RFID Chip - William Pawelec's Widow Reveals National Security Secrets - Projectavalon

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William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

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28th July 2011 17:16

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The One
Avalon Super Duper Member

William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

William (Bill) Pawelec had a long career working on top secret security projects around the world. In 2000, he shared some of those secrets in a video interview for Dr. Steven Greers Disclosure Project. There was one stipulation; the video could not be released until after Pawelecs death. Though Pawelec died in 2007, it was three years before his wife, Annie DeRiso, found a letter among her husbands papers from Greer and learned about the video interview and her husbands stipulation. When she contacted Greer, he sent her a copy of the interview. After watching it, she gave him permission to release it to the public.

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Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yytSNQ2ogD4 It went viral in December 2010 but there are even more secrets to be toldand Annie shares some of those in this article. Pawelec saw alien craft at secret underground facility Seeing an alien craft changes your life forever, as it did for my husband, says Annie. Even while he was still in the Air Force, he joined APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization) and began his quest to find out what they are, where they are from and what the extraterrestrials want here on Earth. It became a lifelong mission and led him into many mind expanding discoveries. Unfortunately, the discoveries shuddered his soul. Even though Bill had seen a craft in the skies, she explains, what he saw in the secret facilitybeneath the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada left no doubt in his mind that beings from other worlds are here on Earth. Because of his profession, Bill knew all the buzz words to get someone's attention which often led higher ranking individuals to tell him secrets above his clearance level, she says. During one of those conversations, he was taken to a building at Tonapah where a large section of the floor is actually an elevator that goes down many floors. I don't

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remember how far down they went, but Bill was taken to an area where they were reverse engineering a typical saucer shaped alien craft. This is what he is talking about when at about seven minutes into the Disclosure Projectvideo he kind of laughs and says Our guys used to chuckle about the model not being quite right. The craft Bill saw being worked on was later made into a plastic model by the Testors model kit company and is known as Area S4 UFO Revealed. This craft is also commonly known as The Sport Model and is based on Bob Lazars description. Lazar worked on his craft at Area 51 but Bill saw his craft at Tonapah. Testors model kit Area S4 UFO Revealed is similar to the alien craft William Pawelec saw at the secret facility deep below the Tonapah Testing Range in Nevada. Pawelec trys to stop nefarious plans for injectable chips Bill was a security consultant for alphabet soup organizations like the CIA, FBI and NSA, Annie continues. He also worked for those in Washington D.C. who are known as the Beltway Bandits. He was tops in his field and worked on keyless card entry systems, security systems for Air Force One and American embassies, including the now infamous Moscow Embassy where the Russians had listening devices hidden in the walls so they could easily spy on international diplomats. Bill and his friends also were involved with the development of the RFID chip. When they learned about the nefarious plans for its use, The Powers That Be stole the technology. Two of those friends were assassinated and Bills own death remains suspicious. It should be explained that a RFID chip is a tiny radio-frequency identification chip that is small enough to inject into animals and humans for monitoring purposes. Pawelec speaks about this in his video interview with Greer. There is a link to the video at the end of this article. Pawelec shaken to core at secret meeting Another project Bill worked on was at Area 51, Annie continues. It was his job to upgrade the perimeter security systems for Area 51 and it was his idea to install cameras in fake rocks. It was during this time that he learned about the Tonapah base which is more remote and inaccessible than Area 51. It also was where Bills rose-colored patriotic glasses began to cloud over. Satellite view of the Tonopah Test Range area His disenchantment began when he was called to give what he thought was going to be a regular project status report at Tonapah. The meeting was held in a heavily controlled room that was built like a Faraday cage making it impossible for communications to come in or out of the sealed room. Briefcases, papers, pagers and any form of identification were not allowed at that meeting, Annie says. Only the generals could be recognized by their uniforms. The tension was really high and Bill was surprised at how nervous the high-ranking generals were. He knew something BIG was up. Bill saw a private jet escorted by two of our

