, Wii U, Steam Big Picture Vita puzzle platformer
Jonathan Downin (Joystiq)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:30:00 PM

Filed under: Podcasts This week's Super Joystiq Podcast is in love with (talking about) the Wii U. First up, Richard is joined by Alexander and Jordan, and the festivities kick off with Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Ludwig sneaks in from the shadows midway through to talk some Mark of the Ninja, and XCOM: Enemy Unknown caps the game talk. In news, Alexander, Dave, Mike Schramm, and Jess are here to talk about one thing, and one thing only (almost), the Wii U. Games, prices, release dates, it's all covered here. Jess also shares some love for Steam Big Picture and Dave gets lost in the 80s with Double Dragon Neon.

Listen to the Super Joystiq Podcast: Subscribe to the Super Joystiq Podcast in iTunes Super Joystiq Podcast is also available in the Zune Marketplace Add the Super Joystiq Podcast feed to your RSS aggregator Download the MP3 directly

Dokuro chalks up PSN release in Oct.

JC Fletcher (Joystiq)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 5:00:00 PM

Dokuro, a very cute puzzle platformer from Grandia Details about each segment are developer Game Arts, will be available after the break. released on Vita in North America Continue reading Super Joystiq in October. The PSN exclusive Podcast 018: Mark of the Ninja, game stars a little skeleton man Wii U, Steam Big Picture who attempts to rescue a princess Super Joystiq Podcast 018: Mark f r o m t h e D a r k L o r d w h o of the Ninja, Wii U, Steam Big k i d n a p p e d h e r . . . a n d w h o Picture originally appeared on happens to be Dokuro's own Joystiq on Fri, 14 Sep 2012 master. 16:30:00 EST. Please see our Dokuro must move ahead of the terms for use of feeds. Princess, manipulating the Permalink| Email this| Comments

A Chinese version of barbecue, this moist, flavorful roast pairs well with rice and stir-fried vegetables such as snow peas, baby corn, and water chestnuts. It's made with a Boston butt pork roast and a flavorful marinade that reduces into a rich sauce. "This was the best recipe I've tried from Cooking Light yet (25+ recipes so far)," said a reader From Virginia Beach. View Recipe: Slow Cooker Char Siu Pork Roast This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it environment and solving puzzles on someone else's site, please read to create a safe path for her. Later, the FAQ at gain access to abilities, like a only/faq.php#publishers. Five "Hero Transformation" that lets Filters recommends: Incinerating you fight, and chalks that allow Assange - The Liberal Media Go you to redraw the chalk drawing- To Work. esque environment. Vita puzzle platformer Dokuro chalks up PSN release in Oct. originally appeared on Joystiq on Fri, 14 Sep 2012 17:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

Curated News Edition

Science/ Social Media/


An Accessory That Replaces Mouse Movements With Hand Waves

Bryan Gardiner (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 12:35:17 PM

Point to Click Sam Kaplan It's been nearly 50 years since Douglas Engelbart, an engineer at the Stanford Research Institute, invented the first computer mouse. Since then, his basic point -and-click input scheme has remained fundamentally unchanged; even trackpads and touchscreens, which recognize multiple points at once, work on the same guiding principle. Now Leap Motion, a San Francisco company, is aiming to reinvent human-computer interaction. Its three-inch-long motion-capture device, known simply as the Leap, lets users control computers and manipulate onscreen objects by just waving their fingers. Connected to any Windows or Mac OS X computer, the Leap uses a combination of infrared LEDs and 1.3-megapixel camera sensors to monitor movement in an 8-cubic-foot field. Leap's software runs custom algorithms to convert what the device sees into a 3-D map of the user's hands. The system detects

U.S. Chief Technology Officer to Speak at Social Good Summit

Tania Kasongo (Mashable!)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:42:14 PM

movements as small as onehundredth of a millimeter-200 times the sensitivity of the Microsoft Kinect-which allows the system to track individual fingertips. The Leap is small enough for manufacturers to integrate into existing laptops and tablets, which could happen as early as next spring. Out of the box, the Leap will be able to take over basic onscreen navigation, but hundreds more uses are coming. Leap Motion plans to ship the first round of

United States Chief Technology Officer Todd Park will speak at the 2012 Social Good Summit, where he will discuss innovation in open government, spanning the Reagan era to today. In March 2012, Park was appointed as the United States' second chief technology officer by President Barack Obama. devices to software developers of T h e B r o o k s t o n e V i r t u a l Before becoming CTO of the varying specialties, including Keyboard turns any flat surface U.S., Park co-founded several gaming and graphic design, and into a touchscreen QWERTY innovative health websites, will eventually launch a dedicated keypad. Users pair the 1.5-inch including Athenahealth and app store. Developers have Bluetooth accessory with their Castlight. In 2009, Park joined the a l r e a d y p r o p o s e d a p p s f o r laptop or tablet. A low-power U.S. Department of Health and sculpting virtual clay, conducting laser Human Services as CTO, where orchestras and even translating projector then displays the he served as a change agent and sign language into text. The Leap keyboard while an internal "entrepreneur-in-residence." Dimensions 3 by 1 by 0.3 inches infrared-filtered camera sensor Park will join world leaders, Range 8 cubic feet monitors the typist's fingers. digital innovators and influential Price$70 Virtual Keyboard$100 individuals at the Social Good Availability February 2013 In Summit, taking place Sept. Related News: Make Anything a Continue reading... Keyboard More About: Politics, Social Good, event, social good summit


Science/ Food/ News Photos Health/

Curated News Edition

Our Best Quick Breads

(Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 5:00:00 AM

Quick breads are leavened with baking powder or baking soda, as compared to yeast breads that require long rising times before baking. We compiled a collection of our editors' and readers' bestloved quick bread recipesfrom biscuits and scones to muffins and loaves. Based on research from, we pulled the Cooking Light recipes that received the most votes and highest star ratings. First up: Mixing orange juice in Dave Mosher (Popular Science science wizards at Argonne with the powdered sugar creates - New Technology, Science N a t i o n a l L a b o r a t o r y , a an easy-to-drizzle glaze that adds News, The Future Now) government-run facility southwest of Chicago, counteract gravity Submitted at 9/14/2012 2:23:10 PM Levitating Drugs Dan Harris To with two opposing speakers. Each c r e a t e b r a n d - n e w d r u g s , speaker pumps out sound at pharmaceutical researchers have 22,000 hertz--just beyond the turned to levitating them with upper range of human hearing-blasts of ultrasonic sound. and form a standing sound wave Good drugs dissolve easily in the that can trap blobs of dissolved b o d y . B a d p h a r m a c e u t i c a l experimental compounds. molecules, meanwhile, lock The technique isn't a way to mass (news photos - Google News) themselves into hard-to-absorb -manufacture new drugs, at least Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:38:07 PM crystals that require strong doses yet. But the stuff floating in the to work, and t h i s video above can be moved in the (blog) overcompensation often leads to X-ray beamline of Argonne's Photos: President Obama honors crummy side effects. Advanced Photon Source for Libya attack victims Unfortunately, the very lab detailed chemical analysis--and Denver Post equipment that pharmaceutical that might lift promising new ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, researchers use to create new drugs into the clinical trial Md.President Barack Obama on crystal-free drugs can cause the pipeline faster. Friday honored the four molecules to crystallize. Americans killed in an attack on To get around this conundrum, the U.S. consulate in Libya,

Video: Government Wizards Levitate Drugs With Ultrasonic Sound

a burst of orange flavor to this loaf. Reviewer rmiller2 awarded this recipe 5 stars: "This bread was outstanding. I loved its intense orange flavor with the crunchiness and nuttiness of the pecans. It also had a nice, moist and tender texture." View Recipe: Orange-Pecan Tea Bread This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Chicago Teachers Strike: Negotiators Agree To 'Framework' To End Strike ... Huffington Post
(news photos - Google News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:30:47 PM

Photos: President Obama honors Libya attack victims - Denver Post

recalling their lives in deeply personal terms and declaring the United States will never pull back on its... The World in Photos This Week Foreign Policy (blog) Libyans hold peaceful demonstrations decrying the Benghazi attacks [ PHOTOS] (blog) all 14,899 news articles

Chicago Teachers Strike: Negotiators Agree To 'Framework' To End Strike... Huffington Post 11, 2012. Negotiations continue on the second day of a strike in the nation's third-largest school district, as the two sides continue to struggle to reach an agreement in a bitter contract dispute over evaluations and job security. (AP Photo/M... and more

How's Your Cholesterol? The Crowd Wants To HOW'S Knowr s o fpageh 57 o n l i n e Membe t e

Curated News Edition


continued from page 56

community Track Your Plaque get advice from a doctor and each other on how to cook low carb meals. Our impulse to share intimate details about our lives within our social networks (and even sometimes with complete strangers) seems to know few bounds. Now devices loaded with health apps let us monitor and share our sleep patterns, stress levels and physical activity, to name a few. And it's easier than ever to get lab tests through websites like L a b C o r p . c o m a n d, should we want to share those too. Some people are looking to manage their health by combining the data with the wisdom of the crowds. Take for instance, adherents of the paleo diet. On the website PaleoHacks, members routinely mine the experiences of others to figure out whether they're eating more fruit than the diet routine calls for, the meaning of the color of their stool, and how to interpret subtle changes in their cholesterol levels. One user who goes by Toni posted a request earlier this year for help hacking cholesterol results. "I'm seeing my doctor on Friday and want to be able to give him my perspective on these

results," Toni writes. "This is my first cholesterol panel since I began eating strict Paleo eight months ago, including no dairy." Eight people responded. Some told Toni the numbers looked fine; others referred Toni to other medical resources on the Web. "People are now getting measurements of their cholesterol to look at what's happening to them as they try a new diet to justify it," says Chris Masterjohn, a nutritional scientist in the paleo community who studies cholesterol and has a blog called The Daily Lipid. Masterjohn says people routinely share their lipid results in the comment section of his blog. And he notes blogger Jimmy Moore of Living La Vida Low-Carb shares his latest blood ketone level, an indicator of fat metabolism. Masterjohn says he understands why people like finding out this stuff about themselves: "I would runs lots of tests on myself if I had the money for it," he says. Mainstream medicine isn't in favor of self-analysis, or seeking advice from non-professionals, of course. And anyone who does so is running a risk. But there are folks who want to change the course of their heart health with a combination of professional and peer support.

