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Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsEmin B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem S ystem

3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 CA 90211
Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone:

EBMAS Student Checklist



Students Name:
Dear Applicant,
Dear Applicant,


EBMAS Student GradeFu 1 Wing Tzun Kung


Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome to the associat ion co m bin ing a self -defence associat ion com bining self -defen ce EBMAS Organizati on, > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons
Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence

Latosa Weapon System

Under one roof.

Under one roof. Si Nim Tao (Parts 1-4)

EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors,

EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th eeachers and stio ned s ass, o rgan izesfurther development of io n o f itire in st ruct ors, em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t abov e-ment udent art well as the th e cont inued educat t he ent s t raining syst t each ers an d er dev to it s mem bers ent ire t rain ing sy st em. associat carries o have quest and Footwork st uden t s as well as th e furthatt endselop ment of t h ein all affairs regarding theEBM AS io n. If youut semin arsions concerning our associat ion, please cont th us at t ciat io n. stat ed address or io n us. att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin gact e assohe aboveIf you h av e questcall s con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To address your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and call us. Iras Stance (Character mStance) phone num ber at headquarters in Los Since a lotUSA, queries are addressedaddress an d To address yo ur queries t o 1 e direct ly or th e EBM AS the top of this page. An geles of in p lease refer t o th e t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in t he response. I queries for this inconvenience, as n ally are never enough m e delays day p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin ce a lot o f inapologizeare addressed t o m e p ersothere , th ere m ay be sohours in t hein to cope with all t he work. t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk .

Circle Step Crab Step

I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association.

I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion .

For regis trations in Europe contact:

Turns (90 degree, 45 degree, 180 degree)trations in Europe contact: For regis



EBMAS Zig Zag Step (from the front and the back leg)

307 USA S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517

307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Front Step from Character 2 Stance (aka Advancing Step)

Sincerely, Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517
Front kick plus Front Step (from IRAS) Side Kick from IRAS plus Step Stop Kick plus Step (from IRAS)
Sifu Emin Boztepe Daan-Chi (SingledArmed ReflexEBMAS ) Training) (Fo u n er an d E xecu tiv e o f
Sifu Emin Boztepe
(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS )


E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

Parallel Daan-Chi Diagonal Daan-Chi


E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

Applications of the Si Nim Tao Parts 1-4

Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsEmin B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem S ystem

3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 CA 90211
Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone:

EBMAS Student Checklist



Students Name:
Dear Applicant,
Dear Applicant,


EBMAS Student GradeFu 2 Wing Tzun Kung


Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome to the associat ion co m bin ing a self -defence associat ion com bining self -defen ce EBMAS Organizati on, > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons
Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence

Latosa Weapon System

Under one roof.

Under one roof. Si Nim Tao (Parts 5-8)

EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors,

EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th eeachers and stio ned s ass, o rgan izesfurther development of io n o f itire in st ruct ors, em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t abov e-ment udent art well as the th e cont inued educat t he ent s t raining syst t each ers an d er dev to it s mem bers ent ire t rain ing sy st em. associat carries o have quest and Footwork st uden t s as well as th e furthatt endselop ment of t h ein all affairs regarding theEBM AS io n. If youut semin arsions concerning our associat ion, please cont th us at t ciat io n. stat ed address or io n us. att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin gact e assohe aboveIf you h av e questcall s con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To address your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and call us. Front Step (left and right) direct ly phone num ber at headquarters in Los Since a lotUSA, queries are addressedaddress an d To address yo ur queries t o m e or th e EBM AS the top of this page. An geles of in p lease refer t o th e t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in t he response. I queries for this inconvenience, as n ally are never enough m e delays day p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin ce a lot o f inapologizeare addressed t o m e p ersothere , th ere m ay be sohours in t hein to cope with all t he work. t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk .

Criss-Cross Step

I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association.

I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion .

