Rosedale Presentation 1

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

In order for us to get a feel for Rosedale, we sought out the people who know it best. We spoke to Bob from kcpetfoods, who has lived and worked in Rosedale for a combined over 30 years. This is what he had to say:

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Survey Questions
What's your favorite thing about living in Rosedale? What's your least favorite thing about it? Can you give us 3 words to describe Rosedale? Can you give us 3 words to describe yourself? How long have you lived here?Do you plan on staying? If you could de ne Rosedale with a symbol, what would it be? Do you know the boundaries of Rosedale? Who do you call rst if you have a question or concern or need information about the neighborhood? How do you nd out about community events? Do you have internet access in your home? [if not,] do you have internet access elsewhere?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

We got Bobs voice, among others, through surveying with a few basic questions aimed at nding out more about peoples perceptions of the rosedale area. We encountered both residents and non-residents, and their perceptions ranged from heartbreaking but hopeful, like Bobs, to thrilled, to a little less than attering.

Perceptions of Rosedale
[from residents & community members]

A nice place. Rich history.

Homey. Multicultural. Awesome. Stable. Quiet.

Safe. Established.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Rosedale residents almost universally had positive things to say about the neighborhood as a whole. Adjectives like safe, multicultural, and awesome...

Perceptions of Rosedale
[from non-residents]

Its kind of a bruise.

Some parts dont look very safe. Trashy. Low-income.

Rough. Bad vibes.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

On the other hand, we found there was a huge disparity in the perceptions non-residents have of the Rosedale area. If Rosedale citizens feel good about their community from the inside, and non-residents dont feel the same way from the outside, then maybe the issue is one of presentation and communication. At the same time, theres still room for more unity within Rosedales many facets, as evidenced by the fact that some of the people we spoke to werent aware of all the great organizations already in place in the community.

How can we as designers and creative problem solvers help project the positive image of Rosedale?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

How can we simultaneously help to promote more unity between those who live & work there?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Can we help bring Rosedales many different people, businesses, projects and initiatives together under one banner?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

And can we centralize community information to make it easier to nd, and to keep people connected?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Families, Students, Bosses, Employees, Farmers, Volunteers, Kids, and everyone else who participates in the Rosedale community.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Our problem is very wide and ubiquitous in scope, meaning that our audience will end up being everyone who lives or works in Rosedale. In terms of their receptivity, on a scale that goes from apathetic/unwilling to advocacy, most would exist in the neighborhood of ready to know, but not yet ready to promote and may need more convincing about what a positive image of Rosedale can do to combat negative perceptions of the area, and how bringing all the different aspects of the community together can improve the lives of all involved.

Obstacles to Rosedales Unity

The freeway cuts right through the middle of the town, dividing the people. Most people dont have a clear sense of Rosedales boundaries. Only 45% speak English as a rst language, while 6% can't speak English well or at all. (This is slightly higher than Kansas Citys average.)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

There may be some obstacles, and we may not be able to move roads or teach languages, but there is one language that everyone shares: that of imagery. and thats the very language weve been trained to use!

Social Behavior Changes

We hope to see: An increased amount of civic participation from people who hadn't previously been active in their community A rise in pride at being a part of Rosedale An improvement in Rosedales position within the larger Kansas City area

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Throughout this project, we hope to see a shift in thinking and behavior toward and within Rosedale as people discover a newfound sense of pride in their community.

Social Behavior Changes

Well know its working if: The numbers participating in the various organizations and initiatives that are already improving the community go up. Theres a rise in self-identi cation as being part of Rosedale. Acknowledgement of Rosedales social and economic signi cance from outside community increases.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Well know its working if: The numbers participating in the various organizations and initiatives that are already improving the community go up. Theres a rise in self-identication as being part of Rosedale. Acknowledgement of Rosedales social and economic signicance from outside community increases.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

community branding can have an incredibly positive effect on neighborhoods, especially when the people inside are committed and have love for their area. Because, as Bob says, when asked for three words that describe Rosedale,

Saturday, September 15, 2012

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