Westword (Sept 2012)

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District 33

The official newsletter for District 33 Toastmasters

District 33
September 2012

Greetings Happy People of District 33!!! My name is Jesse Oakley III and I am the District Governor for the 2012-2013 Toastmaster year. As we begin this Toastmaster year, we stand in front of many great opportunities. We have opportunities to grow, opportunities to help others, and opportunities to work together as strong, vibrant communities.



Lt. Governor Reports Division Governor Reports International Convention Highlights Youth Leadership

My vision for this year is Unity in the Community. With this vision, we can learn, share, and grow together not only as better Toastmasters, but better people. From Ventura to Modesto, Las Vegas to Bakersfield, Santa Maria to Fresno, we can make the Unity in the Community vision work for us!!

We as Toastmasters can achieve this vision by adhering to two vital core values:
DID YOU KNOW THAT DISTRICT 33 TOASTMASTERS HAS A NEW WEBSITE?? To check out the new District website, please go to d33.toastmastersdistricts.org

When we follow these core values, we can RISE HIGH and make the Unity in the

Community vision a reality!!

Whether it is by achieving an educational goal, inviting guests to a meeting, participating in contests, or spreading the word about your Toastmasters club, we can take those steps to make our communities better. People of District 33, all it takes is for all of us to come together and make this happen!!

We can perceive it!!


We can believe it!!

We CAN achieve it!!

Let us all RISE HIGH together with Unity in the Community!!

Kathy Choate, DTM 2012 - 2013 Lt. Governor Education in Training REACH FOR THE GOLD
Our District Governor Jesse Oakley, III, has laid down the gauntlet.

Presidents Distinguished District, the first time in 36 years!!! Kathy Choate, DTM District 33 Lt. Governor Education & Training 2012-2013
Toastmaster Internationals revised


on helping clubs achieve distinguished status. To support this, District 33 is introducing


The Phoenix and Bluebird Awards
Phoenix (n) - a mythical bird of great beauty
fabled to live 500 or 600 years in the Arabian wilderness, to burn itself on a funeral pyre, and to rise from its ashes in the freshness of youth and live through another cycle of years: often an emblem of immortality or of reborn idealism or hope.

The mythical Egyptian Phoenix bird burned down his nest and himself, but from the ashes, he grew into a stronger bird. Those clubs that grow stronger and become distinguished this year, the President and club will receive a beautiful Phoenix pin and ribbon for the club banner, respectively. The Blue Bird (Nevadas state bird) Award will be awarded to the Presidents of clubs that maintain distinguished status. A Blue Bird pin for the President and a ribbon for the club banner.

AND WE HAVE MORE INCENTIVES! Bluebird Nevada State Bird

The Jump Start Program! Any Toastmaster club that achieves four or more DCP goals between July 1 October 19, 2012 will receive $25 gift certificate at our Fall Conference!! ***NOTE: One of the goals completed must be DCP #7! District 33 has RAISED THE BAR The ALL NEW COMMUNITY SUPER STAR AWARD!!! This trophy goes to those individuals who earn 3 educational awards PLUS sponsor 3 new members.

NEW Community Superstar Award


This coveted ribbon is given to clubs with an established mentor program. HOLY STRAWBERRIES!!!

Katy Porter, DTM 2012 - 2013 Lt. Governor Marketing EVERYONE TAKES AN OAR!!!
To energize District 33, we are focused on achieving Presidents Distinguished District for this year. There are three numerical goals: Raise membership by 8% Raise # of clubs, by 8% Raise percentage of Distinguished Clubs to 50% Holy Strawberries, how do we do it??? Our first road to success is to support our 189 to manifest Ralph Smedleys ideal of people helping people to become more confident, impactful and successful. Second, we are racing to plant and water seeds for new clubs. How can you participate? Follow your plan to reach Distinguished Toastmaster, and in concert with your club, work the DCP. Many thanks to: Jamuna Ramnath, Emma Santa, Division Club Coach Chairs, our Club Coaches, Division C.R.A.F.T. Chairs, and all the people currently working to aid and start clubs. Jamuna Ramnath, DTM District 33 Club Coach Chair Each club that adds 5 members in August and September qualifies for a beautiful Smedley Award Ribbon. Use the energy from your block parties, and keep inviting guests. As Toastmasters, we each should be progressing one designation / year what is yours for this year? With all of us rowing together, we can reach for the gold, and achieve Presidents Distinguished!