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military jets land on the tarmac. Surprisingly, this private jet rolled all the way to the building where the meeting was scheduled as the escort jets departed. A very imposing man stepped out of the jet and entered the room. He was relatively tall, and wore a very expensive European suit. His shoes and briefcase were equally luxurious and there was an aide or bodyguard by his side. His demeanor was very aristocratic and he spoke with a High German accent. The room was electrified with nervous tension as each person gave his status report and answered questions. When everyone had spoken, the German man thanked them for their good work and simply left. He was never introduced nor identified in anyway. It is believed he wasBaron Jesco von Puttkamer, one of the Germans who came to the United States with Werner von Braun. Whatever happened that day convinced Bill that the United States,and probably the whole world,was being controlled by Europeans, says Annie, but exactly who they were was the big question. It drove Bill and his friends on a quest to find out what was really going on. After that, he frequently quoted his friend Jim Marrs who often says, The Nazis may have lost the battles but they won the war. The men also wanted to discover the true alien agenda and the reasons they were interacting with humans, Annie continues. They concluded that while there are many benevolent extraterrestrials, the negative or dark ETs were using the Nazis, the Illuminati and the Bilderbergers as pawns in their plan to take over Earth and claim it as their own. They learned that a parallel battle for Earth has been going on in space for thousands of years. Bill and his friends wanted the people of the world to know all this but it took Bill four years of telling "them" what they wanted to hear before he could slip from their control and begin to live a somewhat normal life. He still wasn't talking publicly about all of this until we met, Annie explains, and he came to know that all of my friends were also in the UFO arena. About the same time, Bill's cancer started to grow and he began talking about what he knew. By the way, two of his close friends are professional remote viewers and see Bills death as being highly suspicious. All this leaves me and Bills friends wondering WHAT ARE THEY NOT LYING TO US ABOUT?

Watch here to listen to an eight-minute radio segment where William Pawelec

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Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Mc1AVR5PAU

Mr. William Pawelec was a U.S. Air Force computer operations and programming specialist with numerous credentials in security technologies and access control systems. He gave this interview with Dr. Greer prior to the 2001 National Press Club Disclosure event and asked that it not be released until after his death. We recently found out that Mr. William Pawelec passed away on May 22, 2007 and we received permission to release it in December 2010.

Last edited by The One; 13th September 2012 at 15:56.

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30th October 2011 23:29

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Bill Ryan
Avalon Founder

Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

-----I wanted to underscore these two very valuable videos. If anyone has or knows of any other audio or video of Bill Pawelec's testimony, please post it here. Many thanks. Pawelec, who died of cancer in May 2007, is one of the top three people (the others being Bill Cooper and Arthur C. Clarke) I wish I'd have had an opportunity to interview before they died. He is a 100% authentic whistleblower and was a man of the highest integrity. Everyone here should listen carefully to every considered word he says.

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His hour-long video testimony with Steven Greer gives an alarming insight into the capabilities of implantable RFID chip technology (where did those 2 billion chips go?) -and his 8 minute audio extract with Alex Merklinger in my view states exactly what we can expect ahead of us today. And that was recorded in early 2004...
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31st October 2011 01:47

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Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

thnx very interesting information

so the international PTB knows that a planet is coming close to home and the stage is set for system fall and war
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while the international illuminati directs it all in allegiance with the legions of hell

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31st October 2011 06:28

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Avalon Member

Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

Wow, four groups with different philosophy,s using the world population as pawns are all battling for world domination, facinating. Mr Pawelecs had a very interesting career, what an insider/whistleblower.
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31st October 2011 06:42

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The One

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The One
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Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

Alex Merklinger program with William Pawelec - 2004 http://www.archive.org/details/Willi...2004_interview

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December 24th, 2010 : Dr. Steven Greer & Dr. Ted Loder Release of New Witness Testimony - William Pawelec In 2000 - 2001 before the historic National Press Club Disclosure event in May 2001, Dr. Greer went around the world videotaping over 100 witnesses. Some asked that their testimony not be released until after their deaths. Mr. Pawelec is one of those. He had a UFO sighting while in the Air Force but the most interesting part of his testimony is what he learned while doing very high level security work for private and governmental sources after he left the military. . Listen on the 24th as Dr. Loder and Dr. Greer discuss the implications. How does it affect the functioning of our government? Disclosure? Who is running the show? How many people know the score? And why are they silent? http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct...2wpD89lasXBNjQ
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Last edited by The One; 31st October 2011 at 07:09.

