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Sample Reflective Essay The Benefits I Hope To Achieve From Learning English It is one of the most widely spoken

language. It is the language of the queen. With a few of the world s most developed countries using English as the first language and tons of others as a second language, it is clear on the card that good command of English fetches only boons. We find the language in books, on si gnage, on TV and now very popularly on Internet. The language has become such an indispensable medium that I am sure, learning it would help me achieve more suc cess in my life. Firstly, as a language itself, it helps me academically not only because English is a core subject but also it open doors to many other fields of knowle dge. Especially in Malaysia, the country where I live, many subjects of knowledg e are taught through the medium of English, thus making the language a very nece ssary tool to pick up, be it knowledge of science or literature. The language is used across all levels from primary to tertiary education. If one is able to m aster the language, he or she is granted the key to the knowledge and a very promising result in the study. Also, as a potential foreign student in future, good English proficiency gives me eligibility to study in western countries like the USA, the UK, Austra lia and so on. Most of these countries require the students to have a solid Engl ish foundation before offering their admissions to the universities or college. On the other hand, being able to converse in English will allow me to fit in the local community more easily when I study overseas. This shall come in handy whe n I need help and start a living in the foreign land as I have to communicate wi th my housemates, neighbours or even teachers in school. Knowing English also of fers me the chance to know their cultures better and avoid any unnecessary misun derstanding that might plant a landmine for future disputes. Not leaving the social aspect out, English too opens up my social circle in the wake of internet era that makes friendship a global context. We often make fri ends through internet nowadays. As we can see, regardless of the nationality of an internet user, English always serves as a good medium to kickstart a relation ship. It permits us to communicate without borders and so that we are able to ma ke friends from four corners of the world. It gives understanding, meaning, and clears away doubt between whose mother tongues are totally different. Apart from that, I also hope that English as an international business l anguage can give a boost to my future career. The arrival of globalization tells us that we might work anywhere in the world with people of different skin colou rs. How do we facilitate communication and get our job done? English will come i nto play where it is a functional language recognized by citizens worldwide. Peo ple from Iran, Saudi Arabia, China, or even Russia know that they have to master basic English before they can start working with others from the opposite sides of the world. We do not have to worry about the nationality of our colleagues o r business partners because the world has shaped it way to use English to break the communication barrier. In conclusion, the prevalence of English in academic, economic, and soci al development will be a mainstream trend . In order to meet all my aspirations as a youth, English is of paramount importance to me.

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