RCBKS Bulletin Vol 21 No 10

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Vol 21 Number 10 Rotary Information Humanitarian Grants

Stewardship and reporting

The Rotary Foundation Board of Trustees recognizes that the funds received from Rotarians around the world are voluntary and philanthropic. As stewards of these funds, the Trustees stress the importance of stewardship and proper financial management, in any Foundation programme. An essential component of stewardship is timely and accurate grant reports. Reporting requirements The Trustees require that club and district grant sponsors submit progress reports to the Foundation every 12 months for the life of the grant and final reports within two months of the projects completion. Yearly progress and final reports must be submitted using the official forms. Clubs and districts can receive new grants as long as they are up-todate on reporting for grants they have previously sponsored. Reporting analysis The reporting analysis tracks each districts compliance with reporting requirements for Rotary Foundation grant projects and is conducted in July, October, January, and April. The foundation send clubs and districts the results of the analysis. Report reminder letters A series of reminder letters are sent to grant sponsors to help club and districts with timely submission of the report. If the delay is prolonged it would ultimately lead to recommendation to RI that the sponsor club be terminated.


15 September 2012

Literacy Award for Rotary Clubs

Two Rotary clubs are being honored 7 September at an International Literary in Washington, D.C., as the winners of the RI-International Reading AssociationPearson Foundation Literacy Project Awards. A panel of Rotarians and International Reading Association (IRA) members gave the award to the Rotary Clubs of Rockford, Michigan, USA, and Salem, Oregon, USA, for demonstrating outstanding collaboration with local reading councils in their communities. Each club will receive US$2,500 for literacy projects. Teaching all children to read requires not only teachers who know how to reach every child but communities that value and support literacy, says Richard Long, director of government relations for the International Reading Association. These two projects highlight the notion that it is a partnership that teaches reading: the community to provide the tools and to say it is important and the teacher to bring it all together for each learner. The IRA is a professional membership organization dedicated to promoting high levels of literacy by improving the quality of reading instruction, disseminating research findings and information about reading, and encouraging a lifetime of reading. The IRA network comprises 70,000 members and more than 300,000 affiliate members in nearly 100 countries, including councils and affiliates at the local, state, regional, or national level. Since 2002, Rotary and the IRA have combined their resources and skills as service partners to advance literacy in communities worldwide. Rotary clubs and districts are encouraged to share resources and information with IRA councils and affiliates to develop cooperative literacy projects. The Rockford club won its award for Reading Rocks, an annual reading festival that takes place in August. The club partners with the local reading council, school district, and library district for the daylong event, which includes live entertainment, a parade, and family activities that promote the importance of literacy. Neil Blakeslee, 1988-89 president of the Rockford club, says that his community sees reading not only as a fundamental skill but as a way to enhance every aspect of an individuals life. Receiving recognition for a necessary job well done gives us all a great sense of accomplishment and validation of our efforts, Blakeslee says.

Guests: Anthony Pinto guest speaker Ong Chee Eng guest of Jeremy Gerrie Ann of Steve Mun Yee Ann of Yoke Leong Attendance: 61% Sunshine Box: RM48

Spreading the Good Word The Yayasan to adopt the REF

In Grahams absence, Kong reported that he, Yoke Leong and Mike met with Yayasan Kelab-kelab Rotary Malaysia [the foundation of the Rotary Clubs of Malaysia] to further discuss the REF. It was to explore how RCBKS can facilitate the Yayasan's adoption of the REF as the foundation's initiative. Yoke Leong anticipates that RCBKS would be helping to explain REF to the other clubs in the district e.g. by running workshops regionally for a limited period. He hoped that the experienced members would volunteer to help in this process. Arising from an earlier discussion REF Chair, Graham, received an email from PDG Datuk Low Tiong, a trustee of the Yayasan, as follows: Dear Graham Further to my telephone conversation with you on Sunday night, I wish to confirm that the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to adopt the RCBK Education Fund project. DG Mansoor spoke favourably about Yayasans involvement and supported the proposal. Both DGE Datuk Mohinder and DGN Dato Jimmy Lim supported the proposal even though they do not have a vote. We have appointed a three Trustee committee of PDG Lim Kok Beng, AG Dr Sen Gupta and myself to work the arrangements with RCBK. We look forward to the first meeting to start work on this very important project. With the Yayasan adopting it, we can expect more ready adoption by other clubs in Malaysia. This development would realise our vision for the REF. It was conceived as a community project that we wanted to spread as far and wide as we can without overstretching our members.

