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The Dragons Eye

By Corey Guerra
Cover art by Lydia Moore

Copyright 2011 by Corey Guerra

For Sara, Micaela, Gianna, and Luke My inspirations

Prologue: Broken Dreams

The air was hot and sticky, and Makayla could taste it in her mouth. The moist air clung to her clothes and soaked her to the bone. Even though the air was hot Makaylas body still felt cold as if the damp air was like a blanket enveloping all around her and chilling her inside. Makayla knew it wasnt just the air that made her shiver but everything else around her. She was standing in a stone circular room with no windows or doors. There were no torches or lamps, but yet light was coming from somewhere in the room. A breeze entered, making the room feel even colder. The only sound Makayla could hear was the beating of her own heart, and it sounded as if it were about to burst out of her chest. Sweat dripped into her eyes, blurring her vision. Makayla had been in this room before and she knew what was to come. In front of her stood an ancient stone pillar three feet high. The column was covered in engravings that Makayla could never make out. Every time she tried to focus on an image it shifted and blended with another one, making reading it impossible. The more she looked the blurrier it got, causing her head to spin. She had to avert her eyes to stop her head spinning. The pillar looked as if it were part of the ground itself. On the top lay a small package wrapped in an old brown cloth that looked as if it would crumble if touched. Makaylas heart was racing and her blood was pumping. She could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, and her hands were shaking. Why is this room so hot? How long and how she had got there Makayla didnt know, but she did know what was on top of that pillar. Inside that old brown cloth was one of the coveted and most important treasures from the Great War, The Dragons Eye. The Eye that had brought down thousands of dragons in the quest to rid the land of Rhal. The Eye that was said to hold the power of not one but hundreds of dragons. One of the most secretive treasures of all of was just a few feet in front of her. Even though she didnt know how it got here or why, Makayla knew this. Somehow she just knew. Makayla also knew the Eye was in danger of being taken away and she was the only one who could prevent it. More than a feeling, or a sensation, Makayla knew as if it was what she always knew, that the Dragons Eye was in jeopardy. She felt as if the Eye was calling to her for help, knowing that she was there to protect it. As she tried to step forward to retrieve it she realized she couldnt move. Her legs felt glued to the floor. No matter how hard she tried, they would not budge. She tried to reach for it, but her arms wouldnt move either. She was frozen where she stood; frozen by something she could not figure out. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Her mouth was dry, and as she tried to lick her lips she realized she couldnt. She began to shake with fear. This cant be happing! Why cant I move! She was so close to the Eye, but she just couldnt get it. A slice of light filled the room from behind her. A door was opening and Makayla could feel a presence behind her, but couldnt turn to see who or what it was. She tried desperately to move, to call out, to scream, but nothing was working No! She thought. Please dont take it! She had come so far and was so close now. Suddenly a burning hot flash filled her eyes and Makayla threw her arm up to shield them. My arms, I can move them. The Eye! Moving her arms down Makayla squinted to adjust to the light. She was no longer inside the circular room, but standing

outside on a hilltop overlooking the city of Llorenarr. The sun was high in the sky and not a cloud was in sight. The warm breeze blew past and brought the smell of spring with it. But the breeze also brought another scent with it. The smell of smoke and decay filled Makaylas nostrils and she looked around to see where it was coming from. He stomach turned at the sight as she saw the entire city of Llorenarr in flames, burning in the midday light. She could feel the heat even at this distance, and could somehow see everything clearly as if she were standing right there. The farms and fields were ablaze and burning everywhere. The wooden homes caught on fire like a tinderbox starting up. Acres and acres of wheat, corn and vegetables were burnt and destroyed, their embers glowing in the sun. The city itself didnt survive the blaze either. The cobblestone streets were tainted black with soot and ash from the homes and establishments that were destroyed. Most of the homes were completely ruined, the fires burning them down to the foundation. Nothing was left standing, everything was on fire. Even the castle didnt survive. Its walls were crumpling. The once white towers were now black with death and were collapsing by the minute. One of the most beautiful structures in the land was now quickly becoming a pile of rubble. Everywhere thousands of people were running and screaming. Makayla could see their anguish and feel their pain. The smell of burnt flesh entered her nose and Makayla almost vomited. Dead bodies lay everywhere. The cobblestone streets now ran with blood. Women were clutching their dead burnt children and men were clutching their dead wives. People were franticly trying to find their loved ones and leave before the flames engulfed them. All around was death and destruction. Even from where she stood Makayla could sense and feel their pain. Family members killed, crops and supplies lost, she could feel every bite of fear, and every twinge of anguish that these people felt. She could hear their thoughts and they were all turned towards her. Why didnt you help us? You were too late. Look at us, what are we to do now. This is all your fault. How could you let this happen? You were supposed to protect us. Why did you abandon us? Im sorry. Makayla said tears rolling down her face. Im so sorry. She knew they were right. All of this was her fault because she had failed them.