Outfall Step with 45 Degree Turn

For regis trations in Europe contact:


For regis trations in Europe contact:



Chum-Kiu Circle Kick


307 USA S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Front Kick in All DirectionsPhone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517
Bong & Jap Geerk with Kick

307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Sincerely, Traditional Daan-Chi (Single Armed Reflex Training)

Parallel Daan-Chi (bong-sao, taan-sao, jum-sao, kwaan-sao, jut-sao, high punch) Diagonal Daan-Chi
Sifu Emin Boztepe
(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS )

Sifu Emin Boztepe

(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

Applications from the Si Nim Tao - Parts 5-8

E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsEmin B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem S ystem

3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 CA 90211
Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone:

EBMAS Student Checklist



Students Name:
Dear Applicant,
Dear Applicant,


EBMAS Student GradeFu 3 Wing Tzun Kung


Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome to the associat ion co m bin ing a self -defence associat ion com bining self -defen ce EBMAS Organizati on, > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons
Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence

Latosa Weapon System

Under one roof.

Under one roof. Criss-Cross Step for Long Distances (i.e., the Advancing Step)

EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors,

EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th eeachers and stio ned s ass, o rgan izesfurther development of io n o f itire in st ruct ors, em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t abov e-ment udent art well as the th e cont inued educat t he ent s t raining syst t each ers an d st Step as well Turn er dev to s mem bers ent affairs ing sy st em. associat carries o have quest and Criss-Cross uden t s After aas th e furthatt endselopitment of t h ein allire t rain regarding theEBM AS io n. If youut semin arsions concerning our associat ion, please cont th us at t ciat io n. stat ed address or io n us. att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin gact e assohe aboveIf you h av e questcall s con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To address your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and call us. To address yo (Long t o m e direct or th e EBM AS the top of this page. Since a lot of in p lease refer t o th e t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays Los An geles an d Outfall Stepur queriesdistance) ly phone num berIat headquarters ininconvenience, USA, queries are addressedaddresshe day to cope with all t he work. in t he response. queries for this as n ally are never enough m e delays p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin ce a lot o f inapologizeare addressed t o m e p ersothere , th ere m ay be sohours in t in t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk .


I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association.

I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion .

Chum-Kiu Circle Kick

For regis trations in Europe contact:

Front Kick in All Directions Bong & Jap Geerk with Kick

For regis trations in Europe contact:




307 USA S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Traditional Daan-Chi (Single Armed Reflex Training)
Sincerely, Parallel Daan-Chi from Second SG but with Footwork

307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Diagonal Daan-Chi from Second SG but with Footwork



Defense against Back st All the Applications fromxecu tivSi fNim Tao the e o EBMAS ) (Fo u n d er an d E
Sifu Emin Boztepe

Sifu Emin Boztepe

(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS )

E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsEmin B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem S ystem

3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 CA 90211
Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone:

EBMAS Student Checklist



Students Name:
Dear Applicant,
Dear Applicant,


EBMAS Student GradeFu 4 Wing Tzun Kung


Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome to the associat ion co m bin ing a self -defence associat ion com bining self -defen ce EBMAS Organizati on, > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons
Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence

Latosa Weapon System

Under one roof.

Under one roof. Chum Kiu

EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors,

EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th eeachers and stio ned s ass, o rgan izesfurther development of io n o f itire in st ruct ors, em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t abov e-ment udent art well as the th e cont inued educat t he ent s t raining syst t each ers an d er dev to it s mem bers ent ire t rain ing sy st em. associat carries o have quest and Footwork st uden t s as well as th e furthatt endselop ment of t h ein all affairs regarding theEBM AS io n. If youut semin arsions concerning our associat ion, please cont th us at t ciat io n. stat ed address or io n us. att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin gact e assohe aboveIf you h av e questcall s con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To address your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and call us. Oblique Footwork plus 90direct ly phone num ber at headquarters in Los Since a lotUSA, queries are addressedaddress an d To address yo ur queries t o m e Degree Circle In (Flanking footwork) geles of in p lease refer t o th e t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in or th e EBM AS the top of this page. An t he response. I queries for this inconvenience, as n ally are never enough m e delays day p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin ce a lot o f inapologizeare addressed t o m e p ersothere , th ere m ay be sohours in t hein to cope with all t he work. t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk .
I wish you a great 2 Indoor Responses to the Flanking Footwork time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association.