Katy Porter, DTM District 33 Lt. Governor Marketing 2012-2013

Emma Santa, DTM District 33 C.R.A.F.T. Chair



Albert Nelson ACS, ALB 2012 - 2013 Division A Governor
I am Albert (Al) Nelson a native of Omaha, Nebraska and a resident of California for nearly 30 years. I have 3 adult children and a host of grandchildren, mostly out of state. I am a US Veteran of the United States Air Force and a graduate of the Masters College with a B.A. in Organizational Management. I am a 23 year Civil Service employee of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) working in the position of a Police Service Representative, now assigned to the Detectives Division. I joined Toastmasters about 5 years ago and having achieved ACS, ALB, I now have the instinct privilege to serve as the District 33 Division A Governor. I am so proud and honored to serve with my compliment of Area Governors who comprise our A-T.E.A.M., which stands for Toastmasters Engaged and Motivated. Without active engagement and motivation in leading Division A by example beyond Presidents Distinguished, we would be only marginal and ineffective. Through engagement and motivation, we can be the driving force to lead, to inspire, and to empower not only our own clubs, but the new clubs awaiting their birth.

Achieving Personal Success! Gloria Davidson, DTM 2012 - 2013 Division B Governor
Shortly after I joined Toastmasters in 1998, I had a rare opportunity of speaking at a major retirement event with only minutes notice. Thanks to Table Topics, I was able to deliver a memorable congratulatory speech. During the next 18 months, I earned the CTM (now CC) and began an advanced manual. Life took a turn. I changed jobs and moved from the area. For 10 years, I worked with a singles ministry and reared my three children, but as time passed, I knew in my heart that I needed Toastmasters. Re-joining in 2009, I discovered the CL manual and I was able to continue from where I left off. At first I found it overwhelming, but with a Mentor, I completed several more levels, chaired an area contest, and served as 2010-2011 Area B2 Governor. Life is not without obstacles. I struggled with health issues in two different years. With the support and encouragement from my Toastmasters friends, I recovered and continued my journey. By December 2011, my goal was realized my DTM! Being Division B Governor is another honor that I had not previously dreamed possible. My vision for Division B is that every member advances one level toward realizing their dream for Achieving Personal Success. My life has been so enriched, that I wish the Toastmaster journey for

Blossom and Grow! Carol Campbell, DTM 2012 2013 Division C Governor
After sitting in an education class next to a Distinguished Toastmaster, every Saturday for more than a school year, amazed that he could just get up and give a presentation with what appeared to be little effort and with some prodding from my husband, I joined Toastmasters. I figured that since I could talk to groups of anyone under the age of 18, it was time to be able to present to my peers. This is important to me as a high school math teacher because I am thinking about going into secondary administration. In my almost 5 years in Toastmasters, I have served as Sergeant at Arms, Vice president of Membership, President and Area C-2 Governor. Now I have the opportunity to serve Division C as their Governor. We all start off as seeds. As time progresses, hard work is put into tilling the soil, watering and feeding the sprouts, we will see many colorful blossoms. I look forward to blossoming new clubs and growing more friendships.


DANTOTSU Striving to be the best of the best. Tiffany Blasco ACB, ALB 2012 - 2013 Division D Governor
Dynamic things are happening right now in Division D. What you may ask??? We are currently working on a NEW CLUB, building existing clubs, producing fantastic Area contests and preparing for our Division D Fall contest! As a former Miss Nevada United States, and Miss USA Tourism, I know the importance of putting on a great show. This years Division D contest will prove just that! The community spoke and I heard you! Communication and Leadership is what we will give you. I grew up in Toastmasters, and have been a member of Toastmasters since 2005. I know the importance of content communication and leadership. Get ready for new things this year! Check our NEW Facebook page (Division D Toastmaster - District 33), and our NEW BLOG (division-d-d33tm.blogspot.com). Stay informed and motivated this year! Our new theme for Division D for the 2012-2013 year is... Drum roll please... DANTOTSU-Striving to be the best of the best. We will achieve this by implementing our core values of Communication, Leadership, Understanding, and Enthusiasm. I am proud to have an AMAZING TEAM you can count on! Division D is promoting Unity in the Community!