Chapter 1: Unanswered Questions

Makayla woke with a start. There was no fire, no death, it was all a dream. Her head was pounding and sweat soaked her clothes. She looked around as she struggled to figure out where she was. Moonlight poured in from the window in her chambers. A small glow from the embers left in the fireplace provided the only other light. Makayla slowly moved from the bed, her body aching to complement her pounding head. Even though it was just a dream, her body felt as if it wasnt. This wasnt the first time she had this dream but she woke from each one just the same, in a cold sweat, an aching body, and an empty feeling inside her. Makayla felt lonely, like someone close to her was gone. She grabbed her robe from the end of her bed and gingerly walked to the window and looked out. From her chambers in the castle, she could see much of the kingdom of Llorenarr. All was intact around the city. There were no charred streets, no crumbling towers; the city looked as it always had. A cool breeze came through the room chilling her to the point she had to back away from the cold. Her mind was still a big mess. The dreams were so real and she knew they were just dreams, but each time she was surprised that Llorenarr was still standing. Makayla took some wood to add to the fire to bring some warmth back in the room. Her hands were shaking and she had to squeeze them together to try to stop. Makayla could feel her heart still beating fast. Deep breaths calm down. This dream was the worse one to date, and she couldnt believe how real it felt. Makayla knew she had to talk to someone but she dreaded going. There was only one person who she could go to, who she had been going to, and Makayla feared that talking about her dream was going to hurt just as much. After several deep breaths, she slowly tied up her robe and left the room. The halls of Llorenarr castle were quiet this time of night. Torches were lit sporadically throughout the hall, casting long shadows wherever Makayla walked. No one else seemed to be out at this hour. Her slippers made no sound as she moved along the carpeted hallway. She walked the halls until she reached another chamber door. She took a deep breath and knocked. A moment passed before it opened a crack and a pair of green eyes stared back. Makayla! The door flung open and a beautiful red-haired woman stood in the doorway. Its the middle of the night whats wrong? The look in Makaylas deep blue eyes told the story and she quickly ushered her in. How bad was it? Alis moved Makayla in front of the fireplace where two high backed chairs sat. Makayla paused before answering. The same as the last. I was in a room with the Eye and I couldnt move. Then I was suddenly on top of Salon Hill. The city was burning, and I could feel the people. They were in agony, screaming and crying, and all blaming me! Her voice began to shake. The worst was that I knew it was my fault. I failed them, and their suffering was my fault. It felt so real, I can still feel it." She brushed her arms as if she was shaking off the dream. I can hear the screaming in the back of my head. My head is still pounding, Alis, what can I do? First Kedo I want you to take a deep breath to calm yourself. Alis stood up and began to start up her fire again. I know its tough, but I want you to tell me everything,

