Chinese Taipei Donates USD 280,000 To WTO Development Programmes

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Chinese Taipei donates USD 280,000 to WTO development programmes Chinese Taipei has donated USD 200,000 to the

Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund (DDAGTF) and USD 80,000 to the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF)

With these last two donations, Chinese Taipeis overall contribution to the WTO trust funds has almost reached CHF 1.5 million (about USD 1.6 million). This assistance is intended to build the capacity of developing and least developed countries to negotiate effectively within the WTO and help implement WTO agreements and international standards. These are key areas to protect the trade interests and development needs of the worlds poorest countries. A first donation of USD 200,000 was offered to the Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund. This contribution will be used to finance WTO technical assistance activities targeted especially at the needs of developing and least-developed countries, as well as economies in transition. The aim is to enhance their ability to participate effectively in the WTO negotiations and ensure they fully benefit from the results achieved during these negotiations. A second donation of USD 80,000 was provided to the Standards and Trade Development Facility. This contribution will assist developing countries in improving their expertise and their capacity to analyze and implement international sanitary and phytosanitary standards (SPS) thus enhancing their human, animal and plant health situation and ability to gain and maintain market access. I welcome Chinese Taipeis donations to the WTO trust funds. These contributions will allow developing countries to expand their markets mainly through our technical assistance programmes. Complying with international standards is also a major step in securing market access declared WTO Director General Pascal Lamy.

Chinese Taipeis Permanent Representative, Yi-fu Lin, stated Chinese Taipei will continue to provide support to developing and least-developed countries with the aim of increasing their understanding of the WTO. Improving their trading capacity and their participation in

the multilateral trading system is crucial, especially in these difficult times, as trade can play a major role in development, growth and poverty reduction. Looking back on triumphs, problems of China's10 years in WTO By Yao Jingyuan ( ) 10:41, August 12, 2011 Since its accession to the WTO in 2001, China has actively participated in theglobalization pr ocess and made remarkable achievements in foreign trade, foreigncapital utilization and inter national economic cooperation. Overall, the country hasachieved rapid economic growth and carried out major reforms over the past 10 years. Remarkable achievements 1) China's foreign trade volume up from sixth place in 2001 to second place in 2010 China's foreign trade has developed by leaps and bounds in the past 10 years. Thecountry's to tal imports and exports from 2002 to 2010 amounted to more than 15.7trillion U.S. dollars, w ith the total exports standing at more than 8.5 trillion U.S. dollarsand total imports at more th an 7.2 trillion U.S. dollars. China's total imports and exports,namely its foreign trade volume, reached nearly 3 trillion U.S. dollars in 2010, about 5.8times that of 2001. The country's fore ign trade volume ranked second in the world lastyear only after the United States. 2) China improves trade structure Since its accession to the WTO, China has made great efforts to achieve a balancedtrade struc ture. Its average tariff rate dropped from more than 15 percent in 2001 tonearly 10 percent in 2010, and its trade structure has shifted from a large trade surplusto a more balanced state. Fu rthermore, Chinas foreign trade has also experiencedother positive changes, which have not only met the needs of domestic economicdevelopment but also contributed much to the globa l economic recovery after theglobal financial crisis. 3) Comprehensive improvement in scale and quality of foreign investments China has utilized foreign investments to optimize its capital allocation, advancetechnical pro gress and perfect the marketoriented economic system. The nation haschanged the way it uses foreign investments, shiftin g the focus from scale and speed toquality and efficiency, with a comprehensive improvemen t in the scale and quality offoreign investment. China has become the second largest foreign i nvestment recipientcountry in the world. The means of utilizing foreign investments have bee n diversified.

4) Continuous increase in outbound investments Following China's accession into the WTO, the country implemented the "go abroad"strategy , made new progress in overseas cooperation and investment and furtherexpanded the scale a nd efficiency of its "going abroad." Despite the severe impact ofthe international financial cri sis, China's outbound investments and internationaleconomic cooperation have been on the ri se, playing positive roles in promotingChina's stable and relatively rapid economic developm ent. 5) Great contributions of foreign trade to economic growth and social progress China has remarkably accelerated the pace of developing a marketoriented economicsystem over the past decade and has basically established an openstyle economicsystem. It has put a relatively stable system in place to safeguard participation inglobalization. China's comprehensive strength has considerably advanced, and itsnational i mage has comprehensively improved. Its foreign economic and trade tieshave experienced su bstantial changes, and multilateral trade is progressing smoothlyunder the guidance of the W TO rules. Its economic safety situation has significantlyimproved, and its capabilities to parti cipate in the global governance have been on theconsiderable rise. China has also made remar kable progress in developing the legalconsciousness of society, and their awareness of rules.

Looking back on triumphs, problems of China's10 years in WTO (2) By Print publications top digital reading over intensive reading ( 10:44, August 12, 2011 Problems 1) The exportorientated and extensive development mode of China, which will goagainst a stable and susta inable economic development, has not been fundamentallychanged. 2) Chinas foreign trade is unbalanced, China's trade surplus is too large, and thepressure on RMB appreciation keeps increasing. In addition, the expanding tradesurplus will affect the in dependence of Chinas macroeconomic policies, increase themoney supply objectively and le ad to a heavy pressure on Chinas macroeconomiccontrol. 3) China's overall trade environment has not fundamentally improved, and importprices are ri sing much faster than export prices for China. Due to the low labor cost ofChina, the prices of Chinas export products have been at a low level for a long timeand the foreign trade environ ment is worsening for China too.

4) The expansion of China's foreign trade scale depends on the processing trade toomuch, and the grades and added value of China's export products are too low. Prospects In the future, China will continue to implement the mutually beneficial and open strategyand further raise the level of the openingup. While maintaining a steady growth offoreign trade, China will further optimize and upgra de its foreign trade structure.Pushed by factors such as the increasing domestic demand, stren gthening importsupporting policies and the rising prices of international bulk products, China's importsre exp ected to grow faster than exports, and China's foreign trade is expected to befurther balanced. As the trend of global economic recovery becomes more obvious, theinternational market env ironment for China's foreign trade will also gradually improve.The prospect of China's foreig n trade is optimistic. (The author is a special analyst for the Counselors' Office of the State Council)

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