No one person can ever change the truth, but the truth, once learned, can and will change the person You must be the change you wish to see in the world when you are through changing, you are through
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31st October 2011 12:28

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Bill Ryan
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Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

Posted by The One (here)

Alex Merklinger program with William Pawelec - 2004 http://www.archive.org/details/Willi...2004_interview

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7th February 2010 . 3,834 2,158 times in 2,594 posts

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------December 24th, 2010 : Dr. Steven Greer & Dr. Ted Loder Release of New Witness Testimony - William Pawelec In 2000 - 2001 before the historic National Press Club Disclosure event in May 2001, Dr. Greer went around the world videotaping over 100 witnesses. Some asked that their testimony not be released until after their deaths. Mr. Pawelec is one of those. He had a UFO sighting while in the Air Force but the most interesting part of his testimony is what he learned while doing very high level security work for private and governmental sources after he left the military. . Listen on the 24th as Dr. Loder and Dr. Greer discuss the implications. How does it affect the functioning of our government? Disclosure? Who is running the show? How many people know the score? And why are they silent?

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http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct...2wpD89lasXBNjQ Excellent - thank you and much appreciated. At first I'd wondered if these were the same two interviews as in the first post, but they're different references. Very valuable.
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31st October 2011 13:53

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Maia Gabrial
Avalon Member

Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

The One, this is an amazing find, and an amazing interview. Thank you. So, I guess we could say that he's the father of the RFID microchip....
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31st October 2011 14:05

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Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

Many thanks The One, these are great finds. And Baron Jesco von Puttkamer is an interesting fellow. Bump.
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1st November 2011 10:16

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Avalon Member

Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

Very powerful information, this man comes across as 100% genuine. The 'unlimited funding' of some of these beyond-black operations might be the (would have to) accounting behind the Trillions of mis-accounted USA money(?)
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1st November 2011 10:37

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Lord Sidious

Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

Posted by GalaxyHorse (here)

Very powerful information, this man comes across as 100% genuine. The 'unlimited funding' of some of these beyond-black operations might be the (would have to) accounting behind the Trillions of mis-accounted USA money(?) And/or the drug trade.
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1st November 2011 12:37

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Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

Can i just bring to everyone's attention that in the UK it has been law since 31 dec 2009 that every breeding sheep born after this date has to be tagged in the ear with an EID ," Electronic identification (EID) is a method of identification for livestock and is based on a radio frequency microchip which can be read by handheld or fixed equipment which shows the unique individual animal identification code transmitted by the electronic identifier. " Me thinks they test them on sheep before they use on the sheeple ? love kevlar
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Last edited by kevlar; 1st November 2011 at 12:46. Reply With Quote

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1st November 2011 12:50

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Avalon Member

Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

Posted by Lord Sidious (here) Posted by GalaxyHorse (here)

Very powerful information, this man comes across as 100% genuine. The 'unlimited funding' of some of these beyond-black operations might be the (would have to) accounting behind the Trillions of mis-accounted USA money(?) And/or the drug trade. Nato guarding the ole poppy fields. =[Post Update]= Every human body has a unique bio-electrical signature (Plume). They found they didn't need the chips in the end. Peace K
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In all ages, in all lands, there have been those who seek truth. This seeking is an individual's search for something more than self, and much more than the confines of this worldly system. It is the seeker, who understands there is more than what meets the eye, who is not afraid and makes the choice to go into the unknown. The process of awaking has begun, the discovery is underway. Alan Watt
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1st November 2011 13:25

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Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

They found people willingly carry around their own personal tracking device... a cell phone. The U.S. government will provide one for you for free if you cannot afford one.
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1st November 2011 16:38

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Avalon Member

Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

I was blown away by the Greer interview when I heard it - listening to the Merklinger interview now.

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interview now.
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31st August 2012 04:05

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Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

Just wanted to add this older link/article to the discussion (from 2004). Mr. Pawlec mentions Siemens and RFID chips....http://www.infoworld.com/d/networkin...ealthcare-849

Siemens to pilot RFID bracelets for health care

Others seek to implant data under the skin Siemens Business Services announced this week a pilot project with Jacobi Medical Center in New York to track patients by incorporating RFID chips into the ubiquitous plastic band strapped onto patients' wrists during hospital admissions. Encoded on the band is patient name, date of birth, gender, and a medical record number, linked to the hospital network that connects the patient record to labs, billing, and the pharmacy.