from the beginning. You must meditate. We must flush these thoughts out of your head. I will make some tea to help calm your mind. Her tone was stern and businesslike as she took a pot from the table nearest to the fire and filled it with water from a pitcher and then hung it over the fire. The new warmth was a comfort for Makayla. While the fire heats the water, I want you to tell me exactly how the dream progressed. Makayla took a deep breath. She knew Alis was going to ask her to do this, it is what she feared doing. Describing the dream for Makayla meant reliving it. Each feeling she remembered would come back at her again. This was why Makayla didnt want to go to Alis, but she knew and hoped that it would be a step to end the dreams. Makayla described the dream exactly as she remembered. Every painful detail about how she felt, what she felt, and how real it was came out. Alis listened intently taking it all in like always. Makayla got a feeling of dj vu. This was the fifth dream in as many weeks with each one worse than the one before that. After each one, she was in Alis room giving her the details and each time with her was the same. Alis would have her describe the dream in detail while she just sat and listened. When Makayla finished talking she felt as if the room had lost its heat again. Alis quietly got up and poured the now hot water into a cup and then produced a small leather pouch from the top drawer of the dresser. She opened it and took from it a pinch of red dust that she sprinkled into the cup. A small hiss came from the cup as the dust evaporated in the water. A sweet smell filled the air as Alis handed the cup to Makayla. She drank the liquid and some of the weight began to lift off her shoulders and the tension began to ease. What about the empty feeling? Alis asked after a moment. Did you feel that again as well? Makayla nodded taking another sip. Right after I was on the hill I had this empty feeling in my stomach. It felt as if I was missing something but not something you could hold. I felt as if a part of me was missing, like I was all alone. What are we to do Alis? Makayla pleaded. The dreams are getting worse. It used to be just snippets of images and feelings, but now everything is clearer and more horrific to see. What does it mean? Alis let out a long sigh and didnt answer for some time. She was a beautiful woman, tall and slender with long red hair that hung down her back. Her features made her appear younger than she actually was. Her light green eyes showed wisdom and experience behind them, but now the teacher looked worried. I wish I knew what to do but I dont. I have thought and meditated on this since it happened. We have tried many methods but none seem to work. You have some connection with the Dragons Eye; that is obvious. We have all had some dreams about the Eye because of our calling, but your dreams are different. I dont know if this is some sort of premonition or just a case of bad dreams, but it is definitely a problem, a problem that we need to solve. Makayla was hoping for something more and could sense the discouragement in Alis voice. Do you think it has to do with my training? After all, I am reaching the end. Maybe all the pressure building up before the trials are causing it? Alis shook her head. Its possible, but I doubt it. Your training is reaching the end, and its becoming the hardest for you, but it shouldnt be causing these dreams. It

should be the opposite. The training of a Giadi is a long and difficult one. It changes ones body and soul and you have been working towards this your whole life. You have trained to work with your body and mind to act as one and you have seen the benefits. Dreams such as this would have occurred in the beginning of your training, when you were unprepared, not now. Alis looked at Makayla. These dreams are something else, something more. Alis saw Makayla react to those last words. Please dont think that you are failing in your training. She placed her hand on hers. Its because you still have these dreams that I am worried. Makayla took another sip of the tea. Her mind was starting to clear even if her body was still tight. She was frustrated that she wasnt getting any answers. There must be something else we can do. Is there a method we have not tried yet? Has the council said anything? Alis shook her head again as she stifled a yawn. Not yet, but we must be patient. I know you are upset about this, but you have to have patience in this matter. You know how the council works. I have sent word to them about your dreams and have also given my recommendation on what should be done. Now I hope to receive an answer soon, but in the meantime we must stay focused on the task at hand. We are doing everything we can to keep these dreams as painless as possible. Your dreams are more than just dreams, they mean something. I am doing everything I can from here to minimize them. Although, She turned to look at the fire. I feel that I am failing you in that. Its no use talking more about this now. Its late and youre exhausted. Well talk about this more tomorrow. Finish the tea and try to get some more sleep. The tea will help with your dreams; you wont have any more tonight. I will call for you tomorrow. Makayla didnt understand why Alis was trying to get her out of the room, but she finished the tea and left. She was becoming angry and didnt want it to get worse. Why did she feel that Alis wasnt as concerned as she was? When the dreams first happened Alis was concerned, asking her to describe them, write them down, and meditate on them. Now Makayla felt Alis was just going through the motions, telling her the same thing over and over again. This was the case with the Giadi. They often talk in circles and only reveal information in bits and pieces. Makayla was sure it had something to do with the Code, but it was still frustrating. Makayla knew that Alis was still keeping her in the dark about something, but what? She sulked back to her room. In her frustration she almost forgot about the tea. It did make her feel better warming her up and easing her tension a bit. Makayla looked at her bed and laughed. She wouldnt be able to get any more sleep tonight in there; her mind was racing too much. She walked over to the nightstand beside her bed and took the small leather journal that was resting on top. She lit a candle, grabbed a quill and began to write 19 March Well here I am again writing by candle light in the early morning, woken by the same damn dream and getting no answers from Alis. The dreams were more graphic and violent than ever and Alis didnt seem to have any answers. All she did was tell me that there had to be some reason for them and that the answers would come. Ive been

