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Obamanation (One Painting That Says It All)

By Artist Jon Mcnaughton. Go to I chose to use an undisclosed studio so I could paint privately, without interruption, to focus on the task of embedding in a single painting all the subtle, mindless, radical and dangerous atrocities of the Obama administration. I am just one person, a citizen of this country using my first amendment rights to speak out through my art. This is my declaration that we have never had a president do more to harm our country than Barack Obama.

To those who scoff or wish to trivialize this painting, I challenge you I DARE YOU study the links of the various symbols and metaphors that you see. There are over 60 in the painting. No person can analyze this image and learn about these facts and still, in good conscience, vote for Obama in 2012. I do not hate Obama, but I hate the fact that I had to paint this picture. Has the painting gone too far? I knew when I did this that most Obama supporters would reject what I have done. But as a Conservative, Im fed up with the corruption in Washington. And Im sick of the political correctness that has derailed our country! My art is an expression of the times in which I live and people will know how Jon McNaughton felt about being alive in America in 2012. Take the Challenge! If you still choose Obama, congratulationsyoure a part of the Obamanation. Go to

McNaughton Answers Questions Regarding Obamanation.

What do you hope to accomplish? Someone once said, there is nothing more irritating than being awaken from a sound sleepI hope to wake up a few. If anyone is undecided about voting for Obama, please study the painting, take the challenge, share it with your friends and help us to expose this man and vote him out of office this November. Are you doing this for the money? No. I paint what is important to me, but I know there are many who feel the same as I do about Obama. I am a professional artist. I make my living providing a service and I get paid to do it. The vast majority who view my work never pay a nickel. They pass it around on the Internet with their friends or see it on someones wall.

This is just propaganda. It seems funny that when a liberal artist paints a political motif it is called artistic expression, but when a conservative does the same thing critics call it propaganda. When I think of propaganda I think of early twentieth century war posters commissioned by the Nazis and Communist regimes. It usually conveys a negative meaning, so I know why my critics like to use it to describe me. But I am not the government! I am simply one individual, a citizen of this country using my first amendment rights to speak out through my art. Do you think this is art? What is art? There are many certified art experts who would love to tell you the answer. Their opinions mean little to me because I only paint to satisfy my desire to share a message. For me, art has a way of communicating both thoughts and feelings that words fail to adequately express. If my art causes another to think and to feel, it is a success. I use metaphor and symbol because it leaves more for the viewer to discover, but for the few who choose to take the time to study I have the interactive website where I meticulously explain my images. I paint realistically because it communicates to the broadest audience. I paint political and religious subject because they are close to my heart. Whether someone from the history books could have painted it better means nothing to me. My art is an expression of the times in which I live and people will know how Jon McNaughton felt about being alive at this time in our history. Artist Jon McNaughton explains the interactive painting he has created with 60 symbols that detail the Obamanation of the Barack Obama Presidency. He urges everyone to head over to his website to view the painting and click on the interactive links embedded in the symbols within the painting. See below pages on the various symbols

Barack Obama
The 44th President of the United States, the leader of the free world and the great giver of Hope and Change. Many Americans feel they have sold their birthright for a mess of pottage. I have painted him with his arm outstretched to imply that he views himself as the answer to all your problems and the key to a better tomorrow. In the last four years America has tumbled economically and our country has NEVER been more divided. I challenge you to study the sixty symbols of this painting and the web links. If after doing so you continue to support Obama, congratulationsyou are part of the OBAMANATION.

Obama Seal
Used during the 2008 Presidential Election, Obama was the first to create such a seal, reminiscent of our Presidential Seal of the United States of America.

Drilling for Oil

Obama has curtailed drilling in America and has jeopardized our energy industries for the sake of appeasing the environmental lobbies while at the same time investing in Brazilian offshore oil development. Invest in foreign country oil but not our own?

F15 Fighters for Saudis

Obama sells 30 billion dollars worth of F15 fighter jets to Saudi Arabia.

Toilet Humor
At the White House Correspondents Dinner, held annually to honor the President and the Press, Obama began his remarks by pretending he was urinating as his mike was turned on unintentionally. He made personal attacks against a private citizen, Donald Trump and made fun of those who questioned his birth certificate. Truly a class act!

