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Intertestamentary Times Enduring Understandings

Bible content: God keeps his promises to send a Savior. - Daniel 9:21-27, Micah 5:2, Malachi 3:1 Content: God can use anyone for his purpose of sending the Messiah. Greeks and Romans Skills: There are ways to help memorize passages. There are active listening skills that will help him or her understand.

Essential Questions
How did God prepare the way for the Messiah? How does God take care of his people? How has God provided for you? How might you be able to provide for others? What can I do to be a "responsible learner"?

Bible memory - Malachi 3:1 Greek rule of the Jews Granted the people the freedom to worship God instead of following Greek religious practices God used the Greeks to advance his plan for the coming Messiah (language) Roman rule of the Jews God used the Romans to advance his plan for the coming Messiah (roads for travel) Pharisees and Saducees Pharisees and Sadducees were two religious groups in during the time of Jesus Sadducees controlled the temple business, high priesthood, didnt believe in the Messiah Pharisees taught in the synagogues, waiting for the Messiah, had many rules Essenes and Zealots Essenes and Zealots were two Jewish sects during the time of Jesus Essenes lived primarily in the desert, studied and copied the Torah(Gods Word) Zealots were devoted to God but opposed any foreign ruler in Judea, waiting for a Messiah to lead the fight against the Romans Geography and Locations in Israel Geography of the Promised Land is varied, although much of it is rocky hills and mountains The geography of the land provides helpful details in understanding biblical events Vocabulary: messenger, covenant, Pharisees,Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots, Greeks, Romans

Memorize the books of the New Testament Identify on a map places conquered by Alexander the Great Locate on a map: Sea of Galilee, Jordan River, Dead Sea, Mount Carmel, Via Maris Road, Jerusalem, Coastal Plains, Jezreel Valley, Foothills, Mountains, Wilderness Create a class list of ways that God provides for them and how they can provide for others Memorize Bible passages Reciting Learning motions Copying Illustrating Use appropriate listening skills Eye contact with the speaker Paraphrases stories Asks clarifying questions Stops other activities to listen

Assessments Recite Malachi 3:1 by Friday, September 28 Say the books of the Old Testament by Friday, October 5 Unit assessment - Thursday, September 28 - At the end of the unit,

students will write or draw pictures of the Greeks, Romans, Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes and Zealots, showing one thing each of these groups was noteworthy for and how it relates to Jesus the Messiah. (Bolded information above would be useful to know.) !

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