RFID - Katherine Albrecht - Why Christians Should Resist RFID and Electronic Surveillance - Youtube

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Katherine Albrecht: Spychips

3:26 Added: 5 years ago From: zippyuk85 Views: 49,674 Sort by time | Sort by thread (beta)

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i work for a major us drug company and they are starting to put these chips into all vaccines !!! so in essence, all babies are being chipped as we speak !!!!! bring on the nwo,we all await mother earth releasing her lord goddess !!!! welcome Mayeta, sweet goddess of our new world !!!!
yw illburn 1 month ago

i too can hear the rfid frequencies but can bypass the signal thus avoiding the tracking mechanism. email me to learn the secret before it is too late !!!! dont fall for cheap imitators !!!!i learned about this technology while working for nasa when we faked the moon landings while alien technology has brought us to the chipping stage. we are at their mercy unless you contact me now.
yw illburn 1 month ago

I swear that I butt fucked this woman after a Morbid Angel show back in '96.
fukayougood 3 months ago This has been flagged as spam kv7otieno1 4 months ago Comment removed Author w ithheld Comment removed Author w ithheld show

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As for Christians.... it's already happened.... if you know your Social Security number, then the mark of the beast is already in your forehead..... it's just a matter of time... you've all been fooled.... but then isn't that what the Bible said would happen? Unsaved Playlist
UNCLEAMERICA 8 months ago


It has not happened yet but we are sure being groomed.

murf9622 in reply to UNCLEAMERICA (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Chips are a done deal. they win, you lose. Chips for everyone and everything is the plan. Walmart, the Pentagon and countless companies have been in on it for years. Anyone who says different is either working for RFIDs or hasn't a clue. These lady's book SPYCHIPS came out in 2005 and reading it today will blow you away.... imagine what they've done in the last eight years since going stealth with their chip technology and implimentation. From the book: barcodes < microchips like horses < cars.
UNCLEAMERICA 8 months ago

"They don not "win"! Read the last chapter of the Bible! We "Win" NOT" them!!!
murf9622 in reply to UNCLEAMERICA (Show the comment) 1 month ago

This woman must be splendid in bed.

Otzmatron 9 months ago

@gright Dude did you not listen? The chip is passive until it comes in contact with a chip reader, the reader stimulates the chip, so the chip can transmit it's information, watch it again its scary stuff-Need2Airsoft
Need2airsoft 1 year ago

This woman is an idiot even if she did go to Harvard. Microchips don't do shit unless a scanner is put over it. They don't transmit information or waves of any kind. They aren't active. Anyone who thinks a microchip is doing anything is a dumbass who is blindly following this crazy woman. Microchips have no energy source. They hold data. They don't record data. Fucking morons anyone who believes chips are doing anything...

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Gright 1 year ago Comment removed Author w ithheld

Sexy voice!!
cheezday 1 year ago

How can anyone with a normal mind call this crazy? This has been in the works for years! They chip dogs! Credit cards, people goods, their goal is to chip everyone. As for the Christian faith, it seems like the mark of the beast. For everyone else, it is all about liberty and freedom!
SenorZorrozzz 1 year ago

this is disgusting, there is no privacy absolutely ridiculous . The government having that much power , spying on our every move, placing them without our knowledge, this should be illegal. How disturbing to know someones tracking your every single move.
soannoyed12 1 year ago

lame. The Scripture clearly states two places for ID, Right hand or Forehead. These RFID chips are not being implanted (Yet) at either places. lame -lame. So did this woman help to engineer this technology and now she's out warning against it? Seems the ones warning against 'the mark' are always black ops who helped the govts of the world create the tech to do so.
mijadedios 1 year ago

Wal-Mart, the nation's largest retailer, has declared war on our privacy. The giant retailer has announced it will begin placing item-level RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) tracking tags on clothing sold in its stores.
SovereignBeing 1 year ago

Both sides are wrong in my opinion: Religion is wrong for using Nostradamus and Revelations to explain what is obviously just stupid attempts of controlling the human kind and politics may be sure dumb as hell if they think we are going to inject something we don't even know about. I say hell no both of you, BOTH SIDES NEED TO HAVE SCIENTIFIC PROOF BEFORE THEY COME ACCUSING EACH OTHER OF STUFF LIKE WORLD END. Christians shouldn't be going OMG about this. Rights let us react with just "shove it"

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TheGreekZombi 1 year ago Comment removed Author w ithheld