Radical Islamic Free Pass

In an effort to be politically correct and not offend Muslims in America, the Department of Justice under Obama and Eric Holder have turned a blind eye to illegal actions and hate crimes. Although an Islamic American citizen may have the right to burn Bibles, he does not have the right to threaten those who he finds offensive. No group of people, regardless of religion, race, color, or ideology should be treated different under the law. The government is here to protect our rights, not the right from being offended. Our own TSA imposes unlawful search and seizures on American citizens because we are too stupid to do profiling and background checks on likely terrorists. Grandmas and toddlers are checked, padded down and harassed needlessly to avoid offending suspects. Obama has refused to prosecute or identify Black hate groups or radical Islamic hate crimes on American citizens.

Fort Hood Tragedy

An Islamic Radical Terrorist within the very ranks of our military carried out the attack and murder of 13 US Soldiers and 45 wounded soldiers at Fort Hood. Because of fear of offending Muslims he went unchecked despite the signs of problems. Even Obama, upon hearing of the mass murder, refused to refer to the incident as an act of terrorism.

Oil Spill
In the spring of 2010 America experienced the worst oil spill in US history. It took Obama eight days to react, declining to receive any help from neighboring countries to control the spill; Obama was accused of being neglectful. Then as fingers began to point and the gushing oil pipeline continued to push oil into the gulf, Obama threatened British Petroleum and used the accident as a political platform for environmental policy. As the spill was eventually contained Obama, dictated the penalty of British Petroleum and mandated the distribution of settlements to those affected in the gulf. No judicial oversight was required for the dispersement of funds.

Cash for Clunkers

One of the biggest lame brain ideas came out from the liberally controlled Senate under the support and leadership of Barack Obama. Billions of dollars worth of automobile rebates were given to trade in old cars for new cars. Not only did it encourage indebtedness and wasteful spending, but it hurt the automotive industry.

Fast and Furious

Perhaps the biggest scandal of the Obama Administration, some have compared to Nixons Watergate. Under the direction of Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States, thousands of automatic weapons were intentionally put in the hands of Mexican cartels for the purpose of tracking the weapons for political purposes. It was assumed that if proof could be made that automatic weapons sold in the US were finding their way into Mexico the administration could create an incident to platform their anti-gun legislation. However, the plan was revealed, over 200 Mexican citizens have been murdered with these weapons along with Brian Terry, a US Border patrol Agent. Eric Holder, for refusing to cooperate with the Congressional Judicial Committee was found in contempt of court. Obama quickly gave presidential privilege protection to Holder and they refuse to cooperate with the investigation. The Democrats call it a politically motivated witchhunt. Does anybody want to know the truth? Also, a new development shows that over a billion rounds of open hole ammunition has been ordered and supplied to various locations under the Office of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration. What is our government up to? I havent offered any conspiracy theories, only facts that point to something wrong. Where is the mainstream media? If any of the information on this site is new information to you does it make it less real? Go to the links and see if I am speaking the truth.

U.S. Constitution
This president has discarded the Constitution as if it were trash. When he took the Oath of Office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, it was a lie; as a constitutional law professor, he obviously knew what he was doing. I chose to rip the Constitution in the painting between the words We the and People. The Constitution was written to protect the rights of the people; Obama is expanding the rights of the government.

Jeremiah Wright
For more than 20 years, Barack Obama attended the sermons of Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Wright is notorious for his condemnation of the 9/11 attack that it was proof, Americas chickens are coming home to roost and such statements as not God Bless America. God damn America. Although Obama claims he did not hear such rhetoric while attending the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Wright was Obamas closest spiritual advisor for many years.


Since Obama has taken office unemployment has gone as high as 10% and not dipped below 8.1%. Among minorities, such as black Americans it is closer to 14%. Real unemployment, if you include those who are no longer looking, or have been unemployed over two years would be closer to 15%. We have not seen these kinds of numbers since the Great Depression and all the while our Welfare programs are paying out more in government aid than ever in the history of our country. Obama recently cancelled Clintons Work for Welfare restrictions. Food Stamps are at all record highs. His programs and fiscal policies are without question not working and on this issue alone he should be run out of office!