training for months and not getting any answers. I know that Alis is supposed to be strict in her teaching and training, thats what Giadis do, but how many of us have dreams like this? Why cant she help? Alis was expecting the council to decide what to do about her dreams. What if the council rules that Im not fit to be a druid and they dont need to bother with training anymore? After all, Alis had said that the dreams should have gone away by now. Ive been training for almost two years shouldnt I have the power to block the dreams? But they happen so randomly, I cant prepare for them. Maybe the dreams are a sign that the training is just too much for me and thats why Im having them? Maybe Alis isnt telling me anything because Im letting her down. Why am I growing more and more frustrated with the way the druids operate? Father, I wish you were here to help me. I know you would have the answers, but how much more of this do I have to take? Please tell me Im not letting you down. Makayla put the journal down and ran her hands through her long dark hair. Her head was swirling too much too try to make sense of anything. She grabbed a blanket from the bed and sat in a chair by the fire to relax. She tossed in another piece of wood to warm the room up a bit. A few minutes, Makayla couldnt tell if it was the dream or the tea, but she began to feel exhausted. Makayla snapped awake. She was still in her chair and the fire was now beginning to die back down, but it was still cold even with the blanket wrapped thickly around her. She felt tired but knew she wouldnt be able to go back to sleep. The tea seemed to help, there were no dreams or at least ones that she remembered. Makayla looked outside at the horizon. Dawn was approaching, and the city was still quiet. Makayla was feeling cramped in her room, like she didnt belong. She needed to go somewhere and think by herself for a while. She went to the dresser where a pitcher and a basin of water lay. The water, still cool from the night before provided welcome refreshment as she cleaned up. She went to her closet and stood staring at her clothes. Most of her closet was filled with traditional Giadi garb, simple earth tones that showed dignity but not opulence. She dressed quickly and grabbed her cloak. As she made for the door she caught herself in the mirror. Even in the low light, Makaylas dark raven hair could still be seen as it fell well past her shoulders. It was customary for Giadi women to have long hair and Makayla had been growing hers ever since she was a young girl. It was now a mess and she tried to brush it with her hand but that didnt help. She was young, just out of her teens, but she was a beautiful girl nonetheless. Her skin was fair and soft but to her she looked the same as she felt, tired and exhausted. She stood for a long time gazing in the mirror. She was always told that she had her mothers beauty. She never knew her; she died when Makayla was very young. Her tall slender body and dark hair came from her too but it was her eyes that she got from her father. It wasnt just that they were a dark blue, a rich blue that many complimented on, it was what seemed to be behind them. For years Makayla had been fascinated with her eyes because they seemed to glow in the same way as the eyes of mages and druids. Alis had it, and so did Gildorn, one of the kings advisors. But Alis and Gildorn knew what the passion in their eyes was. They knew the power that they possessed. For a long time Makayla believed that what she saw in her eyes was the enthusiasm and dedication to the Druid arts, but lately