Some are bent on tackling the plaque that forms in arteries that can lead to heart disease. They gather online at Track Your Plaque, or "TYP" to the initiates. "We test, test, test ... and basically experiment on ourselves and have through trial and error came up with the TYP program, which is tailored to the individual," Patrick Theut, a veteran of the site who tells Shots he has watched his plaque slow, stop and regress. The site was created in 2004 by Bill Davis, a preventive cardiologist in Milwaukee, Wisc. Davis is also the author of Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight and Find Your Path Back to Health, which argues that wheat is addictive and bad for most people's health. Davis recommends eliminating wheat from the diet to most new members of Track Your Plaque. "The heart is one of the hardest things to self-manage but when you let people take the reins of control, you get far better results and far fewer catastrophes like heart attacks," Davis tells Shots. Doctors typically give patients diagnosed with heart disease two options: take cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, or make lifestyle changes, like diet. It's usually far easier for both parties the doctor and the patient to go

with the drugs than manage the much more difficult lifestyle changes, Davis says. "Doctors say take the Lipitor, cut the fat and call me if you have chest pain," he explains. "But that's an awful way to manage care." TYP has members submit their scores from heart CT scans, cholesterol values, lipoproteins and other heart health factors to a panel of doctors, nutritionists and exercise specialists. Then they receive advice in the form of an individualized plaque-control program. But the online forum, where users share their results with other members and exchange tips, is where most of the TYP action happens. The community currently has about 2,400 members who pay $39.95 for a quarterly membership, or $89.75 for a yearly membership. Davis says all proceeds go towards maintaining the website. Ilaine Upton is a 60-year-old bankruptcy lawyer from Fairfax, Va., and a TYP member. At a friend's suggestion, Upton decided to get a heart CT scan in July. Her score was higher than it should have been (2 instead of 0), so she decided to get her blood lipids and cholesterol tested, too, and sent a sample off to

She learned that her LDL particle count was over 2,000 ("crazy high," she says), and she posted her results on TYP. Davis advised her that a low-carb diet would reduce it, so she decided to try it. Since July, she says she has had "excellent results" with the program, and her LDL counts are coming down. "It would be nice to have a [personal] physician involved in this, but [my insurer] Blue Cross won't pay if you are not symptomatic, and I am trying to prevent becoming symptomatic," says Upton. "I feel very empowered by this knowledge and the ability to take better control of my health by getting feedback on the decisions I make." This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.


Health/ Politics-Right/

Curated News Edition

How Your Job Could Hurt Your Heart

Scott Hensley (Shots - Health Blog)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:53:00 PM Lack of control and high demands make work stressful. Stress on the job may raise your risk of a heart attack. European researchers came to that conclusion after looking at the experience of nearly 200,000 people who took part in 13 different studies. The scientists found that people with stressful jobs had a 23 percent higher risk of heart attack than those whose jobs weren't pressure cookers. What does it take for a job to be stressful? Just working hard isn't enough. A stressful job has to combine intense demands and little control over decisions about the work. By that standard, about 30,000, or 15 percent, of the people studied had stressful jobs. The

researchers had, on average, about 7 1/2 years of follow-up information about the people who participated. Previous research on the effects of job stress on the heart has given mixed signals. The researchers from a bunch of European universities who did the latest study are pretty confident

they're on to something with this one. Why? This time around they were able put together a really large pool of data by combining previously published and unpublished studies. The data allowed them to look at the effects of job stress with more "precision than has previously

been possible," they wrote. The findings were published online by The Lancet. Even so, the researchers acknowledge this analysis can't prove cause and effect because the original work they drew upon only observed people and didn't assign them randomly to high-stress and low-stress jobs.

If you've got some downtime at work, there's a pretty good podcast on the details with Mika Kivimaki, an epidemiologist at University College London and lead author of the study. As he explains in the Lancet interview, if the association is assumed to be causal, removing job-related stress completely would cut the number of future heart attacks by about 3.4 percent. Smoking is a lot riskier, and getting people to stop would reduce the number of heart attacks by about 36 percent. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Smoke Seen at U.S. Embassy in Tunis

(The Feed)

around the world, provoked by the video which depicts the Prophet Mohammed having sex, calling Via Sky News: for massacres, and as a Clashes have erupted in 11 homosexual. US President Barack countries in the Middle East, Obama ordered a review of Africa and Asia as anger over an security procedures at all US anti-Muslim film created in the diplomatic facilities worldwide US threatens to boil over. Unrest after protests targeted American has spread among Muslims embassies and consulates. The
Submitted at 9/14/2012 11:43:13 AM

violence followed Tuesday nights storming of the US Consulate and a safe house in Benghazi, Libya, in which the US ambassador to the country, Chris Stevens, and three other American officials were killed. The obscure film, called Innocence Of Muslims, created in California and promoted on YouTube, was

heavily criticised by US authorities. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called it disgusting and reprehensible and said it was a cynical attempt to offend people for their religious beliefs. . . And heres a photo from Twitter: Via @BuzzFeedAndrew Greg Pollowitz

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David Frum
(David Frum)

Andrew Sullivan complained yesterday that I had engaged in a McCarthyite attack on Ron Paul by writing the following: A politician isnt answerable for the antics of every one of his supporters. But theres surely a reason, isnt there, that racists, anti-Semites, 9/11 Truthers, and Holocaust deniers are so strongly attracted to the Paul campaign. They hear something. They continue to hear it too, no matter how firmly Ron Pauls more mainstream supporters clamp their hands over their own ears. Andrews riposte: Notice how pure the smear is, enabled and not diminished by the first sentence. Notice the key concept of Beltway ideological policemen: there is a mainstream and a non-mainstream. Dabble with the latter at your peril. Since David has perished by the cult of the mainstream, its odd he should deploy it against others. But to throw in Holocaust denial and 9/11 Truthers for good measure! Really. And notice how particularly cheap and easy it is to use such tactics against a libertarian. The traditional left is often based on collective associations, building a movement out of oppressed groups and their grievances, whether it be class or race or even

sexual orientation. Libertarianism is the opposite. Its about dis associating. When you listen to Paul saying he will not turn anyone away from supporting his platform regardless of their motives or beliefs, you are hearing a reflection of his libertarianism, not his bigotry. He will accept support from any quarter and compared with the corporate money flowing into the other candidates coffers, he is about as independent as a presidential candidate can be. Because he is a radical individualist, he doesnt even understand why he should somehow explain the belief of others, or justify their support. You should ask them, not him. This kind of gotcha-association game is particularly easy because libertarians favor liberty above all, and that will necessarily mean liberty for bigots as well as others. A principled belief in states rights will doubtless lead to more racist and homophobic policies in many states but also, of course, more enlightened and successful inclusive states like Oregon or New York or Massachusetts or California. A rejection of statism might lead to more discrimination in the private sector. But it doesnt mandate it. And it need not encourage it. A noninterventionist foreign policy will allow evil to triumph elsewhere in

the world, because it believes its none of our business or too riddled with unintended consequences to try extirpating. That may be right or wrong, but it is not an approval of the evil of Assad or Ahmedinejad or the North Korean junta. And again, it is actually much deeper an American tradition than permanent warfare. But if you can trot out David Duke or Ayatollah Khamenei as potential Paul supporters, you have a very easy, cheap and essentially McCarthyite target. It saddens me that this kind of tactic works. I still believe that the newsletters, because they were in Pauls name, require a clearer explanation from Paul than the muddled ones he has given. He should not be left off the hook. And his proposals deserve a thorough vetting and discussion. But there is something awry when a candidate is assessed not on his arguments and proposals but on the shadiness and ugliness of some of his fringe supporters. Ron Pauls supporters ask that their candidate not be judged by his associates. Or by the people he chose to employ. Or by the newsletters he published. Or by the book he wrote. Or by the way he earned the largest part of his living when out of office in the 1990s. Or by his purchase of the mailing list of the Holocaust-