Illegal Immigration
Obama claims it is federal jurisdiction to secure the borders and yet does little to adequately handle the problem, leaving Arizona residents to deal with the drugs, murder, kidnapping, human trafficking and all other crimes and tragedies associated with unprotected borders.


Veteran Disrespect
Obamas disrespect and neglect for Veterans and active members of the armed services is unprecedented. Recently, in making a speech at the Vietnam Memorial, he unapologetically made hundreds of Veterans wait for hours before allowing them to visit their lost friends at the memorial while he made a political speech. Obama has complained about having to take photo ops in Iraq and Afghanistan with the soldiers and has glossed over military special assemblies on numerous occasions. Not good for the Commander and Chief.

Illegal Uncle
Obamas own uncle from Nigeria is in the US illegally, but for some unknown reason is allowed to stay in the country indefinitely? Recently he was arrested for drunkenness and shortly thereafter released. Obama has little regard for his African half brother and Grandmother who live in abject poverty in Africa. For an advocate of obeying the law and giving to those in need, he sets a poor example.

The current president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, points at Obama and tells him not to dare attack his sovereign country. The attack of the US and Israel against Iran may be the catalyst that begins World War Three. How can the US possibly stop the proliferation of nuclear missiles in the world? Our time and efforts would be better used developing defensive measures to stop a nuclear war.


Repeal of Dont Ask Dont Tell

A long-standing law in the military requiring gay service members to keep their sexual orientation private has now been repealed under Obama. Most military, particularly combat soldiers are uncomfortable with homosexuals among the ranks.

Having to bunk and shower together creates contention and risk among the soldiers just as it would to have women and men living in close quarters together. Although repeatedly advised against such a move, Obama, for political favor, has repealed the law at the risk of the safety and morale of our military.


Nuclear Missiles
Under NATO, Obama reinstitutes missiles to Europe claiming they are for Middle East protection, breaking a treaty with Russia. Russia responds by announcing to send missiles to Cuba. Not much said about this in the mainstream media. Anybody remember the Cuban Missile Crisis? These missiles could also represent Irans development of guided missiles and its fast pace development of nuclear weapons as the US prepares for another major war in the Middle East.

Arizona Laws
With the State of Arizona facing everincreasing problems from the lack of Federal support with illegal aliens flooding over the border, Arizona passed SB 1070 to increase border security. Obama immediately sues Arizona and prevents the state from securing its own borders.

Golf Clubs
As the country teeters on the worst economic depression in memory, as tens of millions of American struggle to make ends meet, Obama has enjoyed a record number 108 rounds of golf. Not to mention exotic vacations and needless trips by both him and Michelle on the tax payers dollar. Sure pays big to be the Prez!


Keystone Pipeline
At a time when gas prices and unemployment are at record highs, our economy is needlessly suffering, and Obama refuses to allow the Construction of the Keystone Pipeline from Canada. This would be a huge boost to America and our economic problems. Why did this happen? The environmental lobby has their hooks in Obama and one of Obamas cronies is set to make billions by transporting in the oil via locomotive.

The Prime Minister of Israel and our closest ally in the Middle East, Obama has treated with him with disrespect, contempt and embarrassed the office of the presidency. On one occasion Obama was heard on an open mike speaking to the French Prime Minister saying, You've had enough of him, but I have to deal with him every day. Since Obama has been president he has visited surrounding Arab countries in the Middle East and as of yet, has not visited Israel once.

Amnesty to Illegals
In an end run around Congress, Obama chose to give amnesty to illegal aliens and unconstitutionally change the immigration laws. With no respect to the laws of the land, the consequences of amnesty to Mexican illegal aliens, and with purposeful political consequences, Obama strives to expand his voter base.

Occupy Wall Street

As thousands of young angry Americans camp out and protest around the country, demanding more money and obligation from the highest 1% of wealthy Americans, Obama chooses to side with the Occupiers and demean those that pay the most percent of taxes in America, creating a Class Warfare environment leading up to the election in November. When hundreds of thousands of peaceful Americans gathered to draw attention to the need for limited government and Constitutional laws (Tea Party) Obama was silent. Occupiers gathered as angry mobs, arrested for disorderly conduct, assault, rape and even defecating in public and on Police vehicles. Obama knows how to pick them.

