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Rapassak Hetthong 5411120010

Micro Teaching
Topic: Eating Out

Aim: 1. To enhance reading and comprehension skills via practices of skimming and scanning the texts in restaurant reviews. 2. To enlarge students vocabulary relating to food and restaurants 3. To encourage language output in association with the reading text in a form of postcard writing. Level: Intermediate to Advanced Pre-Reading (10 minutes)
1. To prepare them for the reading text. Ss. will be brought to the

theme of the text by T.s questions. (When was the last time you traveled? / Which places did you visit? / Did you try to experience food there?/ How was it like?).
2. Then Ss. are given a matching exercise to familiarize

themselves with some new words they may or may not know, as these words will appear in the reading text. Some explanations of the words will be given if necessary. While-Reading (30 minutes)
1. In this part, Ss. are asked to read four entries of restaurant

reviews which have been posted on a website. Before reading, they rate four features for considering when choosing a restaurant (exercise 2).
2. To ensure that they read with purposes, a signed post question

is given. In addition, they have to find specific information from the reviews and write in the table in exercise 3. Post-Reading (10 minutes) T. has them write a postcard, supposing that they have been to one of the restaurants in the reviews they have read. This postcard writing activity promotes Ss. language production and a link between reading and writing.

Topic: Eating Out

Before you read, Exercise 1: Word __1. hearty __2. scrumptious ___3. rib eye ___4. massaman curry ___5. punter ___6. oblivious ___7. crust Do you know these words? Match the word below with its meaning. Meaning a. not aware of something b. aromatic curry from Southern Thailand that is made from a lot of Indian ingredients c. a British word for customer d. full of energy e. to form into a thick layer (liquid) f. best portion of the rib steak, usually done without bone g. tasting very good

Exercise 2: When you are choosing a place to eatm which of these features are important to you? Rank them from 1 to 4 (1= least important, 4 = most important) a. location b. menu c. price d. service

While you are reading, Exercise 4: Read the reviews again. Did each reviewer mention features a-d in Exercise 2? What did they say about them? Complete the chart but note that not every reviewer mentions every feature. Location
Review 1 Review 2 Review 3 Review 4




As you finish reading, Exercise 5: Choose one of the restaurants. Imagine you went there last night. Write a postcard to a friend to tell him/her about it.

Topic: Eating Out

Before you read, Exercise 1: Word ___1. hearty ___2. scrumptious ___3. rib eye ___4. massaman curry ___5. punter ___6. oblivious ___7. crust Do you know these words? Match the word below with its meaning. Meaning a. not aware of something b. aromatic curry from Southern Thailand that is made from a lot of Indian ingredients c. a British word for customer d. full of energy e. to form into a thick layer (liquid) f. best portion of the rib steak, usually done without bone g. tasting very good

Exercise 2: When you are choosing a place to eatm which of these features are important to you? Rank them from 1 to 4 (1= least important, 4 = most important) a. location b. menu c. price d. service

While you are reading, Exercise 4: Read the reviews again. Did each reviewer mention features a-d in Exercise 2? What did they say about them? Complete the chart but note that not every reviewer mentions every feature. Location
Review 1 Review 2 Review 3 Review 4




As you finish reading, Exercise 5: Choose one of the restaurants. Imagine you went there last night. Write a postcard to a friend to tell him/her about it.

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