she began to doubt herself. The dreams made her wonder what that fire in her eyes were and what it meant. She thought about telling Alis about it many times but didnt. She figured that the less Alis had to worry about with the dreams the better. The last thing she wanted to mention was some silly thing about her eyes. The halls were quiet and empty as they were when Makayla last made her way down. The castle was beautifully decorated and clean with long silken cloths of royal blue that hung down from the ceiling making waves as Makayla walked by. Each torch holder, lit or not, carried a large blue bow at its base. Everything was spotless; floors were clean and swept and the brass fittings on the doors and rails were polished and shinning. Great lengths had been taken to make sure the castle looked amazing. In the coming days King Teirgith and Queen Ulyssa from Salbeaca would be arriving and the servants were in full swing to make the castle shine. Makayla knew no one was up yet which she enjoyed; she wasnt in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment. The last thing she wanted to do was have an idle Hello how are you? conversation with everyone she saw. She had to go to the ground floor, which meant having to go down several floors before she got there. At the bottom of each landing she checked to see if anyone was there before moving on. At one point, as she was making her way down the stairs, a servant came up in front of her. Makayla quickly prepared herself for a quick conversation but it looked as if the woman didnt want to talk either. She just smiled and nodded as they passed. Makayla reached the ground floor and made her way to the back of the castle. She was about to exit to the grounds when something made her change direction. A hearty, warm smell was coming up from the basement. Henry had already started breakfast and it suddenly occurred to Makayla how hungry she was. The kitchen prep room was enormous. Three huge fireplaces covered one wall. Even early in the morning, all were a blaze and they filled the room with stifling warmth. The fireplaces opened up to the cooking room next door. Cabinets of all shapes and sizes filled another wall with the chefs spices, fruits, vegetables, and other assortments packed into them. Several large tables stood in the middle of the room. Here, Henry and his cooks would prepare the meals for the day and then cook them in the next room. Pots and pans and other cooking utensils covered the third wall. With a castle this large it wasnt unusual to see a kitchen as large as this. At the far end of the room a double door way led to the main part of the castle. Because of the sheer size of the castle, Henry had many people working for him, but at this time in the morning no one was around. The aroma of fresh bread and strong coffee filled the room and spilled into the hall. Makayla took a look into the room to find no one there. Several loaves of fresh bread sat on one of the tables in the middle cooling off. The sweet smell made Makaylas mouth water. She crept up to the table and began to take a piece. A little bit of butter and honey goes great with that. Came a voice from behind her. Makayla spun around to see Henry standing there. He was a tall heavyset man with a round face, thinning grey hair and his usual friendly smile. He was wiping his hands on his once white apron. Its a good thing you are a Kedo, or youd make a terrible job as a thief. He gave a loud deep laugh as Makayla tried to apologize.

Its ok. Dont worry about it. If it was anyone else, I would have kicked them out before they reached the table. Im sorry Henry. It was just that I was so hungry and the bread smelled so good. You know me, nothing but the best. I must say though it is a mite early for anyone, let alone you to be up. Why its barely dawn. I just woke up and couldnt get back to sleep so I figured Id start the day early. Makayla lied. What about you? Are you always up this early? No. Henry said as he started pouring coffee for himself. Its all because of the upcoming banquet. I sent a letter to the chef at Salbeaca over a month ago asking what food Lord Teirgith and Lady Ulyssa would prefer. That way I would have plenty of time to prepare my meals. I got this, He produced a food stained parchment from a pocket in his apron. Yesterday. How am I supposed to prepare a banquet for fifty people on such short notice? Im sorry, I didnt mean to raise my voice. Im just a little stressed at the moment. He took a sip of his coffee. Because they took so long to get back to me, I have so much work to do and not a lot of time to do it. It wouldnt be too much of an issue if they were coming up just for a few days, but with them staying here through the Spring Dawning, I have to find foods for several weeks. Do you know how hard it is to find ostrich eggs this time of year? I have William, my assistant doing all the cooking for the rest of the castle while I tend to all of this. He should be stopping by any minute. Oh look at me going off and complaining while youre standing here starving. Here then. Henry began opening cabinets. You cant start the day without a good meal. Makayla tried to convince Henry that the bread was fine, but he wouldnt listen. She ended up leaving the kitchen with a handful of fruit and a pocket full of fresh honey bread. He tried to get her to take some coffee, but Makayla used the excuse that she didnt have enough hands left to get her out of the door. She felt the cold spring air hit her as she walked the grounds of the castle. The kingdom of Llorenarr was one of the oldest and largest cities in Aviel. Founded and built long ago because of its defensive location, it is now considered one of the more beautiful cities around. The castle as built on top of a large hill that stands along the eastern coastline. Its three towers rise high into the air, giving anyone in them a clear view in all directions. The east end of the castle is protected by large sheer cliffs that rise to a small plateau before meeting up with the castle. The cliffs travel for about a half-mile in either direction before they drop off into deeper waters, making any advancement by the ocean impossible. The rest of the castle is surrounded by the city itself, which has been built on and around the hill. Considered a marvel of stonework, built by men, elves and dwarfs, it has withstood centuries and centuries of war, weather, and time. Over the years additions have been built onto the castle connecting it to the hill. Passageways leading to parts of the city and the beach have been dug, and balconies and stairways can been seen from all over, giving a spectacular view to all. The once white stone is now gray-brown in color, and the base of the castle is covered in moss making the castle look as if its has grown out of the hill itself.

