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6th September, 2012

The Path to Human Welfare

An ordinary mans path to his welfare should also be ordinary. The path should not be limited by boundaries of any caste, religion, language or country. The path should be such that any person of any age and at any given place should be able to own it and be able to walk on this straightforward path. I have been walking on one such path and after walking on this path for last 50 years, based on my 50 years of experience I can say that this is indeed that straightforward path, after owning which I am able to live a life free from sadness, problems, stress and fears and it is my pure wish that every human being lives his life in the same manner. In todays competitive world one experiences stress in ones life right from his childhood. Today every human being is sad because of various reasons. And to get rid of this sadness he is searching for solutions outside of him, whereas the solution to ones sadness lies within oneself and not outside. Similar to a musk deer who searches relentlessly all her life for the musk fragrance outside of her and dies searching for it but is unsuccessful in her search. Similarly man also seeks happiness outside. Whereas happiness is infact within oneself and in the hope of happiness man tolerates a lot of unhappiness. The reason behind all the sadness and problems in ones life is connected to the body, because with the body comes desires, fears, jealousy, greed, hatred and ego. The body is full of all these disorders. So if one has taken the human form then one will also inherit all the disorders that come along with the physical body and whenever any of these disorders show up it will ultimately lead to unhappiness. In short the reason for all of mans unhappiness is his physical body because the moment one leaves ones body all of these disorders leave him too and one is free from all his unhappiness. Now for man to be free of all his unhappiness he has to be free of all his disorders which mean that he has to die whilst he is still alive. Now this sadhana of dying whilst one is living is called Moksha. Moksha is the highest state of meditation. This state can be obtained by every human being. Everything depends on what you think about yourself during your lifetime. If you think of yourself as a body then you can never be free of the

The Path to Human Welfare - Shree Shivkrupanand Swami


disorders but if you think of yourself as a soul then the soul is free of all these disorders. Just like we fill an earthen pot with the holy water of the Ganges, similarly we fill our pot which is symbolic of our physical body, with limitless universal energy in the form of the soul. But inspite of filling this pot which is our physical body, the energy continues to be in its original state of vastness. The moment the earthen pot breaks this vast energy merges back with the main universal energy. In our lifetime we only give importance to this earthen pot which is symbolic of our physical body and not to the universal energy present within us and this is the reason we keeping facing the challenges of these disorders and tolerate unhappiness. The only solution to be free of all problems and unhappiness is to believe that we are the soul. Right from my childhood I have believed that I am a pure soul and only due to this I was able to remain free of all the disorders. My only intention behind saying this is that each and every human being experiences what I have experienced from my 50 years of Sadhana. Every day first calm your chitta and then for 30 minutes repeat this sentence I am a Holy soul, I am a pure soul and after 45 days you yourself experience the anubhooti. When you chant in this manner your soul will get purified and your soul will be your own Guru and will guide you in your life. You will be free of all unhappiness and sadness in your life and you will live a completely happy life. It is my sole intention that you all become happy in your lives.



Original handwritten message in Hindi by His Holiness Sadguru Shree Shivkrupanand Swami

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