denying Liberty Lobby. Or by the radio shows he chooses to appear on. Or by his strategic decision to reach out to racist voters. Or by the conspiracy theories to which he lends credence, from government creation of AIDS to Israeli culpability for the 1993 bombing to a putative 9/11 coverup. And here I thought that libertarianism was a doctrine of personal responsibility? May Ron Paul at least be judged by the words he has spoken with his own mouth within the current campaign? The supporters say no again. When Ron Paul tells an interviewer that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made race relations worse, were not supposed to consider what he might mean by better. When Ron Paul warns that a border fence would be used to prevent fleeing American citizens from exiting the country, were not supposed to conclude that hes a paranoid crank. Andrew deploys what might be called the ontological defense of Ron Paul, as follows: 1) Ron Paul is a libertarian. 2) Libertarians espouse individualism. 3) Racism is a form of antiindividualism. 4) Therefore Ron Paul cannot be a racist. That is a demonstration of what

might be called the deductive method of reasoning. But theres another way to study reality: induction. Like this: 1) Ron Paul has again and again exploited bigotry, paranoia, and hate as fundraising devices. 2) Ron Paul is a libertarian. 3) So yes, I guess it is possible for a libertarian to do that. Heres my question for Ron Paul supporters: why the denial of the undeniable? Perhaps you like Pauls message of legalized marijuana? Why not just say so? You dont think its important to stop Iran from gaining nuclear weapons? Argue it forthrightly. If you regard Social Security and Medicare as literally the moral equivalents of slavery, go ahead, make your case. But all this excuse-making, special pleading and jiggering of the rules of evidence so as to exculpate Ron Paul from the record of his whole political life? For what? This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.



Curated News Edition

Progressives Want to Send Innocent People to Jailto Set an Example?

Daniel Dew (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation)

the corporate officer had authority to exercise control over the activity. In United States v. Park, the FDA Submitted at 9/14/2012 1:06:47 PM Should society throw people into prosecuted the president of a jail who admittedly did nothing corporation under the theory that blameworthy just to set an subordinates committed violations example for others? That is of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic exactly what the Center for Act that he had the ability to Progressive Reform has suggested prevent or correct. Park, the doing in a recent report on the company president, had delegated Occupational Safety and Health responsibility to correct the Act. violations to one of his In criminal law, the Supreme employees, who, unfortunately for Court has embraced what is Park, did not carry through on his k n o w n a s t h e r e s p o n s i b l e responsibilities. Park therefore corporate officer doctrine, or, as was convicted for FDA violations it sometimes is called, the Park that he did not commit, order doctrine, after the 1975 Supreme committed, or conspire to commit. Court case that embraced it. At trial, all the government Under this doctrine, a corporate needed to prove was that Park was officer is personally criminally the president of the corporation liable for the actions of his or her and could have prevented the employees, regardless of whether violation. The government did not the corporate officer knew or need to prove that Park acted s h o u l d h a v e k n o w n o f t h e irresponsibly or even negligently. criminal conduct. The responsible The Supreme Court, relying on corporate officer doctrine creates s o m e e a r l y 2 0 t h c e n t u r y a strict liability offense, where the p r e c e d e n t s , u p h e l d P a r k s only requirement to convict is that conviction by invoking the

responsible corporate officer doctrine. Who would be in favor of such an unjust rule that places innocent people in jail, separates families, and ruins careers? Professor Thomas McGarity from the Center for Progressive Reform answers that question. In a recent interview where he argued in favor of a more aggressive application of the responsible corporate officer doctrine, McGarity stated: I think once Obama wins this election, it will be time for progressives to put a great deal of pressure on Obama to do things progressively. I dont think he will be able to ignore us if he wins this electionYou make an example of a few scofflaw employers. You would go after not just the [sic] the corporation, but the corporate official and you would put him in jail. The criminal justice system is in place to deter and punish morally culpable behavior. The responsible corporate officer

doctrine does neither. It punishes people with the weight of the criminal law for the position that they hold within an organization. Under the common law, a cornerstone of the criminal law is that the government, in addition to proving that a person committed an unlawful act, is required to prove that the accused intended to commit the crime. The responsible corporate officer doctrine transforms all corporate crime requiring negligence into strict liability offenses; meaning, there is no intent requirement. If there were proof that a corporate officer knew or acquiesced to criminal conduct, the government wouldnt need to rely on the responsible corporate officer doctrine to convict him. Further, the person who is strictly liable is not the person who acted unlawfully. It is impractical for a corporate officer to handle the responsibilities of all his employees. If a corporate officer is capable of handling all of those responsibilities himself, why

would he need employees at all? The responsible corporate officer doctrine turns the job of a corporate officer into a gamble. Corporate officers have to bet their freedom that employees will perform their duties lawfully in an environment of thousands of regulations. A loss on that bet could land them in prison. There are ways to promote workplace safety without throwing blameless men and women in prison. Rather than expanding the use of the responsible corporate officer doctrine, justice requires that it should be done away with. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Texas Should Steer Clear of NCLB Waivers

Rachel Sheffield (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation)

this allows us to define the waiver request without agreeing to the strings that were attached to the NCLB waiver. Submitted at 9/14/2012 12:04:10 PM In asurprise move, Texas But when it comes to flexibility announced last Thursday that it and allowing states to create their would seek a No Child Left own path to improving education, Behind (NCLB) waiver from the the waivers provide anything but. U.S. Department of Education. States can do what they likejust The Obama Administrations as long as its what the Obama waivers, touted under the banner Administration says. of providing flexibility and Education Week reporter Michele r e l i e f f r o m t h e o n e r o u s McNeil explains: provisions of NCLB, in reality Will the department go along replace the federal overreach of [with] a waiver proposal thats NCLB with more federal burdens. outside their structured process, In order to receive a waiver, states giving flexibility without strings? m u s t a g r e e t o a d o p t t h e Probably not. Last year, federal A d m i n i s t r a t i o n s p r e f e r r e d department spokesman Justin policies, the most concerning of Hamilton said that the waivers t h e s e b e i n g C o m m o n C o r e were a Plan B if Congress could education standards. not reauthorize the [NCLB] law, Over the last two years, Texas and that there was no Plan C. has staunchly refused to adopt the This will give all states the federally backed Common Core option of either complying with standards. Even now that the state existing law or participating in has announced it will seek a plan B, he said at the time. waiver, Education Week reports States do need relief from the that Texas is not applying for the burdens of NCLB, but they need formal waiver that the department true flexibility, not stringshas spelled out, but as is the Texas attached waivers that sidestep the way, wants to create its own proper legislative process. Instead waiver proposal. of giving states the flexibility they A s D e b b i e R a t c l i f f e , seek, the waivers will tie schools spokeswoman for the Texas more closely to the demands of Education Agency explained, Washington.

Proposals like A-PLUS, the conservative alternative to NCLB, would provide states true flexibility. As Heritages Lindsey Burke writes: The Obama Administration does not need to abrogate proper legislative process in order to provide relief from NCLB. Proposals such as the Academic Partnerships Lead Us to Success (A-PLUS) would allow states to completely opt out of NCLB and direct dollars and decisions to the states most pressing priorities. It would do so by giving power to those closest to the child: state and local leaders, and ultimately, parents. The A-PLUS approach comes without the many strings attached to NCLB waivers and is a legislative branch proposal with strong support in Congress. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

German Embassy Stormed in Sudan; KFC Attacked in Lebanon

(The Feed)

Friday, people hurled stones at police near the U.S. Embassy in Cairo. God is greatest and Via NBC News: There is no god but God, one Protesters in a number of group chanted, as police in riot countries across the Muslim world gear fired tear gas and threw vented anger against the West on stones back at them in a street Friday as the controversy over an leading to the fortified U.S. anti-Islamic film continued to embassy. . . rage, with a KFC restaurant Gird your loins. . torched in Lebanon, attacks on . G r e g P o l l o w i t z U.K. and Germany embassies in This entry passed through the Sudan, and violent protests in Full-Text RSS service if this is E g y p t . U . S . e m b a s s i e s a n d your content and you're reading it consulates are braced for trouble on someone else's site, please read on the Muslim day of prayer, the FAQ at demonstrations are often only/faq.php#publishers. Five held, following the attack on the Filters recommends: Incinerating consulate in Benghazi, Libya, Assange - The Liberal Media Go which killed U.S. Ambassador To Work. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. In Egypt on
Submitted at 9/14/2012 8:47:02 AM

Preview photos: Burger Battle contenders strut their stuff - Sacramento Bee (blog)
(news photos - Google News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:00:54 PM

Preview photos: Burger Battle contenders strut their stuff Sacramento Bee (blog) Following up on our report the other day about the upcoming

Sacramento Burger Battle -- a heated competition, yes, but a charity fundraiser, too -- we've found a collection of promotional photos of the 15 competing chefs and their burgers. We're told... and more


Politics-Right/ Social Media/

Curated News Edition

A Battle for the Soul of Islam

Bronson Stocking (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation)