Leading the Pack on the E-Team Michael Corob, DTM 2012 - 2013 Division E Governor
Leading the Pack on the E-Team is the Division E theme this year. With great leadership, fun and teamwork, our pack is moving forward on a long distance marathon to Toastmasters and personal success. Six enthusiastic area governors and I are setting the pace and leading the course for the club officers, who in turn are enthusiastically leading their clubs and club members forward. The distinguished club plan is our road map, and completed educational goals and new members are mile markers on our path. With recent training, the clubs will resist temptation of shortcuts, and will remain focused on the top of the hill, the distinguished club marker. I have lived on the beautiful California central coast nearly all of my life, and I am very familiar with all the communities that make up the 120 miles of Division E. I have been a toastmaster for 17 years, and have had many great district governor role models who I look forward to calling on for guidance. I am also a teacher and artist, and am using my creative problems solving talents to generate new ideas. With focused energy, Division E will grow and will be distinguished this year.

Fusing the Pieces Together Janet Riley ACB, ALB 2012 - 2013 Division F Governor
The theme for Division F is Fusing the Pieces Together. Division F is Fusing the Pieces together and promoting Unity in the Community. Division F is no longer the smallest Division in District 33. We are forging head. Our past Division Governor, Deborah Baker and her team chartered three new clubs in June 2012. The new Division F team formed and hit the ground running. At our June 30th TLI, I was honored to present 100% Officer Trained ribbons to two clubs, Talk of the Town and REO Speech Train. In total we trained 89% of our club officers. Area Governors Stu Bennett, Tom Fanelli and Anthony Butera are spreading their wings as leaders. They are traveling all over Merced, Modesto, Ceres, Turlock, Groveland and Sonora making their initial club contacts. Our Area Contests are planned for the last three Saturdays in September. On September 11th, we are planning a kick-off meeting for the new Winning with Words club. In addition we still have two clubs faithfully working on their last few charter members. We are flirting close to our goal of a 4th area. Within our fantastic Division F clubs many members are diligently working on their educationals. Awarded in July and August were two CCs, 3 ACBs, 1 CL and 1 ALB.


Youth: The Future of Toastmasters! Cheyne Strawn CC, CL 2012 - 2013 Division G Governor
Let me say that being one of the youngest Division Governors in District 33 is exciting but it is also an opportunity not only for our district but the future of Toastmasters itself! Im 27 years old; Im a manager for Tommy Hilfiger in Tulare and have been a member of Visalia Toastmasters for a year and a half. I served as the clubs VP of Public Relations for 1 year and now serve as the clubs VP of Education. Im excited because the future looks bright for all of us. Just one month ago I was appointed to be G4 Area Governor when I saw that our Division Governor resigned I had no choice but to answer the call to leadership and so far Division G is working hard to earn distinguished status. This next year will be no easy task but my plan is simple...youth! This will work by creating clubs and insuring that clubs sustain there membership. Im honored to serve and I look forward to the next year!

Unleash Your Finest Moments! Michon Loyd ACS, ALB 2012 - 2013 Division H Governor
I am so proud to be your Division H Governor and I stand ready to serve you with a smile. Many of you have heard me say that joining Toastmasters is the best decision that I have ever made. It is because of you, our member, and so many inspirational mentors and special relationships that I have experienced on my Toastmasters journey. It all started for me on October 1, 2008 when I joined my employers corporate club, Say Watt Toastmasters. Today, I am a member of four clubs and honored to lead the Division H Officer team as we show you what Unity in the Community is all about. Our division theme is Unleash Your Finest Moments. Why you may ask? Because in Toastmasters, we are able to find our inner voice, release the obstacles blocking us from our accomplishments, and share great

moments of achievement with best friends. Together, we will soar like eagles. Only you know how far you can go. Get ready to run wild and free with Division H. The sky is the limit! We will lead you and your clubs to success and we guarantee you will have an exciting time flying high.


When Toastmasters turn in their dues to World Headquarters, they are saying a message. They are not only saying that they would like to continue their membership to this great organization. They are also saying that they want to grow, sharpen their communication and leadership skills, and enjoy the valued time they spend with friends, family, and loved ones. For every Toastmaster that turn in his or her dues to World Headquarters, they are saying that they love the community that they are a part of. Jesse Oakley III, DTM 2012-2013 District 33 Governor

Please remember to make YOUR statement and turn your club dues in to World Headquarters no later than September 30th!!


