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SUBMITTED TO: Prof. Sumit Chaudhuri

SUBMITTED BY: Abhishek Tripathy (2) Ayush Pandav (18) Gunjan Bansal (27) Jyotsna Sharma (34) Md. Gyasuddin(40) Pallav Bajaj (46)


ABOUT THE COMPANY: The problem occurred in a mobile phone retail outlet which sells mobile phones of various brands .

CUSTOMERS PROFILE: The customers the outlet usually witness are either those who are really technocrats , updated with all the latest technology and give priority to all technical features while making a purchase. The other kind of customers are those who are not very well aware of the technology and technology is not the most important factor for them to make a purchase. The next category of customers are those who give priority to both looks and the features for making a purchase without being biased to any one of these factors. The other category of customers are those which are price conscious and this factor influence their purchase.

PROBLEM : The problem the retail outlet was facing was that the salesmen employed were not able to make effective sales (by understanding a particular customers need) and many of the customers were going unsatisfied without making any purchase. So, as to overcome this problem the company wants to organize a training program for understanding the customer and effective salesmanship.

OBJECTIVES OF THE TRAINING PROGRAM : Greeting a customer and devoting proper time and attention to him. Asking and understanding his requirement. Providing him with complete product details and prices that are compatible to his needs. Give him an effective and satisfying demonstration of the product . Ask the customer for any queries If after this the customer is satisfied help him to complete the processes of final purchase. If the customer Is dissatisfied ask him about the configuration he wants and ensure him if you can make it available to him .

METHODOLGY ADOPTED: We will start by demonstrating the problem of the store by a role play followed by presenting the aspects we want the salesmen to be trained in accompanied by some demonstrations by the trainers.

DURATION OF PROGRAM: The duration of the program will be seven hours which will be conducted as follows: 9:00-9:30 A.M. 9:30-10:00 A.M. 10:00-10:15 A.M. 10:15A.M.-12:30 P.M. 12:30-1:00 P.M. 1:00-3:00 P.M. Introduction Giving some current examples from the industry Importance of customer Tea Break Challenges Role Play Activity Lunch Break Attributes of good salesmanship Soft Skills Assistance Understanding Customer Needs Case Studies Query session

3:00-4:00 P.M.

ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS: We require a auditorium which can properly accommodate all the salesmen and the concerned staff employed in the company. We would require the data showing the details and the volume of sales made in the past 1 or 2 years. We also require feedback forms to be filled in by the employees at the end of the session.

COMPANYS GAIN AFTER THE PROGRAM: Since currently the salesperson employed are not able to make effective sales to the customers of different profiles by understanding their different requirements, perceptions and priorities. After the training program where they will be given proper insight of how they should deal with different customers in the customers way, the salesmen would be able to make more effective sales ultimately increasing the companys profits.

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