FYI If I were to have all the 6 then I would get some discount off Wal Mart. No, dude, I don't. What I do have is a nose for Irony and it sure is smelly here. Notice you saying Porn industries being Satan's( Oh you, devil ) plan to take over the world and you go telling me that I don't have understanding of the world? look at this economic chain: Government leaks news > Katherine abuses given condition > Kath gets a quick buck ^government gets yelled at: conclusion: kath is greedy
TheGreekZombi in reply to guyNbluejeans (Show the comment) 1 year ago

You sure are full of yourself.

guyNbluejeans in reply to TheGreekZombi (Show the comment) 1 year ago

No, I am 60 kilograms Logic and 20 kilograms protein( damn turkey is good ). Now without any insults no further. My opinion is religion is a Stock Economic situation I like to call the pyramid. The pyramid always has someone profiting at the top and someone being miserable at the bottom and most consumers without knowing it hit rock bottom( lol ). Kath found a way to bump into this pyramid by publishing books, thus, making a fortune and fame off consumers. I am full of logic, man.
TheGreekZombi in reply to guyNbluejeans (Show the comment) 1 year ago

While you seem to be obsessed with second-guessing people's motives, I'm interested in with the truth of the matter is as it relates to the issue(s) at hand.
guyNbluejeans in reply to TheGreekZombi (Show the comment) 1 year ago

It damn well relates that the government just made a suggestion. She accuses the government of satanic plans. She even publishes books. She gets so rich she gets a great house. Her PhD helps her publish books even more. People( rednecks in texas ) buy the books and make her richer. This only gets better for her. The fact is that the chip being the Mark of satan is a lie and so is christianism for buying that. I have proven everything right of what i say. You insult. Good fight.
TheGreekZombi in reply to guyNbluejeans (Show the comment) 1 year ago

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I had some mystical experiences back in the late '60s that clued me into how one will feel and react when the switch is flipped. Trust me (if I'm in fact right about it), neither those that are (satan's) goats or those that are (God's) lambs will like it. It's way too horrible to describe! Btw, if you're a porn viewer understand that there's real evidence/proof that you're (unknowingly) receiving the Number of the Beast. Albrecht knows nothing about this other tree she should bark up, but I do.
guyNbluejeans 1 year ago

Poor dude, If it is the Number of the beast through pornography then hell, I bet I collected all 3 of em... seriously, dude. THINK LOGIC. your theory is that god created us, thus giving us sexuality to reproduce ourselves. Porn just shows that the human kind has other ways to like each other and if you are gonna sit around thinking porn will put you in hell then you are already putting yourself through a bunch of hell. Plus, your god didnt mention sex being bad, man.
TheGreekZombi in reply to guyNbluejeans (Show the comment) 1 year ago

they have already begun chippin the porno stars !!!!!!! the glassy look gives it away !!!!!!!!!
yw illburn in reply to guyNbluejeans (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Hmm that's food for thought! I find Albrecht to be strange. She goes on shows like Coast speaking about the most serious stuff imaginable and giggles. Last week she was on Coast and made a comment about Madonna doing a show in Israel in which big video displays depicted Israelis being blown up and in the middle of describing this she giggled! I can't rule out that "might" be working 4 satan. She invites people to use a "safe" search engine that she touts, but it could be anything but safe!
guyNbluejeans in reply to yw illburn (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Let's take a moment and pray for Katherine Albrecht, she has breast cancer.
GeorgeGreekTrucker 1 year ago

they can chip me AFTER they kill me for refusing to cooperate. what they do with my carcass i don't care, its my soul God is taking.

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indibabs122275 1 year ago

They will do this or they are doing much of this now. The end result is not counting dollars but to kill you. Engineered population control is an absolute necessary. It's a matter of supply and demand. The so called carbon production vs worth. If younproduce more carbon than you are worth.... They will turn you off. Simple. Don't worry... You will end up demanding this as a resolution to starvation.
TheBelldiver 1 year ago

I am wondering about other potential (mis)uses of this technology, like collecting data all day and dumping it at night. (Since Aug 2010 I have felt INTENSE energy at times in the middle of the night!) If there are well-known frequencies that companies use, what about other frequencies that the gov't/miltary uses? I think that you have an ABSOLUTE right to control your personal space, if they are pumping electromagnetic radiation in the air, it can adversely affect your health!
MiKikaIw aShizaru 1 year ago 3

