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Part: A Q-1 Explain the concept of 2-Dimensional object translation?

Let us assume we have a vector shift of coordinates from p = (X1-X2, Y1-Y2), where (X1, Y1) are coordinates of the object in its first position and (X2, Y2) are its coordinates in the second position. if X1=2,Y1=5 and X2=30 ,Y2=10 then find translation factor Tx2 and Ty? Ans:- Transalation is a process of changing of an object in a straight line
path from one co-ordinate laocation to another.We translate a 2-d point by adding translation distances, tx and ty to the original coordinate position(x,y) to move the point to new position X=x+tx Y=y+ty It is possible to express the transalation as asingle matrix equation by using column vetor to represent co-ordinate position and vector translation.

Q-2 Derive the Equation of 2-Dimensional object Rotation in context to Computer Graphics? Ans:- A two dimensional rotation is applied to an object by
repositionereing it along a circular path in the xy plane. To geerate ,we specify a angle rotation angle and the position of the rotation point about which the object is rotated. x=r cos( +)= r cos cos - r sin sin y=r sin ( +)= r cos cos + r sin cos The original coordinates of the point in polar coordinate are given by x=r cos

y= r sin R= cos -sin

sin cos

It is important to note that the positive values for the rotation angle counterclockwise rotaion point negative values rotate object in clockwise sense.

Q-3 Write a short note on homogeneous coordinates? Ans:- Homogeneous coordinates are a way to assin coordinates to points
and vector in a way that allows one to easily distinguish between them and what is even more important to perform all the affine transformations (like translation, rotation, scaling, shearing) just in term of a matrix multiplication.The basic transformation can be expressed in the general formula in the matrix form. P'=M.P+M2 with coordinate positions P and P' represented as c..dumn vectors. Matrix MI is a 2 by 2 array containing multiplicative factors, and M, is a two-element column matrix containing translational terms. For translation, MI is the identity matrix.For rotation or scaling, M2 contains the translational terms associated with the pivot pornt or scaling fixed point.

Part: B Q-4 Write down the steps in scaling a line and then rotating it to 60 degree about x-axis? Where end points of line are given? Ans:- A coordinate transfomation of the form is called a two-dimensional
affine transformation. Each of the transformed coordinates x' and y ' is a linear fundion of the original coordinates x and y, and parameters a,, and bk are constants determined by the transformation type. Affine transformations have the general properties that parallel lines are transformed into parallel lines and finite points map to finite points. Translation, rotation, scaling, reflection, and shear are exampks of

two-dimensional affine transformations. Any general twodimensional affine transformation an always be expressed as a composition of these five transformations.Another affine transformation is the conversion of coordinate descriptions fmm one reference system to another, which can be described as a combination of translation and rotation An affine transformation involving only rotation, translation, and reflection preserves angles and lengths, as well as parallel lines. For these three transformations, the lengths and angle between two lines remains the same after the transformation.

Q-5 Taking arbitrary values prove that if two successive translation vectors (tx1, ty2) and (tx2, ty2) are applied to a coordinate system .Then the output will be additive of two translations?
Ans;- A translation is applied to an object by repositioning it along a

straightline path from one coordinate location to another. We translate a twodimensional point by addlng translation distances, f, and t,, to the original coordinate position (x, y) to move the point to a new position ( x ' , y') x'=x+tx , y'=y+ty The translat~ond istance pair (t,, t,) is called a translation to write the two- dimensional translation equations in the matrix form: P'=P+T Sometimes matrix-transformation equations are expressed in terms of coordinate row vectors instead of column vectors. In this case, we would write the matrix representations as P = [x y] and T = [k, $1]. Since the column-vector representation for a point is standard mathematical notation, and since many graphics packages, for example, GKS and PHIGS, also use the column-vector representation, we will follow this convention.

Q-6 Differentiate between Interior clipping and Exterior clipping. In what form exterior clipping can be useful? Illustrate using some examples? Draw diagrams to define Pictorial ? Ans:- Procedures for clipping a picture to the interior of are e n by

eliminating everything outside the clipping region. What is saved by these procedures is inside the region. In some cases, we want to do the reverse,that is, we want to clip a picture to the exterior of a specified region. The picture parts to be saved are those that are outsrde the region. This is referred to as exterior clipving.A typical example of the application of exterior clipping is in multiplewindow systems. To correctly display the screen windows, we often need to apply both internal and external clipping.Exterior cfipping is used also in other applications that require overlapping pictures .

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