Religious Freedom
Obamas administration forced religious institutions such as Catholic schools and hospitals to offer contraceptives for their patrons. This is a complete breach of the First Amendment. The federal government has no right to force anyone to offer anything whether it is a religious based hospital, school or even an insurance company, especially if its against their religious principles. Obama believes that as President, he alone can mandate laws without congressional approval. Isnt that kind of like a dictator?


Eric Holder
The Attorney General of the United States, Holder seems to be more interested in Political pandering than protecting the citizens of the United States. Currently, holder stands in contempt of court under the US Congress for refusing to reveal documents relating to the Fast and Furious scandal involving the sale of thousands of firearms to Mexican Cartels that led to the death of 200 Mexican civilians and a US border agent. Holder has also refused to prosecute hate crimes, black racial crimes and immigration law infractions. He sought the protection of Obamas Executive privilege from the congressional contempt charge and now Obama is directly involved. Eric Holder may be the most corrupt Attorney General in US history.

Ballot Box
Following the 2008 election multiple allegations of voter fraud involving unions such as ACORN, SEIU and other Democratic activists led to little investigation. Obama has since assembled a legal team of over 5,000 attorneys to prepare to defend themselves in the 2012 election.

White House Christmas Tree

The first Christmas in the White House is a special one. Its important that the tree captures the essence of the holidays and brings the true spirit ofObamanation? Yes, he actually had a Christmas ornament with Chairman Mao Tse-tung on his tree. (Communist leader of China who murdered over 70 million people.) So what other ornament might he hang??? From the top down we have: 1. Symbol of Islam instead of


the star. 2. Flag of Kenya (His Homeland) 3. Flag of Saudi Arabia (He did bow to the king.) 4. Flag of Turkey (Will visit this Islamic country before even think about visiting Israel.) 5. Flag of Egypt (Home of the Muslim Brotherhood.) 6. Muslim Brotherhood (Now the new leadership in Egypt and possibly Libya, total chaos in the Middle East..well done!) 6. Chairman Mao (Didnt think wed notice?)

Yes, Obama spiked the football as he took credit for Bin Ladens assassination. Notice, he even signed it!

Gay Rights
Obama has always been a Gay Marriage Supporter (privately). Knowing that it would hurt him politically in the 2008 election, Obama said then that he believed marriage should be between a man and a woman. Recently he has publically changed his position. Congratulations on being the first president to openly endorse gay marriage and the decline of the American society. Its not about whether two consenting same-sex adults can love each other or even whether they can receive benefits. Its about whether the federal government can redefine the Christian marriage covenant and impose it by mandate. Without traditional marriage and the support of healthy child bearing families, history has shown that a nation will dwindle and decay.


Mitt Romney
As Romney has come forth as the Republican candidate for President of the United States, Barack Obama has settled in on his own election strategy. Since he cannot run on his economic record, he has venomously attacked Romney from every angle. First he appealed to pet lovers when the news was released that Romney once traveled with the family dog and his kennel strapped to the top of the car. This didnt hold well when the public was reminded the Obama ate dog as a child. Then it was the attacks on Romney for running Bain Capital, a venture capital firm whose work it was to save failing businesses and make a profit for the shareholders. The purpose of which was to only incite class warfare. As of recently the Obama Campaign is focused on compelling Romney to release more of his tax records even asserting that he has not paid taxes and thus is a liar; and all without a shred of evidence. All these tactics have been a ruse to distract the public from the true issues, the economy and pending war with Iran. Romney holds the dollar in his hand to implylets talk about saving our economy!

Mandated CFL bulb

Obama and his liberal friends were determined that all Americans switch to the CFL, eco-bulbs by 2014. The cost was far more than the standard bulbs and it was not only ugly, but gives out less light. Thank heavens Congress repealed another great liberal idea to control Americans lives.