And now that you've been doused with chemtral nano-aluminum and it has gone to your brain with the help of fluoride you are more like an antenna than ever. Not only can they hit you with electromagnetic impulses, they can hurl ELFs directly at you from space. Google: "assassination by heart attack". By satellite they send beams to vibrate liquids and minerals miles below the earth to determine what they are. i.e. gold, copper, oil, gas.. so how hard to vibrate you or all of us?
UNCLEAMERICA in reply to MiKikaIw aShizaru (Show the comment) 8 months ago This has been flagged as spam TheKaiserW 1 year ago show

2 things I'd like to see in this discussion, drop the nonsense link to misinterpreted religion, and ... how far into Canada is this? Our government is better at covering things up and burying stories to make sure few people care. Still on the fence here, her concerns are valid, but they are POTENTIAL concerns. If this had already happened, we wouldn't have heard about it. Rationalists, please realize there is true danger here. Evangelicals, this is an intelligent tech discussion. Go Away..

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Seskal 1 year ago

she is so pretty and so smart.. Wow.

WonderWomanFan4life 1 year ago

One BIG STEP = Boycott Walmart.

danmarino1970 1 year ago 7

Why does Dr. Albrecht even bother with trying to fight something that the Bible says will happen? Also, if life is actually this frightening with all this mean evil surrounding one and plotting to do serious harm, then how do supposedly smart, caring and responsible people decide to participate in bringing a child into this world if things are really that bad? It seems cruel and thoughtless as all get out, no?
guyNbluejeans 1 year ago

Speak up and slow down please.

formaldehyde28 1 year ago

Interesting debate, like to hear both sides of the argument because there are benefits to having or not having RFDI chipping. I heard the implanted RFDI could cause cancer but I have to confirm it for myself. I've heard Katherine on C2CAM, she talks so fast, lol.
legend28d 2 years ago

One thing that's always struck me as odd about this lovely lady is that she always seems a little too giddy considering the seriousness of the subject. Also, if the Bible says that this unimaginable horror is going to happen, then what's the point in trying to stave it off? (Is it not God's will??) Lastly, I tried on a couple of occasions to alert her to something that's HIGHLY connected to all of this, and have stated that I can quickly prove it, yet, she had zero interest in hearing me out.
guyNbluejeans 2 years ago

hey i am spreading the gospel of ACTS 2 38 to the world we need to chat and have revival i believe we are just beginning to see a huge outpouring of the

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Holy Ghost and only those who are really souled out to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are filled with his Spirit are going to be able to resists the mark we need to start spreading the gospel this is going to happen the Bible says its going to happen all we can do is spread the gospel of ACTS 2 38 to the world until that day
erichathy222 in reply to guyNbluejeans (Show the comment) 2 years ago

DaReelSituation in reply to guyNbluejeans (Show the comment) 2 years ago

I tried going to the address and nothing. Thanks anyway.

guyNbluejeans in reply to DaReelSituation (Show the comment) 2 years ago

In the Wall Street Journal, This month Walmart is starting to put RFID tags on underwear and Jeans. The article is a must read. You will be outraged. You must no longer shop there to force them to stop.
MightyMatt28 2 years ago

I will not bow! I will never receive the mark! Jesus return is close!
carniejuggalette 2 years ago

We just need to keep pushing the technology, a New World Order will naturally emerge from the system that will be created, from the bottom-up, as opposed to top-down. As a rainbow emerges from the clouds, or new species emerge from a thriving forest. An unquantifiably complex machine, which can go in any direction, but will inevitably end in the same place, like an object circling the drain. Society may be outside the complete scope of our understanding, but it's still determinate.
AnonymousElektron 2 years ago

your disregard for human life is apparent with such a statement. People like you represent that paradoxical dichotomy of logic that would condemn someone like the Unibomber for their actions while defending the need for the creation of the Atom bomb in a world that has so many more technological problems that can be solved with the same amount of effort and ingenuity. You allow commerce to determine the course of technology's future as

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You allow commerce to determine the course of technology's future as opposed to your own intuition.
ColdPillow z in reply to AnonymousElektron (Show the comment) 2 years ago

That's a massive leap you're making about my character. You really know nothing about me. Technology has done more to solve our social problems than anything else. You probably would have been one of the shortsighted fools who would have condemned great inventors like Von Neumann or Turing, or great philosophers like Huxley or Rand. And yes nuclear technology has been a great boon to the world, and a wonderfully stabilizing influence.
AnonymousElektron in reply to ColdPillow z (Show the comment) 2 years ago This has been flagged as spam show ColdPillow z in reply to AnonymousElektron (Show the comment) 2 years ago

