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16. The decrease in population will trigger a reaction which will cause the Rutidosis Leptorrhynchoides to adapt so that it can survive and the species can continue and not die out. 17. The study of Paleontology has helped our understanding immensely as it has opened up the possibility to study past organisms with the use of Fossil evidence. Fossil Evidence can be observed to find out how an organism looked like and compare it to extant animals. 18. The Kangaroo does not give birth to its Joey until the conditions are favorable for the Joey to live and grow. For example, a kangaroo will not give birth if i9t is in the middle of the desert but will hold it in. If there is a little Joey already there and there is a larger Joey outside the pouch, she will let the older Joey die to ensure the young one and her stay alive. 19. Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of Continental Drift which states that the continents were slowly drifting around the Earth. This applies to Australia, as it has been hypothesized that Australia was once part of a super continent called Gondwana which broke up and slowly started drifting away from each other. This would also explain the unusual shorelines of the continents which seem to be like a jigsaw puzzle. 20. Kangaroo history can be traced back up to 45 million years ago at a time when rainforests were widespread. As Australia drifted north the continent dried out and the kangaroos adapted to a diet of grass rather than their original rainforest trees Since Australia has a very unique climate and it is isolated from the outside world by natural barriers such as the ocean, the flora and fauna have had plenty of time to adapt specifically for Australian environments such as the Banksia Serrata. The Banksia Serrata is able to stop its seed from germinating unless theres a fire to clear out the vegetation below the tree and provide maximum sunlight to the young sprout. 21. One reason for their reproduction traits could be that they require a certain temperature at which they reproduce. In captivity, the temperature can be adjusted to their needs whereas in their natural habitat the temperature may not be suited to their needs. Also their food source may only be available in autumn and winter whereas in captivity it can be available all year around. 22. Since the saltbush and the blue bush are intolerant to overgrazing, Human Impact will definitely increase the amount of animals in that area. This will cause over-grazing and in turn the species in that area will decrease and over a period of time even become extinct. 23. We studied the white lilies to see the variation in the pink one and in the white one, the obvious one being color and height. Another case study was when we went to the museum and compared the mega fauna like the Diprodoton and the Wombat to each other structurally. 24. Biodiversity is the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem. Australia has a biodiversity act that monitors all biodiversity in its region and takes action if necessary for survival.

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