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Name:______Mario Paz________ Date: ______09/14/2012_________


1. Who are the two major manufacturers of processors?
Intel and AMD

2. What are the four system bus frequencies used by current Intel processors?
1600, 1333, 1066, 800 Mhz

3. What three sockets are currently used for Intel processors in motherboards for desktop systems?
LGA1366, LGA771, LGA775

4. What is the name of the memory cache that is on the same die as the processor?
L1 (Level 1 cache)

5. What is the name of the memory cache that is closest to the processor die but is not housed on the die?
L2 (Level 2 cache)

6. What is the name of the Intel technology that allows a processor to handle multiple threads at the same time?
HTT (Hyper Threading Technology)

7. How many threads can a quad-core processor handle at once?


Coastline Community College CST 116 Instructor Don Isbell

8. What is the name of the memory cache that is shared by cores in a multi-core processor?
L3 (Level 3 cache)

9. Which is faster, SRAM or DRAM? Why?

SRAM is faster. Unlike Dynamic RAM, Static RAM does not need to be constantly refreshed.

10. Which is the first computing technology used by a processor to support repetitive looping whereby a processor receives an instruction and then applies it to a stream of data that follows?

11. Which computing technology (SSE1, SSE2, SSE3, or SSE4) better supports data mining applications?

12. Which Intel processor family is better performing, the Pentium family or the Core family?
CORE Family!

13. Which AMD processor (Turion or Phenom) is designed for laptops?


14. What are the two major components of a processor cooler assembly?
The Fan and Heat Sink

15. How many pins does the CPU fan header on a motherboard have?

16. If the power connector from the CPU fan has only three pins, it can still connect Coastline Community College CST 116 Instructor Don Isbell

to the 4-pin header, but what functionality is lost?

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) which controls fan speed

17. What is the major disadvantage of using a peltier heat sink?


18. Name three tools that can be used to rid the inside of the case from dust.
Compressed Air, ANTISTATIC vacuum, air compressor/blower.

19. Why is it important to insert a processor straight down into a socket rather than sliding the processor in from the side or allowing it to tilt into the socket?
Pins located on the processor or in the socket can become bent, damaged, or broken.

20. List three possible causes of a system that hangs or freezes at odd times.
Overheating; Failing Power Supply; bad RAM

Thinking Critically
1. When overclocking a system, what two problems are most likely to occur? a. Low memory errors b. An unstable system that causes intermittent errors c. Loss of hard drive space used by the overclocking virtual memory file d. Overheating
B and D

2. When a new computing technology is invented by Intel or AMD, why must their processors still support the older and less efficient technologies?
To support current or legacy Operating Systems, Applications, and hardware that may not be able to operate using only the newest technology.

Coastline Community College CST 116 Instructor Don Isbell

3. You upgrade a faulty PCIe video card to a recently-released higher-performing card. Now users complain to you that Windows Vista hangs a lot and gives errors. Which is the most likely source of the problem? Which is the least likely source? a. Overheating b. Windows does not support the new card c. The drivers for the card need updating d. Memory is faulty
C. If it is a recently released card Windows my not have the appropriate driver available by default. The least likely source of the problem would be B. The card obviously runs under Windows it just needs the correct driver to run in a stable manner.

Coastline Community College CST 116 Instructor Don Isbell

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