I'm really miffed that you would make such sweeping judgments about my personality. Of course I condemn the unibomber -- he went about it all wrong. But you need to look at society as a whole as a big turing machine. It's just a system that can be tweaked and poked and prodded onto the right track. And it's been done before and it will continue to be done. And just because you can't see the big picture from your vantage point changes nothing.
AnonymousElektron in reply to ColdPillow z (Show the comment) 2 years ago

Hey kid, keep talking - maybe you'll scare more people away from succumbing to RFID marketing tactics
ColdPillow z in reply to AnonymousElektron (Show the comment) 2 years ago

You're a fool playing with fire.

ColdPillow z in reply to AnonymousElektron (Show the comment) 2 years ago

RFID Rules!

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Timmy1big 2 years ago

Pfft, stop trying to fight the future. I consult for companies that deploy RFID tracking technology, it always saves them money, it's a booming industry. If you honestly think you can stop it you've got another thing coming. Why do you resist us? Are you opposed to warehouses being able to take inventory more quickly? Does that offend you? How dare you! If RFID scares you so much just get an rfid reader and check your chips for yourself.
AnonymousElektron 2 years ago

"I consult for companies that deploy RFID tracking technology" you are completely oblivious to the sociological spectrum of consequences for technology and I think that shows your lack of business sense outside the market of corporate oppression. Your supply of labor is a part of the problem. Good luck remodeling your kitchen with all of your meaningless money, debtor! The market will decide once the "chips" have fallen and people start rejecting this senseless technology
ColdPillow z in reply to AnonymousElektron (Show the comment) 2 years ago

I'm not a technophobe, like you. This technology does not scare me, and it doesn't oppress me. I control it, I use it, it's a tool used by tens of thousands of businesses, every day. How exactly is my money meaningless? What does that even mean, my supply of labor? That doesn't make sense to me at all.
AnonymousElektron in reply to ColdPillow z (Show the comment) 2 years ago

I'm a network engineer for a telecom, so don't try to label me like I'm some sort of neo-luddite prick. My point is that your perception is narrow thanks to your obvious lack of appreciation for topics outside of your field of expertise,

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therefore you represent a threat to the future of "good" tech. I meet other engineers and sales reps like you all the time - smart but certainly not wise... do you know why Mrs. Albrecht referenced the name "Aaron Russo" in her discussion?
ColdPillow z in reply to AnonymousElektron (Show the comment) 2 years ago

Any arguments that can be made, about the opaqueness of technology, and how it would empower authority, can just as well be made for how it would empower and protect the people. We live in an age when high-encryption is available to the everyman. And this scares you? For the first time, authority has no means to access your data, if you're careful. We have never been on more equal footing with the state than now, and it's only going to get more equal.
AnonymousElektron in reply to ColdPillow z (Show the comment) 2 years ago

you wrote: "If RFID scares you so much just get an rfid reader and check your chips for yourself." Lawrence Lessig wrote a book called "Code" that talks about proprietary technology being hard"coded" into the hardware on circuit boards... RFID chips could very well have proprietary space on them in the futurehackers expose proof of this all the time by enhancing functionality of equipment by bending circuits and bypassing proprietary protections...it's not transparent
ColdPillow z in reply to AnonymousElektron (Show the comment) 2 years ago

yes, I am one of those hackers. While opaque hardware is a concern, there are several other factors that more than offset said concerns: 1) secrets can't be kept about hardware that's distributed on such a large scale 2) The data has to be plaintext as *some* point, and if you can read the handshake between two devices, you're 90% there Also, handshake is a bit of an extreme term, today's RFID tech is too primitive to do the complex key-exchanges necessary to have real security
AnonymousElektron in reply to ColdPillow z (Show the comment) 2 years ago

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Yes, I've attended several of Mr Lessig's lectures and met him in person many times. Do you honestly think that I would let some proprietary crap into my body? I can't wait for my first 100% free software brain-chip. My workstation is running free software, my router is running free software, my cell phone is running free software, so I'm not worried about my brain chip that I will get one day. As long as you're smart, you can control technology, it won't control you.
AnonymousElektron in reply to ColdPillow z (Show the comment) 2 years ago

how can any gray hat hacker know that they won't have to pull an Adrian Lamo at some point in the future? essentially, you are neglecting that significant portion of the population that cannot share your level of expertise, therefore these people will have to simply "trust" people like you that claim nearly 100% precision on their prospects of controlling future technology, and that's without bringing DARPA and black ops into the equation...
ColdPillow z in reply to AnonymousElektron (Show the comment) 2 years ago