This bond between the mosque and the state is crucial to understanding the Islamist threat, Jasser warns. It is the politicization of Islam, he says, Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:02:41 PM W i t h v i o l e n c e e r u p t i n g that creates secular forms of Islam throughout the Arab world, it was and radicalizes many of the a fitting time for Dr. M. Zuhdi religions followers. Reflecting on Jasser to stop by The Heritage the recent events in Libya and Foundation to discuss his book A Egypt, Jasser recalls that Egyptian Battle for the Soul of Islam: An talk shows were awash in political American Muslim Patriots Fight discussions about Islamophobia to Save His Faith. just one day before violent mobs As a Muslim who is also a first- began their assault on U.S. generation American and an 11- embassies. year veteran of the U.S. Navy, Just how the Muslim community Jassers aim is to spark a debate in can resolve this politicization is a the Muslim community about key discussion that Jasser hopes questions, such as living out ones Muslims will soon have. But at faith in a pluralistic society. In his the same time Jasser is calling for remarks, Jasser highlighted the constructive debate, he is being absence of a separation between a t t a c k e d f o r h i s v i e w s a t mosque and state in the Arab home. Abroad, others, like the world and argued that this O r g a n i z a t i o n o f I s l a m i c a b s e n c e h e l p s e x p l a i n w h y Cooperation (OIC), are seeking to Islamists fail to reconcile their e s t a b l i s h t h e m o s q u e - s t a t e religious faith with concepts of c o n n e c t i o n a s a m a t t e r o f individual freedomlike the international law; since 1999, the freedom of speech. OIC has been pushing the United

Nations to pass anti-blasphemy resolutions, effectively stifling the freedom of expression. While at The Heritage Foundation, Jasser also appeared twice on the Istook Live! radio show, a product of Heritage Action for America. Watch Jassers talk here. Bronson Stocking is currently a member of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation. For more information on interning at Heritage, please visit: about/departments/ylp.cfm This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Heres How Much Your iPhone 4 Is Worth

Christina Warren (Mashable!)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:56:42 PM

Want an iPhone 5 but still locked into your iPhone 4 contract? Consider trading in your phone! Apple released the iPhone 4 in June of 2010 on AT&T and in other parts of the world, but the phone didn't make its way to Verizon until February 2011. As a result, there are lots of eager iPhone owners in the U.S. who are still stuck in a two-year contract. While some Verizon iPhone 4

owners might already be eligible for full upgrades, others will have to wait -- maybe as much as six months. The same is true for any AT&T buyers who got the phone in 2011. Fortunately, as we noted yesterday buyback services are still paying good money for old phones. We focused our previous arti Continue reading... More About: buyback, ebay instant sale, features, gazelle, iphone 4, nextworth

Curated News Edition



Bloomberg's NYC: Soda is Banned While Career Rapist Prowls the Streets
(The Feed)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 9:04:40 AM

Via New York Post: A tattoo-covered transient with a mile-long rap sheet was charged yesterday in the horrific daylight rape of an elderly birdwatcher in Central Parks Strawberry Fields. David Albert Mitchell, 42, was hit with a laundry list of charges in Wednesdays savage attack, in which he allegedly beat, raped and robbed his victim in retaliation for her taking a picture of him masturbating a week earlier. The creep spat at a Post reporters face when asked about his alleged crimes as cops walked him out of the Special Victims Squad in East Harlem. I attacked no one, he later barked as he was led in shackles into Central Booking. He was ordered held without bail at his arraignment

early this morning on charges that included rape, robbery and assault. Prosecutor James Zaleta told the judge that Mitchell jumped on her back, forced her to the ground [and] pounded her head repeatedly before raping her. Zaleta said Mitchell had admitted he was the one caught on

a surveillance camera leaving the scene. Mitchell, a career criminal who has a history of preying on elderly women, was busted Wednesday evening at Amsterdam Avenue and West 77th Street by three rookie cops who recognized him from surveillance footage. The 73-year-

old victim picked Mitchell out of a lineup at the station house after first not recognizing him in a photo array shown at her apartment. The alleged rape is the latest act in a lengthy criminal career. Read more: http:// you_piece_of_spit_fUUeAAU55e yY2g3CieMofJ#ixzz26S8KaqKl Over to you Mayor Mike. . . Greg Pollowitz This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.


Social Media/ Daily World/

Curated News Edition

'Concerns' over embassy attack

updated to urge British nationals to avoid demonstrations or large gatherings of people. The Government has raised The trouble comes with violence "serious concerns" with the sweeping much of the Muslim Sudanese Ambassador to Britain world over a low-budget film after the British Embassy in p r o d u c e d i n A m e r i c a t h a t K h a r t o u m w a s a t t a c k e d b y ridicules the Prophet Mohammed. protesters. Earlier this week the US Amid a wave of anger over an ambassador to Libya, Chris anti-Islam film, a compound Stevens, was killed in an attack in containing both the British and Benghazi. Protests have also German diplomatic missions was taken place in Cairo and Yemen, targeted, with demonstrators while in Lebanon one person died breaking down a perimeter wall. when a KFC fast-food restaurant Foreign Secretary William Hague was burnt down. said no staff were injured but Mr Hague said: "Earlier this Christine Erickson (Mashable!) documentary that quickly went urged the Sudanese government to afternoon the compound housing bring those responsible to justice. the German and British Embassies viral. Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:16:26 PM SEE ALSO: Caines Arcade: "We have spoken to the Sudanese in Khartoum was attacked by a Caine Monroy became a global Cardboard Creation Inspires A m b a s s a d o r i n L o n d o n group of demonstrators. Sudanese inspiration after building a fantasy $90,000 Scholarship [VIDEO] (Abdullahi Hamad Ali Alazreg) police attended the scene, but arcade in his fathers used carFive months later, Mullick and raised our serious concerns demonstrators were able to break parts shop. Today, he continues to followed up with Caine to see that this attack was able to take down a perimeter wall and cause minor damage to the compound. motivate, while raising funds to what he's up to. Unsurprisingly, place," he said in a statement. s u p p o r t c r e a t i v i t y a n d Caine is keeping busy with the "It is the responsibility of the They did not attempt to gain e n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p f o r k i d s . Imagingation Foundation an Sudanese authorities to ensure access to the British Embassy that effective protection is building. The 9-year-old from Los Angeles Continue reading... captured millions of hearts after More About: Viral, Watercooler, provided to diplomatic premises "As it is the Sudanese weekend, filmmaker Nirvin Mullick came YouTube, viral philanthropy, viral at all times. I condemn in the very few staff were present in the strongest possible terms today's Embassy. I am glad to say that all looking for a car part nearly a videos attack and call on the Sudanese UK and Sudanese staff present year ago, but found Caines story authorities to ensure that those during the attack are safe and that instead. Mullick turned it into a involved are brought to justice." no injuries were sustained. All Mr Hague said the Foreign other UK staff in Khartoum are Office's travel advice had been also accounted for."
Submitted at 9/14/2012 2:50:08 PM

(Evening Standard - News)

Caines Cardboard Arcade Inspiration Movement Continues [VIDEO]

Mr Hague said the German Embassy appeared to have been the focus of the attack and had been set on fire and "severely damaged". The UK had offered shelter to German diplomats, who were also all safe. Protests developed after Friday prayers in mosques after many clerics denounced the controversial film. The movie, called Innocence Of Muslims, portrays the prophet Mohammed as a fraud, a womaniser and a child molester. In an apparent attempt to improve strained relations with the US and contain the protests, Egypt's Islamist president Mohammed Morsi has urged Muslims to protect diplomatic missions. The US embassy in Tunis also came under attack today, with stone-throwing protesters and police waging a pitched battle. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Daily World/ News Wire/


Royal fury over topless Kate photos

(Evening Standard - News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 2:50:09 PM

for breach of privacy have been commenced today in France by the Duke and Duchess of A furious Duke and Duchess of Cambridge against the publishers Cambridge have launched legal of Closer Magazine France." proceedings against a French The royal couple have the magazine to stop it re-printing sympathy of Downing Street with topless photographs of Kate taken a source close to David Cameron while the couple were on holiday. saying that Number 10 "echoes The publication was compared by the sadness of the palace" over the St James's Palace to the worst publication of the pictures. experiences of Diana, Princess of In a strongly-worded statement St W a l e s a t t h e h a n d s o f t h e James's Palace said: "Their Royal paparazzi. Highnesses have been hugely The palace led a chorus of saddened to learn that a French protests, describing the invasion publication and a photographer of privacy as "grotesque and have invaded their privacy in such totally unjustifiable". a grotesque and totally Royal aides drew parallels unjustifiable manner. The incident between Diana's most upsetting is reminiscent of the worst encounters with certain elements e x c e s s e s o f t h e p r e s s a n d of the press and the "unthinkable" paparazzi during the life of Diana, actions of the French magazine Princess of Wales, and all the Closer, which left Kate and more upsetting to the Duke and William feeling "anger and Duchess for being so. disbelief". "Their Royal Highnesses had And the palace announced that every expectation of privacy in lawyers would be pursuing the the remote house. It is unthinkable matter through the French courts. that anyone should take such It is understood that the royal photographs, let alone publish couple's aim is to prevent further them. Officials acting on behalf of use of the images and to seek their Royal Highnesses are damages. In a short statement, the c o n s u l t i n g w i t h l a w y e r s t o palace said: "St James's Palace consider what options may be confirms that legal proceedings a v a i l a b l e t o t h e D u k e a n d