The city of Llorenarr flows out like a blanket onto the grass. Wood and brick buildings cover the rest of the hill and spill out onto the land below. Wide cobblestone streets are everywhere where merchants of all kinds can be found in the city. Built as a small trading village because of its location near the ocean, the city now houses merchants from all over. Multi story buildings cover the heart of the city, housing stores, inns, and homes. During the day the streets are alive with people and businesses and during the evening the inns and taverns are busting at the seams with people enjoying a good day's work. Farmland can be seen on the outskirts of the city. The lush soils and greens thrive better away from the salt of the ocean waters. A prosperous city, its money is used well. The streets are always clean and neat, the building owners keep their repairs in order, and the city guards do well to keep many vagrants off the streets. The sun was just beginning to rise when Makayla got outside. The kingdom had a quiet, peaceful glow to it. She could see several wisps of smoke coming from the chimneys in the city where shopkeepers and merchants were getting an early start. The grass seemed to shine from the early morning dew and the air felt crisp and clear. Spring was upon the land and the days and nights were getting warmer. Makayla knew that in a few hours she wouldnt need the extra cloak she had taken. For now she had to settle with watching her breath form in small wisps as she breathed. The farmers were known to be in good spirits while they were awaiting the coming harvest. Merchants and travelers were more common to see at this time of year, selling their trinkets and sharing their stories. The townsfolk were getting ready for the Spring Dawning. The annual spring fair was approaching and everyone seemed to be getting ready. Each year much of the land holds a celebration at the end of the winter and each city has their reasons for it. Some celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of a new year while some celebrate the new harvest and the joys it will bring. But most hold the fair to celebrate the end of the Great War over 500 years ago. Most use this time to celebrate the defeat of Rhal and his banishment into back the Abyss. For some kingdoms the end of the war was the birth of their own city. Because of her dreams Makayla was thinking more about the Dawning than she used too. What was once just another celebration, another city tradition, became more apparent on her mind. After all it was a Giadi that wielded the Dragons Eye during the Great War. It was that same druid that hid the Eye so that it could be used again if the land ever needed it. The Dragons Eye was a part of the Giadi, and now that Makayla was trying to become one, the Spring Dawning gave a whole new meaning. Makayla! Makayla looked around to see who could be calling her at this hour. She was at the edge of the courtyard and no one seemed to be in sight. Then in the early morning light she made out Erik, the kings second oldest son striding toward her. His clothes were caked in mud and he carried a considerable limp. As he got closer Makayla could see what looked like a blackened eye and a bloody nose. He was the same age as Makayla; the second of three and on other days was considered a handsome man. Are you ok? What happened? Makayla rushed towards him. Oh this, its nothing. He said with a smile. This is a typical early morning workout with Almar and the Tentara. He made a foolish attempt to brush some of the mud off from his pants. When he realized it didnt work he gave Makayla a blushed smile. I feel like I havent seen you in ages. I cant believe I saw you out here of all