President Ghaurry urged members especially new Rotarians to attend the Three Pillars of Rotary Seminar to be held in D'Villa Residences, Jln Ampang on Sunday 23 September at RM40 incl of tea and lunch. The seminar will give an overview of including the vision for Rotary. Steven, Club Admin Director: - 16 September Broga Hills trip is scheduled for a 4am start. Basic accommodation is availble in an organic farm in Broga at RM20 per head for those not wishing to wake up at 3am for the drive to Broga. - 20 September Inter-City meeting at Bukit Kiara Equestrian Club. This will replace the club's meeting of 22Sept. The saving from the breakfast will go towards subsidising those attending the Inter-city meeting as is our tradition. - 22 September Fireside chat hosted by Aravind. - 13 October visit to Flight Simulator at Telekom Museum in Jln Raja Chulan. Peter is generously offering to cover cost of mentees tries. Others will be charged RM30 for their turns. Kong for Graham, REF On 22 September our REF mentee Lau Siew Wei will be performing the Peace Dance at the Ikeda Peace Auditorium at SGM [Soka Gakkai Malaysia] Culture Centre, Cheras. Tghose not attending the Fireside Chat are encouraged to show Siew Wei the support she deserves.

Taking REF on the Road

Even before we started the discussion with Yayasan Kelab-kelab Rotary about the possibility of their adopting the REF as a Yayasan initiative we had begun approaching fellow Rotary clubs to share with them our experience with the programme. We have brief several clubs and the more notable outcome is the signing of an MOU last year to help RC Seremban implement their own REF.
At right: Yoke Leong explaining REF to RC Kelana Jaya

Left: Kong briefing RC Shah Alam, our parent club, on our experience with the education programme.

Now that the Yayasan has confirmed their intention to proceed as planned we foresee more such roadshows. More about the modus operandi and the work involved for the club towards sharing the good work we have done these last three years. It seems like so much has been achieved!

Today's Speaker
Adam Gilbert is a licensed Property Adviser in Australia. He is an experienced investment advisor and property developer. His property development company Ruark is a dedicated team that strives for one common purpose and that is to deliver inspired living that goes beyond home-owners expectations. Ruark has been able to balance the tricky combination of producing quality returns for investors and at the same time providing housing sought by home buyers. Ruarks goal is to provide a lifestyle that is truly inspiring while helping to build communities that live and thrive together. They aim to provide their investors with the best information and resources available so that their financial decisions are informed and timely. By sourcing affordable housing in key growth areas of Australia they work at exceeding the expectations of both investors and home purchasers.

20 September Inter-City meeting @ Bukit Kiara Club 22 September Speaker: PP Dr Kong Voon Sin Topic: Yayasan REF 29 September Speaker: Dr V Surendranathan Topic; An Introduction to Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery

Trekking @ Broga Hills Date: 16 September 2012 3 Pillars of Rotary Seminar Date: 23 Sep 2012 [Sunday] Venue: D'Villa Residences, Ampang Cost: RM40 inclusive of tea & lunch Vocational Service Award Presentation Date: 6 October 2012 Infoquest - Flight Simulator Visit Adults (RM30). Mentees (Free) 13 October 2012 Relay for Life Date: 13 October 2012 Venue: Bangi Stadium 78th District Conference Date: 7 - 9 December 2012 Venue: Sunway Resort Hotel Host club: RC Shah Alam