Duchess." Laurence Pieau, the editor of Closer, was unrepentant, defending her decision to publish the pictures during an interview with the French radio station Europe 1, insisting there was "nothing degrading" about the photographs and claiming she could not understand the couple's reaction. Ms Pieau also told the AFP news agency: "These photos are not in the least shocking. They show a young woman sunbathing topless, like the millions of women you see on beaches." William and Kate are midway through a Diamond Jubilee tour of the Far East, which had been going well until now. The photographs were taken last week while the couple were staying in Provence at a chateau owned by Lord Linley, the Queen's nephew, ahead of their trip. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

UBS banker sued in 1.4 billion rogue trade loss

RT (News RSS : Today)

when Adoboli became head of the exchange-traded funds desk. His Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:02:35 PM salary grew by leaps and bounds UBS bank in Basel (AFP Photo/ from 33,000 in 2003 to 360,000 Sebastien Bozon) by 2010. A British Court has started the The compensation package trial of Kweku Adoboli, a former depended on his performance. In UBS trader accused of making a 2008, Adoboli lost $400,000 and trade that lost the firm 1.4billion. concealed it by booking a false Adoboli was probably thinking trade against the loss. That was "greed is good" when he ran the the beginning of his rogue trading. risky trading strategy. His method His consequent performance with of betting against the trend t h e f i r m w a s f r a u d u l e n t l y exposed UBS to a potential loss of improved by exceeding the daily 7 billion. The trader was caught trading limit per employee, in September 2011 after gambling i g n o r i n g h e d g e t r a d e s a n d with great sums for more than two misrepresenting trading records. years in an attempt to conceal his Adoboli pleads not guilty, previous losses. denying the charges of fraud and The motivation behind Adoboli's false accounting. The case, which behavior was to increase his is still going on, has already had a annual bonus and get himself into knock-on effect as the UBS the Club of City trading gurus. management was reshuffled and Eventually, UBS suffered the 2011's bonuses reduced. 1 . 4 b i l l i o n l o s s t h a n k s t o This entry passed through the Adobolis bets. Full-Text RSS service if this is A d o b o l i , a N o t t i n g h a m your content and you're reading it University alumni, started his on someone else's site, please read career with UBS in 2003. A few the FAQ at of back office experience only/faq.php#publishers. Five g a v e h i m e x p o s u r e t o t h e Filters recommends: Incinerating strengths and weaknesses of the Assange - The Liberal Media Go bank's accounting controls. That To Work. knowledge proved useful later,


Daily World/ News Wire/

Curated News Edition

Hammond: Troops may return earlier

(Evening Standard - News)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 2:50:07 PM

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond is considering plans to bring back some British troops from Afghanistan earlier than expected, he has revealed. Mr Hammond said there was "a bit of rethinking" about soldier numbers after military commanders reported that Afghan forces were taking on the "lion's share" of the combat role. Prime Minister David Cameron has repeatedly said he is keen to avoid a "cliff-edge" on troop withdrawal in 2014, the date when all UK combat troops are due to be out, but insisted the decision should be based on Afghan progress. Mr Hammond said he had been privately pushing "for keeping force levels as high as possible for as long as possible" earlier this year but said military commanders were "surprised by the extent to which they have been able to draw back and leave

the Afghans to take the lion's share of the combat role". In an interview with the Guardian in Camp Bastion, Helmand, he said: "I think there is a bit of a rethinking going on about how many troops we do actually need... there may be some scope for a little bit more flexibility on the way we draw down, and that is something commanders on the ground are looking at very actively." Around 500 British troops are due to return home by the end of this year, leaving a further 9,000 to return by the end of 2014. He added: "I think that the message I am getting clearly from the military is that it might be possible to draw down further troops in 2013. Whereas six months ago the message coming from them was that we really need to hold on to everything we have got for as long as we possibly can. I think they are seeing potentially more flexibility in the situation. "Talking to senior commanders you get a clear sense that their

view of force levels is evolving in light of their experiences." The Defence Secretary insisted Britain would not be "spooked" by the run of "green on blue" attacks - when Afghans turn on international troops. He added: "We have to be clear why we came here in the first place. I believe very clearly that if we are going to ask British troops to put themselves in the firing line, we can only do that to protect UK vital national security interests." Downing Street said that David Cameron had already made clear that he expects to be able to withdraw further troops from Afghanistan in 2013, but said that no decisions have yet been taken. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Epoch Times | National, World, China, Sports, Entertainment News

(Epoch Times | National, World, China, Sports, Entertainment News)

More students in Hong Kong gathered for a strike on Tuesday in an attempt to decisively kill the education program that Hong Top Stories Kong recently backtracked on, U.S. Ambassador to China Gary and which has been [...] Locke spoke eloquently about the A tense two-month wait to settle complexities of the U.S.-China the fate of the European rescue relationship, but there are certain fund ended Wednesday when things that he still can't spell out. Germanys highest court declared Some Chinese have began the fund in line with the German harassing Japanese people in [...] C h i n a , o r s a b o t a g i n g o r This entry passed through the d e s t r o y i n g J a p a n e s e - m a d e Full-Text RSS service if this is a u t o m o b i l e s , a s a w a y o f your content and you're reading it protesting against the country's on someone else's site, please read actions [...] the FAQ at are expressing their only/faq.php#publishers. Five outrage over the burning of the Filters recommends: Incinerating U.S. Consulate in Benghazi on the Assange - The Liberal Media Go streets in Libya and online To Work. following the death of U.S. Ambassador Christopher [...]

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White House: Yes, we asked YouTube to consider removing that Mohammed movie
Allahpundit (Hot Air Top Picks)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:42:22 PM

posted at 4:42 pm on September 14, 2012 by Allahpundit The first mention of this that I saw online was in a LA Times story about the filmmaker, where it was mentioned in passing five paragraphs down. If you thought General Dempsey pressuring Terry Jones to pipe down was bad, how much worse is it to have the U.S. government leaning on one of the worlds most influential online media companies to suppress offensive content? Google spent nearly $4 million to lobby the feds in the second quarter of this year alone; they have strong financial incentives to comply with requests like this, and its to their credit that they refused in this case(while agreeing to block YouTube in Libya and Egypt, do note). What that means is that, at the moment, Google seems to be more strongly committed to free speech than your own government does. And I should have anticipated that two days ago in this post, when I was halfjokingly wondering about a future blasphemy exception to the First Amendment. The government doesnt need to enact antiblasphemy laws if it can lean on

private media platforms to enact their own anti-blasphemy policies voluntarily. Its a soft power approach to censorship, and the more cronyistic the government is with business, the more leverage itll have in pursuing it. And yet, the LA Times barely thought to mention it. The only way youre going to get the feds to stop doing this is if the media shines a big bright spotlight on whenever it happens, but that wont happen until a Republican is back in office. Free speech is, for our concern-troll media, largely a partisan issue. The White House has asked YouTube to review an antiMuslim film posted to the site that has been blamed for igniting the violent protests this week in the Middle East. Tommy Vietor, spokesman for the National Security Council, said the White House has reached out to YouTube to call the video to their attention and ask them to review whether it violates their terms of use. However, the video remained on the site as of Friday afternoon, and it is posted many other places on the Internet. Lots of stupidity in this strategy. First, as noted, getting YouTube to dump the vid will greatly reduce its visibility but wont cause it to disappear completely.

If anything, demand to see it would skyrocket. Second, by leaning on Google, the feds are actually confirming the worst suspicions of Islamist nuts that the U.S. government has some sort of control over offensive speech by U.S. citizens. The message the State Department should be pushing right now is that America doesnt meddle with what its citizens say and therefore bears no moral culpability for cultural insults. Instead, theyre meddling. Third, per Mark Hemingway, this actually vindicates Romneys critique of the Cairo embassy statement. Romney accused the administration of sympathizing with the sort of Islamist cretins who later assaulted the embassy, annnd thats basically been proved true. Islamists were insulted, and now the White House is trying to make the insult go away. Since the feds couldnt get Google to bend on the clip, though, I guess its time for plan B: Actually imprisoning the guy responsible for the movie. U.S. probation officials are looking into potential violations of prison release terms by a California man linked to an antiIslam film that triggered violent protests at U.S. embassies in Muslim countries, a court spokeswoman said on Friday

[The filmmaker,] who lives in the Los Angeles suburb of Cerritos, pleaded guilty to bank fraud in 2010 and was sentenced to 21 months in prison, to be followed by five years on supervised probation, court documents showed. Prison records show he was released in June 2011, shortly before production began on the video Under the written terms of his release, [the filmmaker] was forbidden to use the Internet or assume any aliases without approval of his probation officer. A senior law enforcement official in Washington indicated the probation investigation relates to whether he broke either or both of these conditions. Violations could result in him being sent back to prison, court records show. Newsweek also has a story about the parole-violation angle, which I recommend reading just because its palpable how much of a pretext it is to punish the guy for the crime of unhelpful speech instead. (The last paragraph of their story sums it up.) Even if he technically violated his parole by using a computer and an alias, as far as Im aware no ones alleging that he used that computer and alias to commit any crimes since leaving prison. Bringing him in for that is like going after Al

Capone for tax evasion: Thats not his real crime, but youll happily prosecute him for it just to impose some measure of justice on him. The filmmakers real crime is antagonizing lots of violent Islamist lunatics by blaspheming their religion, but since thats still technically legal, maybe we can bring him in on the charge of using an alias instead. Exit question: Since everyone understands that this guy is now marked for death, why does the media with the help of law enforcement insist on publishing his name and whereabouts? Finding out whos behind the film and what his motive was in producing it is a legitimate story, but you could write that story without using his name: The filmmaker, whos name is being withheld for security reasons, is a Coptic Christian whos been to prison for fraud and drug possession, etc etc. Every clue to his identity and whereabouts makes the job of jihadist nutbags a little easier, and yet the media insists on dropping some very, very big clues. Update: Ed DMs to say that hes familiar with the filmmakers hometown and that its small enough that it shouldnt be difficult to pinpoint him. So, yeah, WHITE page 68



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Should Obama fire Sebelius for violating the Hatch Act?