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Doctors and nurses will be equipped with a tablet-style PC with an RFID reader and a WiFi connection to access the network. Today, after admitting a patient, most hospitals generate a plastic identity card which, like a credit card, imprints the patient ID onto a piece of paper inserted into the sleeve of a patient's wristband. Jerry Moy, senior client executive at Siemens, said he has seen clerks and nurses with scissors cutting the paper and trying to stuff it into the wrist band. "It's medieval, to say the least," said Moy. The RFID project includes software and rolls of wristbands already embedded with RFID chips. When admitted, the basic patient information is put into the application and run through a printer encoder that impresses the patient data onto the RFID chip. The goal is to reduce the risk of misidentifying patients and to access patient records in a more timely process, Moy said. While the use of RFID chips on hospital wristbands may appear to be cutting edge in the United States, an initiative in Mexico City appears to be on the bleeding edge. According to a published report in The Washington Post, about 1,000 patients, some suffering from Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses, have been implanted with an RFID chip about the size of a grain of rice for purposes of identification. Made by Applied Digital Solutions (ADS), the VeriChip is a miniaturized RFID chip with applications in health care, security, and tracking. The ADS Web site says that the chip is usually implanted in the upper arm and is introduced under the skin by the equivalent of a flu inoculation. Because of its small size, the chip contains only a unique verification number which, once implanted, connects to the larger network in a similar fashion as the Siemens' solution using RFID readers and Wi-Fi. Other uses include implantable payment systems which, like a mobile speed pass, transmits the unique owner's ID number and links it to designated credit card data.

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Reports from Mexico City also say that 160 members of the Mexican Attorney General's office had the VeriChip implanted as a means of secure access to a new, centralized anticrime datacenter. While embedding RFID chips in patients would have to be approved in the United States by the U.S. federal Drug Administration, the ADS Web site already lists numerous health care centers and private medical practices in the United States as distributors. Castle Hills Family Practice in San Antonio, Texas, for example, confirmed that it is planning to use VeriChips in its practice. Katherine Albrecht, founder and director of CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering) said her biggest concern is that in the future a tyrannical state would adopt RFID implants as a way to monitor the activity of its citizens. "This is tailor-made technology for abuse," said Albrecht.
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Last edited by Huma; 31st August 2012 at 05:31.

"If you take good and evil and conjoin them, you will find they cancel themselves out as a balanced equilibrium, what do you have left? Free Will..." - Huma
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31st August 2012 05:27

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Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

I also wanted to add the video of Niara Isley which is of course, another wonderful PC piece. I include this because I recall while watching Mr. Pawlec's interview his mentioning of tonopah range (which he explains is far more secluded/hidden) and apparently is where he saw the alien craft. This same general area (tonopah range) is also where part of miss Isley's traumatizing events apparently occurred, I felt this connection was worth noting. She also mentions how she ended up working for EG&G, a division of URS (the EG&G division is now branded as URS Federal Services). A company that Mr. Pawlec suggests basically runs the show out there and that it is essentially "their backyard". She even mentions the William Pawlec interview by name in the Camelot video. I felt the connection between these two testimonies should be highlighted. Hope it helps.
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Last edited by Huma; 31st August 2012 at 06:07.

"If you take good and evil and conjoin them, you will find they cancel themselves out as a balanced equilibrium, what do you have left? Free Will..." - Huma
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31st August 2012 11:07

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Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

Verichip Corp. RFID Microchip - First Official TV Commercial

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Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=melLHbYi2pE
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31st August 2012 11:24

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Sirius White
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Re: William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets

EDIT: Wow this interview is incredible...in particular in regards to the Four groups he mentions. And what's strange, is they are even ahead of the groups of the advanced black and intelligence community groups. YET- they are always on top of new methodologies and technologies that they can use for their cause, which means- that they may be hierarchies reliant on people even of seemingly lower-level credentials, in order to proliferate their own organizations.

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These groups, go by interesting names, of some that i heard called Nephedem, Inacuabala,etc. They are strange, alien-related groups who often......have access to knowledge, information,wealth, and technologies beyond our comprehension. They are connected, IMO to ancient off-world groups, SOME who still reside on this planetoid with us..... Anyways...fascinating interview. Thank you for sharing very much!
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Last edited by Sirius White; 31st August 2012 at 21:29. Reply With Quote

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