places. How long has it been since weve had breakfast together while sharing the local gossip? He smiled before adding. Id ask you today but it looks like youve already got plans. He pointed to the handfuls of food Makayla was carrying. Makayla felt her face flush. Oh, this. The words came stumbling out. No I dont have plans. I tried sneaking into the kitchen but Henry caught me. And he wouldnt let you leave unless you had enough food to feed an army. Erik laughed. Here Makayla said handing him some fruit. Take it. You must be starving. He took an apple from her overstuffed hands. I cant believe Almar had you up this early. Oh yes. We train any time, any conditions. We were up just after midnight over on the plains working on night raids and infiltration. We just finished up. It looks like it was rough. She brought her hand up and touched his face but then pulled back quickly. She was blushing again and didnt know why. There was an awkward moment of silence before Erik said. Its not that bad. A few of the guys are worse. Aaron dislocated his shoulder and Wyallim bent his knee back the other way. Oh my thats brutal. Its all part of the training. You have to work hard to be the best, and sometimes, He touched the blood on his nose. It hurts. But youre the kings son; shouldnt they go easy on you? Why should I? There was a hint of annoyance in his voice. Every year thousands of men work for the chance to be a part of the Tentara and Almar can only choose a select few. Being a part of the royal family, I automatically get selected. I have to work harder than anyone else to prove that I belong here and if that means getting a couple of bruises then thats fine by me. The look in his eyes showed he was proud of what he did. Makaylas blue eyes dropped. I didnt mean that, I just Its ok, it my fault, I didnt mean to snap at you. I just dont want to be known as a spoiled rich prince that gets everything because of my father. Anyone who knows you knows thats not true. Thanks. He smiled at her and felt himself caught in her eyes. He blushed before looking away. What are you doing up so early? I figured everyone would still be asleep. Makayla paused. I couldnt sleep. And since it was such a nice morning, I figured Id take a stroll. I thought it might be more of that Giadi training. Sometimes I think you train just as much as I do. How is that going? Well. Makayla said quickly. Its going well. Part of her wanted to tell Erik about the dreams, spill her heart about how she felt and how they made her feel. She wanted to say that each time the dream was over there was this void that she could not explain. She knew it would make her feel better to tell him. She was his friend and she knew hed listen. Alis was the only one she talked to about this and all she did was respond with questions and comments about the Giadis. Makayla wanted to be able to tell someone who would at least respond as if they were concerned with how she felt. But she didnt say anything. She didnt because she knew Erik would worry about her.

They had been friends for a long time and she knew thats how he would react; a reaction she didnt want. Instead she fumbled with a piece of bread in her hand. Erik hesitated and Makayla thought he would press the issue, but he seemed to think that Makaylas simple answer was enough. She quickly changed the subject. Are you prepared for the arrival of Teirgith and Ulyssa? Erik rolled his eyes. Dont get me started. My parents have got me doing so much for this treaty signing. I need to know everything about their kingdom, from population to what crops are grown. They even want me to memorize the names of all the kings and queens that have ruled before. Why? Makayla asked. The treaty was going to link the two lands in trade and supplies. For years the two kingdoms have always worked together, and have never had any conflicts. Teirgith didnt always agree with the way Orin ran Llorenarr. He was a man a tradition who ran his kingdom as such. His land and cities were well cared for and he was good to his people, but in Teirgiths eyes everyone had their place. He was at the top and everyone else was below him. Teirgith often scoffed at the concept of a king mingling with his people. A commoner king, he often called Orin, but Teirgith also knew that the kingdom of Llorenarr was a well-run one. If his disagreed with how Orin acted he approved of the results. Mother says its custom. But I know what the real reason is. Whats that? I think my mother is trying to marry me off. Makayla almost choked on the bread she was eating. What? To whom? Erik shook his head. She thinks I wouldnt catch on. Apparently my parents as well as Teirgith and Ulyssa believe that a marriage along with this alliance would be an even greater bond between the two kingdoms. Since Liam is already betrothed to Christyna I guess Im next in line. Makayla began to feel a lump in her throat. Whats her name? Gwenllian. Shes the king and queens eldest. And youre just going to allow this? Suddenly Makayla didnt care for Gwenllian very much. Erik cocked his head to the side. You know me. Ill string my mother along to make her happy and not to upset the treaty, but I have no intention of marrying a woman I dont even know. Makayla slowly let out her breath. Besides I figured that youd never let me go through marriage without first approving the woman. If thats the way your parents are going to arrange things then no woman would ever get my approval. Are you trying to keep me all for yourself? Erik quipped Makayla was caught off guard. She didnt expect him to respond that way and she tried to think of something to say but her mouth was suddenly dry and everything she could think of sounded childish. Instead the two shared another awkward silence. I should probably get going. I have got to get out of these dirty clothes, and to prepare for the King and Queens arrival. If Im lucky I might get an hour or two of sleep before I have to start. It was good to see you again. Thanks for the fruit. Makayla watched him until he entered the castle and as she made her way to the gardens she could feel her spirits rise. Talking with Erik seemed to do that a lot. The