Ed Morrissey (Hot Air Top Picks)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 2:21:24 PM

continued from page 67

posted at 3:21 pm on September 14, 2012 by Ed Morrissey Thats what Rep. Joe Walsh tells the Daily Caller, fresh off of a report from the Office of Special Counsel that found the HHS Secretary had campaigned while on official duty a big no-no. On the law, Walsh has a point: Illinois Republican Rep. Joe Walsh told The Daily Caller he thinks President Barack Obama shouldnt treat Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius any differently than any other Hatch Act violator and that the president should terminate Sebelius employment immediately. As the president who said he had put in place the toughest ethics laws and toughest transparency rules of any administration in history, I would expect nothing less than for the president to quickly dismiss Ms. Sebelius, Walsh told TheDC. Her actions were not just a violation of the Hatch Act they were a violation of the peoples trust who believe that their tax payer dollars

are not being spent to help promote party politics. The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) said Wednesday that Sebelius violated the law when she publicly endorsed Obamas re-election and North Carolina Lieutenant Gov. Walter Daltons gubernatorial primary in a multi-way race during a taxpayer-funded public event on Feb. 25, 2012. The standard penalty for violating the Hatch Act is termination. But, the White House has suggested that Obama will offer Sebelius special treatment and let her keep her job. According to OSC, any employee who violates the Hatch Act shall be removed from their position, and funds appropriated for the position from which removed thereafter may not be used to pay the employee or individual. Obama so far has shown no inclination to fire Sebelius. Should he? Im skeptical that the Hatch Act was intended to seriously cover Cabinet secretaries and other high-level political appointees. The law itself doesnt exclude anyone except the President and Vice President, but the grounds for

determining violations seems pretty opaque when it comes to parsing the highly political activities of Cabinet secretaries in particular. In this case, Sebelius was giving a speech at a Human Rights Campaign Gala, which is hardly apolitical, and extemporaneously told the crowd that Democrats should be elected to office to support their cause. That certainly was the intended subtext of Sebelius appearance at the event, was it not? HHS ended up reclassifying the event as political and the expenses reimbursed from private political sources after the complaint was filed, but Sebelius mere presence at the event was political from the start. Shes a politician, and a high-ranking one, while being a federal employee based on her appointment by the President and confirmation by the Senate. And thats really the point. Everyone understands that Sebelius is a politician, and any statement she makes is seen through that prism. At least as I understand the Hatch Act, the intent was to keep people like Sebelius from using career employees for political purposes,

and to keep career civil servants from conducting political activities under the radar. Thats why the allegations last month that Illinois state employees funded with federal monies were forced to take part in a political rally are truly serious potential violations of the Hatch Act, and need to be prosecuted fully. Sebelius acting like a political hack at an obviously political event is hardly news, and hardly a problem now that the taxpayers have been reimbursed for her expenses. Id rather that we dont start setting precedents to attack Cabinet Secretaries over arguable Hatch Act violations to litigate issues in court that should be pursued politically. That knife has two edges. Lets put this up to a vote. Should she stay or should she go? This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

this guys probably going to be killed. But I guess he had it coming, huh? This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

WSJ fires back on Obama ad: Yeah, about that nonpartisan report
Erika Johnsen (Hot Air Top Picks)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 3:01:52 PM

posted at 4:01 pm on September 14, 2012 by Erika Johnsen Wednesday, the Obama campaign released another variation of their many advertisements berating Mitt Romney for his positively dodgy personal tax secrecy and his downright fiendish desire to raise taxes on the middle class in order to help out his millionaire buddies. Or something. (Man, the Obama campaign is really fond of WSJ page 69

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the not-so-subliminal messaging with that Trump plane image in the background, arent they?) The Wall Street Journal was somewhat less than pleased with the Team Obamas assertions laying claim to their authority. President Obama is running another ad pretending Mitt Romney has a secret plan to raise taxes on the middle class, which Freudians would call projection. Were not sure what theyd call the Presidents bid to make us his accomplices by invoking The Wall Street Journal, but our term for it is political sociopathy. Apart from taking our name in vain, the larger problem is citing a month-old blog post about what is a single and now discredited report. The Tax Policy Center authorsSamuel Brown, William

Gale and Adam Looney, the last a former Obama Administration economistconcluded that Mr. Romneys tax plan was mathematically impossible and therefore to avoid increasing the deficit he would have to dip into the lower-income brackets for more revenue. Egged on by the likes of the Tax Policy Center, the media are demanding an absurd level of detail from Mr. Romney that no candidate in history has ever been required to offer. (What will you do about the tax treatment of municipal bond interest?) Meanwhile, Mr. Obama is awarded with a get-out-of-policyjail-free card for his budget that proposes to take on debt indefinitely until the economy crashes. A middle-class tax

increase is far more likelywed say a certaintyunder Mr. Obamas plan than it is under Mr. Romneys. Smack. Down. Just to parry the Team Obama ad, heres another from Crossroads GPS pushing back on whod really hurt the middle class: This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Verizon Galaxy Nexus owners lose Google Wallet access

Michael Gorman (Engadget)

those Nexus owners are now, upon opening the app, greeted by Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:43:00 PM a message saying that their Verizon has never totally been on version of Google Wallet is no the Google Wallet bandwagon. longer supported, and that they First, Big Red refused to support need to update the app. Problem the mobile payment system, citing is, the Play Store is telling folks a lack of secure hardware. Months that their devices are no longer later, folks managed to gain supported. We've confirmed the official access through the Play issue ourselves, but we don't Store, but it looks like that the know if this a temporary problem, Verizon for comment, and we'll VZW GNex is, once again, Wallet or if it's a permanent move. We've let you know as soon as we hear -free. Word on the web has it that reached out to both Google and back.

[Thanks, Tim] Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile Verizon Galaxy Nexus owners lose Google Wallet access originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 14 Sep 2012 16:43:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Android Community| Email this| Comments


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Obama Response to Libya Raises GOP Eyebrows

Submitted at 9/14/2012 5:05:10 PM

Sept. 13, 2012: President Obama waves after speaking at a campaign rally in Golden, Colo. AP The night after the first murder of an American ambassador in more than three decades, President Obama flew to Vegas for a campaign stop. The next day, he was rallying a crowd in Colorado. The campaign continues to make plans for swing-state visits next week in Ohio and Florida. Yet as more information emerges indicating the attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, may have been a coordinated terror strike -- Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is the latest to declare it a "terrorist attack" -- some are questioning whether the president is acknowledging the severity of the situation. "We've seen numerous reports now of a growing intelligence trail that this was a planned attack," said Richard Grenell, who served briefly as a national security spokesman for Mitt Romney and used to work for the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. under George W. Bush. Grenell questioned Obama's recent

campaigns stops and media interviews in light of the tragedy. To be sure, the Romney campaign has not stopped campaigning either. The ads are being aired, and fundraisers and rallies attended on both sides at a furious pace. The Romney campaign, looking to gain a political edge on the foreign

policy front, has taken to calling the administration's handling of the crisis "amateur hour." But Republicans outside the Romney campaign are also calling for a tougher response out of Obama, and calling into question the explanation that the heavily armed attackers were merely protesting over an anti-Islam film.