Uh, please don't lecture me about this, PLEASE I just saw Lamo like a week ago at HOPE, he's a dick. There are no certainties, and part of society is people working together. I have to trust that my cook won't poison my food, that my bank teller won't steal my money. At some point, you have to trust, no getting around that.
AnonymousElektron in reply to ColdPillow z (Show the comment) 2 years ago

when I say "proprietary" I'm not talking about the commercial meaning of the word. I am referring to the ability for a person with specific knowledge of clandestine built-in capability to access a sector of a chip with a proprietary reader that would be unavailable to a user without access to the proper resources...
ColdPillow z in reply to AnonymousElektron (Show the comment) 2 years ago

Well, your concern about "proprietary" technology is strange. So, you're concerned about someone manufacturing a hardware trojan in a body chip?

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I don't understand at all. This has all already been thought of, you know. I loved the HOPE conference btw, we had hackable RFID badges and were encouraged to modify them and spy on each other. You can never have too much information. Every one of us was monitored the whole time, I felt so safe.
AnonymousElektron in reply to ColdPillow z (Show the comment) 2 years ago

No, she's just a very smart lady.

capricious71 in reply to WarpinFuturoDee (Show the comment) 2 years ago

they have rfid that can read through your tin hat . v=zZiV5JdqmXE
bloodhive 2 years ago

This will be the mark of the beast,666.However,most people are braindead to this fact.The world seems to be asleep to the coming anti-christ that will offer a false hope to global economy,then demand his worship as god.Get a hold of a King James Bible,and learn the truth.Jesus is GOD. Duane Risko.
TheFireShow 2 years ago

GOD BLESS you, Dr. Albrecht, for being a "watcher on the wall" Isaiah 21:1112 Our Precious LORD & SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, protects us saints, the brothers and sisters of HIS BODY on this planet, until HE raptures us Home before Antichrist soon arises to power to kick-off the 7 year Tribulation! your brother in JESUS CHRIST, Bob JOHN 14:6
bgoodnow 1 2 years ago

how long before some clever boys figure how to hack the chips and steal all their info and use it for good or use their life "food" credits , i for one support all of satans minions to be chipped , we , "the good ones" can then just stand on the street corner and scan ,from a distance ,all who pass by and find out where they live and who they are and build a data base of info about the enemy and use it against them . dont you just love technology .
cathari5 2 years ago

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The chips wont be containing any data- only the ID number, by which your data in the database can be found. But that doesnt make the whole thing less fucked- the big brother shall be watching EVERY step.
DmitryDaren in reply to cathari5 (Show the comment) 2 years ago

so what?
onebobtw o 2 years ago

Thanks good video.. This are really and truly the end times. Jesus is lord and King AMEN!
smartfan2 2 years ago

You are correct, we can just refuse to have the chip implanted. But without it we will be denied the ability to buy and sell. Which means those who plan to refuse the mark must plan to be completely self sufficient for a very long time. My suggestion: Buy land in the country with enough room operate a farm; Encourage family members to live there when this comes to pass (takes a lot of work to run a farm); Get armed; And learn basic survival skills like hunting, fishing, first aid, cooking, etc.
joker102877 in reply to Fight4Privacy (Show the comment) 2 years ago

Oh yeah her, I read this book lol

NeverForgetWizet 2 years ago

I think everyone should resist not just Christians hahaha

w arprod 2 years ago

love her radio show

jackhackett80 2 years ago

Don't chip me bro! Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!

redletterchurch 2 years ago 2

Absolutely lovely lady! I could listen to her voice all day. Lucky husband! So

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we continue to march toward the return of the King... It's all written about in the prophesies. "...and no one will be able to buy or sell save they have the mark..."
provc 2 years ago 8

caught the show today... Albrecht is a stooge... way to associate the Finland health minister's comments with that UFO bullcrap... wow, no one could see through that tactic right. hope it's worth it...
imjustlooking46 2 years ago

God, damn kathrine is a hot doctor. did anybody mention that? looking hot babe.
ceetboy 2 years ago