2008 World Champion of Public Speaking LaShunda Rundles passed away August 21, 2012 in Orlando, Florida. She was attending the Toastmasters International Convention. She was a courageous lady who battled systemic lupus a chronic disease that causes a persons immune system to attack their own systems and organs. A memorial service was held for her August 25th in Dallas, Texas

District 33 Toastmasters congratulates Patrick Hardy for becoming the newest Accredited Speaker!! He earned this award by giving a dynamic presentation at the International Convention in Orlando, Florida!! He is now one of 6 Toastmasters in our District to achieve this BIG TIME accomplishment!!

District 33 Toastmasters congratulates Carolyn Pelletier for giving an awesome performance at the semifinals of the World Championship of Public Speaking!! She competed with 9 other competitors in her contest block and represented District 33 well!!

Ryan Avery from Portland, Oregon is the 2012 World Champion of Public Speaking!! At the age of 25 years old, he is the youngest World Champion to take this prestigious title!!

* elected at the 2012 business meeting
International President John Lau, DTM International President-elect George Yen, DTM* st 1 Vice President Mohammed Murad, DTM* 2nd Vice President Jim Kokoci, DTM* Immediate Past International President Michael Notaro, DTM

INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORS * elected at the 2012 Business Meeting

NOTE: District 33 is in Region II REGION I Jim Sultan, DTM REGION IV Patricia Hannan, DTM* REGION VII Viki Kinsman, DTM REGION X Don Griffith, DTM*
REGION XIII Balraj Arunasalam, DTM

REGION II Mike Barsul, DTM* REGION V Andrew Little, DTM

REGION VIII- Kristina Kihlberg, DTM*

REGION XI George Thomas, DTM REGION XIV Joseph Gomez, DTM*

REGION III David McAllister, DTM REGION VI Lori Lococo, DTM* REGION IX Wendy Harding, DTM REGION XII Mike Helm, DTM*


Angelina G. Manchester, DTM District 33 Youth Leadership program chairperson

District 33 is headed by one fearless leader who still falls under the youth category, Jesse Oakley III; he is just in his mid-30s. The district youth leadership program is expected to soar high for this term of our youthful District Governor, 2012-2013. It is a privilege to serve and be appointed as youth leadership program chairperson for District 33. My vision for the youth is aligned with Toastmasters International: the Youth and our adult generation has one trait in common the ability to communicate effectively. Hence, my vision is to expand the program from the district level to the club level in coordination with our adult leaders from the Division Governors, to the Area Governors and to the club officers. Let us give the youth the stage to shine for they possess the same ability as we do: communication and leadership at their early stage. As Toastmasters International indicated Kids need the Youth Leadership program so they can grow to meet the challenges of adulthood and leadership successfully. I am very much sold into this idea because I am a university instructor and I believe in the potentialities of the youth. The youth leadership program is sponsored and conducted by Toastmasters International and its local clubs. Youth Leadership helps young people build their communication and leadership skills so they may become tomorrows leaders in business, industry and the community. The purpose of the program is for every young person from age 15 to 20 with a maximum age of 25 to have the potential to become a good communicator and leader, but this potential needs to be developed. The programs unique eight session, workshop-style design, enables participants to develop this potential through practical experience. Toastmasters Youth leadership program is a supplemental program with the existing school programs. The program is designed to provide emphasis on specialized speaking and leadership skills, and individual needs. Let us all put our hands together as a community to let the youth shine through this program. Unity in the community will prove this program enforced to the fullest. Coordination with the local school district and District, Division, Area & club officers will make this happen. I would make myself available to anyone who would like to get this program started and going from their club level. Let us assist the youth in improving their self-confidence as they learn. Let us all join hands to let the young people know DATES!!! SAVE THESE that Toastmasters is an enjoyable learning experience!

District Conference Dates District 33 Fall Conference November 2nd and 3rd - Las Vegas, Nevada District 33 Spring Conference May 3rd and 4th Modesto, California Division Contest Dates DIVISION A: FALL - October 13, 2012 DIVISION B: FALL October 6, 2012 DIVISION C: FALL September 29, 2012 DIVISION D: FALL September 29, 2012 DIVISION E: FALL October 6, 2012 DIVISION F: FALL October 20, 2012 DIVISION G: FALL October 20, 2012 DIVISION H: FALL October 13, 2012 SPRING April 6, 2013 SPRING April 13, 2013 SPRING April 20, 2013 SPRING April 20, 2013 SPRING April 13, 2013 SPRING - March 23, 2013 SPRING - March 23, 2013 SPRING April 6, 2013

District #33 321 Any Street, Suite 3 Anytown, Any State, Any Country

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