Assign 7

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201A: Introdu tion to Ele troni s

Sept. 7th, 2012

Assignment 7
Instru tor: Adrish Banerjee

Due date: Sept. 13th, 2012

Problem 1
The ir uit shown in Figure 1 is a model for a battery harger. Here vI is a 10-V peak sine
wave, D1 and D2 are ideal diodes, I is a 100-mA urrent sour e, and B is a 4.5-V battery.
a) Sket h and label the waveform of the battery urrent iB .
b) What is the peak value of the battery urrent iB ?
) What is the average value of the battery urrent iB ?
d) If the peak value of vI is redu ed by 10%, what do the peak and average values of iB
be ome?

Figure 1: Figure for Problem 1

Problem 2
a) Assuming that the diodes in the ir uits of Figure 2 are ideal, utilize Thvenin's
theorem to simplify the ir uits and thus nd the values of the labeled urrents and
b) Now, assume that ondu ting diodes an be represented by the onstant-voltage-drop
model (VD = 0.7V ), utilize Thvenin's theorem to simplify the ir uits of Figure 2
and thus nd the values of the labeled urrents and voltages.

10 k ohm




10 k ohm

10 k ohm

20 k ohm

20 k ohm

10 k ohm

10 k ohm

Figure 2: Figure for Problem 2

Problem 3
In the ir uit shown in Figure 3, I is a d urrent and Vi is a sinusoidal signal with small
amplitude (less than 10 mV) and a frequen y of 100 kHz. Representing the diode by its
small-signal resistan e rd , whi h is a fun tion of I,
a) Sket h the ir uit for determining the sinusoidal output voltage V , and thus nd the
phase shift between Vi and V .
b) Find the value of I that will provide a phase shift of 45 , and
) Find the range of phase shift a hieved as I is varies over the range of 0.1 to 10 times
this value.
Assume n = 1.

Problem 4
The ir uit in Figure 4 implements a omplementary output re tier. Sket h and learly
label the waveforms of v+ and v . Assume a 0.7-V drop a ross ea h ondu ting diode. If
the magnitude of the average of ea h output is to be 15V, nd the required amplitude of
the sine wave a ross the entire se ondary winding.

Problem 5
Consider a half-wave peak re tier fed with a voltage vs having a triangular waveform with
a 20-V peak-to-peak amplitude, zero average, and 1-kHz frequen y. Assume that the diode
has a 0.7-V drop when ondu ting. Let the load resistan e R=100 and the lter apa itor
C=100 F. Find the average d output voltage, the time interval during whi h the diode
ondu ts, the average diode urrent during ondu tion, and the maximum diode urrent.

Figure 3: Figure for Problem 3

Figure 4: Figure for Problem 4


Problem 6
Sket h and learly label the transfer hara teristi of the ir uit in Figure 5 for -20 V
vl +20 V. Assume that the diodes an be represented by a pie ewise-linear model with
VDo =0.65 V and rD = 20. Assuming that the spe ied zener voltage (8.2 V) is measured
at a urrent 10mA and that rz = 20, represent the zener by a pie ewise-linear model.

Figure 5: Figure for Problem 6


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