List of Czars and Other Disreputable Appointees

Obama has appointed numerous Czars and other people of position in the White House and many without Congressional approval. Although it has been done on a smaller scale by previous presidents it is nonetheless unconstitutional. But the part that raises eyebrows is the number of radical individuals that include avowed Communists, admirers or Mao, Pornography supporters, Gay Rights Activists, United Nations activists and other unlikely sorts. You might say you know a lot about a man by the friends he keeps.

Abraham Lincoln
Obama has fancied comparing himself to Abraham Lincoln. Is it because Lincoln was the Great Emancipator and Obama is the first black president? Or was it that Lincoln suspended habeas corpus during the Civil War and confiscated private property? He did sign the NDAA, which obliterated our fourth Amendment rights. Makes you wonder

Frank Marshall Davis

Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed Communist, was Obamas mentor during most of his young adulthood. He is mentioned by name and referred to no less than 22 times in his book, Dreams of My Father. As they say, the apple doesnt fall far from the tree.


Resolute Desk from White House

The famous Resolute Desk of the White House, given to the United States by the Queen of England in 1880. Perhaps the most famous piece of furniture in the country and has a place of prominence in the Oval Office. Treated with lack of respect and frivolity by our own President who now uses it as his footstool.

Cop who acted stupidly.

Sergeant James Crowley arrested a professor from Cambridge for going into a verbal rage after officers asked for some identification while investigating a report of a break-in at this home. He was charged with disorderly conduct, which was later dropped. It happened that the professor was a friend of Obama, and without reviewing the facts, Obama made the statement that the cop had acted stupidly. Realizing his error, Obama, instead of apologizing, invited both men to the White House for a beer and to make it all good; famously named, The Beer Summit. As Obama triumphantly led the two men to the White House Rose Garden it was very telling to watch the police officer gently offer his arm to the elderly professor as they walked down the steps together. Where was Obama? Preparing for his next photo op.

G. W. Bush
As much of a disappointment Bush was for his signing of the Patriot Act and Wall Street Bail Out, his actions pale in comparison to Obama. The biggest catastrophe toward the end of Bushs second term as president was the collapse of the housing market. Bush warned of the looming threat, but thanks to the Democratic bumbling of the Dodd and Frank legistlation that loosened the credit restrictions for banks and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, it was simply a matter of time. Of course, with Bush keeping his mouth shut, its so convenient to blame the previous president, even if it was four years ago.

Bill Clinton
Clinton, despite his problem with lying under oath, is still considered the darling of the Democratic Party. He knew how to get along in Washington and was prevented from accomplishing many of his own radical agendas by a Republican Congress. Presently, Clinton has no qualms with expressing his diverse opinions regarding Obamas failures. Recently, he said to the press that Romney had a good career at Bain Capital and that his experience qualifies him for president. Obama, who has had zero experience in business, accuses Romney of not having what it takes to be president. But bygones are bygones and Obama has asked Bill to speak at the Democratic National Convention. Maybe hell say something nice about Obama.


Standard and Poors

Due to Obamas neglect to push for a balanced budget, incredible deficit spending and his lack of support for a balanced budget amendment, Standard and Poors rating company, an independent financial rating company whose role it is to protect the safety of international investors, downgraded the US credit rating from AAA to AA+. This is the first time the US credit has been downgraded in US history. It could have been avoided. What did Obama do on receipt of the news? He criticized S&P for unfair scoring.

The perfect example of your hard earned tax dollars at work, Solyndra is one of many solar companies that have gone bankrupt since Obama pay rolled the deal. Over 535 million dollars was given to fund Solyndra. It was later revealed that the company owners were big donors to Obamas campaign. It pays big to know Obama. Many of the liberal Democrats who voted Obama as president hoped to see an end to big government crony capitalism. What you got was Bush on steroids!

Obama has not been a wise steward to the NASA program. His recent mandate given to newly appointed NASA administrator was to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering." When did science begin to focus on Muslim relations?