"They've got to get out of campaign mode and get into leadership mode," said Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Va., a member of the House Armed Services Committee. "And they really haven't done that, they haven't done it in this situation." McCain, after an intelligence briefing Friday, said the Libya

strike was carried out by terrorists and not a mere out-of-control mob. As riots continue to rage outside U.S. diplomatic posts in other countries including Egypt, Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., told Fox News Thursday night that the OBAMA page 73

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Royal Couple Goes After French Mag Over Nude Pics

Submitted at 9/14/2012 5:05:10 PM

At least they should be able to afford a pretty good lawyer. Britain's royal family says it is suing the French magazine that has published topless photos of Prince William's wife Kate. St James's Palace said Friday that "legal proceedings for breach of privacy have been commenced today in France" by the royal couple. The French gossip magazine Closer published the blurry images Friday but insisted it had not invaded the couple's privacy. The images are the first to show Britain's likely future queen partially nude. The revealing pictures of Kate were shot from a distance. The publication claimed they were taken on a guesthouse terrace in France where the couple vacationed earlier this month. 'I think it's quite outrageous. They were on holidays in a private place and some creepy journalist took pictures' - Royal supporter William and Kate, now formally known as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, were touring the Far East and South Pacific to

mark Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee when the photos were published. William, who has long harbored a grudge against the paparazzi who chased Diana in the days and hours leading up to her 1997 death, was clearly infuriated. The parallels between the past and the present were eerie. Diana

was hounded by paparazzi who took telephoto shots of her vacationing on a yacht with her boyfriend Dodi and tailed them relentlessly in Paris. Earlier this month, a photographer with a similar long lens captured Kate and William relaxing in the sun at a private estate in Provence, a vacation spot

near the French Riviera. Instead of challenging the authenticity of the blurry photos, palace officials said they appear genuine -- and should never have been taken, much less published. "The incident is reminiscent of the worst excesses of the press and paparazzi during the life of Diana, Princess of Wales, and all the

more upsetting to the Duke and Duchess for being so," a St. James's Palace official in London said in a statement. The photos, which were not available on English newsstands, appeared to unite many Britons behind their royal family. ROYAL page 73


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Bodies of Murdered Americans Arrive In US; Marines Guarding Embassies

Submitted at 9/14/2012 5:05:10 PM

Protesters set fire to American school in Tunisia's capital Violent anti-American protests enter 4th day in Egypt Closer look at anti-Western populations in the Arab world The remains of the four Americans killed in the Libya attack were returned to the U.S. Friday in a ceremony at Joint Base Andrews, as Marines arrived on the ground in Yemen to deal with the aftermath of another attack on the U.S. Embassy in the capital city of Sanaa. They arrived in addition to an earlier contingent dispatched to Tripoli. Pentagon spokesman George Little told Fox News the team is in Yemen as a "precautionary measure." The move comes amid reports that protesters jumped over U.S. Embassy walls in both Sudan and Tunisia. At least 3 people have been reported dead and another 28 have been wounded during the Tunisia attack, Reuters reports, citing state television. Reuters also reported that protesters set fire to trees and broke windows

inside the U.S. Embassy compound in Tunis. A senior U.S. official, without explaining the extent of the breach in the latter attack, told Fox News that Tunisian security forces "have responded effectively" so far to the incident. "We're keeping a close eye on

events there, but for the moment, the Tunisians are doing precisely what they should do in the face of such events," the official said. One official also reportedly claimed that protesters in Sudan have been expelled. Witnesses said Sudanese police opened fire on those trying to climb the walls.

That is just a snapshot of the violent unrest playing out Friday, in the widest protests yet across the Muslim world. The day of protests, which spread to around 20 countries, started small and mostly peacefully in countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Afghanistan and

Pakistan. The most violent demonstrations took place in the Middle East. In many places, only a few hundred took to the streets, mostly ultraconservative Islamists -- but the mood was often furious. One protester was killed in the BODIES page 75

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U.S. needs to take a "harsh diplomatic stance" -- first by closing down these embassies. "You have to understand that a sovereign piece of the United States was attacked," he said. "So, this is a blatant attack. It has nothing to do with this silly Facebook video that came out six months ago." Speculation about the true root of the attack grew following a report in Britain's Independent claiming officials believe the attack was planned, that the State Department may have had warnings in advance and that sensitive documents have since gone missing from the Benghazi consulate. The Obama administration pushed back on the report. A spokesman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence called the article "absolutely wrong." "We are not aware of any actionable intelligence indicating that an attack on the U.S. Post in Benghazi was planned or imminent," he said. "We have no intelligence suggesting this attack was premeditated," another U.S. official told Yet a State Department official reportedly told lawmakers Wednesday that he did think the assault was planned. And other lawmakers and analysts have reached the same conclusion. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers told Fox News shortly after the attack that

it was clearly "coordinated." His account was backed up by a Libyan official Thursday who said it was a two-stage operation. The second stage involved an attack on a separate building that Americans consulate employees tried to take shelter in after the main building came under fire at 10 p.m. local time Tuesday. Two of the four Americans who died were killed in that second phase of the attack. The Independent report quoted a Libyan troop leader who assisted in the rescue operation that night saying "I don't know how they found the place to carry out the attack. It was planned, the accuracy with which the mortars hit us was too good for any ordinary revolutionaries." Eastern Libya's deputy interior minister was quoted Thursday saying the attacks may have been timed for the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. Seth Jones, former adviser at U.S. Special Operations Command, connected it to a call by Al Qaeda's leader to avenge the drone-strike killing of a terror operative in Pakistan. "This was not just about any sort of a spontaneous revolt. This was an organized attack," he said. After a week on the campaign trail, Obama is back in Washington Friday, though he does have a private campaign event planned for Friday evening. He spoke by phone with the leaders of both Libya and Egypt following attacks on U.S.

diplomatic posts there. And the president gave a rare classified briefing to the top four congressional leaders Thursday on the developments. The Romney campaign, though, is criticizing the president's approach -- not just this week, but over the course of his administration. "There's a pretty compelling story that if you had a President Romney, you'd be in a different situation," Romney foreign policy adviser Richard Williamson told The Washington Post, claiming "respect for America has gone down." He called it "amateur hour." In response, the Obama campaign repeated the argument that Romney is improperly politicizing a sensitive situation. They made that argument after Romney on Tuesday night issued a controversial statement criticizing the U.S. Embassy in Cairo for allegedly expressing sympathy toward those protesting the antiIslam film. "It is astonishing that the Romney campaign continues to shamelessly politicize a sensitive international situation," the Obama campaign said in a statement Friday. "The fact is that any president of either party is going to be confronted by crises while in office, and Governor Romney continues to demonstrate that he is not at all prepared to manage them."'s Judson Berger and Fox News' Catherine

Herridge and Wes Barrett contributed to this report. Print Email Share Comments Recommend Tweet

"I think it's quite outrageous," said Alice Mason, 24, from London. "They were on holidays in a private place and some creepy journalist took pictures. It's not in the public interest to see this. "They are always going to be in the public eye, but there is a line, and they (the press) crossed that Related Video line." Closer look at anti-Western She said the royal couple has populations in the Arab world "every right to be outraged, Campaigns spar over violent especially with what happened to riots, foreign policy Diana." Related Stories State Department Much of the anger seemed to official: Egypt aid not in jeopardy, stem from the fact that the royal though US having 'frank' talks couple was at a private residence Obama honors 'four patriots' as when they were photographed. remains of consulate attack Prime Minister David Cameron victims returned State Department chimed in supporting the royal corrects Obama, says Egypt is an couple's right to privacy. William a l l y R e l a t e d O p i n i o n M r s . and Kate married in 2011 and Clinton, Mr. Obama, it's time to both have recently expressed an wake up and smell the global interest in having children. jihad Royal officials have stressed that Share This Article Newsletter William and Kate should not be Signup photographed when they are not Sign up for free e-mail news in public. They have complained alerts from and before about candid pictures of Newsletter the couple walking their cocker Signup spaniel puppy Lupo on a wintry This entry passed through the day in north Wales, where Full-Text RSS service if this is William is based as a military your content and you're reading it search-and-rescue pilot. The on someone else's site, please read palace has also complained about the FAQ at an Australian magazine's use of only/faq.php#publishers. Five photos of the couple on their Filters recommends: Incinerating honeymoon. Assange - The Liberal Media Go Those complaints were expressed To Work. quietly compared to Friday's stern reproach of the French press. Laurence Pieau, the editor of Closer, defended the decision to ROYAL page 76


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Ron Paul: 'The Fed is saying that we have lost control'

RT (News RSS : Today)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 2:43:52 PM

Republican candidate Ron Paul waves to supporters at the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Florida. (AFP Photo / Brendan Smialowski) The US Federal Reserve announced Thursday that theyll be implementing a third-round of quantitative easing in an attempt to salvage the faltering economy. Right on cue, one of the Feds biggest critics readily objected. Reacting to the announcement to Bloomberg News, presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (RTexas) said he expected that the Fed would reveal plans for more quantitative easing, or QE3, but opposed it nonetheless. It should not surprise anybody, but it is still astounding. To me, it is so astounding that it does not collapse the markets, the congressman told Bloomberg. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben

Bernanke confirmed after this weeks Federal Open Market Committee that the US central bank will begin spending $40 billion a month on bond purchases in an effort to kick-start the economy. Rep. Paul, who has long called for an audit of the Fed, suggested that Mr. Bernankes plan may in fact do little if any to aid Americas financial woes. I think the country should have panicked over what the Fed is saying that we have lost control and the only thing we have left is massively creating new money out of thin air, which has not worked before, and is not going to work this time, Rep. Paul said. Elsewhere in the interview, the congressman claimed that the inner workings of the Fed could be at fault for any eventually economic catastrophe. We have a rigged economy through central economic planning by central banking. The system is failing, it was doomed to fail and we have

to wake up to that fact, he said. In terms of a solution, the congressmen renewed his call for an audit of the bank, but said that there are other ways that its worrisome actions could be handled by the government in due time. Short of getting rid of the Fed, which is not going to come and I wouldnt do that overnight anyway, I would say that Congress has the authority to say, do not buy debt. Do not buy any debt. The Congress can yell and scream and pander to the people. They can say the deficits are terrible and terrible. But nobody wants to cut overseas spending or food stamps for the poor. They say, we cannot do it without the Fed. The Fed has to buy this debt. That is a moral hazard for the politician, Rep. Paul said. If the Fed couldnt buy the debt, and interest rates would rise all of the sudden the burden would be on the Congress to get their house

in order to restore confidence. Even that would panic a lot of people because live within your means? We do not like that. We like this idea that we can give people anything they want for free, so we can get reelected. Well, all of this is coming to an end. Although Rep. Paul fell short of securing the Republican Partys nomination for the presidency, he has yet to forfeit his campaign to challenge incumbent President Barack Obama this November. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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continued from page 72

northern Lebanese city of Tripoli in clashes with security forces, after a crowd of protesters set fire to a KFC and a Hardee's restaurant. Protesters hurled stones and glass at police in a furious melee that left 25 people wounded, 18 of them police. Security forces in Egypt and Yemen fired tear gas and clashed with protesters to keep them away from U.S. embassies. And Germany's Foreign Minister says the country's embassy in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum has been stormed by protesters and set partially on fire. A senior State Department official said Friday that the administration has stood up a 24hour "monitoring team to insure appropriate coordination." The official said the team is working with missions around the world "to protect American citizens." The intense demonstrations, purportedly by people upset over an anti-Islam film, follow warnings by the State Department that the protests could spread across the region. The department, on its Twitter account, cautioned Thursday of sustained protests in Egypt, Oman and Jordan, among other places. The Department of Homeland

Security and the FBI also issued a joint intelligence bulletin warning that the violent outrage aimed at U.S. embassies could be spread to America by extremist groups. In a statement to Fox News, a DHS official said that there is no specific, credible information at this time to indicate that the attacks have increased the threat of violent reaction in the U.S., but it will continue to identify potential threats and take appropriate measures. Four Americans were killed in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Tuesday. A Marine unit was dispatched earlier in the week to Tripoli, to help fortify the U.S. Embassy there in the wake of the attack in the eastern part of the country. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Print Email Share Comments Recommend Tweet Related Slideshow Protesters storm US Embassy in Yemen following similar attack in Egypt and deadly attack in Libya Related Stories State Department

corrects Obama, says Egypt is an ally Former Navy SEALs identified as consulate attack victims Violent protests across Middle East target embassies, Pope visit to Lebanon Consulate attack planned as 2-part militant assault, Libyan official says Lawmakers push for Obama administration to get tough over embassy attacks State Department warns Americans as protests spread to more Mideast countries Related Opinion Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Obama, it's time to wake up and smell the global jihad Share This Article Newsletter Signup Sign up for free e-mail news alerts from and Newsletter Signup This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

LG Optimus G makes its commercial debut in Korea (video)

Terrence O'Brien (Engadget)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 5:04:00 PM

anything we didn't already know, but we can't find any reason complain about a few extra peeks Well, we know there's an LG at it before release. Check out the event right around the corner and, video after the break. if we were the betting type, we'd Continue reading LG Optimus G put our money on the flagship makes its commercial debut in Optimus G making its stateside Korea (video) debut. Perhaps the biggest clue to Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile what the company has up its LG Optimus G makes its sleeve is that the quad-core commercial debut in Korea Snapdragon S4-powered handset (video) originally appeared on just made its video debut. The Engadget on Fri, 14 Sep 2012 sleek 4.7 inch handset is staring in 17:04:00 EDT. Please see our its own commercial, currently terms for use of feeds. Permalink posted on YouTube, that will be Android Community| LG Mobile airing in the manufacturer's Korea (YouTube)| Email this| homeland shortly after launch. Comments The brief clip doesn't tell us


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White House asks YouTube to 'review' inflammatory anti-Muslim video

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use the topless photos. She told French radio the couple was on a terrace that was visible from the road when they were photographed. She said they were not making an effort to conceal themselves and called the photos "joyful," not degrading. RT (News RSS : Today) insisting that it should be allowed which sat on YouTube for months "We must not be too dramatic to be broadcast in defense of the with only a handful of views, about this," she said, refusing to Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:15:37 PM p r i n c i p l e o f f r e e d o m o f mocks Islam and presents the say how much the magazine paid Screenshots from youtube video e x p r e s s i o n . p r o p h e t M o h a m m e d a s a for the pictures. by NewsPoliticsNow3 Ironically titled "The Innocence pedophile. Various uploads of the A French lawyer who is an expert The Obama administration has of Muslims," the 14-minute video, film following its dub to Arabic in media law said the royal couple urged YouTube to review the conceived by an American- a n d b r o a d c a s t o n E g y p t i a n has clear grounds for an invasion suitability of the anti-Muslim film Egyptian Coptic Christian, has television have generated several of privacy case against the that has sparked anti-American been stated as a reason for attacks million views. magazine. Last week, French first protests throughout the Arab o n U S a n d o t h e r W e s t e r n Some countries, such as India lady Valerie Trierweiler won a world, in a late attempt to defuse embassies and missions in over and Pakistan, took proactive steps judgment of $2,580 after the controversy. twenty Muslim countries. and requested that YouTube block publication of photos of her in a -It is in response to a video, a YouTube has not responded to the video. bikini. film, that we have judged to be the White House's request, but Afghanistan has stopped access "French magistrates take into reprehensible and disgusting, had previously refused to take to YouTube in its entirety until account the victim's behavior, said White House Press Secretary down the video, only selectively the video portal removes "The when the person is flaunting Jay Carney. blocking access to it in the Middle Innocence of Muslims." themselves on camera. Kate That in no way justifies any East. The film was initially uploaded in Middleton will get damages violent reaction to it, but this is This video which is widely J u l y , b u t d i d n o t c a u s e because she's not behaving in this not a case of protest directed at available on the web is clearly controversy until it was dissected way," said the lawyer, Anne the United States writ large or at within our guidelines and so will o n c o n s e r v a t i v e E g y p t i a n Pigeon-Bormans. US policy. This is in response to a stay on YouTube. However, given programs earlier this month. The British press, wary about an video that is offensive to the very difficult situation in This entry passed through the ongoing U.K. media inquiry into Muslims. L i b y a a n d E g y p t w e h a v e Full-Text RSS service if this is suspected criminal wrongdoing at The statement represents a temporarily restricted access in your content and you're reading it a number of papers, has generally t u r n a r o u n d f r o m t h e both countries, said an earlier on someone else's site, please read respected the palace guidelines. administration as it comes to statement from the company, the FAQ at "There's absolutely zero chance of terms with the scale of protests which is owned by Google. only/faq.php#publishers. Five the British press publishing these the film has unleashed. YouTube later added other Filters recommends: Incinerating photos," Neil Wallis, the former Just a day earlier, on Thursday, countries with large Muslim Assange - The Liberal Media Go deputy editor of the Murdoch's Secretary of State Hillary Clinton populations to the blocked list. To Work. News of the World, told The a l s o c o n d e m n e d t h e v i d e o , The low-budget production, Associated Press. Wallis, who was arrested last year in the British phone hacking scandal, said the arguments against publication under British

rules are many: Kate had an expectation of privacy, she was doing nothing wrong and she was photographed by stealth by someone using a long lens. In contrast, he said the recent publication of photographs of Prince Harry naked in a Las Vegas hotel suite was legitimate, because it raised questions both about the security arrangements for the third in line to the British throne and also about his judgment. Print Email Share Comments Recommend Tweet Related Slideshow The Lovely Kate Middleton The Lovely and Talented Pippa Middleton Related Stories Photos surface of naked Prince Harry partying with equally naked woman in Las Vegas Kate Middleton's stripper cousin Katrina Darling says nude Prince Harry a 'party animal' Share This Article Newsletter Signup Sign up for free e-mail news alerts from and Newsletter Signup This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five ROYAL page 77

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Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Canada's Competition Bureau sues Bell, Rogers and Telus over alleged misleading advertising
Donald Melanson (Engadget)
Submitted at 9/14/2012 4:40:00 PM

Allegations of misleading advertising practices among Canada's big telecom companies has been a recurring subject for some time, and it's now been brought to the fore once again in the form of a multi-million dollar lawsuit. The country's Competition Bureau announced today that, after a five-month investigation, it has decided to sue all three carriers and the industry

group that represents them over ads that promote so-called premium texting services. In addition to demanding that such ads stop, the government agency is seeking full customer refunds for any charges incurred and a $10 million penalty from each carrier, plus an additional $1 million from the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association. For its part, the CWTA has unsurprisingly taken issue with the lawsuit, saying in a statement that it reached out to the

Bureau last year to discuss the issue, and that its actions today "could disrupt the text message services, such as severe weather

alerts, charitable donations, flight status updates or sports scores, on which millions of Canadian consumers depend." You can find

that full statement, and the Competition Bureau's announcement of the lawsuit, at the links below. Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile Canada's Competition Bureau sues Bell, Rogers and Telus over alleged misleading advertising originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 14 Sep 2012 16:40:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Competition Bureau, CWTA| Email this| Comments

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