I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion .

2 Outdoor Responses to the Flanking Footwork

For regis trations in Europe contact:

All Steps from Previous Levels For regisMistakes Europe contact: without trations in




307 USA S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517

307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Traditional Daan-Chi (Single Armed Reflex Training) Hills, CA 90211
Sincerely, Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517

Parallel Daan-Chi from 3rd SG but 2 Additional Movements (Kau-Sao, low Bong-Sao)
Nuk-Sao Sincerely,

From Man-Sao/Wu Sao


Defense against punches and combinations

Sifu Emin Boztepe

Sifu Emin Boztepe

(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS )

(Fo kicks d E xecu tiv e o f ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Defense against u n d er an(combinedEBMAS )punches) with
E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

Defense against Hooks ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Applications from the First half of the Chum Kiu
E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsEmin B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem S ystem

3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 CA 90211
Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone:

EBMAS Student Checklist



Students Name:
Dear Applicant,
Dear Applicant,


EBMAS Student GradeFu 5 Wing Tzun Kung


Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome to the associat ion co m bin ing a self -defence associat ion com bining self -defen ce EBMAS Organizati on, > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons
Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence

Latosa Weapon System

Under one roof.

Under one Footwork plus 90 Degree Circle In (Flanking footwork) Obliqueroof.

EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors,

EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th eeachers and stio ned s ass, o rgan izesfurther development of io n o f itire in st ruct ors, em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t abov e-ment udent art well as the th e cont inued educat t he ent s t raining syst t Indoor d st uden t s as to as Flanking Footwork bers ent affairs ing sy st em. associat carries o have quest and er dev to s mem 2each ers anResponses wellthe th e furthatt endselopitment of t h ein allire t rain regarding theEBM AS io n. If youut semin arsions concerning our associat ion, please cont th us at t ciat io n. stat ed address or io n us. att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin gact e assohe aboveIf you h av e questcall s con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To address your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and call us. To address yo ur queries t m the Flanking num ber at headquarters page. Since a lot of in p lease refer t o th e t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays or th e EBM AS the Los An geles an d 2 Outdoor Responsesoto e direct ly phone Footwork top of this ininconvenience, USA, queries are addressedaddresshe day to cope with all t he work. in t he response. I queries for this as n ally are never enough m e delays p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin ce a lot o f inapologizeare addressed t o m e p ersothere , th ere m ay be sohours in t in t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk .

All Steps from Previous Levels without Mistakes

I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association.

I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion .

For regis trations in Europe contact: Traditional Daan-Chi (Single Armed Reflex Training) For regis trations in Europe contact: EBMAS

Parallel Daan-Chi with Faak-Saos



307 USA S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517

Diagonal Daan-Chi with307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills,sequence) Faak-Saos (Be able to do the entire CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517


Five Attacks Huen-Saos

Sifu Emin Boztepe
(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS )


Sifu Emin Boztepe

(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

Elbows and Knees All Chum Kiu Applications

E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsEmin B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem S ystem

3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 CA 90211
Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone:

EBMAS Student Checklist



Students Name:
Dear Applicant,
Dear Applicant,


EBMAS Student GradeFu 6 Wing Tzun Kung


Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome to the associat ion co m bin ing a self -defence associat ion com bining self -defen ce EBMAS Organizati on, > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons
Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence

Latosa Weapon System

Under one roof.

Under + roof. SNTone CK: Clean forms

EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors,

EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th eeachers and stio ned s ass, o rgan izesfurther development of io n o f itire in st ruct ors, em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t abov e-ment udent art well as the th e cont inued educat t he ent s t raining syst t each ers an er dev to it s mem bers ent ire t rain ing sy st em. associat carries o have quest and Chi-Sao d st uden t s as well as th e furthatt endselop ment of t h ein all affairs regarding theEBM AS io n. If youut semin arsions concerning our associat ion, please cont th us at t ciat io n. stat ed address or io n us. att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin gact e assohe aboveIf you h av e questcall s con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To address your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and call us. To SG Chi-Sao - Very m e direct or th e EBM AS the top of this page. An geles of in p lease refer t o th e t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in 5th address yo ur queries t o Clean ly phone num ber at headquarters in Los Since a lotUSA, queries are addressedaddress an d t he response. I queries for this inconvenience, as n ally are never enough m e delays day p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin ce a lot o f inapologizeare addressed t o m e p ersothere , th ere m ay be sohours in t hein to cope with all t he work. t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk .

Pull Attack #1

I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association.

I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion .

Pull Attack #2
For regis trations in Europe contact:

For regis trations in Europe contact:





307 USA S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 All Applications from the SNT and the CK 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Phone: +1 -310-273
Applications for 2 Pull Attacks

307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

What is the importance of Chi-Sao in EBMAS?

Sifu Emin Boztepe
(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS )

Sifu Emin Boztepe

(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsEmin B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem S ystem

3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 CA 90211
Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone:

EBMAS Student Checklist



Students Name:
Dear Applicant,
Dear Applicant,


EBMAS Student GradeFu 7 Wing Tzun Kung

Chi-Sao (16 Reactions)

Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome to the associat ion co m bin ing a self -defence associat ion com bining self -defen ce EBMAS Organizati on, > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons
Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence

Latosa Weapon System

Under one roof. (Students should be able to initiate the attacks and perform the defenses of all 16 reactions)

Under one roof.

EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors,

EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th eeachers and stio ned s ass, o rgan izesfurther development of io n o f itire in st ruct ors, em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t abov e-ment udent art well as the th e cont inued educat t he ent s t raining syst 11 Paak-Sao Punch Reactionsfurthatt Poon-Sao of t h ein allire t rain regarding theEBM AS io n. If youut semin arsions concerning our associat ion, please t each ers an d st uden t s as well as th e from endselop ment bers ent affairs ing sy st em. associat carries o have quest and er dev to it s mem cont th us at t ciat io n. stat ed address or io n us. att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin gact e assohe aboveIf you h av e questcall s con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To address your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and call us. 5 Reactions ur queries t o m e direct ly phone num ber at headquarters in Los Since a lotUSA, queries are addressedaddress an d from Jat-Chuen To address yo or th e EBM AS the top of this page. An geles of in p lease refer t o th e t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in t he response. I queries for this inconvenience, as n ally are never enough m e delays day p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin ce a lot o f inapologizeare addressed t o m e p ersothere , th ere m ay be sohours in t hein to cope with all t he work. t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk .
I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association.

I wish yo u a g rea Applications t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion .

Applications for the 16 Reactions

For regis trations in Europe contact:

For regis trations in Europe contact:




307 USA S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517

307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517

Explain the four dimensions and their applications in the EBMAS WT system.

Explain the centerline theory.



(Fo u n d er an E both remember and embody the movements. This is a long program. You must drill these reactionsdtoxecu tiv e o f EBMAS )

Sifu Emin Boztepe

Sifu Emin Boztepe

(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsEmin B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem S ystem

3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 CA 90211
Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone:

EBMAS Student Checklist



Students Name:
Dear Applicant,
Dear Applicant,


EBMAS Student GradeFu 8 Wing Tzun Kung

Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome to the associat ion co m bin ing a self -defence associat ion com bining self -defen ce EBMAS Organizati on, > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons
Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence

Latosa Weapon System

Chi-Sao (6 Reactions from Jat-Chuen)

Under one roof. (Students should be able to initiate the attacks and perform the defenses of all 6 reactions)
Under one roof. EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors,

EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th eeachers and stio ned s ass, o rgan izesfurther development of io n o f itire in st ruct ors, em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t abov e-ment udent art well as the th e cont inued educat t he ent s t raining syst 6each ers an d st uden t s Jat-Chuene furthatt endselopitment of t h ein allire t rain regarding theEBM AS io n. If youut semin arsions concerning our associat ion, please t Reactions from as well as th er dev to s mem bers ent affairs ing sy st em. associat carries o have quest and cont th us at t ciat io n. stat ed address or io n us. att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin gact e assohe aboveIf you h av e questcall s con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To address your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and call us. Special Exercises for m e direct lyFlexibility AS headquarters in Los Since a lot of in queries are addressedaddress an d To address yo ur queries t o Chi-Sao phone num ber at the top of this page. An geles USA, p lease refer t o th e t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in or th e EBM t he response. I queries for this inconvenience, as n ally are never enough m e delays day p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin ce a lot o f inapologizeare addressed t o m e p ersothere , th ere m ay be sohours in t hein to cope with all t he work. t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk .

Bong-sao and Taan-Sao Flexibility Exercises without turns that you will feel at home in our association. I wish you a great time and I hope
I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion .

Bong-sao and Taan-Sao Flexibility Exercises with turns Springy punch exercises
For regis trations in Europe contact:

For regis trations in Europe contact:




307 USA S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Phone: Applications for the 6 Reactions +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517

307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Theory Sincerely,

Explain Yin-Yang in EBMAS Wing Tzun. Explain the inuence of food and eating habits in EBMAS WT.

Sifu Emin Boztepe

(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS )

Sifu Emin Boztepe

(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsEmin B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem S ystem

3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 CA 90211
Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone:

EBMAS Student Checklist



Students Name:
Dear Applicant,
Dear Applicant,


EBMAS Student GradeFu 9 Wing Tzun Kung

Chi-Sao and Chi-Geerk

Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome to the associat ion co m bin ing a self -defence associat ion com bining self -defen ce EBMAS Organizati on, > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons
Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence

Latosa Weapon System

Under one roof.

From Chi-Sao, defense against parallel kick qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM AS secures
EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th eeachers and stio ned s ass, o rgan izesfurther development of io n o f itire in st ruct ors, em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t abov e-ment udent art well as the th e cont inued educat t he ent s t raining syst t each ers an d st uden t s as well as th e furthatt endselop ment of t h ein all affairs regarding the associat io n. If youut semin arsions concerning our associat ion, please er dev to it s mem bers ent ire t rain ing sy st em. EBM AS carries o have quest and From Chi-Sao,bers in all affairs regardin gact e assohe aboveIf you h av e questcall s con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease cont th us at t ciat att en ds to it s mem defense against diagonal kick io n. stat ed address or io n us. co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To address your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and call us. To address yo ur queries t o m e direct ly phone num ber at headquarters in Los Since a lot of in queries are addressedaddress an d or th e EBM AS the top of this page. An geles USA, p lease refer t o th e t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in FromnChi-Sao, defense against diagonal /oparallel kick +this inconvenience, as there ,are ere m ay be sohours in t hein to cope with all t he work. t he response. I queries for huen-geerk p ho n e um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin ce a lot f inapologizeare addressed t o m e p erso n ally th never enough m e delays day t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk .

Under one roof.

Special Exercises an d IChi-Geerk Flexibilityh ome in ou r a sso cia tion . I wish yo u a g rea t time for h ope th a t you will feel a t

I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association.

Isometric Exercises with both partners in Bong-Geerk

For regis trations in Europe contact:

For regis trations in Europe contact: Isometric Exercises with both partners in Jaap-Geerk EBMAS USA 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 EBMAS USA Phone: +1 -310-273 Isometric Exercises with307 S. DohenyJaap-Geerk and one in Bong-Geerk 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 one partner in Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517

Isometric Exercises + Huen-Geerk

Special Footwork Sincerely,


Cross Step covering dierent distances Cross Step combined with other steps (e.g., crossSifu Emin Boztepe step) step with outfall
(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS )


Sifu Emin Boztepe

(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

Applications for the Chi-Geerk Reactions

E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )


What is the dierence between Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism?

Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsEmin B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem S ystem

3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 CA 90211
Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone:

EBMAS Student Checklist



Students Name:
Dear Applicant,
Dear Applicant,


EBMAS Student GradeFu > th e most effect iv e Tzun o f self-defence most effect iv e form of self-defence 10 Wing Kung Fu > the Wing Tzun Kung fo rm
Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons
Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons

Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome to the associat ion co m bin ing a self -defence associat ion com bining self -defen ce EBMAS Organizati on,

Multiple Attacker
Under one roof.