The Obamacare will facilitate implanting spichips in everyone. It will become mandatory.
lilius777 3 years ago

and people are actually letting them do that?!!??

pellar1 in reply to lilius777 (Show the comment) 2 years ago

god bless everyone trying to stop this but there's really nothing we can do but pray and stay true to the lord.
creps408 3 years ago

Praying is good but it's not going to end this evil by itself.We must take action and we must do it now.I for one will die trying to stop this from ever occuring.Remember we are the police.Our friends our famillies are the police.We are the military.Ordinary citizens like you and me are the soldiers.The revolution is now.Protect your rights by any means.Never give in to evil threats.Research how to stop NWO.There are ways they are not invincible.For the future of mankind fight I say.FIGHT!!!
kingkonz1020 in reply to creps408 (Show the comment) 2 years ago

katherine would you please search "prop sos" on youtube? this is scary stuff

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MrPODAT 3 years ago

The end quote from the Book of Revelations is evidence that this WILL come to pass if you believe in the word of God. We need to prepare for the worst while we fight this inevitable oppression.
obalesque 3 years ago Comment removed Author w ithheld

Thank god for rebels like you!

ModernModr in reply to aakapella (Show the comment) 3 years ago 2

STOP supporting stores using RFID chips!!! WE CAN TAKE CONTROL..these companies didn't get rich out of thin air, but with dollars of hard working taxpayers..it's like supporting someone for years, then they turn around and stab you in the back. Pass this video on to as many as possible..Thank You and God Bless
renavatio1947 3 years ago 22

Agreed. People should boycott all stores, tourist destinations, banks, etc., etc., that use RFID or other extreme security measures. Problem is, these things will become so widespread in the future (your own front door for example!) that how will you avoid them. You would have to consider living outside the system as an "off the grid" type. An outcast, a revolutionary ... wait... revolutionary ...hmmm, a revolution? Hey, there's an idea. It worked before, and history does repeat itself...
rbw annasee in reply to renavatio1947 (Show the comment) 3 years ago

Don't you people understand?.. This is prophecy. This was supposed to happen. It's right there in the Bible. You need to start getting right with God. Reading his word, praying every day, changing the way you do things in accordance with it. This will not be stopped.
tristan01101 in reply to renavatio1947 (Show the comment) 2 years ago

Colthrone in reply to tristan01101 (Show the comment) 1 year ago

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No it will not but warning people is good there are already two laws in the USA that infringe on rights.
WTCLover in reply to tristan01101 (Show the comment) 7 months ago

fuck that shit!!

pinky2389 3 years ago 2

FASCISM , plain and simple FASCISM and they KNOW people will resist once the main stream picks up on this , hopefully the majority will rise up and say like in the movie "I'm not going to take this anymore " . Remember its not a Believer V Non Believer problem or Right V Left , it's FASCISTS V the PEOPLE . They essentially have declared war on us !
franz909 3 years ago 2

Katherine Albrecht is great! Very intelligent and sexy! wowowiwa!

veltpak6 3 years ago

Well isn't this taking the fucking piss. taking the last strand, of what we today consider privacy, away? Oh and i just love how she mentions that you won't be able to function in society without this chip, so if i 'choose' not to have this chip, then i don't have to ability/right to buy food? sounds more like "Conform or starve" to me What a load of FUCKING bullshit. smug bitch..
Tech1know 3 years ago

I don't think you realize who this woman is. She is one of the strongest voices against the use of these chips. She is leading the fight against government and big business poking their noses into your private life. Eventually your "conform or starve" comment will be a reality. It's people like Albrecht who are fighting to prolong our freedoms as long as possible.
Psycho6String in reply to Tech1know (Show the comment) 3 years ago 3

Perhaps i misunderstood this particular video, and blind rage an a small scale took over, however my point stands, and i disagree when you say

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"Eventually your "conform or starve" comment will be a reality." i don't think we should stand back and accept this as an inevitability.. thats how things like this happen.
Tech1know in reply to Psycho6String (Show the comment) 3 years ago

I couldn't agree with you more. We can't stand idly by while our freedoms are being ripped from our hands. We always need to stand and fight for our freedom and our privacy. I do believe a chip or mark will eventually be required to buy or sell, as it is written in the Bible. But that by no means takes away our choice of whether to accept it or not. In fact, according to God's Word, our eternity depends upon the rejection of this mark or chip. Revelation 14:910
Psycho6String in reply to Tech1know (Show the comment) 3 years ago 3