Another company too big to fail, so what do you do, let the government decide who will be the winners and losers. Using the rational that by saving GM Obama would save the auto industry, he created a situation where the government took control of a major company and became in direct competition with other private companies, creating an unfair business environment. If GM had been allowed to go through Chapter 11 bankruptcy it would have reorganized and become a stronger company and the workers would have been rehired under new management. The insidious part of the deal was that the federal government took the back door approach and denied unsecured bondholders their credit and due process. One more big step toward Socialism and one more big leap for Barack Obama.

Birth Certificate
Conspiracy theories have run rampant with Obamas mystery regarding his origin of birth. Most of the questions were started under his own Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, during the Democratic Primaries. Called, Birthers by the liberal news media as a means to discredit them, these people eventually succeeded in pushing Obama to release his long form birth certificate only to find out through an investigation of the Maricopa Police Department that the document was a fake. Recently it was discovered that Obama had been a citizen of Indonesia when raised by his mother abroad. What is all this?? Obama has spent millions to keep his college transcripts sealed among other things. What is he hiding? There has been no definitive conclusion to this investigation. No court will touch it and no member of Washington on the Hill will consider it; the political fallout is too great. We may never know. This is either the biggest misunderstanding or biggest lie ever perpetuated upon the American people.


Osama Bin Laden

America cheered as we heard the news that Obama had led the mission to take down Osama Bin Laden. After years of denouncing interrogation techniques such as waterboarding Obama was fully comfortable taking credit for Bin Ladens assassination, which would not have occurred had the proper intelligence not been gleaned via waterboarding. Of course, Seal Team Six had a small part to play. Obama declared, We should not use this as a time to spike the football; when referring to the release of the grisly pictures. But it wasnt long before Obama was speaking openly about the event and taking credit for political purposes. This brought the prompt rebuke of the military and Seal Team Six.

Gaddafi was not on most peoples favorite person list. He was a brutal dictator that was involved in past terrorism and at one point was a nuclear threat. In 2011, after the Arab Spring Uprising in Egypt, a similar rebellion began to emerge in Libya to overthrow Gaddafi. As the tide began to turn in favor of Gaddafi, Obama chose to lead a NATO attack against Libya to help the cause of democracy (for humanitarian reasons of course). Not only was the attack an unconstitutional act of unprovoked aggression, but again, as in Egypt, we see the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical Islamic organization jockeying for power. Its the old frying pan into the fire scenario. Obama believed he was legally justified in his actions because of a UN treaty from 1983. Does the UN trump the US Constitution?


George Soros
He is considered one of the richest most powerful men in the world, and the most sinister. On the list of three countries as uninvited, he has actively worked to undermine and collapse the currency in several countries including Great Britain, Malaysia and Thailand. A major contributor to Obamas campaign as well as a multitude of leftist, Marxist organizations in the US, Soros is probably the single greatest contributor to the demise of America that we know. Of course, Obama never lets a good friends contribution go unappreciated. Soros has had multiple visits with Obama at the White House and records shows that Soros has done remarkably well in his investments of government funded companies and projects reaching profits in the billions; so much for crony capitalism.

Churchill Bust
After 9/11 Britain gave this bronze bust of Winston Churchill to G. W. Bush as a token of Britains commitment and partnership to the United States of America. Shortly after entering the White House, Obama returned the bust to England and the Brits were deeply offended.

Budget Plans
Obama has made little effort to balance the budget. He has blocked the republican Congress and reproved their ideas as taking it too far. Eventually, he offered up his own proposal only to be voted down by Democratically controlled Senate 99/0. Not a single vote. Obama is not willing to sign a balanced budget amendment, curb the debt ceiling, or stop the out of control spending which to date has added over five trillion dollars to the national debt just since he has taken office! When asked why things are so bad---its Bushs fault.

Confused Obama Supporters

There are many who regardless of the facts, will support Obama because he represents government welfare, he supports their social ideology, or they just like his smile. These people are the machine that feeds the Obamanation. List of Obama Acts that may change the minds of some Obama Supporters:


Hosni Mubarak
As the famous Arab Spring Uprising surged across Egypt, Obama praised the mobs as they violently overthrew Mubaraks regime in the name of democracy. Mubarak, a long time friend and ally of America, who had made peace with Israel and brought long lasting peace to the Middle East was violently overthrown. Now, as with the Shaw of Iran, the Muslim Extremists under the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood have taken the helm the Egyptian military and government and threaten to annihilate Israel. The same domino effect is set to occur in Libya, Syria and possibly other Muslim counties. Thank you Obama for your unyielding support.