Defense against straight attacks (straight punches, y st andards kicks or both) ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM AS secures qualit straight for the above-ment
EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th eeachers and stio ned s ass, o rgan izesfurther development of io n o f itire in st ruct ors, em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t abov e-ment udent art well as the th e cont inued educat t he ent s t raining syst t each ers an d st uden t s as well as th e furthatt endselop ment of t h ein all affairs regarding the associat io n. If youut semin arsions concerning our associat ion, please er dev to it s mem bers ent ire t rain ing sy st em. EBM AS carries o have quest and Use ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin gact e assoheagainstyou h av e questcall s con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease cont th us at t ciat io n. stat ed address attackers att en movements from both the SNT and CK aboveIf multiple or io n us. co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To address your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and call us. To address yo ur queries t o m e direct ly phone num ber at headquarters in Los Since a lot of in queries are addressedaddress an d or th e EBM AS the top of this page. An geles USA, p lease refer t o th e t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in Defense against evarious attacks (holds, lot o f inapologizeare addressed t o m e p ersothere ,are hooks) be sohours in t hein to cope with all t he work. grabs, roundhouse inconvenience, elbows, never enough m e delays day t he response. I queries for thiskicks, knees, as n ally th ere m ay p ho n e n um ber at th to p o f th is page. Sin ce a t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk .
I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association.

Under one roof.

I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion .

Weapons (Empty hand defense against stick or knife)

For regis trations in Europe contact:

Roundhouse attacks Diagonal Attacks Straight Attacks Swinging Diagonal Attacks


For regis trations in Europe contact:




307 USA S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517

307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517

Sifu Emin Boztepe

What is the dierence between tactic and strategy?

Sifu Emin Boztepe

(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS )

What is the danger with weapons?

(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________

E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsEmin B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem S ystem

3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 CA 90211
Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone:

EBMAS Student Checklist



Students Name:
Dear Applicant,
Dear Applicant,


EBMAS Student GradeFu > th e most effect iv e Tzun o f self-defence most effect iv e form of self-defence 11 Wing Kung Fu > the Wing Tzun Kung fo rm
Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons
Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons

Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome to the associat ion co m bin ing a self -defence associat ion com bining self -defen ce EBMAS Organizati on,

Immobilizing Techniques
Under one roof.

Against the Hook, Slap in the Face, or Headlock y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM AS secures qualit
EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th eeachers and stio ned s ass, o rgan izesfurther development of io n o f itire in st ruct ors, em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t abov e-ment udent art well as the th e cont inued educat t he ent s t raining syst t each ers an d st uden t s as well as th e furthatt endselop ment of t h ein all affairs regarding the associat io n. If youut semin arsions concerning our associat ion, please er dev to it s mem bers ent ire t rain ing sy st em. EBM AS carries o have quest and Against diagonal attackaffairs regardin gact e assohe aboveIf you h av e questcall s con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease cont att en ds to it s mem bers in all with backst th us at t ciat io n. stat ed address or io n us. co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To address your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and call us. To address yo ur queries t o m e direct ly phone num ber at headquarters in Los Since a lot of in queries are addressedaddress an d or th e EBM AS the top of this page. An geles USA, p lease refer t o th e t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in Against someone to p o f th is page. Sin the front inapologizeare addressed t o m e p ersothere ,are ere m ay be sohours in t hein to cope with all t he work. shooting in from ce a lot o f I queries for this inconvenience, as n ally th never enough m e delays day t he response. p ho n e n um ber at th e t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk .

Under one roof.

Againstusomeone holdingope thlegyou will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion . the a t for throws I wish yo a g rea t time an d I h Against someone tackling from the side

I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association.

For regis trations in Europe contact:

For regis trations in Europe contact:



Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Police and Special Unit 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Training Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517


307 USA S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Applying handcus after the using the immoblization techniques




Sifu What is the self-defense law in your country or state? Emin Boztepe

(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS )

Sifu Emin Boztepe

(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsEmin B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem S ystem

3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 CA 90211
Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone:

EBMAS Student Checklist



Students Name:
Dear Applicant,
Dear Applicant,


EBMAS Student GradeFu > th e most effect iv e Tzun o f self-defence most effect iv e form of self-defence 12 Wing Kung Fu > the Wing Tzun Kung fo rm
Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons
Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons

Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome to the associat ion co m bin ing a self -defence associat ion com bining self -defen ce EBMAS Organizati on,

Under one roof.