We are not at a conform or starve society yet, but with the loyalty card madness there is now a "conform or pay more money." society. Membership cards should be for a country club, not to get a fair price on bread.... "A free people does not show identity papers to buy bread"
IBMeddling in reply to Tech1know (Show the comment) 3 years ago

The mark is here...will you still deny HIm that can save you? You need Jesus or you wont escape this. He was the only one in history to warn of this.
3gdosrsfs in reply to Tech1know (Show the comment) 3 years ago 3

Regarding the info on this video: WTF do Christians have to do with this? Get real.
lupow olf 3 years ago

actually, the bible said this would happen in advance.That there would be a global system in place, in which no one could buy,sell, or hold a job without having "the mark" - A one world government, with one leader. The "man of sin" or "lawless one" nas described in Second Thes.2 - verse 2 and 3.
hotw heeler000 in reply to lupow olf (Show the comment) 3 years ago

- however in recieving this "identity", pledging this "alegiance" to this man of sin ,( the act of recieving the mark is to pledge alegiance to him as your god) God says people will believe "the lie", and thus lose your soul.Those who

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recieve the mark will not inherit the kingdom of heaven, neither those whos names are not written in the Lambs book of LIFE. _Jesus says 'I am the bread of life.."
hotw heeler000 in reply to hotw heeler000 (Show the comment) 3 years ago

The bible is not the only holy book out there and cannot be used as a definitive source. And, for some, it is literature.
lupow olf in reply to hotw heeler000 (Show the comment) 3 years ago

You must be kidding! Your kidding right? Cant you see exactly how this is playing out? This was prophsied 1000's of years ago, not just by The new testiment but all over the Old testiment. Open your eyes my friend and see the only truth that can save you. The word of God and salvation through Christ our Lord!
3gdosrsfs in reply to lupow olf (Show the comment) 3 years ago

There will be something to "recieve"... and in doing so , will give you a new identity, being "counted", or belonging to (having the mark of...) this lawless system. (The product of this "lawless" man. ref: receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: (13:16) receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, Rev. 14:9 receiveth the mark of his name. Rev. 14:11 received his mark UPON their foreheads, or IN their hands Rev. 20:4
hotw heeler000 in reply to lupow olf (Show the comment) 3 years ago

Dr. Katherine is not only correct, she's also cute.

Jordan Sheppherd 3 years ago 2

women want to be respected by their intellect not there beauty

mettal7 in reply to Jordan Sheppherd (Show the comment) 3 years ago

That's not entirely true now is it? Otherwise women wouldn't care how much

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they weighed or what their clothes look like; and they certainly wouldn't spend so much time in the powder room. Every man appreciates beauty, and every woman enjoys being praised for their looks. Anyone who says differently is seriously mistaken.
Jordan Sheppherd in reply to mettal7 (Show the comment) 3 years ago 2

cream cheese? crap, why would they want to track cream cheese?
joant1221 3 years ago

Another Reason! NOT to own a New Vehicle! 85 or older!

rebelstang 3 years ago

Game Over! HELL'S A COMING! Praise The LORD and Pass The Ammunition! Deo Vindice!
rebelstang in reply to rebelstang (Show the comment) 3 years ago

omg...im so scared. it lookes like when i right a cuss word on a peice of paper or writing a note in class my principal is wacthing me.
Darkmatter28031 3 years ago

well, the first chipped passport was issued in Romania... and it's 3x worse cause the chip in it records your IRIS scan and FINGERPRINTS.. so.. it kinda sucks, people went on the streets against it but the gov hasn't yet responded...
Sotacap in reply to WeCanAllGetAllong (Show the comment) 3 years ago

doubleg137, There is a youtube video named "rfid in 10 euro bill?" You should check it out.
IBMeddling in reply to doubleg137 (Show the comment) 3 years ago

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she also talks about that, but also talks about the possible downsides in doing so. Like for instance, instantly rendering the money being useless and non-acceptance when buying a pizza or whatever..
LemonAndYoghurt in reply to doubleg137 (Show the comment) 3 years ago

please also read the research of naomi wolf, who talks about how gov. is taking away constitutional liberties of citizens in the US. also review her 10 steps of what actually makes a fascist police state, the same key points you'll see around the globe and through history when encountering fascist dictatorships.
LemonAndYoghurt in reply to LemonAndYoghurt (Show the comment) 3 years ago

How any sane husband and wife can look what's going on in this world and say, "Let's start a family" is something I'll never understand.
guyNbluejeans 3 years ago 2

that's the same monster who tells you to abort your baby and rob the 7-11
luvinmylife2 in reply to guyNbluejeans (Show the comment) 3 years ago

More freedom fighters.