two had been friends since childhood. Her father, Palis, was one of Orins advisors. The two men were very good friends and because of that Makayla and Erik spent a great deal of their childhood together. They were very close as children but as they grew older their lives began to separate with Erik pursuing the royal path and Makayla going with the druids, they found they just didnt have the time they used to. Now it seemed like a week or two would go by before theyd see each other and then it would only be for a few moments. Even with their distance meetings Makayla found that Erik still boosted her spirits even if he didnt know it. Makayla made her way out of the courtyard and into the heart of the castle gardens where she knew no one would be around this early and she could sit in peace. There was a small stone bench surrounded by roses where Makayla found her spot. The sound of a nearby fountain was soothing. Flowers and plants from all over the land filled the area. Orin designed it as a quiet and scenic place people could go and relax and with a little bit of magic the gardens bloomed all year round, even in the dead of winter. Makayla sat and her thoughts turned to the last few months. Makaylas father had taken sole care of her since she was five. Her mother caught ill and passed away unexpectedly and so it was up to her father to raise her alone. Both parents were considered very powerful Giadis and were known throughout the Giadi community. After Makaylas mother died, her father moved to Llorenarr to permanently work with Orin. Makayla was a little apprehensive at first but Orin took them in as if they were part of the family. Orin and Palis quickly became the best of friends and Makayla and Erik got along quite well. Orin consulted Makaylas father on many matters, some even not relating to the Giadi. When Makayla was old enough, her father agreed to train her in the path of the druids. It was during this training that Makayla realized she had some connection with the Dragons Eye. One of the reasons her father was so well known in the druid community was because he was considered one of the most knowledgeable historians about the Dragons Eye. Her father taught her as much as he could about the Eye and about growing up a Giadi. She felt she learned so much more about not only being a druid but also about life in just the short time he spent training her. She almost gave it all up when he died. Makayla was so devastated she almost quit her training. With her father and mentor gone she didnt see any need to continue, but she knew her father would want her to move on and finish what she had dreamt about all her life. She made a pact with herself to finish the trials, for her father. Makaylas dreams about the Dragons Eye had come even before her fathers death. She started to get snippets of the nightmare only a short time after her training started. There would be bits and pieces of the dream that didnt seem to make sense. First she saw the pillar, and then the room and then weeks would go by and all she could remember was being in a strange room staring at an empty pillar. Then one night she saw the wrapping on top of the pillar and knew instantly what it was. For a week straight every night she relived being in that strange room with the Eye sitting there. Then just over a month ago the second part of her dreams, the part that scared her the most appeared. One night each week she would be on the top of Salon Hill looking at the death and destruction that was caused by something she could have prevented. What

caused the destruction or what she could have done to prevent it, Makayla could never tell. She just knows that she could have. Makayla just assumed that the dreams were a part of her training and what her father had taught her already about the Eye. The dreams got worse after his death but again Makayla just attributed them to her suffering. It was only a few weeks after Alis arrived, when the dreams became exceptionally bad, that Makayla confronted anyone about them. Makayla wiped tears from her eyes and looked around. It was still early and no one was in the garden. She knew she had a big day ahead of her so she hurried back to the castle. The sun was bright and there was a cool breeze blowing that flowed through the courtyard as she made her way back to the castle. It was still fairly early in the day and only a few people were out at this time. She did her best not to interact with anyone. She didnt want to have to explain why she was out so early when she felt she didnt need to explain. She was halfway across the courtyard when she stopped. There were no crumbling buildings. The towers still stood. The smoke coming from the town was not from the burning of homes. The smell of death and decay was not in the air. Makaylas dreams felt so realistic and had been occurring so often lately that it still took her back a bit to not see the kingdom in shambles.

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