Dmitry Medvedev
The Prime Minister of Russia, Medvedev, in a negotiation meeting with president Obama was caught on tape as Obama whispered, Ill have more room to negotiate after the election. Im sure the Prime Minister is all ears. What is it that the American people would not be willing to concede to that he would wait until after the election? What other things is he waiting to do that he wouldnt dare try until his next term in office?


Pro-Choice Activist
The most consistently pro-choice Congressman in US history with a score of 100% by The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), Obama has brought his radical infanticide ideologies with him to the White House. With the passing of Obamacare and his recent mandate that all medical institutions, regardless of religious principle offer contraceptives, Obama has moved foraward his insidious agenda.

Obama is a strong proponent of Planned Parenthood, the government funded organization that actively promotes abortion. I chose to portray a pro-choice activist holding her grateful sign with blood on her hands. President Obama, YOU have blood on your hands!

Air Force One

Obama has used his privilege of Air Force One, paid by the tax payers of America, for excessive personal use by both himself and Michelle. He has used the services for multiple campaign trips, and in 2011 the Air Force One was taken as a fly by over New York City for a political photoop. Some of New York Citys residents were frightened as they saw the large aircraft moving low over the city--I wonder why?


United Nations
The United Nations has been the sham of the Twentieth Century. With tyrannical and Communistic governments voting on the legitimacy of sovereign countries, Obama has used the United Nations to gain permission to forward his agendas. On the outset of his presidency he appointed himself chairman in the UN, an unconstitutional act in itself.

Bridge (You didnt build that!).

Yes, President Obama, I painted this by myself.

White House Leaks

A dangerous pattern of White House leaks from the highest levels regarding classified information that puts field agents and war footings in jeopardy.


This painting has so much negative that I had to find a way to suggest that there is always hope. You will notice that the oil spill quietly funnels into a crack in the ground and eventually leads to small green sprout. Just as the oil will eventually become clean waters and wetlands again, so shall our country become clean again. But this may, like the small sprout, require an act of God.

Nobel Peace Prize

Shortly after his inauguration into the White House, Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Many asked the question: Why? What has he done other than be a community organizer and first black American president? It was decided that he would receive the award based on the expectation that he would accomplish great things. Kind of takes the credibility out of receiving the award I would say.

If there is anything Obama does well it is use the teleprompter with utmost skill. When compared to the stammering and gaffes that accompany an impromptu speech, it is easy to see why he uses it so often.


Pushing The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act through the Democratically controlled House and Senate, although the majority of the American people disapproved of the new law, Obama said it was for our good and Constitutional. We were promised that it would not fund abortions, create death panels and that there was no tax involved. Since the passing of the law it has been proven that all the above is a lie and that the cost is twice the original estimate making it the largest tax hike in US history. The Supreme Court ruled the law Constitutional only after Justice Roberts changed the meaning of the mandate to a tax versus a penalty; otherwise he would have deemed it unconstitutional. Thank you Obama for giving us socialized healthcare--Im sure that it will work out just as wonderfully as all the other government programs we have.


The Press
As president, Obama promised more transparency than any other administration, but that became far from the truth as Obamas administration has been the least transparent in US history. Currently, the White House Press Corp is required to submit questions and not ask tough questions or face being uninvited. It is interesting how Obamas State Department has also been editing historical documents to tout himself.

In 2009 Obama pushed for an unprecedented Stimulus package that allocated 831 billion dollars to reviving the American economy. He said there were shovel ready jobs for needy Americans and that if the bill were passed it would add millions of jobs and keep unemployment from going above 8%. Since then most of the jobs directly associated with the tax payers allocated stimulus bill is to hire 144,00 new government workers, hundreds of millions have been payed to Obama cronies who helped get him elected (Solyndra) and unemployment has NOT been below 8.1%. Obama recently said in amusement, I guess we werent as shovel-ready as we thought.


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