WTCLover in reply to guyNbluejeans (Show the comment) 7 months ago

guyNbluejeans in reply to WTCLover (Show the comment) 7 months ago

i guess its time to make our own soceity like the venus project thats not corupt
tw omells 3 years ago

I bought some Mach 3 razors the other day and sure enough, there was an RFID on it.
capricious71 3 years ago

Frightening! The Bible speaks of a time when, no one will be able to buy or sell unless they have a mark in their hand or forehead! (Rev. CH. 13) The technology has been around for quite awhile now, but it could be a mandatory thing in the near future with terrorism being such a threat to us

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today. It would be a way of tracking everyone & being aware of everyone's most personal info & background! God's Word says,'Today if you hear His voice do not harden your heart." (Heb. 3:7) Receive Jesus!
LivingForHisGlory 4 years ago 2

Another point you may not realise is that Revelation mentions everything bought or sold carries the mark of the beast 666. Did you know that every barcode except postal barcodes has 666 in its makeup? 6 is at each end and another 6 in the middle.
airscrew 1 in reply to LivingForHisGlory (Show the comment) 3 years ago

Mark of the Beast.

LemonAndYoghurt 4 years ago

im not putting that shit in my body.

razputen91 4 years ago 4

WAS really hot? shes one of the most beautiful women ive ever seen just as she is! rawr! and on top of that shes smart and she cares about her species....we need more people like her
elcruels 4 years ago

She is lovely and has a beautiful voice.

capricious71 in reply to elcruels (Show the comment) 3 years ago

"VeriChip & Cancer" new CASPIAN report from Albrecht team tinyurl com/4r8z38 BlueBerry Pick'n can be found @ ThisCanadian com "We, two, form a Multitude" ~ Ovid. "Silent Freedom is Freedom Silenced"
ThisCanadian 4 years ago 2

Questions from this video will be in my information systems exam tbh...Mrs. Warner's USF class :) Wish me luck people
Lekter 4 years ago

The NWO Were Even Thinking About Putting These Chips Into Foodstuffs ... I Think The NWO Are Secretly Losing Behind The Scenes But Are Using The

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I Think The NWO Are Secretly Losing Behind The Scenes But Are Using The Media Illusion To Make Us Think Otherwise
Turquoisevoice 4 years ago 2

i would never take this chip if my life depended on it.. it says in the bible that this technology will come out we cannot take it; it is invasion of our privacy!!!
kalamazoo247 4 years ago 3

Haha, like the democrats aren't owned by the corporations! Hillary and Obama have taken more money from the defense contractors than any other candidate! Corporations run our country already. Looks like things are gonna get ugly here. National ID is scheduled to come online in May. Later they will just chip your body. DO NOT TAKE THE CHIP!!!
fmartin99 4 years ago 2

Hey, don't forget the banks! The banks!! They're evvviilll!

luqmana in reply to fmartin99 (Show the comment) 4 years ago

If you want change, you want Ron Paul. Our votes don't count anyway, so do your conscience a favor, and vote for Liberty.
dnHooligan in reply to forthetru (Show the comment) 4 years ago 6

I always vote democrat, however, I feel like both the democtats or the repulicans are very mute on this issue. I'm starting to be a libertarian. I like Ron Paul.
IBMeddling in reply to forthetru (Show the comment) 4 years ago 4

i am against this evil technology.. but we cannot stop this... everything written in the HOLY BIBLE... we can ONLY halt this temporarily. i read the book of katherine. i'd rather die than to be marked.
gugegago 4 years ago 3

Extremley brave and incredibly beautiful.

MaNarchicDRAKE 4 years ago 3

She was just here in phoenix, az at the Hope For America conference. she

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strongly supports Ron Paul

kaffholter 4 years ago

Katherine Albrecht for president!

IBMeddling 4 years ago 3

WTB phone sex with this chick

entropybro 4 years ago

The best way to stop this thing is to vote for Ron Paul.
InTheSticks1881 4 years ago 5

where does the NSA sit on this?

cincin3 5 years ago

on top :)
JojahBoy in reply to cincin3 (Show the comment) 4 years ago

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