Anthony Pinto on Self Actualising Your Full Potential

After graduating as an engineer Anthony went through a few changes in career before discovering the world of the mind through neuro-linguistic programming. He was taken up by how to enable people fulfill their full potential. Although he grants that as a science NLP has not been rigorously proven yet there are enough anecdotal evidence from mainstream qualified academics and practitioners to convince him that the discipline has life-changing powers not least his own experience. He spoke of how we are driven by our physiology and conditioning to keep within a self-limiting comfort zone. We normally depend on our five senses to interpret the world around us in linguistic and non-verbal modes. This sometimes distorts our views and interpretation and closes our mind to new possibilities. To self-actualise we have to master the art of running our brain. It involves changing our beliefs in our personal, health and community work and practices. It calls for making choices and responses in the right direction. He spoke of the requirements for this change. Total attention in listening to supporting, to asking questions to managing states to meta-questioning to giving and receiving feedback that all lead to total openness. The best part of the session was that Anthony ended by offering to run a course for REF mentors at the cost of setting up the training. He would waive his professional charges. This has been set for 26-27 October upcoming. As a call to action, he ended by quoting Goethe: Whatever you can do, whatever you dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Thank you Anthony Pinto for your generosity of spirit.

Duty Roster
15 September (International) Sargeant-at-arms Desk Duty Introducer Thank Speaker Fines Alvin Angie Fang Keong Kingsley Steve

29 September (New Gen) Sargeant-at-arms Desk Duty Introducer Thank Speaker Fines Susan Jeremy Yoke Leong

Visit our website @ www. rcbks.org.my

Board of Directors 2012/13

President Ghaurry 017-3854905 President Elect James Cheong 012-2214543 Immediate Past President Steve Robinson Vice President Cecelia Matuya Honorary Secretary Mike Carr 012-2822999 Honorary Treasurer Angie Ng Club Administration Steven Lim Service Projects PP Karen Chong The Rotary Foundation PP Frances Po Public Relations Tan Siew Hwa Membership PP Aravind Viswanathan REF Chairman PP Graham Bennett Sargeant-at-arms PP Tan Poay Lim
Vocational Service Chair - Poay Lim Community Service Chair -Dr Sanjay International Service Chair - Alvin New Generation Chair - Susan

In Service of New Generation

ADVENTURE OF TECHOLOGY IN CANADA The adventure of technology will involve up to 37 high school students (32 from out of town) in an intense four and one-half day exploration of advanced tech-nology, research, development and applications. During their visit, participants will be able to open the doors to an exciting array of some of Canadas finest corporations and research facilities including the University of Saskatchewan, Areva Resources Ltd, Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan and the Canadian Light Source Synchrotron to name just a few. Of course, the students will also be treated to the best in Saskatchewan hospitality and have the opportunity to make new friends from across the western provinces.

The five Rotary Clubs of Saskatoon and Rotaract are again pleased to present a very exciting and rewarding opportunity for selected high school students across Western Canada.

District 3300
District Governor Mansoor Saat 019-323 7630 mansoor.saat@gmail.com Assistant Governor Michael Foong 012-201 2288 foong.michael@gmail.com Rotary Clubs in Group 7 Bernam Valley Bukit Kiara Sunrise Pantai Valley Petaling Jaya Tropicana Damansara

Sister Clubs
RC Bugis Junction [D 3310] Saturday, 08:00 am Tanglin Club 5 Stevens Road, Singapore RC ChiangmaiThinthaingam[D 3360] Thursday, 12.00 noon International Center Chiangmai University, Thailand RC Chungli Chung Shing [D 3500] Thursday, 12.00 noon No 4, Ln 10, Gwo-Ti Street Chungli, Taiwan

Bulletin Committee
Sunny (Editor) Poay Lim/ Mike (Prod) Siew Hwa (Speakers Programme)

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