The Complete Daan-Chi program AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM
EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th eeachers and stio ned s ass, o rgan izesfurther development of io n o f itire in st ruct ors, em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t abov e-ment udent art well as the th e cont inued educat t he ent s t raining syst t each ers an d st uden t s as well as th e furthatt endselop ment of t h ein all affairs regarding the associat io n. If youut semin arsions concerning our associat ion, please er dev to it s mem bers ent ire t rain ing sy st em. EBM AS carries o have quest and Theds to it s mem bersSection of Chi-Saoth e assohe aboveIf you h av e questcall s con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease cont (24 Reactions) and Chi-Geerk att en Complete 1st in all affairs regardin gact us at t ciat io n. stat ed address or io n us. co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To address your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and call us. To address yo ur queries t o m e direct ly phone num ber at headquarters in Los Since a lot of in queries are addressedaddress an d or th e EBM AS the top of this page. An geles USA, p lease refer t o th e t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in t he response. I queries for this inconvenience, as n ally are never enough m e delays day p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin ce a lot o f inapologizeare addressed t o m e p ersothere , th ere m ay be sohours in t hein to cope with all t he work. t he respon se. Streetgize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk . I ap o lo Defense Lat-Sao &
I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association.

Under one roof.

Complete Lat-Sao Program

I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion .

Complete Street Defense Program


For regis trations in Europe contact:

For regis trations in Europe contact:




307 USA S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Phone: +1 Complete Applications of the SNT -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517

307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Sincerely, Complete Applications for the Chum Kiu

Applications of the 1st Section of Chi-Sao

Uniforms and Regulations


Students must have up to date passport

Sifu Emin Boztepe

Sifu Emin Boztepe

(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS )

Students must ben able dtoxecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) (Fo u d er an E explain the EBMAS regulations ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Theory ____________________________________________________________________________________________
E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

What is the centerline theory?

E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

What are the dimensions and directions of the power in EBMAS WT?

Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsEmin B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem S ystem

3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 CA 90211
Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone:

EBMAS Student Checklist



Students Name:
Dear Applicant,
Dear Applicant,


EBMAS Student GradeFu > th e most effect iv e Tzun o f self-defence most effect iv e form of self-defence 12 (cont) Wing fo rm Kung Fu > the Wing Tzun Kung
Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons
Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons

Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome to the associat ion co m bin ing a self -defence associat ion com bining self -defen ce EBMAS Organizati on,

Under one roof.

Explain the family system and theEBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s,to Dai Sifucont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, history of the Wing Tzun family (from NG Mui organizes the Emin Boztepe)
EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th eeachers and stio ned s ass, o rgan izesfurther development of io n o f itire in st ruct ors, em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t abov e-ment udent art well as the th e cont inued educat t he ent s t raining syst t each ers an d st uden t s as well as th e furthatt endselop ment of t h ein all affairs regarding the associat io n. If youut semin arsions concerning our associat ion, please er dev to it s mem bers ent ire t rain ing sy st em. EBM AS carries o have quest and cont th us at t ciat io n. stat ed address or io n us. att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin gact e assohe aboveIf you h av e questcall s con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To address your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and call us. To address yo ur queries t o m e direct ly phone num ber at headquarters in Los Since a lot of in queries are addressedaddress an d or th e EBM AS the top of this page. An geles USA, p lease refer t o th e t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in t he response. I queries for this inconvenience, as n ally are never enough m e delays day p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin ce a lot o f inapologizeare addressed t o m e p ersothere , th ere m ay be sohours in t hein to cope with all t he work. t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk .
I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association.

Under one roof.

I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion .

For regis trations in Europe contact:

For regis trations in Europe contact:




307 USA S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517

307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517


Sifu Emin Boztepe

(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS )

Sifu Emin Boztepe

(Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )

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